Some are lucky to find someone who can cope with the behaviours developed by the unfortunate individuals, but many fall into excruciating crises in older age. I am very smart and could rebuild my life maybe im still 38 yo so i could. Asperger's or autism is a form of neurodivergence. Break up and never look back. Both narcissists and Asperger's patients are prone to react with depression to perceived slights and injuries - but Asperger's patients are far more at risk of self-harm and suicide. And then 1 therapist.. her boss and the director of the foundation cornered me.. 1 hour beating me saying i should find a work (im disabled! Hes just not interested. The World and technology is moving so fast and many of us are not equipped to deal with it at all, and not because we arent willing. But we do have good times and the rages only happen every 5 or 6 months. 9. This will require patience and perseverance. A daughter who was recently diagnosed in the same autism range as my unmarried daughter, and a son who is much lower on the spectrum and yet another daughter in that family who is normal. He is a truly great person to me just not to others. That is because they lack empathy. 2. Were taking time apart now as he thinks were not compatible because I didnt show enough interest in some historical place we were at and I lectured for an hour (was really about 15) about a subject I liked while at another historical place and he feels the list has gotten too long.. Should I chalk it up or try to understand this affectionate but one sided man? I suffered so much, went down in alcoolism, drugs, compulsive gambling. Drugs, ECT, resting away from the world in a mental hospital did not help. Who says Autism isnt normal as it has to be normal for an Autistic person doesnt it, and how does a sufferer explain these difficulties to a prospective partner. HELL YA! So hes selfish but I know where I am with him because he cant play emotional games like normal people can. Author clearly has major prejudice against people with narcissism. He is capable of being quite charming when he wants to be and has three lady friends who think he is wonderful. And you are correct. I still get caught out from time to time but not often. I wondered how anyone with narcissism could show empathy or how people on ASD could be social. It has concentrated my mind and I have discovered Im HSP, something Id never heard of and Im taking it seriously after the experience I had Lin 2021. It is also possible that someone with aspergers may be misdiagnosed as having narcissism, as the two conditions share some similar symptoms. Take care with this as you may need support when you tackle this issue. Thought I would add my 2 I have been aware of having Aspergers Syndrome for 18 years (Im 55 now), most of the above is true from a Nuerotypical point of view, I have been married twice, they both failed, after about three years, my first wife just got increasingly frustrated and angry, I became increasingly sad, as I couldnt work out why she was becoming more angry and abusive. I feel totally blessed to have a 2nd chance and we have had a lot of terrific times together. I blame it on others? It was a bit of a shock to my system but I do feel Ive grown from these experiences. Thats my biggest question right now. I have High Functioning Autism and I also have antisocial tendencies I must always keep properly managed. I personally feel if anyone wants a good example of a full blown narcissist, the president of the USA is one of them. My brother stopped communicating with me. And while they were all working on their own masterplans to ruins everyones life i was seeing, understanding the lies, manipulations. While I absolutely LOVE being right and will happily crow about it when I am, I am actually more interested in finding THE TRUTH than in being right and I can readily admit to being wrong or making a mistake. I dont think aspergers is the opposite of narcissism, they're just different disorders and someone could have both. As Robin touched upon, I feel that we cannot begin to determine what is really going on with a persons brain until their environmental toxins and deficits are corrected. Retrieved from I wonder if Im attracted to this kind of person because I understand and feel so much for them. He clearly resents that. Which makes me suspicious. Even 100 years ago, it would be very rude to ignore a letter. I contacted her psychologist and asked if they tested adults. Another idea, is to step back from your life and look at it from an outsiders point of view. But well, still with such a family and childhood. Plus not sensitive and insensitive are the same thing, so I dont really get why you didnt just use the same word. Develop healthy, happy connections within other relationships. I hate liars and evils but that i have to deal with it as everyone is around me so well ya lol. Takeaway. He says theres no sex and professes confusion as to why that would bother me. Narcissism is a personality condition that ranges from mild to severe. The first thing I did when I found out what had been a troubling situation for so very long, was to learn what makes individuals with different levels of autism tick. I was never expecting her to call bank and release the other 5k in 15 minutes??? Thats why i stay alone, in my place. There was a wait to get in but in the end it has been well worth it. Emotional and mental health is such a fascinating subject, and Im not expert at all. Do I really like this man, no. The narcissist can be self-centered in bed, but can usually act and even feel both romantic and passionate, particularly when being admired, as in the honeymoon stage of a relationship. They do not do this to be controlling, feed their ego, or fulfill a personal need for superiority. I almost left then and now wish I had before I got too attached. No one backstab me or do things that enable me to get into much deeper trouble. Sadly I didnt realise the gift because, maybe, it could have been developed for the good of emotional difficulties, and changed understanding. He listens to me more and I take this as his caring more or me just learning to interject. Still they can write down on a sheet of paper all the traits and signs i have of all the abuse but then when i put them in front of the reality they all suddenly become retarded on purpose and tell me i blame others for my failures its all my fault i need more more therapy always more therapy! University of California, San Diego. The problem is I know my father is an narcissist, I have thought that for many years. Any views and opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by Is it Asperger's or Narcissism or Both? I cannot be subordinate to anyone, not even to try and fit in or to climb the ladder. Now Im not sure if I believe him. So good luck to anyone whos in the same situation as myself. To Shirley E Hinman Can you see your loved ones symptoms in either column? It has taken me several years to rid my ex from my brain. Break up and never look back. Am saying that all these DSM inventions, are real yes, but not as these frauds explain them. Delilah It may help the person feel in control, superior, or powerful. This disrupts her organised thought patterns and she goes into meltdown. Life is smoother now I know where she is coming from. All I suggest Jean, is that you do as much research on both these subjects as possible to put you own mind at rest. If you saw him, youd think nothing was out the ordinary. 5. Why the denial (apart from the drug industry yes but apart from that)? Lol the good thing is it forced me to figure it all by myself.. i got a master degree in narcissistic disorder lol and now i spot them from miles away. As far as possible I stay away from him and try to remember not to start a conversation. He is obsessed with his teeth. Why are you stealing x.. or lying about your friends. Hes very religious with the cloak of being a christian. I did wonder whether someone could have both which is what brought me to this page. I had no idea how narcissism presented itself in relationships and have read a lot about it as time has passed. He can be as sweet as pie and can be mean and cruel I suspected autisim (his nephew has a more than moderate case living with supervision in a home). What? The Blind Guy starts is ridiculed because no one has experienced the Statue like him, some of the seeing may experience some of the things, but dont understand the blind man not knowing what blue was and what it depicted, the blind man man has a lot more information about the statue, but has no way of describing it the way most people see it. Autism and a Narcissistic Personality Disorder could suit him? They pushed me and then sometimes helped or suggested me student loan or something like that, that they would sign for me etc. Very interesting. I feel there are no two individual people in this world that are the same or lets say I have never met them, but then I am no expert on this. They are able to talk themselves up and can be dismissive of others. Catch 22 comes to mind here. I didnt resent the fact that he wanted to stay a single man as he brought a lot to my life in other ways. Well, finally after two + years with my boyfriend I finally got the courage to leave. A lot of these unfortunate individuals end up with menial work and cannot afford decent therapy, as not all therapy is appropriate, its a minefield and awareness of the condition in question is vital. I left in her bank money for me still.. i was in shock.. i was the only one in the entire world that knew i had to run .. get rid of the money.. anything but dont leave me on my computer with 100k in bank!!! He is only playing with you. I felt by explaining the above, it could help in knowing what level youre on to know how to handle it. Robin. She was diagnosed only two years ago and is now 34. What you are saying definitely makes sense. I cannot change her, she is the way she is. Pure innocent ignorance has a lot to do with it as I had no idea I ought to know of these traits..which I didnt, I called the behaviour conditions as I had no idea these conditions had names. he a generous man, kind in a funny way, like washing dishes, hoovering, etc without asking. Im so unsure of myself now, perhaps I am too sensitive and feel like Im the one who has screwed this up by asking him to change behavior he cant help. Also someone with Asbergers focusses more on themselves, where as the Narcissistic person focusses on criticising and manipulating others. Im seeing it from a distance now and shaking my head that I put up with him for so long. I feel Im disabled in some way and technology isnt where I ought to be investing my time and my gifts. Frederic, please try to encourage happiness, in yourself, and any person who understands you. Very good, helpful article. It would be good if this article was at the very least amended because it still comes up in search terms and it is perpetuating harmful beliefs. What's The Link Between Asperger's Syndrome And Narcissistic Im trying to understand my boyfriend of one year. But my fear is that the relief is temporary.. i wont be relieved for 40 years What will happen to me when that moves on.. the emptiness of my life, the whole thing.. is pretty dam bad. However, it is possible for someone to have both Asperger's and narcissistic personality disorder. So you can think of it as neurotypical women working past 40 are internally driven TOWARD accomplishing something big. Some very dangerously incorrect information about autistic people here, probably better for you to leave it to actually autistic people. When I was recovering from my first breakdown, an understanding friend helped me a lot, talked to me, we talked all afternoon once a week for about a year, many hours! Break up and never look back. Another candidate could be Anders Breivik interestingly enough having copied and pasted bits from the unabombers manifest changing leftist to cultural marxist. But after reading comments on this website I am totally convinced it is narcissism with my spouse. In addition to related terms, my husband has been linked to narcissism and Asperger's by people concerned about him and others in his life. or do these people require comorbidities with NPD (ASPD) and/or BPD to hoover? They cant or wouldnt. There was physical abuse, but I called the cops often and also separated once. I had to write to the director of the foundation here and expose the entire situation in a group email .. to force them into action. These guys generally dont learn or change. So i have the autistic ways but i also have narcs traits. If you are worried about the mental health of yourself or someone you care about, prioritize it. What was most interesting was how I recently read that there can be mixtures of narcissism and Aspergers (just called autism spectrum now) and thats how I found your article. Ive noticed when I interject a remark to change the subject, he pauses then launches right back into what he was saying, he doesnt even register what Ive said. the actual psychology . I have aspergers, but can I also have narcissism? : r/aspergers - Reddit He is happy for me to do this but not in our home, especially when he is around or knows about it. Very poor social interaction. The last one disappeared somehow, I noticed, when I began to recover from the 2nd 2015 breakdown. Therapists foundation staff that have a guy like me.. messed up like me.. living there cauz i cant on my own ask help.. over and over.. and none understood that ignoring me.. or telling me to deal with it was.. CRAZY. He has qualities from both sides of the chart straight from the top to the bottom. less interest in sports or activities that involve coordination. I take everything as its not in a hospital that i willfind the answers i am looking for and looking for people with a title that says they are professional in that is just asking for trouble narcs love these positions of power No go. Im sure you receive benefits which means you may not understand how to manage you expenses. I need to mention some good things about him as a partner so as not to appear one sided. Its a weird feeling to feel both incapable of understanding why you do certain selfish things (and want to stop), and still do them. Hes repetitive to an almost pathological degree, telling the same story from start to finish sometimes day after day. I am not sane and never will be but i prefer to need to feed from others happiness than the opposite. I cannot help but point out any inconsistencies or double standards and am unable to take them in my stride or let them go. But.. No i ahve.. never been happier or .. less sad? I get silence which is painful to me but caused by his inability to communicate. Sorry for carrying on but he has traits on both sides of that list and I dont know what to do. I have listed them here with a bit of an explanation, and perhaps they may be of help to you: a person is not responsible for how another thinks (in other words, do you expect others to be responsible for how you think? Now they act as those never existed. Id like to hear from some of these unusual couples as they may be an inspiration for less fortunate individuals. Every real symptom can be explained by a combination of biochemistry and consciousness studies none of which needs any of the cult speak of psychiatry. I shouldnt have done that. about 5 years after the divorce I read about Aspergers in a magazine. The relationship will fail if you think that "dropping hints" or describing your needs in vague terms is enough to get your point across. Through his questions and suggestions and understanding and friendship, and also through reading a book by Alice Miller that he recommended, I came to a new understanding, not only of my case, but at the same time of the whole human condition, mental health in general, suffering in general, why there are wars, why real love is so rare, and so on. Yes I agree. Im not being cheap, but of course he refuses to understand all the other things that need spending money on. Went to a specialist Doctor to be assessed and tested. He has almost savant like abilities with facts, dates, details and questions if others really know what theyre talking if they cant relate their knowledge as well as he does. So all of his behavior never made sense to me. We live in London, and its expensive, and we rent. 1. I now realise this constant bashing I experienced was in part because I was such an easy target as an autistic person and also a constant thorn in their sides because 1. Women with Aspergers over 40 are driven to GET AWAY from what they don't like doing. They would constantly say im evil and i ruin everyones life and i believed them but the facts were not adding up. Mental health issues arent a funny matter are they. Time has passed since I wrote those comments and I can say the journey to recover from the relationship with that afflicted person has been very difficult. Though there are parts that are widely understood by the public the majority of a narcissism diagnosis is not. Just like I cant change my introverted personality. It is liberating to understand the situation and adjust yourself accordingly rather than expecting the situation to adjust to you. See if this happens, but be really careful when it does. But, even if i know i am sensitive, empathic. It is my understanding that autism is a developmental / brain wiring difference and narcissm is a personality disorder. He may also have a certain amount of autism. Warm regards, Jean. Dont expect them in your relationship with the person with narcissism. What an awful thing to say to someone trying to recover from narcissism. Even if they have high IQs they are still total retards on a human level and its mostly them that run the society.. wonder why its going so bad? Because my family were nasty game players, I became more desperate to fit in and then easier to use and manipulate. This works out well because Narcissistic people dont take responibilty or blame for any of their own behaviour and having a condition to blame works for both of us. My father (boss in healthcare) made me get fired after i discovered his fraudulent scheme. Im in a 30 year relationship with an empathic woman who is just wonderful. Thank you for your GoodTherapy posts. When its a guy like me that has to enlighten the whole god dam healthcare dep of my region on how its insane to let a autistic guy like me in a foundation cauz i cant live on my own or take care of me fully.. let the guy starve to death! My stuggle is how do I cope with this? It was actually a turning point in my life. When I have these thoughts I think of it as the Mammoth thats weighing me down, and after a little practice I can now make that lousy thought from my Mammoth disappear. There was an element of narcissism too. It is also apparent that they can only process one thought at a time, and are continually on catch up throughout the day, a reason why autistic children come home like bears with sore heads. Fantastic books, Id recommend them to anyone in recovery, and anyone interested in the human condition. Perhaps if they are seeing and are subjected to these traits then there is a possibility of developing them. Other autistics actually have an excess of empathy- a bit like the HSP (I wonder if all HSPs are actually autistic but that I dont know). This appears as a very one sided relationship. Im not sure if what I have written will help but I hope so even if its just a little. And in this situation knowing he is a narcissist has taken a lot of my wounding away from our very difficult relationship and I have come to terms with how our relationship is. I was advised no contact is one of the best ways. But he also has always needed to be in control and cannot accept the thought that he is not so does all he can to remain in control. Just.. to not be under attack 24/7 all year long is such a relief i am.. Usually children of abusive or inadequate parents and have to learn to survive growing up, perhaps without protection or guidance of any kind. From what you have said I can see a certain amount of manipulation going on. I couldnt behave properly for a woman and even less children. Narcissism is nothing more that a set of hooks for the unsupported autistic mind to function. I came from a home where there were lots of people always in our home and we shared everything we had. I hope you and your brother find ways through, may you both find, in your different lives, peace and love. Good luck whatever you decide to do, and do value yourself as you know its not an ideal situation for yourself and your future together. I do not play head games or understand why people play them, I therefore frequently end up being the loser in social situations. Some people just repeat research finding, as if this kind of research would be well informed lol. When I read those two lists of traits, one for autism and one for narcissism, some time ago, I felt they were a basic set. That said, she was abusing me over an extended period of time whether it was High-functioning Autism, NPD, BPD, ASPD, C-PTSD, Substance addiction, or any number of combinations of these conditions. i also enjoyed reading your notion that autistic people are unable to correctly support their loved ones; thanks for throwing me under the bus by inferring that im somehow incompetent at anything my loved ones care about. Very kind regards, Married 49 years. I have always wondered if im narcissistic not even considering im autistic. We all have our problems, and sin. However, it is generally agreed that aspergers can be a comorbid condition with narcissism, meaning that someone can have both aspergers and narcissism. Asperger's and Narcissism are two totally separate and unrelated, spectrums. He responded that since I just couldnt wait until he was better to hear from him, and since we had no interests in common, that some time apart would give us perspective. Do high-functioning autistic or aspies hoover? Any thoughts? I am more aware now and conclude that one or both of my parents may have been narcissistic, and one maybe HSP also, which may have brought on schizophrenic symptoms. I have a daughter that is Level 2 on the Autism spectrum. We developed fantastic intimacy when were were in that space, and I doubt Ill find anything to compare with it. Narcissism is about control and lack of empathy and the worst are psychopaths, whereas high functioning autism tends to display quite a high intelligence driven towards a single aspiration of what interests them the most. It took me 18 months of visits to a psychologist before I could really step back and see what was happening, thats how much he screwed with my brain. Then I had a full-blown breakdown in my early 40s, psychiatric hospital, sledgehammer antidepressant, suicide attempts etc. That i should not worry its impossible not to worry since i know and see everyday all the narcs totally unable to see the problem.. see the face in the mirror Totally blinded. Although I still dont believe he is. Its the detail that is the secret for this unfortunate person , to be unravelled, somehow , and that is where trust is crucial and most elusive. Time and time again. Recognize that if your partner hurts you, it is not intentional. My child has been diagnosed as being Autistic. I feel terrible about what I did. I now understand my daughter a whole lot better and why she thinks like she does. We must consider that individuals can be both. So i could spend all year giving all the examples that proves my point.. no therapist or psy ever acknowledged my story. How to Tell the Difference. Study the concept of narcissistic supply and you will discover that people with narcissism are fed by the reactions they get. I can understand this up to a point, but I am still researching the field of autism and narcissistic personality disorder, and retrospectively trying to make sense of my life. The reason Im relating this is because whether a person is Autistic or otherwise they are people!!!! He tries to curb these comments but complains its stressful for him having to monitor his speech for me. Like looking through real glass and not the rose coloured kind. I think my brother and sister, both younger than me, were abused too but they dont remember anything, and they dont believe what my story. i have autism and im not one-dimensional. 10 Common Reasons Asperger's-Neurotypical Relationships Fail - Marriage Lol how can society be prosper and happy when it is lead by monsters that work on self-destruction? Its when they dropped the food with my in tears crying cauz i was seeing food i locked the moment in my head never forget who you live with.. never forget the truth never forget . Weve been married 32 years and I was a therapist for 20 of those years. people with autism are not identical in their behavior. Here are some books that helped me a lot, saved my life in fact. It all depends on the person and those are on the autism spectrum are difficult to understand. I do not live in the USA, but I do watch the news coming in from that country on the pandemic. The car, the TV, feminism, the internet, and now, unashamedly the smart phone you can go back and say the mirror of course. Rather than getting upset by this, I recommend practicing acceptance. The preceding article was solely written by the author named above. As I look at the descriptions of each in this article, what behaviours of each look like in everyday life, it is not as clear cut as it is often made out to be. Those with or without insecurity. I have a narcisstic Mother who thinks she has Asbergers. You need to cut the string he has attached to you. underneath them. I did some research in order to give justice to this topic. I think psychiatry is missing out when acting as people with autism cant have any personality disorders. All my life i had to discover the answers all by myself. It is a neurologically caused developmental condition. Understand you have to do things on your own. There aint no taste in nothing and isolation and acting anti social isnt the answer either. Why did I move in with her when we first met about 20 years ago? Has anyone run across any studies of people who have had no vaccines or other exposure to heavy metals etc, who dont use drugs including caffeine, and/or who take supplements including essential minerals, B and other stress vitamins? I can not lie or hide my thoughts, opinions or feelings what you see is what you get. However after a while new events/situations became more frequent, and I had no clue or understanding to respond to them same outcome, she left. For what? The difference between these women is really easy to spot. All it did was turn everyone against me even more. Consider pathological narcissism. I try to be as humble and honest as i can but in our world the narcs are everywhere and they abuse it everytime they can so i had to change. The flashback was in real time, I felt intolerable pain, and also the emotion of terror. An emotionally neglectful childhood, involving parents who did not empathize, may result in narcissistic traits in adulthood. In the most severe instances, the person demonstrates sociopathic tendencies or antisocial personality. I have no attacks, no one everyday is trying to ruin my life. it does seem possible to have both or at least traits of both. People stop accepting non-sense from pseudo-experts and get some big perspective on life. Comorbidity of Asperger's syndrome and bipolar . All I said to her was that she struggled with things like object constancy and devaluation etc. My daughter was diagnosed as Level 2, which describes her as socially unable to mix. As such, the content is potentially dangerous to autistic individuals. The Truth About Autism And Narcissism - Mental Health Matters Cofe She has equal parts of autistic traits AND narcissistic traits! Nothing because it doesnt make them happy the god dam morons. Good luck to all of you struggling to understand your own difficulties. Its possible that my subconscious just wanted that bridge to burn once and for all. Hope this helps. I care about him and dont like pointing these things out to him as he says I look to make big deals out of nothing, they go on the list so now Im beginning to wonder about myself. He is very intelligent man but I wonder sometimes if hes not on a spectrum somewhere. This doesnt happen as much now . Narcissism or Asperger's? How to Tell the Difference Do not expect the person to ever have empathy or compassion for you. When we look at the relationships that NPDs get into, the other person is often vulnerable in some way and time and time again, I am finding that when we look at the parents of NPDs, one is NPD and the other is ASD. To understand her better I read books, watched DVDs and sought any other information that was informative. I wonder if perhaps Aspies who grow up with Narcs can take on some on their traits because they mimic to try and fit in. When I read the report in the link, it certainly described her situation. Another factor in his behaviour is that he is affected mentally by being disabled and unable to do much except sit around.
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