But then the industry would have to admit to lying for profit for the last 20 years. Seems like a common problem. I will try to find smaller breasts to see if that works! When I cut into the chicken I feel resistance (like you would when butchering raw chicken rather than cutting/carving cooked chicken) and there is a strange almost squeaky mouth feel. I don't know the answer as to how to address this issue, but just glad to know it wasn't just me that thought the chicken being served these days has changed dramatically. Weird crunchiness, it's honestly disturbing that my chicken is crunchy like this. "The advice I'd give to growers to ensure their chickens don't develop woody breasts is to allow their flocks to maintain natural growth patterns. Then you realize something different is happening and it's not something you can finish eating. The protein fibers in chicken become elastic when they are not exposed to moisture. Mainstream media doesnt even know why they all cover the exact same 6 stories everyday, like they are clones. I'm hopeful all of these posts become recognized and addressed. I'll be the first to call the USDA today thanks everyone get on your phones. Negative. The breasts are where the money is. It grossed me out so much- Ive almost stopped eating chicken altogether. Leaving chicken in a pan, oven, or grill for just a little too long can suck the moisture right out and leave you with a dry . One had already told me about a term called "woody breast". We really eat a lot of chicken but this crunchy chicken breast issue ( which happens about 25% of the time) is turning me off to even buying breasts anymore. She got irritated and refused to go into the garbage, although it was probably right on top. Leaving chicken in a pan, oven, or grill for just a little too. Chewy & rubbery but also feels uncooked. We threw away what would have been a perfectly good dinner of chicken breasts with honey mustard sauce and broccoli. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. I spit it out very quickly and started to check the chicken more. Have you ever read any of the science journal articles on genetically altered chickens? I just got chicken from the grocery store in New Orleans and cooked it yesterday but it also seems squeaky or something. The plus of that also is they are forgiving and rarely get overcooked or dry unless you let them go too long. This sounds like what I've run into. Raw chicken shouldn't be slimy, sticky, or tacky and should be glossy and somewhat soft. It didn't look funny or seem different other than mouth feel. If not, profits are always going to win out. That stress results in degradation of protein so the composition changes and you get collagen and fat that moves into the muscle." This usually accompanies a nasty taste like how stagnant dish pan water smells. Pulled these out to find the underside like this. Maybe not, some people I've asked think I'm crazy, others agree whole-heartedly. Not always, but occasionally when grilling boneless-skinless breast of chicken the texture comes out crunchy. So I let it rest and cut into it and felt confident. Cooked Chicken Rubbery Why does my chicken breast have a weird texture?-----The most important part of our job is creating informational content. There's so many interesting questions with this thread (lol). my daughter mentioned it too. That wont help you, as anyone who does research of the reality of slipping GMO birds into our food chain can discover. The act of biting into the meat is extremely smooth, and the breast comes off in the portion your mouth covers (there's no tear-away). I guess sourcing is the answer? We had signs about it in a restaurant I worked in about 3 years ago, but as far as I was aware it was never an issue. Color. I just had a chicken cutlet sandwich from a deli that had the same issue. But the shampoo and perfumes and whatnot have carcinogens in them as well. Overcooking might play a role in your chicken's tire-like texture. Soon there will be no good meat left to eat and we will all be eating protein bars. I used a thermometer on one of the pieces and it read 167, although I am not positive it was the piece I ended up eating because I only measured one piece. I have noticed it in both the individual wrapped pieces that come in the zip bags and the plastic trays. My friends and I ate at an exclusive place in Florida. Im a chef, so I know how to cook and thought to myself what in the world. I am also a private chef and luckily have never served this, that I know of anyways, to a client. "In other words, it's Fido's lucky day!". I even tried fried chicken in hot oil the old way and same texture still ! Im living in Japan and came to food52 searching for some answers as well. I couldn't eat it. IM SICK OF STRINGY WATERED CHICKEN!!!! It is nasty but supposedly safe - the meat industry would say that though. I have this issue too. I wish I knew the answer You're the first person I've encountered who's experienced this! I haven't bought chicken in over a year and I do miss it.but not, as one person on this thread said, "not the Frankenchicken stuff." Not very "liquid". Its like Americans have no idea what is patented and distributed for profit in deregulated America. I also do not care for the texture of brined poultry. Glad I am not the only person this has happened to. I guess I will have to start buying organic chicken breast. Watch out for all the other meat, too. It seems too simple to be true, but eating or drinking something hot may temporarily cause your sense of taste to get weird. This brand of Chicken is used in many major restaurants in the US. It looked great so I ate a couple of pieces and than BAM one piece felt raw and not cooked and rubbery and fatty and wet? Thanks for relieving me of guilt for not finishing the half eaten plate in front of me! I too have had this issue. We get our chicken from Gelson's, an upscale market here in the Los Angeles area. Raw chicken should have an orangie pinkish color, while this texture issue is coming from a raw chicken that has a pale white looking color. I had the same problem I thought maybe because I didn't pound it out. Roasters can be more tender than stewing hens. Just a note in regards to your issue. I just had this experience with Trader Joe's organic chicken breasts. In addition to looking for smaller breasts (which organic breasts tend to be), it's helpful to feel the meat. I checked the internal temperature and they were all between 175-185, well over the safe temperature for chicken. Usually when this happens to me, there are some pieces of chicken that are fine, but others that are decidedly not. This thread was pleasant until it wasnt. Big mistake! Especially considering, this is what deregulation, corrupting institutional government and fighting to the death to prevent any new regulations, is really all about here. Thanks CV. Somehow we need to get this issue out there and address this issue. While humans have been eating chicken for 2,200 years, woody breasts are relatively new. Thanks Everyone for the replies, especially the link provided. We don't eat out often, but both of these restaurants serve chicken breasts that has the strangest texture to the point I spat it out and wouldn't eat it. This is all a class issue across the board, its about the super wealthy vs everyone else. I made that mistake with a dish in which the chicken was supposed to marinade for an hour in a mixture based on fresh lemon juice. About 15 minutes ago I went to cut the "gargantuan" (LOL, someone elses's word used here) breast to grill up for chicken salad and after rinsing it noticed the stringiness, and I could literally pick and pull off srtingy pcs super easy, that type of thing totally creeps me out I had chills all over immediately, eww! I'm so glad I found this site. I recently bought chicken breasts from Perdue. Usually if you see a large piece in a tray you know it's going to be bad. How would a dysfunctional government, with the most chronically ill people in the world and most expensive healthcare system in the world, with no REAL scientific FDA regulatory oversight, know anything about global conglomerates they financially prop up with our massive debt? It feels like an injection of rubber into the meat or something and it completely ruins my appetite for the evening. I have found that if I can peel that tough layer off, the chicken will cook normally and not have the disgusting texture. Nobody seems to notice that this is happening EVERYWHERE . It's all Soylent Green!!! When chicken is cooked for too long, the protein in the meat breaks down and forms a network that makes the meat tough and rubbery. We spend money shopping, time cooking then we cant even eat it. It is troublingits kind or rubbery and 'squeaky' when you start to chew. My husband wanted to try it and I gave him a piece , he popped his eyes and immediately spit the chicken out. If you cook chicken in a skillet, oven, or grill for an excessive amount of time, the moisture will be sucked out of the meat, leaving you with a dry, rubbery bird. Like the growth hormones in 1990s milk, and 6ft plus kids everywhere. I know I was vague, but the thing is that this has happened to me with very different cooking methods. The texture really is disgusting. It grosses me out. This has happened to me with bone in, skin on chicken breasts and also skinless boneless breasts. It started happening with Ohio Amish chicken now too. I'm so glad I found this thread. Pimples Or Sandpaper Shells Kathy Shea Mormino I guess Im switching to organic. I took one bite of that piece and immediately I tasted and smelled something flowery like what a spray bottle would leave lingering in the air. It was like biting into raw chicken, I took it in to complain and they gave me a refund, but it's hard to explain when it looks and feels cooked (albeit a bit spongey). Cooked what I thought would be a lovely pan-fried honey garlic chicken breast dinner - but to my disappointment the chicken bounces back when you bite into it. We had to make omelettes. Anyone else, IM STONED TO BITS AND JUST LAUGHED AT THIS FOR A SOLID 20 mins every sentence got better and better thanks for making me laugh chicken texture with a squeaky mouth feel LMAO. I came across this a few times, and it's gross. Ive been slowly going off chicken and this might be the final straw. OK here goes, It was explained to me like this from a respected butcher. citou 2 yr. ago. when I sawed into the thin one it didn't even look cooked. The proteins then bond together to form this tough network. It's got me thinking and feeling, it's seriously not natural meat. Almost sort of.deflated in a way. But I'd take dry over this new crazy chicken texture. I've been noticing this for a couple of months now. Exact description too. . The poultry industry has a fowl problem: an emerging phenomenon called "woody breast." While it's not harmful to humans, the condition causes chicken breasts to be tougher because of hard or woody fibers that lace the meat. Yeah. Chicken that has gone bad will usually have a sour or sulfur-like smell. This may make that woody texture. I've noticed an issue as well and it's always been difficult to describe it. My friend reassured me it all looked done as far as what she saw. Mix well. I just had some at Applebees last night. Why does my chicken breast have a weird texture? "If you end up with a woody chicken breast, marinate the chicken, overnight if possible, in yogurt mixed with your favorite seasoning or spices," You can also always turn a woody breast into ground chicken and use it in chicken burgers, where the texture is more masked. No issues since. I have only run into this issue with breast meat. Has anyone else had this problem? For some reason the fried chicken is never grisly. While I was trimming the little bit of fat I quickly noticed that the entire top of the breast started to pull away from the breast. I'll wait for the guys to stop giggling ( me included ). Different grocery store for sure. What these producers are selling is no longer what I consider edible meat. But rest assure, the quality of taste reduce considerably after 24 hours in the fridge and reheated. Thanks for making me laugh, though you are right.it isn't funny anymore. And yes, it tends to be the larger ones sold at the butcher counter as singles (by the piece, boned, skinless). In a small bowl combine the mustard, molasses, bourbon, hot sauce and grated orange rind. I guess I will stop buying chicken breasts if this is what the industry is going to produce. I know I asked too much but I dread the waiting incubation time for salmonella. Cooked chicken should be springy, that's how you know it's cooked, I suspect you get the woody effect if you cook it longer to firm it up, but obviously mcdonalds cook everything on a timer so you get the "raw" experience instead. Why do people wash their chicken before they cook it? He sent me my money back and a bunch of coupons which I gave away. I love chicken, I need to find something that works though. They say it's about 10% of chicken breasts, which seems about what I have experienced. I've had that several times last year alone. I've had the bad texture ones from Costco - the fresh organic, pack of 3. The chicken is fully cooked through (I can tell based on internal temp, time in the oven, color of the chicken and juices), but the texture of the chicken is funny, almost like it hasn't been thoroughly cooked. Please see the following link. June 19, 2019. My oven is a convection with a built-in thermometer option. I will follow up on this but it is still happening and it is disgusting. I have been having an issue on and off with the texture of my chicken. I've been having the problem for many years on and off. To add to my previous comment, all 3 times before cutting into the raw breast they did feel different. Enough so, I skip the details. YES! The Purdue Organic Chicken has been the gross stuff most of the time. The last time I made chicken I splurged and got organic and when it was done the texture was as most are saying rubbery but Id also like to describe it as fatty? Woody chicken breast meat is more coarse with fibers that feel "woody" hence the name. "Woody breast is an ongoing challenge facing the entire industry," Michelle Babin, a spokesperson for Perdue Farms, told TODAY Food. Last night I made pork chops . I didn't trust it was cooked all the way but I am pretty sure it was. After cooking the strips in the oven they were cut up over a salad. "It was unavoidable." ive noticed this once or twice in the last few years, but more so since weve been in quarantine (past 6 months.) It's not plain roasted but it sure is tasty and the chicken is delicious. I am so glad that my boyfriend and I will not be getting food poisoning! I seriously gag when I bite into a piece and my husband thinks Im crazy! It's almost as if it's a tire rubber texture in my mouth. On a pathological level it results in vein inflammation, muscle degradation, muscle death (necrosis), and lesions in the muscle. A couple of years ago I was getting it quite often at Arby's. It has an odd "bite" to it, like your biting into a piece of rubber, like a silicone type rubber. I again panicked and asked if she could bring back a piece that they took back so I can look at it in the light. Assuming you are doing so, your commentary would indicate that your problem is with the ingredient itself. While the politicians keep focusing our attentions and dividing us with the same old topics or issues that have been going on in my lifetime for at least the last 40 years they allow corporations to do whatever they want. I took it out briefly to check it every 20 mins or so in utter disbelief, but it was like there was so much water in the fibres of the meat that it couldn't dry up and finish cooking. I only purchase breast fillets now as they tend to be thinner than the full breast and haven't had the issue since. This thread was helpful, until it wasnt. I toss them. Its only been recently in the last few years Ive noticed this. That is Frankenchicken. I never thought poultry suppliers would do this to chicken just to increase the weight/selling price. So gross. I get rotisserie chicken (not organic, but antibiotic-free) and Bell & Howell chicken from Whole Foods and organic uncooked thighs and breasts chicken at Costco. I'm sure that its not overcooked. Then I started tasting it in frozen chicken entrees - some pieces good, some pieces not. I will butcher this but it is an answer. Well, I'm an old fogey and I've been cooking chicken for decades (whole and parts) a variety of ways, at a wide range of temperatures, using all sorts of pans, pots, grills, heat sources, etc. We purchased Smart Chicken breasts from Harris Teeter and have been for years, but well be pausing addl purchases of chicken breasts for the foreseeable future. It's possible there's an underlying neurologic issue with the nerves that control the sense of taste or the brain's interpretation of taste, Dr. Kaye says. I have noticed the odd texture for the last decade. It is definitely not the way the chicken is prepared and cooked because I prepare multiple pieces at the same time and only some of them have the odd texture. It happened months ago and just happened last week again. Totally grossed me out. When I buy smaller ckn breast I haven't had the issue. You are correct the chicken is crunchy inside like you biting into a tendons it's crazy . Woody breasts are more common in older and bigger birds. The dishonesty is systemic. Was thinking maybe it was me possibly becoming adverse to chicken because of eating it daily for the past couple of years (Same brand for two years: Springer Mountain Farms). Never a problem. Learn something new everyday. We decided NOT to eat the chicken so I threw away 2 breasts, a little over a pound that I paid $12.00 for. But I would say, dark meat just a bit under is pretty close to that rubbery "crunch-like" unpleasant texture. We buy our chicken from an Amish Market in the area, so I figured we'd be safe, nope. If anyone has seen the documentary "What the Health" you'll find out lots of stuff companies do to meat that they don't want you to know about. I looked online for this very subject cause i thought i was losing my good or ok cooking skills!! Glad Im not the only one! I took back 5 lbs and they gave me a refund. Its filthy. Its like humans cant understand the motivation of business to increase their bottom line without government interference. Thank you!!! To avoid our new genetic altered world, you would have find heirloom everything, and do it all yourself. The recipe is a trusty foolproof one for us, but no one could stomach the crunchy/raw texture. I am never buying big breasts again! Eating grisly chicken is just gross. I know this is an older thread but it's still happening and now I can't find any stores that don't have chicken with the same problem. . We are no longer laughing about Frankenchicken, because that's what it is. Has anyone found sources for good chicken? It was NOT raw but felt raw. If you notice any texture changes, such as increased softness, sliminess, stickiness, or residue, it's likely no longer safe to eat. As for the way you're cooking your meat, that's difficult to comment on since you don't actually mention how you are cooking it. I have had better success using 'Just Bare' brand chicken breasts or just resort to cooking more whole chickens. BTW, 98% of the beef sold in the U.S. is cloned, and yep, their playing around with everything you eat. It happens probably 1 out of every 10 breast I cook, no matter how I cook it. Springer is just a better marketed factory chicken. Especially Tyson's chicken. I laughingly called it a Frankenchicken during prep. It happens quite a bit with their sandwiches to the point we stopped getting them. It is more noticeable in the really large breasts. "Weve only been dealing with woody breasts for about eight years," says Dr. Casey Owens, Professor of Poultry Science at the University of Arkansas. Im in Minnesota and recently just started cooking chicken (baking it) and I go above and beyond to make sure it turns out great. I normally buy Lillydale and haven't noticed the issue with them. Hope American families wise up, its not like we have French oversight checking farmers animals & crops constantly, because they dont want our unhealthy GMOd crap we factually are trying to slip into their country. ALL the meat WAS good. Like it seems like the problem is just getting worse and worse and it might not be able to be reversed, if it is changing chickens' genetics. Mostly, the breasts that I purchase are large weighing one pound plus that I often cut in half and pound, but still get the texture problem. Remember organic does not always mean chemical free. Now the gene editing to grow massive muscle in meat is just another tough Unregulated Globalized Business problem. Fortunately, I think, I am on Cipro for another unrelated condition and perhaps it would ward it off. We had to throw the whole meal away. Most of the shampoo and perfumes and petroleum jelly prefix petroleum yes that goes in your skin it's systemic. Tyson is the worst "factory chicken" as it's volume of recalls should be enough to scare consumers. Odd raw texture even though I was sure it was cooked. I have been having this issue. I even got a letter from the owner of Springer Farms who was very honest, but also a bit graphic in the details of why this is happening. It tasted like it was undercooked, but it was long enough.. and the color seemed okay. The . Read about it here: Interesting. These days, Caggiano only buys organic chicken breasts, and he seldom gets woody breasts. I had the same problem with large, bone-in, skin on breasts that were roasted at 400. I returned about 5 lbs of chicken to a reputable place where we get all our meat. Except the neighbors heirloom tomatoes sprayed with 7 dust every 5 days. There's something going on in the chicken industry that we don't know about. Instantly started googling. Scientists are still working on finding the root cause of woody chicken breasts. Maybe a milder version of the defect is sold rather than pulled from the line or reprocessed? My guess is all the saline/ other solutions that are pumped into the chicken while raw, so that it can be sold for more profit. Pretty frustrating.putting it back in the oven has seemed to fix it sometimes, but more often not. As all the commenters - I too am super confused and googling why is my chicken breast stiff like a corps??? Yes!! These muscular issues are a result of selective breeding for really fast growth and high breast meat yielding chickens (which make up 98% of chicken breeds today raised by companies), and actually is not a result from hormones (as it's actually illegal to administer hormones to chickens and pigs in the US). I've been experiencing this issue for a couple of years also. Your mention f perfume speaks to what I experienced eating Perdue chicken strips today. That being said, there could be a myriad of reasons for this - humidity level in the fridge, container/storage, other foods in proximity, age of the meat, the texture makeup of chicken vs other meats (allowing different amounts of moisture, bacteria, etc), etc. I will add, I haven't had an issue since moving away from Springer chicken. Omg I am having this same issue! Just saying! Its called lobbying folks, line the pockets of the politicians as they look the other way. We had this issue with Heritage Farms at Kroger, but since buying the organic at Costco we are just fine. Cooked thoroughly and smelled and looked just fine. Trader Joes heirloomchickens are tough tasteless and dont feel cooked they used to be great now no good terrible & rubbery. This apparently (according to the article) is not dangerous to humans, but because of the now excessive muscle fiber in the breast meat, the taste and texture has changed. has nothing to do with organic versus non. The result of these practices are breast meat that has grown to fast for the natural ligaments,muscles,tendons, and all the other natural growing stuff that needs to take place for meat to develop properly. Im calling the USDA. I guess it doesnt bother him but we get ours from Aldi and they are HUGE so I am thinking we will pay a little more for them from somewhere else because I cant do it anymore!!! I think that is the issue we are all experiencing. I scoured the internet and once I found what the problem is actually called, a lot of search results came up describing it. This is odd yes but consistent with previous chicken breasts cooked prior and why we stopped buying boneless breasts. . Interesting, I posted a few years back but still keep an eye on this conversation.
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