TheFrenchEmpiredeclinedinthenineteenthcentury. Describe indentured servitude. William and Mary accepted joint powers with parliament and signed the English Bill of Rights. It was a major player in world affairs and one of the great powers of the nineteenth century. What were the long-term outcomes? (predicate adjective). 2. grandson of Babur who created a strong central government, officials selected in England to keep order, document that gave England a government based on a system of laws and a freely elected parliament, A form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc. The Mughals in India were open to trade with Europeans and the, The Spanish and Portuguese divided up the lands of the Americas before they even explored or conquered any of it. What were the impacts of the trans-Atlantic slave trade on the Americas? The British mostly worked in the sea as they traded soldiers, goods, explorers, and soil for their land. Europeans built empires that stretched across oceans included territories in the Americas, Africa, and Asia. At its greatest extent, the empire extended to three continents -- stretching from the Balkans in southeastern Europe across Anatolia, Central Asia, Arabia, and North Africa, thanks in large part to the Ottoman military and its use of gunpowder. Through a 8 year conquest moving east ward and stopping at Russia. The Ming dynasty was well-known for its strong government, cultural achievements, and economic growth. in the hills surrounding Rome in specially designed bui Why does it have these characteristics? It was a Spanish labor system that rewarded conquerors with labor of particular groups. Cultural syncretism is when cultures blend together and this occurred as slaves were traded back and forth. prevent a civil war from happening It was also a period of economic and cultural growth, with the creation of a unified currency and the development of a distinct Qing style of art and literature. The Spanish Empire was a global empire centered in Spain that ruled over a large portion of the world from the 15th to the early 19th centuries. Within the military, the. Mita systems. The French were the least important empire but they had military supremacy. The land gained was a part of the European country and as such, the European countries would take the raw materials for their benefit. 2023 Fiveable Inc. All rights reserved. Describe the Ottoman Empire (use SPICE-T characteristics): The Ottoman Empire was located in modern-day Turkey. Below the royals was a second class of the nobility, a small wealthy group that owned most of the land. It was founded by Catherine the Great, who established the Romanov Dynasty and expanded the territory of the empire through military conquests. The most dramatic social changes happened in the Americas because of the influx of Europeans, decimation of Indigenous, and explosion of the African slave trade. Explain how the land-based empires of the 1450-1750 time period developed (what allowed them to obtain and maintain power): Historical Developments Imperial expansion relied on the increased use of gunpowder, cannons, and . What methods of "legitimization" and "consolidation" of power were used by Malian and Ottoman rulers? France, Spain, Netherlands, Portugal, England, 13 colonies, and the coast of African colonies all supported maritime explorations. Describe technological diffusions that occurred in the 1450-1750 time period. The Safavid Empire was centered in modern-day Iran and included parts of Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey. The fall of the Aztec Empire marked the end of the pre-Columbian civilizations in Mesoamerica and the beginning of the colonial period. Gunpowder would have violent consequences in the decades to come. This gave wealth. The Sunni and Shia split after the death of Muhammad. Native Americans did not have biological immunity to the common diseases brought by Europeans like smallpox and typhoid. Music was a key factor for survival in many slave communities. \hline \text { Column 3 } & {10} & {366} \\ What changes in economic and labor systems existed in the 1450 to 1750 time period? Describe European trading posts in Africa. How did the Qing Dynasty expand their empire? The Songhai Empire is known for its cultural achievements and its role as a major regional power. The British Empire was the largest empire in history, with territories on every continent. Explain how Sikhism developed in relation to the Mughal Empire. The Songhai Empire declined in the late 16th century as a result of internal conflicts and Moroccan invasions. Unit 3 AP World History Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet New technology More exploration Columbian Exchange, New foodstuffs increased the population everywhere, Except for the Americas where disease decimated everyone , Migration of people Spread of religion, new syncretic cultures, Integration of the west trade was actually global new Maritime (sea-based) powers, Mercantilism & capitalism became predominant economic policies, The new global economy had long-lasting effects, European middle class gained wealth Industrialization possible, Prosperity funding for arts and architecture, Slave trade intensified as demand for labor increased, Other coerced systems created (encomienda, mita), Social class based on race & ethnicity, first time ever, Transport paid in exchange for 7 years of unpaid labor, Development of European colonies overseas, Opening of new trade routes over the Atlantic and Pacific, Population growth, which increased demand for goods, Vodun - West African spiritualism brought to caribbean, Candomble - dance to honor the gods, Bantu + Brazil, Virgin of Guadalupe - Indigenous + Catholic, Queen Nzingas rebellion in modern-day Angola, Pueblo & Apache Revolt in present-day New Mexico, Gloucester County Slave Rebellion (Virginia), Glorious Revolution (Catholic vs. Protestant in England). The British Empire was a major player in world affairs, helping to shape the modern world. In the New World, work was done on plantations with slaves, communities were spread out, and there were natives. They supported exploration by agricultural, manufactured, and animal products as well as supported slave trade. England was a majority Protestant country, but had a Catholic minority. What is a caravel and why was it significant in the 1450 to 1750 time period? The tsar wielded absolute power in this autocracy. It was founded by Ismail I, who established the Safavid Dynasty and declared Twelver Shia Islam the official religion of the empire. Still used Mandate of Heaven, State and NeoConfucianism. Triangular ships adopted by the Arabs, astrolabe which was created from the Muslims, the caravel created by the Portuguese, and the magnifying glass from the Chinese are all technological diffusions are all important developments and innovations. These regions did not have a history of state sponsorship of naval activity; for example, merchants may have done most of the overseas trading. The Casta system was a racial hierarchy created for the Spanish to maintain power. They had religious tolerance as different religions were allowed. This included the development of military professionals Learning Objective 3.4.D These are a good comparison of the methods by which various empires increased their influence from 1450-1750. What are the various methods used by land based empires to collect taxes in this era? Why did they enact these policies? The population was increasing and this led to more demand for resources. While the Columbian Exchange and Columbuss Voyages capture most of the attention between 1450-1750, at the same time, around the world a number of land empires centralized. The Inca Empire, also known as the Inka Empire or the Tawantinsuyu, was a South American empire that ruled over a large territory that included parts of modern-day Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, and Colombia from the 13th to the 16th century. In order to resist the Portuguese. The Incan Empire was conquered by the Spanish in the early 16th century, and it was eventually absorbed into the Spanish Empire. The Ottoman Empire was a Muslim empire that ruled over a large territory that included parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa from the late 13th to the early 20th century. What factors drove the demand for chattel slavery? The Incan Empire was founded in the early 13th century and reached its height of power in the 15th century, when it controlled a large territory that included much of the western Andes and parts of present-day Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina. Maybe. The Aztec Empire was known for its sophisticated government system, which included an organized bureaucracy and a strong centralized administration. The Russian Empire lasted from 1721 until the 1917 Russian Revolution. From the 15th to the early 20th centuries, the Portuguese Empire ruled over a significant portion of the world. They took the title "Caliph" to show they were the legitimate successors of Muhammed. Describe new technologies of the 1450 - 1750 time period and specific examples of how they facilitated patterns of trade and travel from 1450 to 1750. Religion (ex: European notion of divine right, Songhai promotion of Islam) You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, In the Manifest Destiny Nearpod and videos, there was an image of people moving and in the center, there was a woman in white. It came to an end in the 16th century, when it was conquered by the Moroccan Saadi dynasty. Tokugawa, 1868. ), Royal officials in France sent to execute orders of the central government, A palace built by Louis XIV outside of Paris; showed power and wealth of French government. Although some existed before and after, most are confined to this time period. Stopped crusades and expanded Islam. The empire was known for its strong military, which allowed it to conquer and expand its territory by conquering a number of neighboring states. The Incan Empire, also known as the Inca Empire, was a South American empire that was located in the Andes Mountains. \hline & & & & & & \\ In AP World History: Modern, Unit 4 spans from 1450 CE to 1750 CE and accounts for 12-15% of the material on the exam. He was approached by Lord Macartney about liberalizing the trade restrictions; turned down the offer claiming that Europe had nothing to offer China. It reduced threats as other empires saw the money they had. Native Americans. Elite Safavid soldiers made up of enslaved people from Armenian and Circassian populations, much like Devshirme. Rulers used a variety of methods to legitimize and consolidate their power. Anything extra that they collected they were able to keep. European monarchs were also patrons of artists for the same reason. __________________, The last imperial dynasty of China. The era between 1450 and 1750 saw the appearance of several land-based empires who built their power on the use of gunpowder: the Ottomans and the Safavids in Southwest Asia , the Mughals in India , the Ming and Qing in China , and the new Russian Empire. , g was "American Progress." Lutherans and Calvinists did not attend. How did the Ottoman Empire expand their empire? For example, they forced all men to wear their hair in. The Meiji period saw the modernization and westernization of Japan, as the country opened up to foreign influence and underwent rapid industrialization and urbanization. The Ottomans were Sunni Muslims while the Safavids (1501-1736, Persia) were Shi'a Muslims. The Ottoman Empire was a major regional power and had a significant influence on the culture and history of the Middle East. (subject), v.v.v. The Mughal Empire was a Muslim dynasty that ruled India from the early 16th to the mid-19th century. The Songhai Empire was a major regional power in West Africa and had a significant influence on the culture and history of the region. This will not only help you review content from Unit 3. The Asante Empire and Kingdom of the Kongo participated in slave trade, which increased their wealth and power. Africans were kidnapped, often with the help of local rulers, and brought to the New World. Ethnic divisions: The majority Han ethnicity faced the most intolerance from the Qing. The work of harvesting cash crops and mining silver was labor intensive. The Safavids were Twelver Shia Muslims who made Shia Islam the official religion of the empire. Native American tribes in New England were some of the first indigenous communities to be displaced by British colonists. The Songhai Empire was a West African empire that ruled over a large territory that included parts of modern-day Mali, Niger, Senegal, Burkina Faso, and Nigeria from the 14th to the 16th century. Manchu Empire, 1911. In what way might the narrator's family and the police have acted if they thought it was a ghost in the house? A Roman Catholic tribunal for investigating and prosecuting charges of heresy - especially the one active in Spain during the 1400s. Thats complicated, and unique to each state. Why? Mountain men Label each word or phrase that is italicized to indicate its use in the sentence. During the Russian Empire, the arts, including literature, music, and architecture, flourished. They embraced "Divine Right" which claims that the king is God's representative on Earth and carries out his bidding. It was also known for its impressive architectural achievements, such as the construction of roads, aqueducts, and terraced agriculture.
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