Using essential oils for repellent in bee units, and now, i am using juniper essential oils using diffuser in hatchery, i am waiting the oil will pass directly from the ppor of the eggs, and some beneficial effects on hatchin, chick quality, antioxidant effect, some histolohical changes, immun system etc. not sure what our neighbors thought haha. Although azaleas are beautiful, all parts of the plants are also highly toxic and can cause digestive upset, weakness, loss of coordination and cardiac damage. Although significant amounts of the plant must be consumed to be toxic, the perennial ferns with their large triangular-shaped fronds are native to most U.S. states, growing in pastures, forests and rangelands, giving chickens in rural areas ample access. However, you can protect the birds and the plants pretty easily by fencing off your gardens. The flowers and seeds are especially poisonous, advises Texas A & M University . But did you know its one of the best chicken-friendly plants, too? Her biggest passion is working in conjunction with the natural world to harvest healthy, organic food from her own backyard. Here is a list of herbs to plant in or around your chicken coop: These perennial chicken-friendly plants are rich in protein, potassium, and calcium. There are 70 varieties of nightshade plants, including tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, bittersweet and Jerusalem cherry, many of which can be harmful to your flock. Bracken fern in particular can poison chickens if they eat a significant amount of it. ), black walnuts (Juglans nigrs), hazelnuts (Corylus), and pecans (Carya illinoinensis). Posted on Published: June 24, 2019- Last updated: November 27, 2019. She also contributes articles to Mother Earth News Online, From Scratch Magazine, and Grit. Hi, we have the blue potatoe bush in full bloom and growing lavishly on the East side of our coops. The most obvious benefit to feeding weeds to chickens is to save precious cash on chicken feed. The family history is an excellent example of ones future. Ive not seen it listed as any parts toxic or ok for chickens. Growing Potatoes In Raised Beds: Everything You Need To Know, 4 Important Ways to Extend the Life of Your Wooden Raised Beds. While the plant is beautiful, it is also poisonous to chickens. Junk food such as chips and pretzels. Daffodil. Here on our homestead, weve recently reintroduced our hens to having free range of the yard and within a week we noticed a difference in the quality of the eggs they were laying. To be safe, remove all yews from the landscape if you free-range your flock. The fast-growing, shade-loving perennial can be hard to control, so your best bet is to keep chickens confined to a periwinkle-free section of the farm or garden. Can You Keep Ducks and Chickens Together? Not sure about the other. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The tender leaves of young Oxalis are devoured by chickens and they always come back for more! Some chickens will outright avoid plants that are toxic, and some will take a taste once and never try again. looking nice with a dog too one year we tried really hard to combat the pet damage. . Varieties of holly grow across the U.S., but its is especially abundant in the Southeast. Foxgloves, while incredibly beautiful, are not good for chickens or other pets, and are even poisonous to people. when im out gathering or hunting if im eaten by a bear cougar wolf pack of coyotes or fishing and eaten by a shark i would understand that im part of the food chain. Either way, the best thing you can do is take the chicken to the vet and have them help you. Chickens eat bugs at all levels of the bugs life (adult, larval and egg). The best benefit of feeding weeds to chickens is to give them a huge boost in health. These are the types of plants you absolutely should never expose your chickens to:\r\n