This was a huge waste of my time. [The Spy's mouth twitches as he stops himself from laughing] So why don't you take your little failure, roll it up sideways, and- [The Spy taps his watch, voicelessly reminding Scout of the death watch] -Okay, crap, I gotta go [He quickly downs the rest of his drink and begins to walk off-screen, but leans back towards the Spy.] A loaf of the bread falls off of the pile and Soldier gasps and grabs his bucket more tightly. The interior of the loaf contains pulsating green lumps and teeth. Look. 1. ], [The Engineer turns to the Medic. You can help me yank the molars out of a box full of heads. As the camera pulls back farther, the Pyro can be seen coming into the shot, who has the small bread monster darting around his legs like a puppy as they try to keep track of it.]. The monster throws Scout at the Demoman, and they both collapse onto the ground. No. As long as nobody teleports any bread. The Scout opens the door and peeks in.]. He eyes it worriedly.]. Miss Pauling: Oh, but you can ride along with me on some jobs. Engineer: [Laughing] So, we're fine. [he gestures emphatically with his lit cigarette while the trumpets and drum beats swell]. Miss Pauling: [Confused] Wait, what? Scout: [Struggling] Aaahhhh Ah Miss Pauling, you all right? Wait! Both Scout and Miss Pauling look down at the wood below them. Publicado el 9 junio, 2022 por dollywood coasters fat friendly Go [bleep] yourself. Scout: [taken aback] Right! We killed everyone and took a briefcase! [The flute continues to trill in the background. Nathan Vetterlein said he worked very closely with Ashly Burch during the short's creation. The numbers are stamped on and can sometimes be hard to read or find depending on where they were placed. Spy. A large fire has broken out behind it. Miss Pauling: [she continues talking as the camera pans] Look, just keep the briefcase safe okay? A march-like drum beat plays], [Cut to a close-up of a poker table. ], [Cut to a right side view of the van. The windshield has bullet holes on the left and is completely knocked out on the right. Ah. Scout reaches for the bucket of chicken with a grin on his face, but Spy slaps his hand away. [The Engineer picks up a loaf of bread. Another ring comes with the appearance of the text "". [He looks down at the cart. ], Soldier: [proudly] HA HA HA! ], Engineer: That goes for all of ya. The Heavy looks disapprovingly at the sleeping Scout. "Sure Kripp, as soon as you stop being hardcore," She types while tucking Frump. [he gestures] He's [The Spy examines the card. Spy: [An expression of disbelief crosses his face] Yourself? The Scout is near breathless with laughter.]. ], [As Miss Pauling walks towards the door, the scooter falls onto its side. What have you two eggy-heads been workin' on? Okay. Scout: Seven. [The camera cuts to a shot of the Spy walking behind Heavy's back. An upbeat, funky jazz track starts playing. It recoils in pain, letting out a loud roar. Whoa Not exactly, Soldier. Scout: [straightening himself out] So, I did write down a last wish. ], [Scout motions for her to escape to safety. Miss Pauling: [quickly] I was furious. Some mistakes and inconsistencies are present in the short film: The BLU Soldier is missing from the roof of the van during the opening scene, and only appears once the van approaches the base. 3. The camera pans to a shot showing all the mercenaries gathered around the table intently focusing on his words. On June 17th, 2014, Team Fortress 2 animated short "Expiration Date" premiered on YouTube,[1] gaining over 31 million views in seven years. He gets out of the van. Its called copypasta as a combination of both 'copy' and 'paste'. [An ominous rumble shakes the entire base as the group look up at the ceiling. . Spy can be seen walking around Scout as the camera rotates around him in the opposite direction.] [Reverse shot with the bucket in the foreground. Ow. Cut to black. She comes to a stop outside a steel plate door and hops off of the scooter, shotgun in hand. I'm great with girls. Scout: What? The Scout turns back to the monitor. Spy: Oh, Scout. TF2 - Frying Pan. Heavy: [Struggling to keep the blast doors open] COME ON! Heavy revs his mini-gun up and walks towards the bread monster, firing his weapon. Spy: [sighing] Fantastic. The will. [he looks around at their faces] What? He returns his eyes to the road. Miss Pauling: [quickly] I was furious. Expiration Date also shows that there is still a RED team that is still very focused on defending the RED intelligence, so either it takes place before Gray's rise or the two teams are pitted against each other once again afterwards for some reason. Spy: Say that [pushes microphone towards Scout] again. At 1:21, when Miss Pauling goes off camera, the firing sound of the Revolver can be heard. Anyway I-, [The Spy suddenly lunges towards the door, slamming it shut on Scout's body. Scout can be seen dodging the tentacles, jumping onto one and using his makeshift weapon to impale one of the other tentacles. He is wearing a wolf fursuit, but only the boots. TF2 Nom nom nom. Engineer: Yeah. Miss Pauling: Scout, it's Pauling. For example, on June 17th, Tumblr[3] user holtarna replied "I have done nothing but reblog bread for the past three days" in response to a reblogged image of a loaf. All perk up to the sound of feedback on the speakers.]. Earn it! ], Engineer: Whoa! [He sets a glass of liquid in front of the Scout.] Miss Pauling briefly turns towards the scooter, as if to set it back upright, but instead continues on towards the door. Reading "Open Date" Codes. And this here. The Soldier attempts to extricate the BLU Demoman's body from the hood of the van. You too. Taps-like trumpet-playing is heard. [She points at the hangar they just exited from. What an unexpected surprise. Scout: You look You look aahhhhhh [Close up of the camera, then cut to a shot of Demoman, Soldier, and Spy in a room full of monitors, watching the two interact. We'll get it back, and the Administrator never has to know. I'm a woman! Miss Pauling: That was so much FUN! ], [Cut to the Scout back at the banquet table, and he extends his pinkie out as he holds the chicken. It's Been Two Years Since This Meme Started, Think, Mark, Think! Suddenly, another loaf of bread appears, silently hovering. I'm leaving the van now. [Side shot of the van rolling down a ramp and pulling into a garage. Both Scout and Miss Pauling look down at the wood below them. ], [The Scout reaches over and with his right hand, pushes a button on the monitor. Wait! The dead BLU soldier slides off the roof. Seduce me! personal chef cost per month; your insights about the haribon foundation; rooster head french pioneer sword; prudential annuity beneficiary claim form ], Miss Pauling: [Quickly] You're ready. 1. [he angrily throws the card down] Did anyone besides Scout put a card into the bucket?! Engineer and Medic are seen at the bottom of the shot discussing something. The room is dimly lit with moonlight and the warm glow of the fireplace. ], Scout: Lot of people busy with busyness. Why don't we discuss it over dinner. Spy: [Annoyed] Scout, where is this going? Spy simply looks down at him with a smug grin on his face. Medic: [Appearing behind the Engineer] It's not even tumors! 2. The fork flies out of his hand and lands on the Demoman's eyepatch, whose other eye immediately widens. The Spy calmly places a wine bottle on a cart and inspects two wine glasses. The Scout scrambles to his feet and rushes forward, but is stopped by an uncloaking Spy. On June 18th, Redditor ThamosII posted an SFM image of Soldier teleporting bread which received over 1,600 upvotes in /r/tf2[4] in six months (shown below, right). Scout: What? The Pyro can also be seen engulfing the monster in flames. I just said we're not filled with tumors! Soldier: [Poking his head into the cavity] Good news! Scout, meanwhile, runs up to the side of the bread monster and slams his club into it. Spy: SEDUCE ME!. In the background, the Heavy and Medic pushes forward while the Engineer and Demoman stay behind to build up a sentry and lob grenades at the bread monster, respectively. I failed, did I? A grin appears on his face as he stares at the fallen loaf. As the van drives in, a wooden prop of a cactus with some desert plants pops up and a painted curtain background falls into place, disguising the entrance.]. Suddenly, a Red Bread truck screeches into view from the right, knocking away the can and . One of Medic's doves can be seen sitting in a birdcage hanging from the ceiling.]. by It's some form of self-aware beauty mark that only metastasizes in an environment of pure wheat. [The two rush towards the hangar, but they get cut off by the payload bomb being thrown at the blast doors, bending them and denying them access. [He raises his paws and shrugs his shoulders] Basically nobody. The sergals cock is drawn in much greater detail than the Spy who is in the maw of the Sergal, becoming disemboweled with blood spurting everywhere.]. Alright. can be seen littered around the room, and he is now reading a book titled Dating Nice Girls. An example being. He hits Scout in the face with the pointer, who reels back in pain. He selects a rocks glass to pour a hard liquor.]. chavara matrimony usa brides The logo is pock-marked with bullet holes and the white paint has been scraped off the sides. A can of BONK! [turns] Scout. Scout: Oh thank God. It also holds a bucket of drumsticks, red roses, a vase, and a box of RED chocolates. The Engineer picks up his PDA and activates the Teleporter; it starts whirring into action. The wooden platform they're standing on creaks from the weight of the monster. Fast zoom to the inside of its mouth, and the dove it vored earlier is seen sitting inside it. ], [The Scout coughs and the Spy delicately places the second glass down. [The strings slow then stop. Y'all ought to take a look at this. He sits back down and slides out of his chair. At 11:14, we see the right side of Ms. Pauling's glasses slant down. You have a dinner date for seven what time do you arrive? And this here. Expiration Date is a movie that was released on the 17th of June 2014 to promote the Love and War Update. For more information, please see our This never leaves this room [sigh]. Back in the previous room, Scout can be seen awkwardly dancing energetically. Well the Yeah, the thing is [Cut to a shot of Soldier, Spy, and Demo watching the monitors. - How. He suddenly looks concerned and stops eating his Sandvich. [The cab's rear door abruptly opens and the Soldier steps out, and with his right hand, hastily pushes Scout's snout into his seat. Scout: [gestures to the table which holds another Teleporter, a loaf of bread, and an ashtray] Hey, wook at all this. [The Engineer gestures with his head to the Teleporter. by heavy TF2. Meanwhile, through experimentation, Medic and Engineer have come to the conclusion that the growths in the bread are, in fact, not tumors at all, but a self-aware birthmark that can only thrive in pure wheat. It continues down the left lane. The Heavy momentarily looks guilty. Much. The RED Bread van's hood ornament reads 'Sword'. When Scout retaliates towards Spy's attitude, Scout decides to do things his own way, which appears to have surprised and impressed the Spy. Spy: How long before thesetumors kill us? Say something. [Cut to the Heavy. A dead BLU soldier can be seen draped on the roof of the van. The Heavy continues to drive the van on the right side of the road when the dashboard monitor begins to softly beep. [Disgusted, the Spy slides the bucket over as the rest of the mercenaries get up to leave. Scout: Yeah, sure! The Engineer smacks his Sentry Gun with his wrench, upgrading it to Level 2, and he motions for Demoman to join the battle as well.] He tosses the keys in the air and deftly catches them. Spy can be seen walking around Scout as the camera rotates around him in the opposite direction.] Spy: [somewhat bemused] sexual congress with a dragon. [He smiles, then it quickly turns into a frown] Wait, nah. After a brief delay, he raises his paw in front of him to shield his eyes from the bright lights. Recommended videos. is set in front of him. [Cut to a close-up of the watch. Now weakened, the wooden platform collapses, sending the trio plummeting to the dirt below. The camera spotlights the loaf with ominous bass piano notes. The camera pans from the rear towards the front while a heavy drum beat plays. Klaxons start going off and red alarm lights begin flashing. Behind him, the Pyro and Spy are holding a bottle of wine and a bucket of chicken. We're not dying! We have the resources. Engineer: [adjusting his helmet] Y'all know what this means right? You're terrible with girls. Everyone is wearing an odd watch with a large digital display. The Medic continues to scream as he grabs onto the bread creature and attempts to pry it off. She comes to a stop outside a steel plate door and hops off of the scooter, shotgun in hand. Scout turns back to Miss Pauling.]. Jump cut to the future, and a pile of books has begun to accumulate around Scout, who has a pencil clenched between his teeth. The word DINNER is written on the chalkboard as Spy says something to the Scout. [Side shot of the van rolling down a ramp and pulling into a garage. It reads 70:00:00. The hand collapses. At 11:31, Scout's right arm clips through Soldier's torso. [Cut to a shot of the room behind them, which is decorated with ribbons, balloons, streamers, and various themed decorations while rocking jazz music plays. ], [The Medic leans forward with interest. The bar has several bottles of RED wine, glasses, and a console. The Soldier stops and examines his new bucket next to a sign pointing to the "LAB". During the fight, Miss Pauling attempts to blow up the Bread Monster by using a Payload cart, strapping the Scout's death watch to it to serve as a timer. A literal bucket list. Look, my last few hours I just wanted [The bread monster grabs a hold of the bomb and swings it around in the air. Fine. At 3:02, the animation when Scout smiles and looks at Soldier is recycled seconds later at 3:05. Spy, look at this. Scout: Oh [He stands up, bringing the desk with him. This is the final Team Fortress video to feature Rick May before his death in 2020. A look of determination can be seen on her face. He turns to address the Scout, who is a furry, while the Medic steps back.]. salem ymca after school program / warframe account migration ps4 to pc 2021 / expiration date tf2 copypasta. Miss Pauling climbs to her feet and darts away, pressing herself up against the RED payload bomb. Medic: [Appearing behind the Engineer] It's not even tumors! to view the video gallery, or The post gained over 130 smiles in eight months and was widely circulated online. can is punctured by a brass flourish. Blonde fox: [shrugs] Eh, okay. The cards in the bucket also read "LOL. He places a hand on the Heavy's shoulder, jerking him awake. The Engineer and Medic are experimenting with teleporting bread, discovering that doing so might have negative consequences. ], [Cut to the Scout back at the banquet table, and he extends his pinkie out as he holds the chicken. [Medic looks at the Heavy, then flips the handle of his Medi Gun. To their horror, though, it seems that Soldier's last wish has been to do nothing but teleport bread for the past three days. Engineer: [adjusting his helmet] Y'all know what this means right? Spy: [rolling his eyes as he draws another card] Yes I see. Miss Pauling: [Her expression darkens] Scout, I'm here right now. Scout: [A look of confusion on his face] You're not mad? A Payload Pinball machine can be seen in the background. About a second later, it reappears in front of the Medic, and begins chittering loudly, squirming in place. Shaken, the Scout jerks awake. Engineer: Guys! [A match is lit, revealing Scout and Miss Pauling pressed up against each other in a dark enclosed space.]. Miss Pauling's arrival at the RED Base is at daytime, and her scooter has a different, red-colored model. I'm great with girls. - I teleported bread. You know, classy ones. The fork flies out of his paw and lands on the Demoman's eyepatch, whose other eye immediately widens. [A smile forms on her face]. The Spy rolls his eyes and shakes his head in amusement.] On one condition. Hmm. A fight breaks out, with the other mercenaries rushing to their aid. [Disgusted, the Spy slides the bucket over as the rest of the mercenaries get up to leave. [The drawing is somewhat crude. Wanna do it? ], Spy: I think it's going pretty well [He gives the Scout a pat on the back as a cloud of dust rolls over them.] The screen cuts to black. With Nathan Vetterlein, Dennis Bateman, Ashly Burch, Robin Atkin Downes. The Heavy is somewhat intrigued, but the Soldier is utterly amazed, reaching out with both hands to grab the loaf. Whoa Not exactly, Soldier. They enter the room that Soldier, Spy and Demoman are in and inform them that they are fine as long as no more bread is teleported. ], [The Medic leans forward with interest. TF2's Expiration Date is a beloved animated short about Scout, Spy, Miss Pauline, Bread, and the rest of the team. ], Spy: I'll do it. Um. ], [Interior shot of the cab. ], [The Engineer picks up a loaf of bread. [The strings hold, then fade as the scene cuts to black. TF2 - You are dead. Spy: [sighing] Fantastic. The head of the dummy falls off as the music reaches a crescendo, and Spy eyes it with a bemused expression on his face. In this first Episode the Medic and Engineer did Experiment's on the teleporter and discovered Russian Bread that they call "E girl" Bread. Cut back to the Scout with a pained expression on his muzzle. Heavy and Medic pause and look at the bread monster with fear in their eyes. The Scout throws up his paws, the Heavy is startled and momentarily loses control of the van, and the Soldier takes over the monitor.]. Spy: [rolls his eyes and gets off the door, light chimes and strings play] Make it quick. The Medic runs in front of the camera as it focuses back on Scout and Miss Pauling.]. Pressing the one button you're never supposed to press? The Scout tosses the keys. (Note: captions read "diner")[He opens the door to reveal the maw of a giant bread monster, who lets out a loud roar, all while an epic orchestra plays. The Scout, meanwhile, bounces off the bread monster and lands on his feet in a battle stance. As the Heavy, Scout, and Soldier return from a mission to capture a briefcase, Miss Pauling video calls them to ask how the mission went. The muscle car is drawn in much greater detail than the Spy who is thrown up into the air, becoming disemboweled with blood spurting everywhere.]. Now I can feel it. Suddenly, a Red Bread truck screeches into view from the right, knocking away the can and fishtails, nearly ripping off its rear bumper. It also holds a bucket of drumsticks, red roses, a vase, and a box of RED chocolates. [The Spy's mouth twitches as he stops himself from laughing] So why don't you take your little failure, roll it up sideways, and- [The Spy taps his watch, voicelessly reminding Scout of the death watch] -Okay, crap, I gotta go [He quickly downs the rest of his drink and begins to walk off-screen, but leans back towards the Spy.] [he gestures emphatically with his lit cigarette while the trumpets and drum beats swell]. Engineer and Medic make an unsettling new discovery while experimenting with the teleporter.Visit all of our channels:Features & Reviews - Scout: I'm wedging my head through a door here to tell you I'm sorry. Miss Pauling: Not everybody, Soldier. You can help me yank the molars out of a box full of heads. Soldier: [brightly] Hello, Miss Pauling! Later, the Scout can be seen sitting at the head of a long banquet table. by ], [Cut back to Spy and Scout in the classroom, only this time DANCING is written on the chalkboard. ], [The camera cuts to a shot of Spy and Scout in a classroom setting. The entire Expiration Date script in one discussion page. [he places his hand on the Soldier's back and smiles] You teleport as much bread as you like. ], Miss Pauling: [Quickly] You're ready. can be seen littered around the room, and he is now reading a book titled Dating Nice Girls. [The Engineer gestures with his head to the Teleporter.
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