Venus-Ascendant Synastry aspects: Conjunction | Trine | Square | Opposition Venus - astrology meaning Venus symbolizes attractivity. i have a venus inconjunct ascendant in synasty. On the positive side, the Saturn person teaches the Descendant person how to be more responsible and mature when it comes to long-term commitment. Ultimately, you still feel a sense of emptiness with Venus square Ascendant, because the problem comes from within. The bad thing is that such women in love think, first of all, of themselves. Venus conjunct Ascendant You have a friendly, affectionate attitude toward others and a great deal of personal charm if you have Venus conjunct your Ascendant. In fact, you appear a bit like a Libra rising. To the Descendant person, the relationship may feel heavy or burdensome in some way, especially if the Descendant person is a non-traditional type. The symbol of a persons personality Ascendant is a sign of a persons personality, his personality type, and habits. You're happy to give, and you know how to please others. The conjunction being the most intense and significant connection is the only aspect I currently consider. Have you ever met someone on Social Media and started dating them? You don't take anything at face value and are always digging beneath the surface for the deeper meaning or real motivations of others. The Venus person is ideal to the Descendant person; the Descendant person loves the Venus persons style, beauty, and the way they express love and affection. The sign opposite to Pisces is Virgo. Your attractiveness is one of the first things others notice about you and is probably something you care a great deal about. I'm the Venus. You have an appealing physical appearance and this, along with your winning ways, is apt to make you a favorite in your immediate environment. The two of you find it easy to be yourselves in each others presence. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Never the less I feel fortunate that Ive been able to meet the people that I have and experienced what I have because I believe Ive learned a little something every time. Most of them were lucky with their appearance, and those who had problems with it, found a way to solve them. Figure out who you are inside and learn how to reveal your inner self to other people. Ultimately with Venus conjunct Ascendant, you need to learn that you are more than your beauty and charm. On the other hand, the Ascendant person can give a boost of encouragement to Venus person to further enhance his creativity. If it is a positive aspect, does it make things automatically positive? You will have a hard time relating to the point of view of the other person. var ffid = 1; Is there any reason why it would say that and not the other? Your attractiveness is one of the first things others notice about you and is probably something you care a great deal about. The zodiac sign influences the practical application of the natives artistic abilities. You may tend to seek too much approval, but even this should cause little or no problems. She has a sun in piscesmoon in taurus mercury is in aries which conjuncts her venus.Her venus in aries also conjuncts her mars in aries.Her ascendant is in libra is opposite her venus mars. Your determination to gain acceptance and to improve your status in life is strong, and you may use your social contacts to reach those positions. There may be a strong cant live with you, cant live without you energy between them. They could also create a family really fast Having Mars in 7th house leads to fighting a lot after marriage In architectural structures.var cid = '5596380066'; When a trine forms between the two placements, the Venus person will see the Ascendant person as their ideal physical type, making the attraction sometimes superficial. Venus loving nature can spoil an Ascendant person with all her love that could be too much for the Ascendant person to handle. The Moon person is also very attracted to the Descendant person, and takes an active interest in their well-being. Venus square Ascendant makes you magnetic, yet you also scare other people. var ins = document.createElement('ins'); Standing out among the crowd with inner light and a radiant smile, the carriers of the Venus-Ascendant conjunction get used to easily getting what they want through their appearance and flirting, which enhances natural laziness and discourages the desire to learn, develop and work.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'dreamastromeanings_com-leader-2','ezslot_20',173,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dreamastromeanings_com-leader-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'dreamastromeanings_com-leader-2','ezslot_21',173,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dreamastromeanings_com-leader-2-0_1'); .leader-2-multi-173{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:15px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Your vibe is calm and happy. Wow, it is so much like my marriage. These 4 themes will be the main ones in the life of the owner of the natal chart. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Venus-Ascendant Aspects In The Natal Chart | Tea & Rosemary The Ascendant person gives good vibes and stands out to the Sun person. Venus and Ascendant person share the same values and goals in life in this aspect. Interesting to see how your aspects that are very similar to mine play out. Ultimately, you will find your Venusian qualities with this Venus sextile Ascendant aspect when you take time to develop your confidence. If you have Scorpio as your Rising sign, you are very strong-willed and proud, but intensely private and not easy to know well. WUTCHALLLLLL OUTFITS LOOKIN LIKE? Add Uranus hard aspects to Sun,Moon,Venus..dealbreaker. Venus and the Ascendant person have this deep mutual understanding. Contacts with cardholders with a strong Venus cause the desire of those around them to be better themselves, the desire to live beautifully and tune in to harmony. The goal is to look at what is true, rather than focusing on how things appear. I have profound knowledge about Emotional Energy and Healing, Angels to Astrology, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Tarot, and Numerology. However, always remember that there is more than just charm to a personality. You may be charming and graceful in some way. Hopefully, I got this correct: Me: Venus in 6 Aries opposite Ascendant n 11 Virgo, Guy: Venus in 4 Pisces opposite Ascendant in 6 Libra. My name is Karen, for 19+ years my career as a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor has given me the fulfillment to be able to help others in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities. Although your personality is Venusian, you also have the physically beautiful elements, too. You must also learn to appreciate what you bring into any situation as well." lilith conjunct north node synastry lindaland However, you will undoubtedly face some misunderstanding in this aspect. This reading will be your guiding light, an astrological blueprint to get you on your true path towards a life of happiness, love and abundance. Venus opposition Ascendant means that youre concerned with taste and aesthetics. Venus rules beauty, grace, style, and all things aesthetically pleasing. Youre afraid of reading situations improperly. Women with Venus on the AC are the adornment of their companion and welcome guests at parties. Instead, it is destined to change your attitudes towards love and relationship, as well as your values. When Venus and Ascendant person meet in soft aspect, it's as if they have reached home after a long exhausting journey. Im always yearning for a soul mate type connection to someone but also absolutely dread how that type of connection, romantic or friendship, would curb my freedoms and self expression. Yes. The Descendant person feels safe and comforted when they are with the Moon person, as the Moon person creates a safe space for the Descendant person to express themselves. And lately, in no small way, we crossed this bridge and peaked over the other side. Pluto. = '100%'; It is likely that the owner of the card will be connected with the world of art in one way or another, especially if Venus is related not only to the AC, but also to the MC. Venus opposition Ascendant means that you also desire tranquil, amicable relationships. Venus opposite Ascendant - Lindaland - Linda Goodman Sun conjunct Ascendant in Synastry: This is one of the most powerful indications of physical attraction between a couple. But today you can find programs on the Internet that automatically calculate data. They may even feel like you're with them for their material wealth or bc you feel you can control them. Venus person finds the habits and traits of the Ascendant person irritating. LSA whats going on with the WEATHER WHERE YOU LIVE!??? Just by looking at each other's eyes or observing their partner's actions, they can tell right away if there is something wrong. You may seem intense and make other people a bit uncomfortable at times. I don't think this aspect leads to poor self esteem, but I guess this goes beyond astrology. The path is to gowithin and heal the shadow self. When you want something, you go after it rather quietly but insistently and wholeheartedly -- and you usually get it. This enables both of them to sense one's feelings and needs. This aspect indicates a strong level of attraction and compatibility. Using the strengths of his Venus, a person finds his love and happiness. Behind your quiet exterior lies a great deal of emotional depth, sensitivity, complexity, and fierce determination. Timya Robinson started her career as a street cop. These are all natural qualities for you! The owners of such cards understand that their external data act as reliable assistants in solving various situations. He needs a Service (6th) to attend to, or a partner(7th), ie, where my Venus now resides by Progression. I have this one, lol.. is there any wonder? You are continually drawn to forming relationships with others, and your friendly, approachable nature allows you to initiate new friendships and associations with ease. His Venus in Pisces opp. Some people just have it: that natural allure that runs deep and draws people toward them like a magnet. You are trying to live by the values of society surrounding beauty and charm, but they arent working for you. Although your artistic skills arent super obvious to others, you can be very creative or expressive in private. With it being a DW, I'm sure you two are very drawn to each other. When one persons Sun makes an aspect to another persons Ascendant, physical attraction is indicated. Venus opposite Ascendant natal is also called Venus conjunct Descendant and Venus setting. The Ascendant may find the Sun person bossy or overbearing and self-centered. 3 top dogs worked their tails off to graduate from SDPD K-9 academy. Youre very graceful socially and may be quite popular, even if you dont really try. When together, both Venus and Ascendant person can efficiently express their creative ideas. However, one or both of them has a tendency to overindulge. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 Again, true love will take work. At the same time, the negatively expected planet of love symbolizes the troubles and dangers associated with women, as well as love disappointments. Venus and the Ascendant person have a harmonious relationship in this aspect. Sometimes, people with Venus square Ascendant get taken advantage of because they dont know how to say no to others. The two individuals are magnetically attracted to one another, and the allure is fascinating. var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); People with Venus in Taurus, Libra and Leo are especially attractive outwardly. Sun trine or sextile Ascendant: Like the conjunct aspect, the trine and sextile between one persons Sun and another persons Ascendant is an indicator of attraction. It will reveal what is truly possible in your life, your natural talents and abilities, and exactly what you need to do to increase your energy, take action, and conquer your day, week, month - even year! You both have Venus inconjunct Ascendant in the natal chart.I think everything was a misunderstanding because you wrote that YOU have Venus in Aries opposite Ascendant in Virgo and that he has Venus in Pisces opposite Ascendant in Libra and not that his Venus opp. > Jupiter conjunct Descendant in synastry blends one persons planet of expansion and joy with another persons relationship area. Lol. Couple of squares but mostly conjunctions, sextiles and trines. The Ascendant and Descendant are opposing angles: the Ascendant represents our physical self and persona, while the Descendant represents our close, intimate relationships. JavaScript is disabled. Venus person may also have a tendency to sweep problems under the rug. What is needed to calculate the Ascendant appears with the first breath of a person. The Mercury person is a perfect sounding board for the Descendant person; the Mercury person shows the Descendant person might even play Devils Advocate to show the Descendant person another perspective. LOVE AND COMPATIBILITY and our You have a friendly, affectionate attitude toward others and a great deal of personal charm if you have Venus conjunct your Ascendant. I also have natal Venus OOB, conjunct descendant, squaring Saturn. You may come across as superficial with Venus square Ascendant. Sun conjunct Descendant in syanstry is one of the most powerful aspects you can find in a synastry. Insane ex wife with kid all the sudden after our marriage strangely started to want him more. Youre only able to recognize the Venusian qualities in yourself when youre not wearing your outer mask, so you can develop self-love when you spend time in private. Ascendant is the most individual part of a person's horoscope. Venus trine Ascendant makes these talents natural for you. Copyright 2000-2017 Oftentimes you are irresistibly attracted to someone and you feel that you have very little choice or control over your powerful feelings. You might simply be physically beautiful or have an attractive energy that shines through. With the Venus sextile Ascendant aspect, you feel a sense of ease and self-acceptance around other people. In fact, you may even swing back and forth between wanting love and expecting it to fall into your lap. You balance each other; you are each others better half.. The Pluto person completely transforms the way the Descendant person looks at relationships. You must learn how to find a true, deep love that isnt just based on how things appear. In Capricorn, she shows the severity and beauty of harmonious forms in the style of classical Saturn. Not just their appearance -- their complete energy is so enticing that you can't help but be drawn in. You love deeply, passionately, and wholeheartedly, and others may find your intensity either extremely attractive or threatening. Both want to please each other. This is an excellent time to start a new romance. The positive aspects mean that you embody these traits, while the more difficult aspects create issues with self-image and self-love. [p] There are three violent deaths in the examples. When they come in close contact, there is a strong electric current of passion and desire that runs between the Sun and the Ascendant person. These are houses where the signs of Taurus and Libra are on the cusps. Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. When composite Venus is sextile or trine composite Pluto: This is hardly a casual relationship. The Sun person essentially illuminates the Ascendant person, making the Ascendant person feel special. The beauty planet on the AU in men speaks for itself. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Also her venus and mars conjuncts her descendant.Its really sad because her lack in confidence is holding her back. You are both loving and gentle towards each other. Venus and Ascendant person radiate a powerful and mysterious aura that piques the interest of each other. The Ascendant person sees the Sun person as the perfect mate; the Sun person expresses the qualities the Ascendant person lacks. Venus opposite Ascendant natal is also called Venus conjunct Descendant and Venus setting. Ascendant Aspects in Synastry: To Sun, Moon, Mars and Venus You can burn yourself out by pouring so much of your energy into romance. Other people find you attractive as soon as they meet you. > Read on to learn more about how these two . Usually very binding but hard.. Because both want to please one another, disappointments, controlling, and manipulative emotions are threatening to resurface. If you have Venus sextile Pluto in your birth chart, your romantic relationships tend to be deep, intense, passionate, and highly emotional. Your personality makes it seem like youre only attracted to surface level things/people, or you may be drawn to sensual pleasures without a deeper sense of intimacy. The Descendant has to do with the type of partners we attract, and who we are most attracted to. This might not be as obvious as the trine or conjunction, but you do have Venusian qualities that you can call upon in social situations. You coax rather than coerce. Virgo working with details, numbers, and signs: mathematics, foreign languages, mosaics, embroidery. Your relationship is relaxed and cozy, which gives a pleasant feeling to the other. People tend to be proud of themselves. The fate of a person, according to astrology, is influenced by the stars, as well as the Ascendant. Unfortunately, my venus forms a hard aspect to my saturn which has made things more difficult. Your instincts and psychological perceptions about others are quite incisive. They are happy to wear jewelry and have quality things. You can be cooperative, diplomatic, and charming when you need to, able to find ways to relax others and make them feel accepted. We often talk about aspects to the Ascendant, but what about the Descendant? This aspect indicates much attraction between the two partners, and this is one of the best synastry aspects for long term love and marriage. You can be very extreme about certain pleasures, but then you can also be too passive or act like a people pleaser. No, self-esteem issues would be more like Saturn aspecting the sun, moon, or maybe even Venus. Be careful that you develop a sense of self-love and dont rely solely on someone else. > Beware of using this power to manipulate people, for you could gain the reputation of being a user. In life, men with this aspect of women take the place of leaders leading to the heights of success in creativity and financial enrichment.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'dreamastromeanings_com-leader-3','ezslot_22',175,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dreamastromeanings_com-leader-3-0'); The mother, wife or lover will push him to take active actions in the line of creative self-expression, education, meeting useful people. With the position of Venus in Cancer and Pisces there is a strong need for romantic love and unity of souls, but the position in other signs gives practicality, the habit of putting oneself in first place in relationships and demanding a comfortable, rich life. This aspect means that youwant to feel beautiful, but you dont know how to create harmony within yourself. You feel like youre never graceful or charming enough because you putso much value on how others see you. Pleasing one another is a strong theme in your relationship. venus opposite ascendant? - Lindaland - Linda Goodman Synastry: Venus with Ascendant Aspects Between Two Charts Dr Z's Top Six Soul Mate Clues in Astrology - The Zodiac For women, everything is exactly the opposite. In fact, aggressive people or conflict really upsets you, so you may become a peacekeeper within your family or friend group. Find out if you have this indicator in YOUR birth chart now . Business partnerships are good for you because you are good with money, negotiations, deal-making, and bargaining. The need to be loyal to one another and to maintain a high level of intimacy and bonding between you is strong. When Venus is in a trine with another person's Ascendant sign, there's a good chance that there is a strong romantic connection. You are both loving and gentle towards each other. var container = document.getElementById(slotId); Even though they have very loving feelings for one another, both Ascendant and Venus may idealize their romance too quickly. To heal Venus square Ascendant, you will need to push against society. You must log in or register to reply here.
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