DNA and fingerprints do nor lie. So begins a new novel, Whatever Happened to Billy Shears? Maybe bought off. I have no idea about whether or not Paul is Faul and truthfully I couldn't care less. He began receiving a number of dubious calls from people asking about whether Paul was alright, but he denied those claims due to the fact he claimed to have called Paul. Also the picture on the White Album that shows him with glasses (passport picture of imposter) would mean Sir Paul/Faul used/uses contacts most of the time. He was and still is 5'11" hazel eyes. I'm a Beatle Now; and to think that to this day his nuts are still in a vice. In an exclusive interview with the Hollywood Inquirer, Mr. Starr explained that the "real" Paul McCartney had died in a car crash on November 9 1966, after an argument during a Beatles' recording session. The white VW Beetle in the background with the number plate 28 IF suggests that Paul would have been 28 years old - IF he had survived. Here something you should think about. "[8], WMCA dispatched Alex Bennett to the Beatles' Apple Corps headquarters in London on 23 October,[27] to further his extended coverage of the "Paul is dead" theory. Afterward, I revisited videos, film clips, songs & interviews with John, George and Ringo, and it all finally made sense. No-one can die secretly in England. There is only one Paul. How could they both go to their own graves keeping this secret with them. See also the tool's wiki page and the index of WikiProjects. "[11][12] Throughout this period, McCartney felt isolated from his bandmates in his opposition to their choice of business manager, Allen Klein, and distraught at Lennon's private announcement that he was leaving the group. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band.. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album was awash with Paul-is-dead clues: the Beatles had indeed officially formed a "new" band featuring a "fictional" member named Billy Shears, which happened to be the actual name of Paul's replacement. If you watch the videos of them both playing you will see thatPaul knew the Bass and rarely ever looked at the fretboard in stark contrast to Faul. William Campbell allegedly became Billy Shears on Sgt Pepper , while William Sheppard was supposedly the inspiration behind 'The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill' (actually an American named Richard . It brought enormous worldwide publicity to Gibb and WKNR. .. You should read the expose in Italian Wired Magazine where scientists proved beyond a shadow of a doubt with facial recognition software that there are/were two Beatles who went by the name Paul McCartney. I can't go on like this. The big one that was actually intentional was "Billy Shears," which means, "Billy's here," of course, although I hate . [45][46], A DJ put all those signs together: Paul with no shoes [on the cover of Abbey Road] and the Volkswagen Beetle. Both good musicians. "We didn't know what to do, and Brian Epstein, our manager, suggested that we hire Billy Shears as a temporary solution. Meanwhile, Hoaxesclaims that Paul's car did crash that night, but he wasn't behind the wheel. His voice was forensically studied and like a fingerprint, it proves the voices to be of the same person. If J. Paul McCartney did indeed actually die in a car crash, what happened to his remains? The band should have been honest that Paul was out either by death or choice. According to the Paul is Dead theorists Pauls death explains why the band stopped touring in 1966, and started growing beards! patch on Paul's Sgt Pepper uniform. I needn't argue about that; I'm right and I'll be proved right. It took me 10 entire days of intense Web research, but it finally clicked for me. As an outsider I'm not real sure what to believe here. Strangely, nothing was ever heard of William Campbell again. [37] According to a report in Billboard magazine in early November, Shelby Singleton Productions planned to issue a documentary LP of radio segments discussing the phenomenon. assassination of President John F. Kennedy, was replaced by a person named Melissa Vandella, "McCartney Dead; New Evidence Brought to Light", "WKBW: Paul McCartney Is Alive And Well Maybe, 1969", "The Life and Death of Paul McCartney 1942-1966: A Very ", "Paul is Dead: The Conspiracy Theory That Won't Go Away", "Separating Fact from Fiction: Paul Is Dead", "THE DAY PAUL MCCARTNEY MET LINDA EASTMAN", "The 70 Greatest Conspiracy Theories in Pop-Culture History", "True Westerners: Fred Labour Too Slim of Riders in the Sky", "Paul McCartney still isn't dead. If you recall, Billy Shears had a heavy hand in penning the Sgt. The whole 'Paul Is Dead' fiasco is a wonderful piece of Pop-Culture, a fantastic addition to the Beatles myth and legacy, and certainly deserves to be on this site, in its entirety, but you'd have to be a fool to believe it! Billy was introduced by name on the Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album. But that hasn't happened, has it? They wouldn't be PREDICTING his death, won't they? So, if Paul McCartney was kill back in 1966. really being O.P.P. What IF the "british invasion" was about more than music? Also Somerset House staff where all births, deaths and marriages are recorded. Pepper persona. The original Beatle Paul Was most certainly replaced. Were they afraid he would be arrested or have an accident that might expose his false fingerprints, blood or DNA. In the 60's, it was all a brand new adventure for all of these parties involved with the Beatles brand name. [4] MacDonald groups it with the "psychic epidemics" that were encouraged by the rock audience's use of hallucinogenic drugs and which escalated with Charles Manson's homicidal interpretation of the White Album and Mark David Chapman's religion-motivated murder of Lennon in 1980. [74] Schaffner said that, given its origins as an item of gossip and intrigue generated by a select group in the "Beatles cult", "Paul is dead" serves as "a genuine folk tale of the mass communications era". Plastic surgery was in it's infancy stage in 1966. Of course anyone with two good eyes should be able to tell theyre not the same people Sargent Peppers Is quite a departure musically and full of Luminati influences. I've looked into this theory for quite some time now.. Later, the line was interpreted as a "clue" in the "Paul is dead" urban legend that alleged McCartney died in 1966 during the recording of Sgt. [31], Before the end of October 1969, several record releases had exploited the phenomenon of McCartney's alleged demise. To the poster above and any otherPaul is deadtheorists that want to use theGeorge Harrisons last will and testimentvideo , it was a mockumentory, it was made to be a joke, its not real, which is the same as Paul is dead, thats fake and not real too. [17] McCartney said that the speculation was understandable, given that he normally did "an interview a week" to ensure he remained in the news. "We felt guilty about the deception" added Ringo Starr. Perhaps the Beatles did not remember to change the 28IF clue when they published the album cover. Thanks. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. And here you are 50 years later, still talking about the smoke screen. Billy and the Rest are the best. To spare the public from grief, or simply as a joke, the surviving Beatles replaced him with the winner of a McCartney look-alike contest. Take a mirror and lay it horizontally across the middle of the drum skin on the artwork on the front cover of the Sgt Pepper sleeve and it reads. I believe John wrote the song The Greatest making fun of Faul's ego and it is really meant to be how Faul feels about himself. It also explains why John Lennon had such an estranged life as he got older too. But Paul was 27, when Abby Road was released. He was a natural left handed player who didnt need to constantly look where his fingers on the guitar were, this one still checks his fingers. There is no such thing as the Ontario Police Department. The Billy Shears story goes that in 1965 William Campbell Shears entered and won a Beatle Look-a-Like competition organised by Brian Epstein who was looking for Beatle doubles just in case one of his boys got killed. We thought the whole planet was going to hate us for all the lies we had told, so we kept lying but sending subtle clues to relieve our cousciousness. The same as he couldn't get married [or] go on holiday without the world knowing it. How could they find a musician that looks,sounds just like him & be accepted by the other 3,his family & girlfriend Jane Asher? He supposedly looked enough like PM to sit in with the other Beatles for photographs, sometimes even fooling the photographers. I believe that had no choice in keeping up the charade, like it or not. [24] This scenario was facilitated by the Beatles' recent retirement from live performance and by their choosing to present themselves with a new image for their next album, Sgt. While conspiracy theorists point to lyrics, album covers, and odd noises that can be heard when Beatles albums are played backward as proof that the singer was replaced by a lookalike, the World News Daily Report bases their claim on a fake interview with Ringo Starr: In an exclusive interview with the Hollywood Inquirer, Mr. Starr explained that the "real" Paul McCartney had died in a car crash on November 9 1966, after an argument during a Beatles' recording session. Duh. Also, check out IAMAPHONEY. [17], On 12 October 1969, a caller to Detroit radio station WKNR-FM told disc jockey Russ Gibb about the rumour and its clues. This show has been called "infamous", a "fraud" and a "mockumentary". Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was released in the US. No winners were ever announced for this competition. John wasn't shot and didn't die. Its easy for officials like M15 to create fake identification. "When Paul died, we all panicked!" (Officially pronounced dead VS. Ontario Provincial Police), has anyone dared to ask the Question what Canada has to do with the British Pop Band, The Beatles? According to Gadfly Online,the night was very icy, which may have put the rumor in the heads of some London journalists, who were always keen for a Beatles story. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, often credited as a concept album. Congratulations on creating a totally biased article on the Paul is dead myth. Paul quit the band over Johns being Yoko Ono's puppet. Scooters are NOT ^&#@!ing mopeds. Though it didn't get much attention at the time, the article was an early indicator that a crazy theory was on the horizon. Many people who think of themselves as having open minds will not dare look into it. The early bass lines were very simplistic in nature with mainly a 1-5 pattern. His picture is included on the poster that came with the White album in the lower right-hand corner. In 1977 John Lennon wrote a song for Ringo and recorded it with him. His lips are also a darker color than all of the others, suggesting that his lips are blue (as corpses lips are). You got me. The replacement, originally called William Campbell or, more recognizably, Billy Shears, according to Salon, and known as "Faul" to true believers of the theory, has, if the story is true, written some of the Beatles' greatest work, fathered four children with Paul's first wife, Linda McCartney, went on to establish the mega-popular band Wings, Mr. Starr alleges that the group did send out a lot of hidden messages through the years to prepare the population for the truth. But let's imagine for the purpose of healing that "Paul McCartney'' and John Halliday somehow get to perform "Yesterday" together with Paul introducing John as (a) the writer. REALITY: Such a contest was actually held, co-sponsored by an American teen magazine (perhaps "Tiger Beat"?) No William Campbell ever won a Paul look-alike contest. It was a change for breaking down tradition and making a world of mind controlled suckers who think it was all about creating a better culture. .a clear reference in theorists minds to the dates of Pauls death in Roman numerals I ONE = 11 (i.e November) and IX = 9. Eric , george parasol and Paul , Macharmley, A.K.A. According to the theory or rumour, McCartney died in a car crash, and to spare the public from grief, the surviving Beatles, aided by Britain's MI5, replaced him with a McCartney look-alike, subsequently communicating this secret through subtle details of their albums. William Shears Campbell, better known as Billy Shears, does indeed "disappear" from records in 1966 and no traces of him can be found after Paul's alleged death. Then there is George, who was brought into the Beatles by his childhood friend, Paul. Hmmmhow about the lie that gravity holds water on the earth, which water curves around a globe that spins around the sun? In the eight months leading to the completion of their masterpiece Sgt. by Ship of Fools co-editor Steve Goddard. [49][50], Another example is the interpretation of the Abbey Road album cover as depicting a funeral procession: Lennon, dressed in white, is said to symbolise the heavenly figure; Starr, dressed in black, symbolises the undertaker; George Harrison, in denim, represents the gravedigger; and McCartney, barefoot and out of step with the others, symbolises the corpse. What about there is not 1 picture of him using glasses occasionally? And was as musically adept as the Original or better. At some point, it was too much for John and he decided to leave the band. I can only say it's not true. [2] The rumour was acknowledged and rebutted in the February issue of The Beatles Book. Paul McCartney is playing right handed. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Also too many stories. Secretlondon 02:40, 13 Jun 2004 (UTC), Or if anyone were to take one moment and actually study the origin of that patch they would see it doesn't even stand for "OPD", but "OPP"; the Ontario Provincial Police in Canada. Also referenced was the back cover of Sgt. Look at live concert videos in 1966 and you can see Paul was already changing from his pudgy round face to a more mature slender version. All four Beatles were concerned for their safety as demonstrations were publicly going on with people burning Beatle albums and pictures. There are so many differences between the two. There is no such force named the "Ontario Police Department". Afterward, a college kid did a story on clues he thought he found in the album cover and songs, this created a distraction that John jumped on when he later wrote 'Glass Onion", in 1968. " Unless they got someone to replace Billy Spears so that Billy could replace Paul. PS - John didn't really die. According to the theory or rumour, McCartney died in a car crash, and to spare the public from grief, the surviving Beatles, aided by Britain's MI5, replaced him with a McCartney look-alike, subsequently communicating this secret through subtle details of their albums. Pepper. I know for a fact that Paul died. More information, It was fifty years ago today Sgt. but as I said it is really O.P.P. I am Billy Shears. When the Beatles were elected to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Paul did not show up due to personal conflicts with his business scheduling, or so he says. http://www.recmusicbeatles.com/public/files/faqs/pid.html, (-- unsigned, posted by 00:27:14 . Since then you were just a man named William Shears Campbell! The conspirators went to enormous lengths trying to prove their point. Commentary for "Lisa the Vegetarian", in The Simpsons: The Complete Seventh Season [DVD]. the Bottles ! well sorry i am CONVINCED and why did Ringo come out and say that Paul did pass away in 1966, Hello, I am a film maker and making a documentary about this conspiracy (partly because my name is William Shears..). Pepper, where every Beatle except McCartney is photographed facing the viewer, and the front cover of Magical Mystery Tour, which depicts one unidentified band member in a differently coloured suit from the other three. Wasn't Paul's name William Campbell. This material may not be reproduced without permission. Also, check out this picture of Paul compared to Faul: i If you need more proof, Ringo has already admitted that Paul died and was replaced by Faul during an interview in his home in California. Pepper Beatles. In 1967, that all changes suddenly with the emergence of Penny Lane. These pictures from 1966 show the great resemblance between Paul McCartney on the left, and William Shears Campbell on the right, at the time of McCartney's alleged death. Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:56, 8 October 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]. so far I can find three because the current one has blue eyes, the previous two did not. Most people only had radio back then. I'm even getting telephone calls from disc jockeys and others in the United States. The reality is there are lots of people that are afraid of the truth. Billys name is there at the end of the very first song, I dont really want to stop the show The story goes, basically the real Paul McCartney died in a car crash in 1966 and was replaced by a very talented musician called William Shepherd (Billy Shears) (son of a very high up freemason - alistair crowley?) Pepper onward is not the same Paul McCartney pre-Winter of 1966. The Beatles were such a money-making machine that most of their hits singles and LP's brought in to the GB and enormous Tsunami of $$$$ that it would seem to me that they would not let the death of one of the Beatles stop the cash flow from continuing to come in. Since then you were just a man named William Shears Campbell! It takes a special kind of person: a person who seeks and WANTS truth, even when it embarrasses, hurts or is painful. It was repaired expertly as you might expect with someone rich. I killed Paul and took his identity. Is he still alive? == The Real Question Here Is- == ITS REAL BELIEVE IT. "He died in 1965 oooh he died in 1967 he was in a scooter crash oooh no it was a Lotus Elan - He posed on the cover of Abbey Rd"oooh no wait a bit that would have meant he was admitting it so well forget that" Conspiracist liars need to STF sensible sane normal people know you are talking complete utter total BO**OCKS!! Not one person did so. The list could go on. If anyone's done research proving that the "biography" of William "Shears" Campbell of the "Ontario Police Department" with a girlfriend conveniently named "Rita" is a phantasm cobbled together from snippets of Beatles song's and album photographs, a reference to that research would also be good - Nunh-huh 01:45, 10 Jun 2004 (UTC) (There's also an actual person, two unrelated actors, and probably several other William Campbells that need disambiguation). Open your eyes you sheeple! He faked his death do he could run an ice cream van back in Liverpool. Duomillia 03:46, 3 August 2005 (UTC)Reply[reply]. Fifty years on from 1967 and the Summer of Love, 'Shears' is a squeaky-clean Anglican chaplain, nursing memories of a lost and secret love. Then again, like Lennon, Paul McCartney never really diedgenetically speaking. PMac and Wings, PMac and MJ, PMac on his own has done and continues to make some very tasty music.
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