!it also means that you can anticipate the questions and craft thoughtful answers that will impress the interviewer. v The election of judges causes Texans to think that the judiciary is overly influenced by money. The new constitution needed to be strong so that it could hold our nation together, and yet limit the authority of individual groups to prevent tyranny from happening. The rules of this governing body would be laid out in a document called the Constitution. There are 17 articles in the Texas Constitution, which starts with the Preamble., Texas, like most other states, has functioned under a series of Constitutions, each of which has contributed to the state's constitutional legacy. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the constitution? In particular, many would say the Texan Constitution was absurd because of all of the amendments that there is. Legitimacy from the constitution is the way the people accept their government and the way it should be such as fair, moral and just. v Since it is so precise, it has become a long list of specific rules rather than a set of fundamental legal principles for state law. v Texas is definitely NOT trying to become a dictator. Show that youre the best person to solve their problems and achieve their goals. Salaries are not the only changes that are being hindered by the constitution. Examples of Strengths for Interviews: These include analytical, communication, and leadership skills, as well as the ability to collaborate and work as a team. Here are some weaknesses that you might select from for your response: Self-critical Insecure Disorganized Prone to procrastination Uncomfortable with public speaking Uncomfortable with delegating tasks Risk-averse Competitive Sensitive/emotional Extreme introversion or extroversion Limited experience in a particular skill or software The framers of the Texas Executive established a system that was designed to check the powers of the government. On March 1, 1781 the Articles of confederation was in effect. Youre bound to hear, What would you say is one of your weaknesses? or Whats your greatest strength? or both in virtually every hiring process youll ever go through. When answering questions about yourstrengthsandweaknesses, alwayskeep the job description in mind. This document was heavily influenced by the United States Constitution due to the need of protection in case of a Mexican attack. What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses? (+ Example Answers) Frame your answer in a way that emphasizes the qualities the hiring manager is looking for in a candidate. Lastly, the legislative, controlled by Congress, which includes House of Representatives and the Senate, has the power to pass laws, originate spending bills, impeaching officials, and approving treaties., When fifty-five delegates from eleven of the thirteen states met in Philadelphia in May of 1787 (four years after the Revolutionary War) for a Constitutional Convention, one of their biggest concerns was to establish a government that did not create any kind of tyranny. ", Interview Question: "How Would You Describe Your Work Style? There are two main purposes to a constitution, the first reason is to establish a government and second reason is to delegate certain powers. ", How To Answer Interview Questions About Teamwork, Interview Question: "What Motivates You? The House and Senate were home to the representation of the states, House based on population and Senate maintained equal representation. But as soon as I started my first job, I realized that my written communication skills were probably my greatest weakness, and they were holding me back. For instance, considering the Texas constitution, it has reflected both merits and demerits in governing state. Analytical skills. It just helps to contextualize the response a little bit, Smith says. You can start by giving a truthful answer as to what your weakness is. The question comes in to everyone's mind at one time or another whether or not to trust the government. Patience. The Reconstruction Constitution stated that the power was mostly in state government, not local government. My boss even mentioned shes noticed a significant improvement and tasked me with sending out monthly team updates.. The United States has operated under two constitutions. Amendments add clarity to existing constitutional structure or add rights or restrictions. This new constitution greatly increased the power that was held by the state and state official subsequently weakening local governments a reducing their power. The current Texas constitution has many strengths and weaknesses and there have been revisions made to this document. Essay On Texas Constitution - 607 Words | Studymode But as a result, I watched others at my level get noticed and move up faster. 1827 Constitution of Coahulia y Tejas: This was the first Texas Constitution, adopted in 1827. That prudence has made America one of the most powerful nations in the world and gave us a government that still endeavors today., Texas state governmental power is divided between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. This constitution was one we adopted to be allowed into the Union. Today, the document is so restrictive that many believe it is counterproductive. -, What strength of yours will help you most to succeed in this job? Its official date of adoption was on the seventeenth of September in 1897. The variety and flexibility together let me be responsive and match the students energy levels and moodsfor example, if theyre hyped up after lunch, exhausted after gym class, or getting antsy after a long period at their desks.. These drawbacks include the excessive length, the specificity of directly addressed policy problems, and the difficulty amending the Constitution. It reflected the sentiments of Radical Reconstructionists, not of most Texans 1876 Texas Constitution The constitution adopted at the end of Reconstruction, amended many times since, and still in effect. Tell the interviewer how that strength would be useful in this job at this company. Its just one data point connected with a whole bunch of other ones. 3. 2020SAGE Publications SAGE Publications India Pvt. Everyone in the company knew how things worked and how long they would take, and the structures helped alleviate stress and set expectations on all sides. This constitution of Texas is a curse and a blessing and I would love to analyze the structural good and bad of the Executive branch in the state of Texas., The Constitution of the State of Texas is the document that describes the structure and function of the government of the U.S. State of Texas. Although I'll have to learn a whole new set of keyboard shortcuts, I'll devote time to reading blog posts that walk me through the differences between the two types of software, and I'll watch online tutorials. The Constitution also guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to bear arms. What are the qualities of an accurate map? However, much of it is too vague to provide definitive interpretations. However, the Texas Constitution reserves additional rights to citizens and reflects the idea of preserving a limited federal government. What Were Some Weaknesses Of The Constitution For example, if youre talking about how youre calm under pressure in a fast-paced environment, you might tell the interviewer about that time you delivered a revamped client proposal after a last-minute change of plans. And especially for bigger projects, I would reach out when I needed a gut check to ask follow-up questions as well as to share the work Id done so far and what I was planning to do next. After his assassination, Vice President Lyndon, Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Texas Constitution, The creation of the Texas constitution took many tries and many years to get the current version we have. The constitution has four main purposes which are legitimacy, organizing Government, providing power and limiting governmental power (Newell, 40-42). The 13th Amendment, in 1865, abolished slavery; the 14th, in 1870, made slaves citizens, gave black males the right to vote and guaranteed everyone equal protection under the law; and the 19th, in 1920, gave women the right to vote. It is a veritable representation of coordinated effort and statesmanship based on numerical representation by the people. Marshall is beyond qualified to be, The Republican Party was founded in 1854 by a group of renegade Democrats, Whigs, and political independents who opposed the expansion of Slavery into new U.S. territories and states. Work Strengths and Weaknesses List (25 Examples) These brilliant men drafted a manuscript crafting a democracy where government served the people not controls them. Texas has had 7 constitutions, and the current one is the 1876 constitution. There are fifty states in United States. If your greatest weakness was your lack of confidence, your answer might sound like: My greatest weakness is having less confidence than I should in my ideas. Just like the United States Constitution, the current Texas constitution has many strengths along with many weaknesses. So, dont give a cliched answer like, Im a perfectionist! Hiring managers hear that one a lot, and theyll assume that youre either not aware of your actual failings or that youre not willing to share them. -Best Answers, What can we expect from you in the first 60 days on the job? What is the purpose of a constitution? The delegates did not want the power to be controlled by one man. In the US Constitution, it has the framework for our government., The Constitution is a legal binding document that explains how the government works. The government now had power to levy taxes, regulate trade, and raise an army. I decided to take a basic writing course in my free time, but I also started to read the written communication I was getting from others at work with an eye toward understanding what worked well and what didnt. Theyre trying to understand what kind of employee youd be and how youd carry yourself in the role. The Mexican Constitution of 1824 Texas was part of Mexico Called for an official religion (Catholicism) The Constitution of Coahuila and Texas, 1827 First state constitutions under Mexican rule The Texas Constitution of 1836 -, What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make? The Republican Party and its counterpart, the Democratic Party, became the mainstays of the nation's de. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Texas Constitution The constitution, weather the state or national, is a blueprint or outline in regards to the distribution of power. There, In 1822, Stephen F. Austin established one of the first courts in Texas and appointed a provisional justice of peace. I will implement this strategy as a student at the Air War College to deepen my self-awareness and ensure my readiness as an ARSOF officer to serve as a strategic leader and succeed in a volatile, During 1960s, the federal government had the power to encourage social movements by interpreting the constitution , enacting legislation, and enforcing the law in a manner that eliminated barriers to racial, sexual, and political equality. Growing up, I got fascinated with learning languages and then learning programming and coding. Having worked as a copy editor for five years, I have a deep attention to detail when it comes to my writing. Lone Star Politics: Tradition and Transformation in Texas, The Plural Executive and Bureaucracy in Texas, Transforming Texas: Energy, Environment, Transportation, and Immigration Policies, upgrade your version of Internet Explorer. THE STRENGTHS THAT JUST KEEP ON COMING "Well, I'm smart, I'm funny, I'm a great team leader, I work well with others, I'm prompt, I'm focused, I pay attention to details, I'm grounded, I really appreciate hard work, I'm never late, I can work weekends, I'm super excited to be here, I'm motivated, I'm" Whoa! Those are some important strengths and weaknesses, but the most relevant are these ones: The major problem with the Texas Constitution is that it's too lengthy. This disagreement led to a fierce debate between the two groups that still resonates today. What are some example strengths and weaknesses you could use in an interview? While completing research, it is a must to learn more about the government by breaking down the different sources that it takes to make it a whole. Example strengths for job interviews Being adaptable Being proactive Building relationships Being willing to go above and beyond to help others Coming up with innovative solutions Communicating in writing Delegating Do you have pictures of Gracie Thompson from the movie Gracie's choice? Well, alright, I might be a little biased when it comes to deciding upon the best state is in the U. S. of A. I have actually found a small blemish that comes along with the state of Texas. It recognized Texas as a Mexican state with Coahuila. One problem that the Founding Fathers made sure to address was popular sovereignty, in fear of another tyrannical king. Just because interview questions are common doesnt mean they are easy to answer. It established the three branches of government: executive, legislature and judiciary, as well as "checks and balances" which enable each branch to limit the power of the others, preventing any one from accumulating too much power. There are two main purposes to a constitution, the first reason is to establish a government and second reason is to delegate certain powers. . The first constitution that the United States developed as a united country was the Articles of Confederation, which failed horribly. John F. Kennedy, also known as the Kennedy Administration, began January 20, 1961 when he was inaugurated President of the United States and ended when he was assassinated on November 22, 1963, a span of 1,036 days. While this may be true, there are still some upsides in having a very long constitution. The fifth article allows for amendments or additions to the constitutions. Communication skills. The delegates at the Constitutional Convention did not want the country returning to totalitarian system of authority like the one forced on the colonies by the British (usgovinfo.about.com). Can they own their stuff in a professional and mature way? One of the most popular interview questions is, "What is your greatest weakness?" The Constitution itself represents the advent of democracy, justice and freedom in a once-was colony which thereafter gained its independence. What Are The Weaknesses Of The Texas Constitution Andrew Jackson Strengths And Weaknesses - 1311 Words | Bartleby Tyranny can also happen if a few people (such as several generals or religious leaders) seize control of something or if the majority denies a minoritys rights. Nine years later the Constitution of 1836 was formed to prepare for Texas to become an independent republic. Your friends might find that endearing, but time is money to a business. The weak chief executive is an issue that has affected the Texas constitution. v The Texas Constitution has been amended 467 times, making it one of the most frequently amended constitutions among the states. Judicial Activism and Judicial Restraint are two different ways to interpret the constitution and its laws.
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what are the strengths and weaknesses of the texas constitution 2023