There is so much to think about and do. All of these brands are produced by the pharmaceutical giant Novartis. One study showed that up to 5% of all prescriptions filling done every year are inaccurate. Have you used Facebook in the past 16 years? You may qualify for If you or a loved one has been afflicted by osteonecrosis of the jaw, or by any other serious side effects, this Reclast law firm would like to help. Some common side effects of Reclast include fever, joint pain, and flu-like symptoms. She said rather than coming over today, why dont you get things done, stay home and rest. What are the common side effects associated with Prolia? Reclast ( Zoledronic Acid ) and ONJ Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) or dead jaw syndrome is an excruciatingly painful and disfiguring bone disease. She squeezed my hand and in a whisper she said Ill get better. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 Ive gone to my primary care doctor, another trip to the emergency room, and rheumatologist. I am now waiting for my 2nd surgery in the fall of 2023 to re-construct my jaw bone. I help her with lunch again; she still is weak and shaky. The nurse brings her one and she goes right to sleep. If anyone out there has any advice for me I'd love to hear it. The doctors still dont know what has caused the yeast infection as all tests have come back negative. Its crucial to consult with an attorney as soon as possible to ensure you get all the deadlines for filing your claim. Last night our cat, who had always slept next to Janet spent part of the night crying and looking for her. I first came to the the site seeking advice because I had been persuaded by the doctor I had at the time that I needed the drug RECLAST infused into my body. Reclast is given once a year for treatment of osteoporosis in men and postmeopausal women and once every two years for prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. She thinks she is at home in the computer room and she wants me to help her go to bed. A new website allows anyone who had a Facebook account between May 2007 and December 2022 to file a claim against . After a rocky start with the RA by 2009 she was back doing almost everything she had done before the RA. Or, they could experience a bad reaction after taking the drug. Risk factors for developing renal failure include underlying moderate to severe renal impairment, use of kidney-damaging (nephrotoxic) or diuretic medications at the same time as Reclast, or severe dehydration occurring before or after Reclast is given. When I talk to Janet this morning she sounds stronger and she can answer the phone herself. I have suffered extreme pain and eating now is a real challenge and have lost over 40 pounds as a result. which can be, by itself, most debilitating. but i'm more angry than anything else. After dinner Janet worked on her music books and as usual spent several hours on the computer. Reclast Lawsuit | Reclast Attorney | Reclast Lawyer | Reclast Law Firm And in their brief summary of the show, they wrote the following "The FDA has also issued a new warning about a long-acting osteoporosis drug called Reclast. not everyone can) and monitoring of your bone turnover through bone marker testing (not available everywhere). Im not sure she knows Im there. I do talk to Janet on the phone; her voice is just above a whisper, she says she is very tired. I have posted my wife's story under several other topics as well as this new topic. She has no pain, is up most of the day and after checking her E-mail goes to bed early. Here's How You Can Get In On Facebook's $725 Million Class Action They are giving her antibiotics and the soreness is starting to go away. Reclast is also used to treat Paget's disease of bone. Her temp and blood pressure are normal. She makes several trips to the trash can on the ground level. One year ago today Janet is still feeling fine. Our music and new home kept us busy. She works on getting her winter clothes out and on hangers. As long as I live Janets voice will be heard. Janet had called in a refill for one of her RA meds and I walked over to the drug store and picked it up. Pregnant Employees at Customs and Border Protection Regularly Discriminated Against, Class Action Lawsuit Alleges Hundreds of current and former employees are now eligible to join the case, as . Her condition is listed as stable. One year ago today Janet is out of ICU and in a room. Whether or not one is currently taking Reclast or any osteoporosis drug, we should ALWAYS be examining the evidence of severe side effects. she has almost all of the afflictions mentioned and needs dental work due to jaw bone erosion. Why wasnt this info revealed at the beginning? However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. A lead plaintiff must show the court that all members meet the qualifications and that each person has experienced the same adverse side effects. I spend a lot of my time now trying to keep from crying whenever I talk to anyone about what has taken place in my life. She does some laundry, balances the check book, writes a few checks and as usual spends several hours on the computer. The nurse also said that Janets calcium is staying critically low, no matter what they do. As a 59 year old small white woman my dear doctor recommended Reclast to help prevent further loss of bone density. Accountability means that people need complete information about a drugs possible dangers before the manufacturer sells a medication. Three months after my missed shot I now have 10 compression fractures. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They retard the sloughing of old bone (osteoclasts) which just makes the bone look denser. A person from hospital security brought the clothes Janet wore to the hospital out to the house today. Interim monitoring of creatinine clearance should be performed after Reclast dosing in at-risk patients. Class Action Lawsuits: Everything you need to know I also had my thyroid ablated and have been on synthroid for over 10 years. Another Dr. Said it was a quintessential Prolia fracture. She took it again in October of last year and was dead 35 days later. They had a hard time but they at leeast tried and it worked out they pulled them.I got new dentures but they are having a hard time fitting them. Since 2015 my white blood count has been very high and is flagged. Her blood pressure is high and her pulse is staying at over 100 beats per minute. They say Janet has had a rough night. I see her kidney doctor today and he is pleased with Janets kidney function. She is having trouble eating, because every time they take the oxygen mask off her oxygen level drops. October 18. My teeth will no longer fit in my mouth correctly after being newly replaced approx. Reclast: Uses, Dosage & Side Effects - Today she is not only tired and hoarse, but weak. Who filed the petition to start a class-action lawsuit against Amgen? My shoulders creek and Crack and grind, everytime I move them. Has anyone had kidney failure from Reclast? I took Prolea for about 3 years. It is alternatively known as Zomera, Aclasta, and Zometa. This is pretty much a normal day. This was Janets last trip to this store. I follow the doctor out of the room and ask him if he has any idea whats causing this lung congestion issue. They say it should improve in a few days and they will do daily swallow test. Nonetheless, the same representative then stated that taking the drug outweighed any associated risks. old. Both of these doctors are pleased with the way Janet has pulled through both kidney and lung problems. I notice that she sounds hoarse and she says she feels a little tired. I think Im in shock about the whole ordeal. The problem with Prolia is that the medicine causes side effects similar to those associated with the actual disease. Acute kidney failure, also known as renal failure, is the sudden loss of the ability of the kidneys to remove waste and concentrate urine without losing electrolytes. The rest of the day was normal and as usual Janet spent several hours on the computer in the evening. This is the last time we go to Wal-Mart together and the last time Janet drives the car. One year ago today Janet is still in ICU. How do I join the lawsuit? I now have a floppy Mitral Valve which I never had prior to the Reclast infusion. Plaintiff's expert statistician opined that Reclast clinical trial data provides "evidence of causality" based on a reanalysis of such data that he conducted. Songs That Interpolate ARE YOU OK? I get a call about midnight from someone I cant understand, it is Janet she is very confused and afraid because she cant find me. I leave the hospital in a much beret condition than I did yesterday, as things are looking hopeful. Janet who was always thin is very swollen from all of the fluids they pumped into her trying to save her life. We really must engage in robust, intellectual discussions about the side effects of these powerful osteo drugs so that we as consumers can make a truly informed decision about whether or not to take a drug. My blood pressure goes from very high to very low and this has occurred ever since the infusion. Plaintiffs claim that the company knew or should have known about the severe side effects but continued to market Reclast without sufficient warnings. Renal toxicity is already addressed in the Warnings and Precautions section of the Zometa label. Reclast Drug injuries and Complications - Top Personal Injury Lawyer October 19, 2010 Janet eats very little today and it is a sad trip home. One year ago today Janet is still unable to eat or drink, but the doctor sees some improvement in her ability to swallow. Reclast lawsuit, Personal Injury: Lawyers: Why sue for prescription drugs? Then about 3 years after that I fell an had to have a partial hip replacement. Have you any information you have learned about joining the law suit that you can share? by Corrado Rizzi on Newly Filed / Newly Settled. Since we hadnt for a few years, we even talked about taking the Airstream out again this year; yes she could handle that 45 foot rig like a pro. Along with my beautiful life. This night they give Janet the same medication that they gave her the other night to help her sleep. DEATH BY RECLAST JANETS STORY I hope for your recovery. One year ago today Janet got ready for her Reclast infusion. I was holding her hand as she was struggling for air, I told her to hang in there and dont leave me. Reclast is a big decision and I want to make sure I make the right one. This condition caused me to have problems with colors, small print and not be able to get a drivers license. The recent Prolia class-action lawsuit mentions other drugs, including antineoplastics, endocrine drugs, and monoclonal antibodies. They cant get her heart to slow down, they are unable to regulate her electrolytes and now they dont know what is causing her breathing problem or how to treat it. No one has helped me with this yet even though doctors have changed my BP meds many times and I am now allergic to most of them. November 4, 2010 I've heard very little positive about Reclast and a whole lot of negative. 0:05. I was in the emergency room several times, because of the incredible pain in my right hip and stomach, and groin area. Its unclear when the lawsuit will be resolved, but plaintiffs and their attorneys continue to seek compensation for those who have suffered severe side effects from Reclast. Since her blood count is low they are going to give her a unit of blood today. Contact a Reclast attorney today to schedule a free consultation and take your first step to obtaining compensation for losses caused by Zoledronic acid. When I see Janet today, she looks so small and frail. Her kidneys still arent working and her blood is becoming toxic. 1:00. The label also recommends that healthcare professionals screen patients prior to administering Reclast in order to identify at-risk patients. Its administered as an intravenous infusion, typically once a year. Osteoporosis and Reclast Osteoporosis affects millions of people worldwide, especially postmenopausal women. Should previous users of Prolia join the class-action lawsuit? This is because children metabolize medications at different rates. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before she left in 2015 I told her I had that I had been diagnosed with 2 rare diseases. A class-action lawsuit typically ensues when a large percentage of the population qualifies for damages. I have been taking Prolia at least 10 years. Reclast Side Effects Femur Fractures, ONJ - Parker Waichman Janet has a better appetite and is very alert. For example, yesterday it was 177/84 and within an hour I felt it drop drasticallychecked it and it was 72/44. We later worked out a plan so that we would not have this approval process be a problem again. They draw some of the fluid off of her lungs and this helps some. Diagnosis: Acute Tubular Necrosis. We go to Wal-Mart and stop at a chicken place on the way home. After three days of not making any urine Janets renal function has started back up. Today is the last time Janet sits on the porch, a place she loved to sit and read. Sincerely, However, several serious side effects have been reported, leading to the lawsuit. Tried Fosamax again and after 4 weeks my esophagus was burning and my stomach and tongue sour. As a 59 year old small white woman my dear doctor recommended Reclast to help prevent further loss of bone density. Because drug litigation is so complicated, it is strongly recommended that you work with a trained attorney who will work hard to get your lawsuit against these two companies awarded in your favor. The doctor looks at Janet and tells her that she needs to be in the hospital. Janet has a good appetite and her fluid intake is good. The tenderness in her stomach turned out to be pancreatitis brought on by her failing kidney function. Then following that news, I experienced the loosening of three teeth that held a bridge and crown. I know this cannot be a healthy thing for my body and its been going on a full year. This medication has been linked to serious kidney damage. I am blessed if I make it to church on Sunday. ALERT: New Life-Threatening Reclast Side Effects Moral ethics imply that a manufacturer must inform people if a drug created to treat a disease causes more severe problems upon its use. Little did anyone of us know, within a week I was hospitalized with complete kidney failure. Reclast is in a class called bisphosphonates along with Actonel, Aredia, Boniva, Fosamax, Reclast and Zometa to prevent and treat osteoporosis. Janet was small, standing at four foot eight and always weighing in the 85-95 pound range. He notifies Novartis that there has been a fatal event related to the drug. More information is available through a Facebook group started by many, many injured and concerned people. Your email address will not be published. He looked at Janets lab work and was surprised at how bad it was. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including any you have bought without a prescription. Also- she had had an X-ray of her knee thinking it was the issue (it was not). I have concerns about the electrolyte issues; maybe they will improve when she starts eating normally. The doctor told me if she hadn't had all of the issues that put her in the hospital she would still be here enjoying life. When they come and get Janet for the MRI they say she will be gone for awhile. At this point there have been no noticeable reactions to the Reclast. Janet is doing fine on room air and the lung doctor says he doesnt need to see her again, unless something changes. They tell me there is a test that can be done to see if you can tolerate zoledronic acid (Reclast), ask your doctor for sure. Janet wrote two checks today, it is ironic that one of the checks she wrote is for the annual premium for her life insurance. Amgen knew about the scientific data associated with Prolia. She is sitting up more today and has taken a few steps. Whether or not you would be eligible for inclusion in the class action lawsuit being brought against the maker of Reclast is something that I think you should likely look into. What Does The Prosecution Need To Prove To Secure A Conviction? November 3, 2010 Patent laws were designed to protect companies from paying large medical bills for people who have to die. Country crooners Lonestar go straight for the heart with lyrics like "I wanna spend the rest of my . Massachusetts Nexium Class Action Settlement The Web address for information is
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