Lebanon Church in Mt.

Sandra was ordained Deacon and Elder by Bishop Joseph H. Yeakel in the Peninsula-Delaware Conference.  She has served as an associate pastor, lead pastor, District Superintendent, and Director of Connectional Ministries(DCM). The result of the conference vote was 957 yes to approve disaffiliation and 165 no. He retired on January 1, 2023. 
They also have five grandchildren: Alexandra Ogar, David Ogar, Jonathan Ngoy, Pierre Ngoy, and Nicolas Ngoy.


Bishop John Wesley Yohanna is the Resident Bishop of the Nigeria Area, which includes the Central Nigeria, the Northern Nigeria and Southern Nigeria conferences in the West Africa Central Conference of The United Methodist Church.

Abernathy High School, 1975
He was honored as a Distinguished Alumnus of his seminary in 1990.
During those 20 years, she served on the General Council on Ministries and the General Board of Church and Society. It was at Candler that she met Rusty Taylor. Bishop Matthews is a former Executive Secretary of the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church (UMC), a position he held from September 1, 2016 to August 2020.  Previously, Bishop Matthews served as the Resident Bishop of the Baltimore-Washington Conference from 2012-2016.

Robert E. Hayes, Jr., was elected to the episcopacy by the South Central Jurisdictional Conference in Corpus Christi, Texas, on July 15, 2004, the first of four bishops that were elected, and was assigned to the Oklahoma Area.

Hundreds more are expected to similarly depart in the coming months after getting final approval from church leaders and join the Global Methodist Church, which would follow the same beliefs more conservatively.  

Image courtesy of United Methodist Church. with high honors, he studied at the Claremont School of Theology where he graduated with a D.Min.
In that time he was on the faculty for the training event for new District Superintendents and Conference Council Directors; was on the design team for the National Clergywomen's Consultation in 1991 and was Chair of the Identification, Enlistment and Ethnic Minorities Concerns Committee.

He developed and led two initiatives, Communities of Shalom and Holy Boldness. He also served for four years as Director of Connectional Ministries for the North Texas Conference Council.

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