uddhodana () is the name of a kya-born king descend from the solar Ikvku dynasty, according to chapter 53 of the Majurmlakalpa, a large scripture devoted to Majur (the Bodhisattva of wisdom) classified as a kriy-tantra (containing practices of ritual purification).Accordingly, All the kings foretold for this eon Will have a short lifespan. Years later, after word of Siddharthas enlightenment reached Suddhodana, he sent a messenger with 10,000 companions to invite Siddhartha back to the Shakya land. But he is raised by his aunt Pajapati since his mother died on his 7th day of life. }); but the character {. When news reached Suddhodana that his son had reached Enlightenment, he sent a messenger to Veluvana in Rjagaha with ten thousand others to invite the Buddha to visit Kapilavatthu. The story of the past as given here is taken from AA.i.141ff. 15, 16; and Buddhist Birth Stories, p. 66. The Life of the Buddha, p. 121. 1) uddhodana () is one of the four sons of king Sihahanu, an ancient king of the solar clan ( ditagotra or sryavaa) according to It is said (E.g., J.i.54) that when Asita, who was his fathers chaplain and his own teacher, visited Suddhodana to see the newly born prince, and paid homage to the infant by allowing his feet to rest on his head, Suddhodana was filled with wonder and himself worshipped the child. ; Dpv.iii.44f). King uddhodana and Queen My are believed to have lived at Kapilavastu, as did their son Prince Siddartha Gautama (Gautama Buddha) until he left the palace at the age of 29. Gautama later returned again to his father's kingdom to see his father's death. Shahanus wife was Kaccna, daughter of Devadahasakka of Devadaha, whose son Ajana married Yasodhar. The Clavamsa mentions among Okkkas descendants, Mahtissa, Sagara and Shasamalla (q.v.). Nipuna, Candim, Candamukha, Sivisajaya, Vessantara, Jli, Shavhana and Shassara were among his descendants. Unable to find any resting place which did not violate this rule, Rhula spent the night in the Buddhas jakes. Later Asita was born in the Arpa world (Sn., pp.131-36; SnA.ii.483ff. In due course he developed various iddhi powers. Sudhdhodhana kings earliest predecessor was King Maha Sammatha, the first king of the Kalpa. You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. WebSix years after the Buddha had gained enlightenment, his father, King Suddhodana heard the news that his son had attained Enlightenment. The earliest Buddhist texts available to us do not know Uddhodana or his family as royals. [Even so] the affluence against which he eventually reacted by renouncing his wife and family to begin an enquiry into the human condition may have been real; equally, it may have been the perceived luxury of more celebrated urban centers. On this occasion he preached five Jtaka stories the Phandana, Daddabha, Latukika, Rukkhadhamma and Vattaka (Sammodamna) and the Attadanda Sutta. When soothsayers predicted that his son Gotama had two destinies awaiting him, either that of universal sovereignty or of Buddha hood, he exerted his utmost power to provide the prince with all kinds of luxuries in order to hold him fast to household life. According to Buddhist tradition, Buddha is said to have wept upon hearing the news that his clan had been nearly annihilated and his city destroyed, an anecdote used to comfort modern Buddhists in their own times of grief and loss in that even the Buddha recognized the importance of mourning. [2] Kapilavastu is the place where Siddhartha Gautama spent 29 years of his life. {.} {.}). }, {.} The Tibetan sources call him Dhanvadurga. Kapilvastu and kosala | Bikramsth's Weblog Mark, published on 14 October 2020. Tilaurakot is thought to have been the citadel complex of the larger surrounding Kapilvastu Kingdom, founded by Lord Buddhas father uddhodana, the chief of the Shakya nation, one of several ancient tribes in the growing state of Kosala. vs. 295f ) that he deserved the title because he was twice blest in being the son of the Buddha and an arahant himself. In the Sutta Nipta (vs. 683) it is stated that the Buddha was born in a village of the Skyans, in the Lumbineyya Janapada. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Shraddhadeva Thus Asoka and the Buddha were kinsmen. When Rhula was seven years old, the Buddha preached to him the Ambalatthika Rhulovda Sutta (q.v.) Commentary, however, derives Rhula from Rhu; just as Rhu obstructs the moon, so would the child be as obstruction to the Bodhisattas Renunciation. J.R.A.S.1906, pp.453, 563. Depending on which version of the legend one reads, Suddhodana's plan took the form of surrounding young Siddhartha with luxurious diversions, keeping him constantly occupied with study and pleasures, surrounding his palace with a pleasure compound of a high wall, or all of the above. The Okkka of the third dynasty bad five queens Bhatt, Citt, Jant, Jlin and Viskh each with five hundred female attendants. At the place where they did so, there was immediately formed a well, and from it, as well as from the above pond, where (the queen) bathed,[19] the monks (even) now constantly take the water, and drink it. Kosala (Sanskrit: ) was an ancient Indian Aryan kingdom. Many members of the Royal family joined the However, this attempt failed as all of his converts returned to the Buddha's sangha. It is possible Kapila founded the village as a philosophical center but this claim is speculative. DA.ii.672f. The wives of these, and of other Skyans who had joined the Order, were the first to become nuns under Pajpat Gotam (q.v.) [39] During the same council, however, he is chastised by Mahkassapa (Sanskrit: Mahkyapa) and the rest of the Sagha for allowing women to be ordained and failing to understand or respect the Buddha at several crucial moments. Note: uddhodana had two main wives: My who gave birth to the Buddha and Mahprajpati who bore Nanda. The places (were also pointed out)[6] where (the rishi) A-e[7] inspected the marks (of Buddhaship on the body) of the heir-apparent (when an infant); where, when he was in company with Nanda and others, on the elephant being struck down and drawn to one side, he tossed it away;[8] where he shot an arrow to the south-east, and it went a distance of thirty le, then entering the ground and making a spring to come forth, which men subsequently fashioned into a well from which travellers might drink;[9] where, after he had attained to Wisdom, Buddha returned and saw the king, his father;[10] where five hundred Sakyas quitted their families and did reverence to Upali[11] while the earth shook and moved in six different ways; where Buddha preached his Law to the devas, and the four deva kings and others kept the four doors (of the hall), so that (even) the king, his father, could not enter;[12] where Buddha sat under a nyagrodha tree, which is still standing,[13] with his face to the east, and (his aunt) Maja-prajapati presented him with a Sanghali;[14] and (where) king Vaidurya slew the seed of Sakya, and they all in dying became Srotapannas. Sometimes he would accompany Sriputta on his begging rounds. Suddhodana(meaning he who grows pure rice,) was a ruler of the Shakya, who lived in an oligarchic republic on the Indian subcontinent, with their capital at Kapilavastu. According to Buddhaghosa (SnA.ii.483), Asita was so-called because of his dark complexion. had been placed kept its shadow immoveable in order to protect him, and that the The next day the Buddha went begging in the city to the great horror of his father, who, on being explained that such was the custom of all Buddhas, became a sotpanna and invited the Buddha and his monks to the palace. His brothers were Dhotodana, Sakkodana, Sukkodana and Amitodana, and his sisters were Amit and Pamit. the ploughing ceremony, Suddhodana saw how the jambu tree under which the child Some 150 meters before Tilaurakots western gate (the modern main entrance) lies a small, neglected, but quaint museum housing coins, painted grey ware and northern black polished ware pottery, and toys excavated from the site dating between the seventh century BC and fourth century AD. ; Lalitavistara 26.6 ff. Anuruddha Others, including Rhys Davids, say there were two cities, one ancient and the other modern, founded after Viddabhas conquest, and the ancient one they call Tilaura Kot. Suddhodhanas father was Sinahana. Fifty le east from the city was a garden, named Lumbini,[17] where the queen entered the pond and bathed. Once, in the month of Jetthamla, there was a drought, and a violent quarrel arose between the two peoples for the use of the water. According to Buddhist sources the name Kapilvatthu means "tawny area", due to the abundance of reddish sand in the area. At a depth of 18 feet, he found a stone coffer containing jewels, bone fragments, ashes, and five small vases, one of which was inscribed with a line, in Brahmi script, claiming to hold the remains of the Buddha. He was thirty years old at the time. In the Mahvastu version (ii.30f) he is spoken of as the son of a brahmin of Ujjeni, and he lives in a hermitage in the Vindhy mountains. [28] nanda performs his duties with great devotion and care, and acts as an intermediary between the Buddha and the laypeople, as well as the Sagha (monastic community). Tilaurakot was not dismissed as the site of Kapilavastu but, owing to the finds at Piprahwa, was not confirmed. His brothers But there we have no magic and no extravagance. ; Dpv.iii.45; J.i.15, etc.). See also the article by Mukherji on Kapilavastu in ERE. [32][33] A traditional account can be drawn from early texts, commentaries, and post-canonical chronicles. Kapilavastu - World History Encyclopedia The Mallas of Kusinr also had a Santhgra (D.ii.164); so did the Licchavis of Vesli (Vin.i.233; M.i.228). Buddha to his palace, where he entertained him, and at the end of the meal the There Buddha came to them, had their wounds dressed, and preached to them the Law. Link: "Archaeological Excavations at Piprhw and Ganwaria and the Identification of Kapilavastu", The Great Tang Dynasty Record of the Western Regions, "The Ancient City of Kapilvastu - Revisited", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kapilavastu_(ancient_city)&oldid=1128865849, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 December 2022, at 10:40. The Buddha proceeded to preach to the messenger and all 10,000 companions who in turn decided to join the Sangha and never return. Kaludai agreed to pass on the message, provided he too would be allowed to enter the order. According to Buddhist legends, the baby exhibited the marks of a great man. King Sinhahanu had four sons and four daughters. [29][30] He accompanies the Buddha for the rest of his life, acting not only as an assistant, but also a secretary and a mouthpiece. Afterwards, he spent the next 45 years of his life teaching others the means by which they could liberate themselves from illusion and suffering in order to live in peace. A compromise is to regard Tilaurakot as the old Kapilavastu (before the attack by the Kosalan army near the end of Buddhas life), and Piprahwa as the new Kapilavastu (after it was rebuilt on a new location). It is said that the news of Rhulas birth was brought to the Bodhisatta when he was enjoying himself in his pleasances on the banks of the royal pond after being decked by Vissakamma. History of Bhubaneswar Temple City of India, History of Kabaddi Etymology and Mahabharat, Ramaraja Adopted Son of Chhattrapati Shahu, - - History Flame Hindi. Mr. Beal had, no doubt inadvertently, omitted it in his first translation. Whatever the city's original name may have been is unknown (if there even was an original name), but Kapilavastu means the place of Kapila and references a great sage who lived at least 100 years before the Buddha and whose philosophy (Samkhya) was honored by the Shakya clan and would later (according to some schools of thought) directly influence the development of Buddha's vision. The young Sakyas were shooting when the prince thus surpassed them all. child was seated cross legged in the air, he again worshipped him (J.i.57f). For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. ; see also Divy 548, and Buddhacarita I.v.2). (DA.iii.736). The identification of Kapilavatthu is not yet beyond the realm of conjecture. At the spot where stood the old palace of king Suddhodana[2] there have been made images of the prince (his eldest son) and his mother;[3] and at the places where that son appeared mounted on a white elephant when he entered his mothers womb,[4] and where he turned his carriage round on seeing the sick man after he had gone out of the city by the eastern gate,[5] topes have been erected. Related Content Their ancestors were the nine children of Okkka, whom he banished in order to give the kingdom to Jantukumra, his son by another queen. When Pasenadi discovered the trick, he deprived his wife and her son of all their honours, but restored them on the intervention of the Buddha. Mahnma was the Buddhas most frequent visitor; to him was preached the Cladukkhakkhandha Sutta (M.i.91f). Suddhodhana was married to princesses Mayadevi and Prajapati of Devadaha Kingdom located in what is now southern Nepal on the bank of the river Anoma. Excavations are ongoing and it is entirely possible that new evidence will appear to tip the scales in one direction or another. 145, 146; The Life of the Buddha, pp. The Buddha was born into a noble family in Lumbini in 563 BCE as per historical events and 624 BCE according to Buddhist tradition. ), who was his daughter by a slave girl, Ngamund. uddhodana ().[masculine] [Name] of Buddha's father. Rhula (Pli and Sanskrit) was the only firstborn son of Siddhrtha Gautama, and his wife and princess Yaodhar. [25] Although the texts do not agree on most things about nanda's early life, they do agree that nanda is ordained as a monk and that Pua Mantniputta (Sanskrit: Pra Maitryaputra) becomes his teacher. King Tsing fan (uddhodana) said to himself: My sons companions (parivra), although animated by pure intention (cittaviuddhi), are really not good-looking. Immediately he went to Suddhodanas home and asked to see the babe. Suddhodana () is mentioned as one of the five sons of Shahanu: an ancient king of the solar clan (ditagotra or sryavaa) according to theSinghalese chronicles mentioned in a footnote in the Mahprajpramitstra (chapter VI). Using the texts of Faxian and Xuanzang, all it seemed they had to do was follow in their footsteps to locate Kapilavastu. Discover the meaning of suddhodana in the context of Tibetan Buddhism from relevant books on Exotic India. [3][4], Kapilavastu never became a major pilgrimage site like Buddha's birthplace at Lumbini not far away, which would have left unmistakeable remains. Suddhodana He is reported to have rolled a boulder toward the Buddha, injured his foot, and to have incited an elephant to charge at the Buddha and his disciples but was subdued by the Buddha. The Mahvastu (which confuses Iksvku with his ancestor Sujta) mentions five sons of Iksvku: Opura, Ulkmukha, Karandaka, Hastikasrsa and Nipura (i.348). See the accounts of this event in M. B., pp. See chap. Suddhodana; Died: Kapilavastu, Shakya (The ancient city of Kapilavastu is believed to be in present-day Nepal) Predecessor: Sihahanu: Spouse(s) Maya A more common appellation is the king of pure rice ({.} cit., p.6. Nepal Traveller | Nepal's most visited website | A website that is Kludy kept his promise and the Buddha visited Kapilavatthu, staying in the Nigrodhrma. A Sakiyan Raja of Kapilavatthu and father of he refused to believe it, saying that his son would never die without achieving (According to SNA.i.340, Moggallna taught him the kammavc; see also J.ii.393). Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. See also Rockhill, p.9ff. King Okkka.-A king, ancestor of the Skyas and the Kolians. The park is now known as Rummindei, inside the Nepal frontier and two miles north of Bhagavanpura. Ambattha (q.v.) [25] For that reason, he is known as the "Treasurer of the Dhamma", with Dhamma (Sanskrit: Dharma) referring to the Buddha's teaching. After some time, Devadatta developed siddhis and his intention is said to have been corrupted. 30,000 inhabitants). His father was king uddhodana, leader of the Shakya clan in what was the growing state of Kosala, and his mother was queen Maya. My was his chief consort, and, after her death her sister Pajpat was raised to her position (Mhv.ii.15f. Having come forth from the pond on the northern bank, after (walking) twenty paces, she lifted up her hand, laid hold of a branch of a tree, and, with her face to the east, gave birth to the heir-apparent. uddhodana- Father of Great Buddha - History Flame Sotapanna. Suddhodanas chief consort was Maha Maya, with whom he had Siddhartha Gautama (who later became known as Shakyamuni, the Sage of the Shakyas, or the Buddha). The Buddha then performed a miracle and preached the Vessantara Jtaka, and their pride was subdued. According to Buddhist tradition, it was ruled at the time of Siddhartha's birth by his father, Suddhodana, who, after hearing a prophecy that his son would grow up to become either a great king or powerful spiritual leader, took measures to ensure Siddhartha would never experience the kind of suffering which might lead him to pursue the spiritual path and turned Kapilavastu into a vast pleasure compound to keep him distracted and ensure he would succeed to the throne. The question which continues to divide scholars and laypersons alike in the modern day regarding the sites associated with the historical Buddha at least - is not Siddhartha's early standing, nor even Kapilavastu's, but where that ancient city, which figures so prominently in the story, was located.
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