He never kept time or season with God, and surely God will not keep or regard his time or season., In the Jewish account threescore years was the age of a man, and death at any time before that was looked upon as untimely, The more sins we do commit, the more we hasten our own death; because as the wise man saith, The fear of the Lord prolongeth days, but the years of the wicked shall be shortened (Pro 10:27); and the prophet David saith, Bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; for sin is an epitomiser or shortener of everything: it consumes our wealth, it confines our liberty, it impeaches our health, and it abbreviates our life, and brings us speedily unto our grave., [61] https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/wen/psalms-55.html#23, But shall be cut off by an untimely and violent death., David was thirty years old when he became king, and he reigned forty years., Saul was thirty years old when he became king, and he reigned over Israel forty-two years.. Rather, Ahithophel must be the close friend, since he was Davids counselor. Dr. J. Vernon McGee, in a commentary he gave on Thru the Bible Radio, also identified the betrayal by Ahithophel as the subject of the psalm,[48] and so does Eastons Bible Dictionary (among many others). 15b should be joined directly to 11: 27. However, that is, Perhaps Eliam the son of Ahithophel the Gilonite is different from Eliam, the father of Bathsheba.. How old was Bathsheba When David married her? No, this is not a tu quoque fallacy, which is defined as: an informal fallacy that intends to discredit the opponents argument by asserting the opponents failure to act consistently in accordance with its conclusion(s).[79]. But as for me, I trust in you.. He [David] now remembers that, at the heart of Absaloms rebellion, giving it direction and force, indeed making it possible, is Ahithophel., [33] https://www.blueletterbible.org/Comm/spurgeon_charles/tod/ps055.cfm?a=533001, It would be idle to fix a time, and find an occasion for this Psalm with any dogmatism. If we assume that the four years refers to the time from the commencement of the criminal schemes (per Barnes), that means that Solomon was no older than 9 years (2+3+2+2=9). She returned to her own home (2 Samuel 11:4). King David "Bath-sheba", "2 Samuel 11 - NIV Bible - In the spring, at the time when kings go off to", "Sting.com > Discography > Mad About You, 7", Current Ummah of Islam (Ummah of Muhammad), ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bathsheba&oldid=1147580428, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia without a Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, David, and Bathsheba (who is unnamed), are referenced, in the. He states that: an arbitrary age cutoff necessarily allows incompetent people to gain rights and privileges they probably shouldnt have.[101]. While there, the prophet Nathan tells David in 2 Samuel 12:8: "I would give you twice as much over," which And test the orphans [in their abilities] until they reach marriageable age. How old was David when he met bathsheba? - Answers Both words signify my people is Gods. This son of Achitophel (chap. II". Uriah is summoned from the front He therefore induced Absalom to commit an unpardonable crime (2 Sam. The evidence in question comes from the infamous marriage of David and Bathsheba. Nathan noted that Yahweh would punish David's house for Uriah's murder and taking his wife, and would let someone close ( rea) to David take away / seize ( laqach) all his wives and have him lie with / rape ( kab) them in broad daylight for everyone to see (2 Samuel 12:912). If Ahithophel was Bathshebas grandfather, then determining his approximate age would allow us to estimate Bathshebas age as well. Father of Bathsheba, whose first husband was a Hittite, 1 Samuel 11:3 (= 1 Chronicles 3:5 , where Eliam is called Ammiel ). By the way, I made a website and I have debunked the claim which you have made Allah the Moon God. [64] Traveling from Giloh to Hebron, then from Hebron to Jerusalem, and then from Jerusalem to Giloh does not sound like the itinerary of an elderly man. Rather, David laments being betrayed by: a man like myself, my companion, my close friend, with whom I enjoyed sweet fellowship[28]. In a previous article, I demonstrated that the Bible generally allowed marriage and sex at the onset of puberty (with the exception of Numbers 31:18 which seemingly allowed sex even before puberty). We can reasonably assume that she could not be older than 20. Yes, we do believe that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a role-model for all times. WebIt is true that Davids affair with Bathsheba while her husband was at the battle front constituted adultery. WebHe was a younger brother of Shammuah (sometimes referred to as Shammua or Shimea), Shobab, and Solomon. word was brought to him [David] that Ahithophel had gone over to the side of Absalom, [49] https://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionaries/eastons-bible-dictionary/ahithophel.html, brother of insipidity or impiety, a man greatly renowned for his sagacity among the Jews. Most, though not all, of the evidence for the age of marriage comes from outside the Bible (i.e., from outside scripture), which some Christians ignore because it is not inspired. Based on the example of Barzillai, 80 years seems to have been the upper limit of life in Davids time. [34] He is no longer able to control his family, and ends up being overthrown by Absalom. 1 Chronicles omits all reference to the way in which Bathsheba became David's wife, and gives only the names of her children in 1 Chronicles 3:5Shimea, Shobab, Nathan, and Solomon. [2] Thus, Christians will reject the estimation of Abishag and Marys ages (approximately 12 years) because the Bible does not specifically state it and because the estimate comes from Jewish commentaries or historical evidence or even the early church fathers and not from the Biblical text.[3]. You killed him with the sword of the Ammonites. 9 However, Uriah slept at the palace entrance with all his masters servants. They will vociferously deny that Bathsheba was around 7 years old (or perhaps as old as 9) when she first encountered David and they will deny that she was the granddaughter of Ahithophel. [29] David J. Zucker writes that "[s]he is a victim of 'power rape'". Rather, my argument is that there was nothing Biblically wrong or immoral about Muhammads marriage to Aisha and that it was common practice in virtually all cultures for people to marry young (usually by the onset of puberty). Based on the example of Barzillai, 80 years seems to have been the upper limit of life in Davids time. [96] On the other hand, Hastings Bible Dictionary blames a scribal error for the difference and claims that the original reading in 1 Chronicles 11:36 was Gilonite (thus, it was Ahijah the Gilonite). And do not give the weak-minded your property, which Allah has made a means of sustenance for you, but provide for them with it and clothe them and speak to them words of appropriate kindness. There is disagreement among the experts as to what age that should be. How could they both be alive in 1 Chronicles 27 when Ahithophel supposedly committed suicide in 2 Samuel 17? Bathsheba and David 1055-1023.) 5 In Hebron he reigned over Judah for 7 years and 6 months, and in Jerusalem he reigned for 33 years over all Israel and Judah. Thus, it also means that he was between 4448 years old when he first encountered Bathsheba, who was 79 years old. Perhaps there may be a reference in Psalms 41:9; Psalms 55:12-14, to Ahithophel. Are these prayers also meant to be interpreted allegorically? )[25], Bathsheba's name appears in 1 Chronicles 3:5 spelled "Bath-shua", the form becomes merely a variant reading of "Bath-sheba". WebAlthough David married numerous women in the course of his lifetime, he never bypassed the limits imposed by the Torah . In my view, we should leave it to the experts (e.g., physicians and psychologists) to determine what is an appropriate age for maturity, if there is one. [a]ll the expressions used in this verse would probably be applicable to Ahithophel, and to the intimacy between him and David., This was also the conclusion of the classical Jewish sources, such as the Targums and the Talmud, as explained in, But it was thou,. The couple had concluded the marriage contract when Aisha was only six but had waited to consummate the marriage until she reached physical maturity.. So, here is a summary about Ahithophel and his role during Davids reign: If Ahithophel was Bathshebas grandfather, then determining his approximate age would allow us to estimate Bathshebas age as well. [] This was also based on the Prophets marriage to Aisha. This verse is crucial. But, let us be even more generous and round it up to 80. Several scholars see Bathsheba as the granddaughter of Ahitophel,[10] as do passages in the Talmud. [60] Wesleys Explanatory Notes also suggests this interpretation but is rather vague. He could have been as old as 11 years if we assume that the four years in 2 Samuel 15:7 refers to the time from Absaloms return from Geshur (2+3+2+4=11). Strengths Its important to note that this is an estimate and could vary by a year or The man said, She is Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam This demonstrates her exalted status and share in the royal kingdom. Thus, while marriage at the onset of puberty was not unusual, the Bible indicates that both marriage and sexual intercourse were sometimes permitted at very young ages (though this does not appear to be the norm). "[32] Antony F. Campbell states "The 'violation of Bathsheba' may be the least unsatisfactory terminology, especially given the ambivalence of the text's storytelling. We have already seen evidence in a previous article that the marriage was Biblically valid. We have already seen evidence in a previous article that the marriage was Biblically valid. A minority of scholars questioned the application of the psalm to Ahithophel. This illustrates that Ahithophel was probably a young man (Source: https://bibleatlas.org/giloh.htm). When she came to him, he had sex with her. Regardless, most sources reasonably identify the two Eliams as the same person, including, There is simply no reason to make assume otherwise, other than to avoid the embarrassment of finding out Bathshebas true age. It reads like a song of the time of Absalom and Ahithophel. Was David not praying to God for this to happen? [27], Kenneth E. Bailey interprets the passage from a different perspective: he says that David's Jerusalem was tightly packed and Bathsheba's house may have been as close as twenty feet away from David's rooftop; people in ancient times were exceptionally modest about their bodies, so he suggests that Bathsheba displayed herself deliberately, so that instead of being an innocent victim, it was actually she who seduced David in order to rid herself of Uriah, and move in with King David. Psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein has made the controversial suggestion that young people, regardless of how young, should be allowed to make decisions about marriage and sex provided that they demonstrate that he or she knows about the risks of sexis physically and emotionally mature, and so on[99] He also suggests that they should have to pass one or more appropriate competency tests. David was 30 years old when he became king, and he reigned for 40 years. This relationship probably led to Ahithophels disloyalty (2 Samuel 15:12)., [18] https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/ghe/2-samuel-15.html#1, Ahithophel was very likely the grandfather of Bathsheba, [19] https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/hcc/2-samuel-11.html#3, The grandfather of Bethsabee is supposed to have revolted against David, to revenge the wrong done to her., [20] https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/jfu/2-samuel-23.html#34, Eliam the son of Ahithophel the Gilonite , [ Eliy`aam (Hebrew #463)] omitted in the parallel list of 1 Chronicles 11:1-47; traditionally believed to be the same as the person mentioned, 2 Samuel 11:23 (Jerome, Quaest. David's genealogy in 1 Chronicles 3 says that he had 19 sons by his wives and concubines and one daughter, Tamar, whose mother isn't named in scripture. The passages in which Bath-sheba is mentioned are 2 Samuel 11:212:24, and 1 Kings 1:2both of which are parts of the oldest stratum of the books of Samuel and Kings, part of that court history of David, written by someone who stood very near the events and who did not idealize David. She was most likely between the ages of 12-14, which means a 40 year old man married such a young girl. This is where Psalm 55 comes in. Uriah the Hittite and Eliam, being both of the kings guard (consisting of 37 officers), were intimate, and Uriah married the daughter of his brother officer (https://www.studylight.org/dictionaries/fbd/a/ahithophel.html). Updates? [74] https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=H5288&t=KJV, [75] https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=H7390&t=KJV, [76] https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/jfu/2-chronicles-24.html#15, [79] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tu_quoque. Who Was Bathsheba in the Bible Bathsheba: Bible | Jewish Women's Archive Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). At the entrance to her driveway was a small lot, where a small mobile home was parked. Son of Ahithophel the Gilonite, and one of Davids heroes ( 2 Samuel 23:34 ). Improve this answer. King David accepted this as his punishment, went to the house of Yahweh and worshipped him (2 Samuel 12:2023). David's action was displeasing to the Israelite god Yahweh ('the Lord'), who sent Nathan the prophet to reprove the king. And in the list of David's thirty in 1 Chronicles 11:36 we have Ahijah the Pelonite. [28], David summoned Bathsheba for sex. An argument has been founded on this to account for the hostility of Ahithophel to king David, [89] https://biblehub.com/commentaries/barnes/2_samuel/11.htm, Eliam Or Ammiel, 1 Chronicles 3:5, the component words being placed in an inverse order. And my master Joab and my masters troops are camping in the open field. Bathsheba Was King David's Most Famous Wife - Learn You Muslims believe Muhammad is a role model for all times!, In my view, we should leave it to the experts (e.g., physicians and psychologists) to determine what is an appropriate age for maturity, if there is one. His astrological information had been, however, misunderstood by him; for in reality it only predicted that his granddaughter, Bathsheba, the daughter of his son Eliam, would become queen. [12], Bathsheba was the granddaughter of Ahithophel, David's famous counselor. The couple had concluded the marriage contract when Aisha was only six but had waited to consummate the marriage until she reached physical maturity.[103]. David married the widowed Bathsheba, but their first child died as punishment from God for Davids adultery and murder of Uriah. [23], In Islam, David is considered to be a prophet, and some Islamic tradition views the Bible story as incompatible with the principle of infallibility (Ismah) of the prophets. Bullinger,[35] Thomas Cooke,[36] the Benson Commentary,[37] Clarkes Commentary,[38] John Trapp,[39] the Pulpit Commentary,[40] Hawkers Poor Mans Commentary,[41] the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary,[42] Keil and Delitzsch Old Testament Commentary,[43] the Lange Commentary on the Holy Scriptures,[44] the MacArthur Bible Commentary,[45] Wesleys Explanatory Notes,[46] and Whedons Commentary on the Bible,[47] also identify Ahithophel as the subject of the psalm. Bathsheba would have been between 16 and 19, because she was doing the ritual bath outlined in Leviticus 15::19-30 for women who have their period already (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+15%3A19-30&version=NIV). Its date and authorship must be left in the region of mere conjecture. And Im about to make articles as a form of ultimate refutations to your silly allegations. Bible: Child Marriage in Ancient Israelite times Paedophilia? In turn, to determine her age at the time of Solomons (David and Bathshebas second son) birth, we need to first determine Solomons age at the time of Ahithophels death.
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