Monteverde is defeated and wounded. He marched unopposed into Bogota, and the volunteers and resources he found there allowed him to recruit and equip a much larger army, and he once again marched on Venezuela. Herring, Hubert. The republic of Venezuela celebrates its independence from Spain on two different dates: April 19, when an initial declaration of semi-independence from Spain was signed in 1810, and July 5, when a more definitive break was signed in 1811. The equality of citizens before the law was established in the Federal Constitution of 1811. The royalist troops were numerically superior to the patriot troops. In breach of the agreement with Miranda, he began a repression against the patriots in order to prepare the ground for the execution of his plans to invade the Republic of New Granada, which had been declared independent from Spanish power. Simn Bolvar, byname The Liberator or Spanish El Libertador, (born July 24, 1783, Caracas, Venezuela, New Granada [now in Venezuela]died December 17, 1830, near Santa Marta, Colombia), Venezuelan soldier and statesman who led the revolutions against Spanish rule in the Viceroyalty of New Granada. New Granada had been relatively untouched by the war, so Bolvar was able to quickly recruit a new army from willing volunteers. In 2 hours of fierce combat the action was decided, which opened the way to negotiations with Captain General Francisco Toms Morales; the following August 3, he was forced to surrender the rest of the royalist fleet, the square of Maracaibo, the San Carlos Castle, the San Felipe Castle in Puerto Cabello, as well as all the other sites occupied by the Spanish officers. Ferdinand VII, theheir to the Spanish crown, was a prisoner of Napoleon of France, who became the de facto (if indirect) ruler of Spain. Currently known as Gran Colombia. After Pez is promoted in San Juan de Payara by the Libertador to major general, he fought the Apure campaign together with Bolvar against Morillo's troops that had invaded Apure. Venezuela, in the late 18th century and early 19th century, was an economic powerhouse as well as an intellectual hub for Latin America. The decade or so that followed was extremely bloody, with unspeakable atrocities on both sides and several important battles, but in the end, the patriots prevailed, finally securing Venezuelan independence in 1821. Boves commanded the royalists in the Battle of rica that had as outcome, the death of the fearsome commander. The impossibility of establishing a permanent army. Criticism of the colonial regime, dissemination of separatist ideas, and pressure on the Congress to declare independence were the most important actions of the Patriotic Society. Scheina, Robert L.Latin America's Wars, Volume 1: The Age of the Caudillo 1791-1899Washington, D.C.: Brassey's Inc., 2003. Seven out of the ten provinces that belonged to the Captaincy General of Venezuela declared their independence and provided justifications for doing so, among them that it was undesirable that a small European nation ruled the vast swaths of the New World and that Spanish America regained its right to self-government. Although the invasion was a fiasco, he had proven to many that independence was not an impossible dream. The pro-independence army advanced from San Carlos to Tinaco covered by the advance of Colonel Jos Laurencio Silva, who took the royalist positions in Tinaquillo. The character of the Supreme Junta of Caracas as "Conservative of the rights of Ferdinand VII" did not allow it to go beyond the autonomy proclaimed on April 19. With Jos Antonio Pez and in Guayana with Manuel Piar. In the years leading up to independence, the Creoles (those born in Venezuela of European descent) began to resent Spain for high taxes, limited opportunities, and mismanagement of the colony. On July 13, 1811, the flag of Venezuela was approved, which was based on the design made by Francisco de Miranda in 1806. The military situation is complicated by the appearance of Jos Toms Boves, Asturian, who organizes an army that fights on the side of the royalists and revolts the black or mestizo population against the Venezuelan whites, that is to say, those who lead the independence process. In 1807 the Spanish king, Charles IV, granted passage through Spanish territory to Napoleon 's forces on their way to invade Portugal. [25] These provisions have remained in the other constitutions passed over time in Venezuela. Spanish General Miguel de la Torre combined his armies and met the combined forces of Bolvar and Pez at the Battle of Carabobo on June 24, 1821. By early 1810, Venezuela was ready for independence. In Valles del Tuy, Campo Elas arrives at Ocumare del Tuy on August 26 and in a short time achieves the pacification of the region after which he returns to Caracas. Minster, Christopher. Venezuela was a leader in Latin America's Independence movement. The issues in these so-called Federalist Wars were, on the Liberal side, federalism, democracy, and social reform and, on the Conservative side, centralism and preservation of the political and social status quo. The "War to the Death" was practiced by both sides. Bolvar executed a "diversion" along the coast of Pritu with the purpose of diverting the attention of the royalists towards Caracas while the planned concentration was being developed, but the defeat suffered in Clarines on January 9, 1817, leaves this diversion without effect, for which Bolvar returns to Barcelona. The deputy Juan Germn Roscio and the secretary of the Congress, Francisco Isnardi, drafted the Act of Declaration of Independence. The expedition of Los Cayos de San Luis or simply Expedition of Los Cayos is the name given to the two invasions that the Libertador Simn Bolvar carried out from Haiti at the end of 1815 during 1816 with the purpose of liberating Venezuela from the Spanish forces. This occurred between 1819 and 1830, in which Venezuela, New Granada and Ecuador were united as a single Republic called Gran Colombia. His six-year rule was troubled by continued political turmoil, growing economic difficulties, and the nations first serious diplomatic problema dispute with Great Britain over the boundary between eastern Venezuela and western British Guiana. Favorable pronouncements were given in Cuman and Barcelona on April 27, Margarita on May 4, Barinas on May 5, Mrida on September 16, and Trujillo on October 9. Guzmn Blanco was the popular choice for president in the 1873 election. In 1874, Venezuelan PresidentAntonio Guzmn Blancoannounced his plans to turn the Holy Trinity Church of Caracas into a national Pantheon to house the bones of the most illustrious heroes of Venezuela. However, the dissolution of this republic had been germinating since the early days of its creation. Colonel Manuel Villapol was placed on the right; Colonel Florencio Palacios in the center and Lieutenant Colonel Vicente Campo Elas, with the Barlovento battalion, on the left. Once the Apure campaign ended with Morillo's retreat to Calabozo, Bolvar began the Campaign for the Liberation of New Granada and Pez was assigned the functions of security and strategic reserve, to watch Morillo's movements and to cut off a possible attack by Morillo on Bolvar's forces in conjunction with the army of the east. The political and strategic difficulties force Bolvar to suspend the "Barcelona Campaign", from there he leaves for Guayana where Manuel Piar was, leaving the forces of Barcelona under the command of general Pedro Mara Freites. Boves defeated an advance guard of Montilla in the siege of Santa Catalina, after which he retreated to Caracas, and Boves entered Calabozo without opposition. "The Complete Story of Venezuela's Revolution for Independence." "The Complete Story of Venezuela's Revolution for Independence." Venezuela broke away in 1829, and Ecuador soon after. The independence of Venezuela was finally recognized by Spain on March 30, 1845, through a treaty of peace and friendship made between the governments of Queen Isabel II of Spain and Venezuelan President Carlos Soublette. Deeply annoyed, the Libertador ordered to merge the remains of the battalions "Aragua", "Caracas" and "Agricultores" that had participated in the battle, into a single battalion that would not be named. This led to fighting and a de facto Civil War in Venezuela. Such an offer is not accepted and the emissary receives as an answer: "Tell the Spanish chief that without a country I don't want a wife." In 1817, Bolvar hadPiararrested and executed, putting the other warlords on notice that he would deal with them harshly as well. On April 17, 1810, however, news reached Caracas that the government loyal to Ferdinand had been crushed by Napoleon. Bolivar returns to New Granada, to try to repeat the feat of the Admirable Campaign, an action that is rejected by his supporters. The first of the military dictators was General Jos Antonio Pez, who gave the country better government than it would see again for nearly a century. The statue that immortalizes Ricaurte's heroic gesture in the "Ingenio Bolivar in San Mateo" is a work of the sculptor Lorenzo Gonzalez. Bolivar quickly established an independent government known as the Second Venezuelan Republic. Bolvar died in Santa Marta, Colombia, in 1830, penniless and disillusioned. Spanish and royalist forces attacked, however, and a devastating earthquake leveled Caracas on March 26, 1812. But so bravely behaved in action, that Bolivar told the soldiers the next day: "Your courage has won yesterday on the battlefield, a name for your corps, and even in the midst of the fire, when I saw you triumphant, I proclaimed it of the Victor Battalion of Araure. There would be a vice-president who would replace the President in his absence. For those who truly wanted independence, such as young Simn Bolvar, it was a half-victory, but still better than no victory at all. In 1815 the Spanish general Pablo Morillo landed with an expeditionary force that spearheaded the reconquest of much of New Granada. The Republican forces marched that day to Aparicin de la Corteza, where Bolvar fixed his provisional headquarters. . Venezuela was under the control of the patriots in the middle of 1813, except for the provinces of Guayana and Maracaibo. Faced with the patriot retreat, the royalist Monteverde mobilized his troops to the site of Las Trincheras, sending a column of men to take position on the heights of the Brbula hacienda. In 1806 Francisco de Mirandawho had earlier fought under George Washington against the British, served as a general in the French Revolution, and fought with the French against Prussia and Russiatried unsuccessfully to land on the Venezuelan coast with a group of mercenaries whom he had recruited in New York City. In this research paper, I will attempt to connect the . By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. The Naval Battle of Lake Maracaibo also referred to as the Naval Battle of the Lake was a naval battle fought on July 24, 1823, in the waters of Lake Maracaibo in the current state of Zulia, Venezuela. The purpose of the Armistice Treaty was to suspend hostilities in order to facilitate talks between the two sides, with a view to conclude a definitive peace. Patriots who favored full independence and royalists loyal to Ferdinand could agree on one thing: they would not tolerate French rule. At this moment, Ribas ordered the Rompelneas columns to attack the enemy right column, which was successfully executed. Lynch, John. On December 17 of that year, Bolivar died. The war originated in the Cuban struggle for independence from Spain, which began in February 1895. . The military actions of General Arismendi allow him to make prisoners to several Spanish chiefs, among them commander Cobin of the fortress of Santa Rosa, for which the royalist chief Joaqun Urreiztieta proposes Arismendi to exchange those prisoners for his wife. On February 16, he set sail for Ccuta as there was danger due to the presence of Ramn Correa and his royalist forces. On 3 May 1816, they touch Venezuelan soil on the island of Margarita, where on the 6 May, an assembly headed by General Juan Bautista Arismendi ratifies the special powers conferred to Bolvar in Los Cayos. April 19, 1810: Venezuela Declares Independence, Bolvar Crosses the Andes and the Battle of Boyaca. Captain General Vicente Emparan was forced to resign his post on April 19, 1810, by the cabildo of Caracas. A month after her imprisonment, one night she hears a loud alarm and realizes that an assault on the barracks is being prepared. On July 5, 1811, the ruling junta voted in favor of complete Independence from Spain - their self-rule was no longer dependent on the state of the Spanish king. Integrity in government waned, heavy deficit financing ruined the nations credit, and the economy began to stagnate and decay. With this declaration, Venezuela became the first independent republic of Spanish America, and the fire of that declaration, fueled by external conflict, would spread the ideals of independence throughout all of the lands of Latin America. The most feared royalist force was the "Infernal Legion" of tough-as-nails plainsmen led by cunning Spaniard Tomas "Taita"Boves, who cruelly executed prisoners and pillaged towns that had formerly been held by the patriots. Bolvar ordered the confiscation of all the possessions of those who had emigrated, including their crops. April 19 is known as Firma Acta de la Independencia or Signing of the Act of Independence.. The Admirable Campaign began on February 28, 1813, with the Battle of Ccuta against Colonel Ramn Correa where Field Marshal Ribas delivered the decisive blow with a bayonet charge to the center of the royalist lines.[11]. Upon arriving at the site of El Areo, Ribas proceeded to the formation of 2 cavalry columns of 180 men, which received the names of Rompelneas, with Monagas and Zaraza as commanders. This Treaty was signed for six months and obliged both armies to remain in the positions they occupied at the time of its signing. Moved to compassion for her condition, he manages to get food from his own house, to suppress the sentry and to place a light to illuminate the dungeon during the night. The incorporation of the Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda and the young Simn Bolvar, gave the society a revolutionary character. It also inadvertently caused the death of Simn Bolvar's brother Juan Vicente, who died in a shipwreck while returning from a diplomatic mission to the United States in 1811. The immediate effect of that concession was to send the Portuguese ruler, Prince Regent John, fleeing in British ships to Brazil. Guzmns new liberal newspaper, El Venezolano, demanded abolition of slavery, extension of voting rights, and protection for the debtor classes. By 1800, people were talking openly about independence, albeit in secret. The army of the east, led by Jos Francisco Bermdez made a distraction maneuver advancing on Caracas, La Guaira and the Valles de Aragua that forced La Torre to send about 1000 men against him to recover the positions and secure his rear. The Venezuelan Declaration of Independence (Spanish: Acta de la Declaracin de Independencia de Venezuela) is a document drafted and adopted by Venezuelan on July 5, 1811, through which Venezuelans made the decision to separate from the Spanish Crown in order to establish a new nation based on the premises of equality of individuals, abolition of censorship and dedication to freedom of expression. [4], Guayana spoke out on May 11 in favor of the Supreme Junta, but upon learning on June 3 of the installation in Spain of the Supreme Central and Governing Junta of Spain and the Indies, it recognized the latter as the legitimate authority and distanced itself from the Caracas revolution. Emparn was stripped of authority and sent back to Spain. The aim of the document was to change public opinion about the Venezuelan war of liberation, so that instead of being seen as a mere civil war in one of the colonies of Spain, it would be seen as an international war between two countries, Venezuela and Spain. [26] Others think that the initial rejection of the independence process by a large part of the other social groups (pardos, Indians and blacks) gave it the nature of a social revolution, since these sectors wanted a transformation of the social and economic structure that would give rise to a more egalitarian society. The electoral regulations were census-based as they gave the vote to free men, over 25 years of age (or over 21 if married) and owners of 2000 pesos in real or personal property. "[7], Francisco de Miranda and other members of the Patriotic Society led a mass of people through the streets and squares of Caracas, acclaiming independence and freedom. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1962. He was a revolutionary who freed six countries, an intellectual who argued the problems of national liberation, a general who fought a war of unremitting violence. Still, the nation was in ruins and there was a military stalemate between the patriots and royalists. The Venezuelan independence was the juridical-political process that put an end to the ties between the Captaincy General of Venezuela and the Spanish Empire. The result of the Act of Independence was immediate. The son of a . The Federal Constitution of 1811 ratified the prohibition, given on August 14, 1810, by the Supreme Junta of Caracas, to introduce black slaves into the country. In 1806-1807 the British made a determined effort to capture the city. The republic of Venezuela celebrates its independence from Spain on two different dates: April 19, when an initial declaration of semi-independence from Spain was signed in 1810, and July 5, when a more definitive break was signed in 1811. Liberal mismanagement and increasing political chaos provided an opportunity for the Conservatives, now led by Jos Tadeo Monagas, to return to power in 1868. Miranda was imprisoned in Puerto Cabello, then transferred to Puerto Rico and finally to the Arsenal de la Carraca, in Cdiz, where he died in 1816. Captain General Pablo Morillo receives instructions from Spain on June 6, 1820, to arbitrate with Simn Bolvar a cessation of hostilities. That same afternoon the cabildo constituted itself as the Supreme Conservative Junta of the Rights of Fernando VII. The Spanish-American War lasted only six weeks and resulted in a decisive victory for the United States. In the ensuing war with royalist forces, however, Miranda signed an armistice with Spain. The Cuban movement for independence from Spain in 1895 garnered considerable American support. "Our division and not the Spanish arms turned us to slavery," he had written in his famous Cartagena Manifesto, taking stock of those years. After the offensive he reached Carpano, after the royalists had abandoned the square, on September 15 he established himself in Cariaco and from there, with the support of Juan Bautista Arismendi's squadron, he opened operations against the city of Cuman, first-born of the American Continent. Santos Molano, Enrique. The decree of War to the Death was a declaration made by Simn Bolvar on June 15, 1813, in the Venezuelan city of Trujillo. Minster, Christopher. In September 1813 the royalists received reinforcements from Cdiz extending to armed confrontations throughout the country, while the successes of the patriots continued until the end of 1813. It had up to 600 members in Caracas alone and branches in Barcelona, Barinas, Valencia and Puerto Cabello. Wealthy young nobleman Simn Bolvar financed the mission to London. In 1806 he was able to scrape together a small mercenary force in the USA and Caribbean and launched an invasion of Venezuela. As expressed by the Libertador, it was created as a response to several crimes and massacres carried out by Spanish soldiers after the fall of the First Republic, against thousands of republicans. The Congress declared Venezuela's independence on 5 July 1811, establishing the Republic of Venezuela. The governors of the three Departments would also be called vice-presidents. He made a daring move: hecrossed the frosty Andeswith his army, losing half of it in the process, and arrived in New Granada (Colombia) in July of 1819. Marshal Sucre drafted this Armistice and War Regularization Treaty, considered by Bolvar as "the most beautiful monument of piety applied to war". The Battle of Carabobo was a combat between the armies of the Great Colombia led by Simn Bolvar and that of the Kingdom of Spain led by marshal Miguel de la Torre and it occurred on June 24, 1821, in the Sabana de Carabobo. Thus, between 1815 and 1817, several distinguished citizens of New Granada were killed at the hands of the Spanish, and in February 1814, several Spanish prisoners were executed in Caracas and La Guaira on Bolvar's orders. ThoughtCo. In 1857 the Monagas brothers attempted to impose a new constitution extending the presidential term from four to six years and removing all restrictions on reelection. As president in 186468, Falcn appeared content to allow subordinates, many of them irresponsible, to rule at both the state and national levels. The reconquest of Caracas by the republicans is for historians the milestone that marks the beginning of what has been called the Second Republic. A Congress was called in early 1811 to solve the bitter fighting among Venezuelans. In the northern part of South America, Simn Bolvar initiated his fight for independence by liberating the countries that formed part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada (which included all or parts of the modern nations of Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Venezuela). Consequently, he ordered the divisions to modify their march on the left and go to the royalist right flank, which was uncovered; that is to say, Bolivar conceived a maneuver tending to overflow the enemy right wing, operation executed by the divisions of Jos Antonio Pez and Cedeo, while the Plaza division followed the road towards the center of the defensive position. The declaration proclaimed a new nation named the American Confederacy of Venezuela and was mainly written by Cristbal Mendoza and Juan Germn Roscio. ThoughtCo, Apr. Colonel Atanasio Girardot joined Simn Bolvar in the so-called Admirable Campaign of the Libertador and fought gallantly at the head of several battalions that managed to occupy the cities of Trujillo and Mrida. In 1808, Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Spain and put his brother Joseph on the throne, throwing Spain and its colonies into chaos. Venezuelans suffered greater casualties and endured more privations during the wars than did any other Latin American national group, because of the ferocity of battles on their own soil and the large number of Venezuelan troops who carried the struggle to other regions. In exchange, the royalists would respect people and goods. He subdued ambitious provincial caudillos and ruled in cooperation with the large landholders and leading merchants of the Conservative Party. After New Granada was liberated and the Republic of Colombia was created, Bolvar signs with the Spanish general Pablo Morillo, on 26 November 1820, an Armistice,[19] as well as a Treaty of Regularization of the War. Bolivar and other generals such as Santiago Mario andManuel Piarfought them bravely, but in theend,the royalists were too much for them. In the first six months of 1813, the resistance of the royalists collapses. The "Republic of Colombia" is created, which would be governed by a President. As in most parts of the American continent . With this declaration, Venezuela became the first independent republic of Spanish America, and the fire of that declaration, fueled by external conflict, would spread the ideals of independence throughout all of the lands of Latin America. The historical period between 1810 and 1830 has been divided by Venezuelan historiography into four parts: First Republic (1810 -1812), Second Republic (1813 -1814), Third Republic (1817-1819), and Gran Colombia (1819 -1830). Bogota: Planeta, 2009. Morillo administered the region in a heavy-handed fashion, however, and many of the Creole elites who had initially supported him soon conspired for his defeat. In the capital, he receives orders to go to Calabozo to support Montilla, which results in the defeat of Boves in Mosquiteros on October 14. The constitution that they enacted in 1830 reflected their social and political philosophya centralist state, property qualifications for voting, the death penalty for political crimes, guarantees for the freedom of trade and commerce, and the continuation of slavery. During her stay in Cadiz, she refused to sign a document in which she declared her loyalty to the King of Spain and denied her husband's patriotic affiliation, to which she responded that her husband's duty was to serve his country and fight to liberate it. When Boves realized that his column had been enveloped, he left his center precipitously and perished in the clash. Venezuela was a leader in Latin America's Independence movement. In early 1819, Bolvar was cornered in western Venezuela with his army. On July 5, 1811, the independence declaration is signed. [17] The Congress brought together representatives from Venezuela, New Granada (now Colombia) and Quito (now Ecuador). The Retreat of the Six Hundred was a journey of hundreds of kilometers through territory hostile to the patriots that occurred during the Expedition of Los Cayos in 1816, fighting along the way with few weapons and ammunition. [20] The Treaty of Armistice was: "Whereby war shall henceforth be waged between Spain and Colombia as it is waged by civilized peoples.". A group of Venezuelan Creoles boldly proclaimed their country an independent republic in 1797. He went to Colombia, where he was given a commission as an officer and a small force. A fascinating man, he was friends with Alexander Hamilton and other important international figures and even was the lover of Catherine the Great of Russia for a while. [5] On February 15, 1812, the Congress suspended its sessions and agreed to move to Valencia, designating it Federal City on March 1 that same year, when it resumed its sessions.[5]. "Venezuelas Declaration of Independence in 1810." The Conjuracin de los Mantuanos was a movement that broke out in Caracas in 1808. Although the Letter was originally addressed to Henry Cullen, it is clear that its fundamental objective was to call the attention of the most powerful liberal nation of the 19th century, Great Britain, so that it would decide to get involved in the American independence. Explanation: Principales documentos de Bolvar", "Tratado de Armisticio (Santa Ana de Trujillo 1820)", "Ahora no podrn con nosotros, porque estamos juntos y estaremos juntos para siempre", "Tu Zulia - Batalla naval del lago de Maracaibo", "Fue la independencia una revolucin social? For four years after the end of his regime, Venezuela floundered in new political chaos as various civilian political groups tried unsuccessfully to establish responsible representative government. [7] Independence was approved with 40 votes in favor. [6] The newspaper Patriota Revolucionario, directed by Salias and Muoz Tbar, was its informative organ since June 1811. Chile's struggle for independence is known as the period in which Chile became a separate country from Spain. [1], Last edited on 20 February 2023, at 01:42, Learn how and when to remove this template message, museo de la Casa de las Primeras Letras Simn Rodrguez, Solemn Act of the Declaration of Independence of Northern America, "Agregan la firma de Chvez al acta de Independencia de 1811",, This page was last edited on 20 February 2023, at 01:42. The Supreme Junta of Caracas sought the adhesion of the other provinces of the Captaincy General of Venezuela to the movement. The elections were held between October and November 1810. She gets hope for a triumph of her own, but at dawn, when all is calm, she hears only the wailing of the dying and wounded from the fray.
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