Figure 3. ALL alternative energy technologies were meant to be individual, small scale hybrid set-ups. Nice. That last word, somewhere, is used advisedly. There are about 2,500 of these golden eagles in California and the biggest wind turbine farm is said to kill about 80 of these eagles each year, on average. So your science and math to debunk the 14,000 number is nothing but conjecture? Hawaii News Now reports: An endangered native bat is at the center of a fight over a controversial wind farm proposal on Oahu's North Shore. A cluster of 37 wind turbines formerly marked the spot of the Kamaoa Wind Farm, at the far south end of Hawaiis Big Island. The small wind farm opened in 1987 and was decommissioned 20 years later after a deal for the turbines power expired. The cumulative impacts are huge, said Shawn Smallwood, an expert studying the effects of wind farms on local bird populations. You gonna dismiss that, too? Wind Farms I studied the available science papers and tomes such as Rodales Passive Solar Home which I still have and The Mother Earth News. Is there a more immoral form of power generation than wind? You may want to do more reading on the subject. I began my study and participation in the alternative energy Game in 1973 fresh out of High School. They are actually worse than big oil because at least I can choose who to buy my oil from. They have THOUSANDS of wind turbines in New Zealand, where their native fauna is predominantly birdlife, and they are totally unconcerned about wind farms killing birds. Now, how about all the birds, bats, eagles, etc. 10 Amazingly-Abandoned Renewable Energy Plants Abandoned wind farm on Big Island Hawaii - Dreamstime Dilapidated Panhandle wind farm towers Sadly, this same area is a hunting ground for birds of prey as well as a migratory path for birds that travel from Canada to Mexico with the change of seasons. "Hawaii - State Energy Profile Overview - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)", "California company plans to build $13M wind farm on Hawaii's Big Island", "Hawaii NIMBY fight reveals Biden offshore wind challenge", "Offshore Wind Energy Bill Sails Through Hawaii Senate", "The Struggle Over Towering Wind Farms Is At The Center Of A Honolulu City Council Debate", "Wind Powering America: Installed U.S. Wind Capacity and Wind Project Locations", "WINDExchange: U.S. But its haunted not by Hawaiis legendary night marchers. The 14,000 number has been applied to the entire world, the continental United States and the confines of the state of California. These would be a few good places to start. 14,000 ABANDONED WIND TURBINES LITTER THE UNITED STATES. They concluded that Spains 18,000 wind turbines are killing 6-18 million birds and bats yearly.. Apparently, the left only cares about the needs of society over the environment when it comes to climate change. The sensible methodology to arrive at a very conservative aka unreasonably large but defensible number of permanently inactive wind turbine has a few steps. The majority of the permanently inactive wind turbines were built in the 1970s and are very old technology. That there are 14,000 permanently inactive wind turbines out there somewhere. I can't even imagine how many tax payer dollars have been wasted on this boondoggle and these rusting hulks littering the landscape and killing endangered birds. In the best wind spots on earth, over 14,000 turbines were simply abandoned. The average wind turbine size in 1990, about 20 years ago or the lifespan of a wind turbine, was 200 KW. abandoned wind I guess being an environmentalist means what you folks say it means, and nothing more or less. xncendangered_species_in_hawaii_threatened_by_planned_wind_farm.html E/PC`HB10 $= AZe-wc^^)F> d4g>g`!%(' ]v7c0A.rx6`ATr`cQ\#=FR+K| Renewable Energy: Still Breaking Wind (LogOut/ Without government subsidy, they are unaffordable, https://americanelephant.wordpress.cunited-states/. Installed and Potential Wind Power Capacity and Generation", "State wind energy potential (2010) spreadsheet", "Renewable Energy Technical Potential | Geospatial Data Science | NREL", The Cost and Feasibility of Floating Offshore Wind Energy in the Oahu Region,, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Megawatts of Installed Generating Capacity, Kamaoa Wind Farm, 9.3 MW, in use 1987-2006, This page was last edited on 21 September 2022, at 18:17. To say it just doesnt happen on the grounds that they are totally unconcerned about wind farms killing birds is a logical fallacy of the first order. In 2015, wind turbines produced 6.4% of Hawaii's electricity. What percentage of generating capacity would these represent? Five other abandoned wind sites dot the Hawaiian Islesbut it is in California where the impact of past mandates and subsidies is felt most strongly. WebThe bottom line is that using the demolition costs from the other wind turbine project decommissioning study would translate to a Beech Ridge demo cost of $12.03 million, i.e., $3.35 million more the applicants $8.68 million estimate. When an honest history of this period in the United States is written, it will no be kind to the corporate cronyism that preyed upon public ignorance of earth science to create a crisis global warming to exploit and loot the Treasury. Genious? When it is time to clean up after a failed idea, no green environmentalists are to be found. When it is time In the meantime, Hawaii, where Walden saw an inactive wind farm and created his fantasy figure, is putting up more wind farms because they continue to make (LogOut/ I challenge them to prove individual power plants are NOT realistic and an admirable path to take. With governments facing financial troubles, the subsidies are unaffordable. Hence the term I used above Hybrid where your solar produces on sunny days and your wind produces on cloudy, usually windy days, and if you can situate your site near a stream you could add small scale hydroelectric to your options. Endangered species in Hawaii threatened by planned These early examples were all out of service by 2010. Despite these cases of companies and individuals being held responsible for harming wildlife, the USFWS has yet to punish any wind turbine company for their role in the deaths of protected bird species. Thousands of abandoned wind turbines littered the landscape of wind energys California big three locationsAltamont Pass, Tehachapin (above), and San Gorgonioconsidered among the worlds best wind sitesCalifornias wind farms comprising about 80% of the worlds wind generation capacityceased to generate much more quickly than Kamaoa. This ratio is 2 per cent, and is at one of the oldest operational wind farms in the United States, where massive tax breaks combined with immature technology have created one of the highest ratios of inactive to active wind turbines in any location. WebAbandoned wind farm on Big Island Hawaii Royalty-Free Stock Photo Abandoned wind farm on Big Island Hawaii. I challenge any scientist or engineer to prove that energy farms are not wasteful. So, 14,000 permanently inactive wind turbines world-wide is gross hyperbole at roughly four times the worst case scenario, and becomes close to an order of magnitude of inflation when compared to a likely scenario. Abandoned Wind Farms - 2aHawaii It just doesnt happen. He gives the wind farms a free pass when Eagles are killed. The Democratic Labour Party of Australia is hardly a force in the Australian Government. More money [6] They are under review by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. Wind power in Hawaii has the potential to provide all of the electricity generation in the electricity sector in Hawaii. I caution said challengers, I have quite a lot of knowledge in booth small scale and large scale power generation, so dont bother if all you have is talking corporation points. News and analysis for the clean energy economy. PolitiFact | No, there arent 14,000 abandoned wind Xrp>*oNPWu56?>Xr/XYY~yV+&k_r'uBhjs~]21_,=|&qe5g%s sLk"sMdz$ +p^|Elb.B hx3) "MQfc@Wi5S"p5q AKKN_0 [LX p '?>&GG(7ZNc. As this happens, wildlife experts are warning that this renewable energy source will have a negative impact on the bird species in the area including the numerous protected eagles, owls, and hawks. If you or I killed an eagle, were looking at major consequences.. Californias wind farms, almost 80% of the worlds wind generation capacity ceased to generate even more quickly than Kamaoa Wind Farm in Hawaii. There are many hidden truths about the world of wind turbines from the pollution and environmental damage caused in China by manufacturing bird choppers, the blight on peoples lives of noise and the flicker factor and the countless numbers of birds that are killed each year by these blots on the landscape.The symbol of Green renewable energy, our saviour from the non existent problem of Global Warming, abandoned wind farms are starting to litter the planet as globally governments cut the subsidies taxes that consumers pay for the privilege of having a very expensive power source that does not work every day for various reasons like its too cold or the wind speed is too high.The US experience with wind farms has left over 14,000 wind turbines abandoned and slowly decaying, in most instances the turbines are just left as symbols of a dying Climate Religion, nowhere have the Green Environmentalists appeared to clear up their mess or even complain about the abandoned wind farms.The US has had wind farms since 1981: Some say that Ka Le is hauntedand it is. In response, rules that govern turbine siting, such as increasing the minimum distance from residences to 1.25 miles, are under review by the Honolulu City Council. 14,000 wind turbines in the USA is laughably unrealistic; the US has about 20 per cent of installed wind generation, so a more likely maximum number is 400 small, old wind turbines around the US. The 132 commercial wind turbines in the state have a total capacity of 236 MW. farm, hawaii, wind, island, abandoned, big, background, This article is the work of the by Don Surber, UK Daily Mail Nov 19, 2011, As Jimi Hendrix may have put it: And the wind cries bankrupt. The claim that New Zealanders are unconcerned about whether the turbines kill birds has ZERO bearing on whether the turbines actually do kill birds. Green Junk: 15k Abandoned Windmills Litter the V y=rUn`2pWW7Kh4tkI AeS{Qjnp0ujJ|0t;$'+: u18~ Z(32ZRvOKd34ka!=@KW?@abVLjP$Zl:]B Z=v\Xg4bU):rzBP*U\HQvNvN4qBw9,|_:vgAPfEG{ Av@1c hq[Lm5n `%O [+npB:D}=fs~zsvWn~ Smallwood and cohorts are quite shocked that the US Fish and Wildlife Service havent taken action against the wind turbines in order to enforce the US Endangered Species Act, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. Abandoned and cannibalized Kamaoa wind farm turbines, Hawaii. Our leaders want this power source so theyre giving, for a time being, a pass to the wind industry. The problem with wind farms when they are abandoned is getting the turbines removed, as usual there are non Green environmentalists to be seen: The City of Palm Springs was forced to enact an ordinance requiring their removal from San Gorgonio. California had the big three of wind farm locations Altamont Pass, Tehachapi, and San Gorgonio, considered the worlds best wind sites. When similar environmental tragedies happened, like the 2009 Exxon oil spill that killed around 85 birds across five states, they were fined $600,000. Abandoned windmills in Hawaii, click to enlarge. They produce less energy before they break down than the energy it took to make them. 14,000 Abandoned wind turbines. A 2013 study found that 573,000 birds and 888,000 bats are killed every year in America by wind turbines a figure 30 percent higher than the federal government estimated in 2009. Are all wind turbines that arent spinning permanently inactive? Hubs awaiting recycling. Self sufficiency is empowering to the individual. These add to the outflow of wealth from the US and provide no WTr;.ZQeRE.75fV9{ukRZoN8GB)q?SS3ve1C[q+Rl6[e2z@[Iv}-L3e}m)q?0'pBfB0+!w According to the Golden Gate Audubon Society, 75 to 110 Golden Eagles, 380 Burrowing Owls, 300 Red-tailed Hawks, and 333 American Kestrels (falcons) are killed by Altamont turbines annually. From Minnesotans for Global Warming: The symbol of Green renewable energy, our savior from the non existent problem of Global Warming, abandoned wind farms are starting to litter the planet as globally governments cut the subsidies taxes that consumers pay for the privilege of having a very expensive power source that does not work every day for various reasons like its too cold or the wind speed is too high., Andrew Walden of American Thinker explored nearly 2 years ago the demise of the 37-turbine wind farm at Kamaoa Wind Farm in Hawaii: Built in 1985, at the end of the boom, Kamaoa soon suffered from lack of maintenance. The United States is Littered With More than 14,000 Abandoned Wind Turbines Wind power, the renewable THE MAINTENANCE ISSUE Wind power is a labor-intensive industry with rotating and electrical machinery that requires continuous maintenance. +100. Although, I am known to debunk common myths that people often believe are true. Hawaii began research into wind power in the mid-1980s with a 340 kW turbine on Maui, and the 2.3MW Lalamilo Wells wind farm on Oahu and the 9MW Kamaoa wind farm on the Big Island of Hawaii . The MOD-5B, a 3.2MW wind turbine, on Oahu was the largest in the world in 1987. The normalised load factor for UK onshore wind farms declines from a peak of about 24% at age 1 to 15% at age 10 and 11% at age 15. Most jurisdictions are seeing replacements of older and inactive wind turbines with modern technologies. [13] Authorities approved feasibility in 2016 for 3 companies looking at floating wind turbines up to 400 MW.[14][15]. A crew of Read my posts to find out more about me. An Alameda County Community Development Agency study points to 10,000 annual bird deaths from Altamont wind turbines. Wind power in Hawaii has the potential to provide all of the electricity generation in the electricity sector in Hawaii. Wind Updated November 24thIn answer to several allegations that the number of abandoned wind turbines was made up, the following quote from the article and link will confirm this figure to be true: Californias wind farms then comprising about 80% of the worlds wind generation capacity ceased to generate much more quickly than Kamaoa.
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