He described it as "clear as a day". Its body fur was a greyish-brown colour and the body stripes, a blackish-brown colour, when first observed, ran from the middle of the back onto the tail rump. (1985). It was covered in short sandy fur, had a long thin head and face with upright ears. I have not seen one like this before. Dad always said it was [a Tasmanian tiger]., They believed there could be no doubt.". While Mr Waters's footage has been deemed fiction rather than fact, partners in a new science venture say a livingbaby thylacine might be as little as 10years away. It has me very interested.". Australasian Post, 31 January. The shape of the head, legs and body was unmistakable, it was an undoubted Thylacine. It stopped looked at us approaching then ran off in to the bushes. "We've got to have a hair sample, a scat sample, something that can back it up.". One of the most significant was from Maureen from Byron Post Office whose husband had spotted one while posting letters in The Pocket. An anonymous report made to REPAD by a male witness: "I was driving home from work along Freemans drive about 3km from Freeman's waterhole at approx. We don't meanto burst your bubble, butthe experts say they weren't. Why? I have rung and reported this to my local veterinarian.". ", Johns third sighting of a tiger took place in March 1984 around 6.10am. Its head was not dog-like; it had a short muzzle with pointy ears, a proud stance and kangaroo-like hips. We came to the Pilliga. ", "1997, Mt Warning; Heidi described her brothers observation of a thylacine. (1968). At the time of writing this book [2017] Thylacine tracks are still being left at this site.". City Of Hendersonville, Tn Property Taxes, The time was 11.30am. Copyright 2023 The Recently Extinct Plants and Animals Database. It had 10 to 12 very pale stripes across the rear portion of the body with slightly wider stripes on the back & narrower stripes on the rump. About the edge of the swamp I found another set of "tiger" tracks. What were probably the same pair were seen by Winmalee residents moving about in scrub behind St Columba's College. The shape of the head, legs and body was unmistakable. Trailing a Tiger. Christian Kropp has seen two Tasmanian tigers in the Barrington Tops. There were nine of us in all, and about to sleep when, to our utter astonishment, a creature boldly emerged from bushes and walked up to our campfire remains. north of Grose Valley] accompanied by expert bushmen Rod Gerney and Robert Ashworth and several assistants in a convoy of four-wheel drive vehicles.. John was adamant that they were not foxes, dogs or dingos all of which he is very familiar with after spending 20 years at Lakes Entrance in eastern Victoria. ", Source:https://www.mysteriousaustralia.com/australian_thylacine_casts.html, "If it was what I believe it was, this was not to be my only encounter with a creature of this description, for on Christmas Eve 1983, I was walking in bush near Govetts Leap with my son, David and his wife Kay in afternoon light, when we all spotted the same type of animal moving through bushes. Denis Millar, 49, of North Tumbulgum near the NSW-Queensland border, said yesterday he saw the mysterious animal on a neighbour's property. The stripes were, she said, wider at the top and narrowed to a point and extended, The animal turned to look at the women in the car. The impressions had been made early that morning." Get all the latest science stories from across the ABC. My brother was asleep in the back. Reading your article (Walkabout, June) on the thylacine recalled a sighting made while driving with two companions on the unfrequented road between Adelong and Tumbarumba, N.S.W. This animal's head was dog-like, but its ears were shaped somewhat like a cat's. Some have spent years searching obsessively for it. Sunday Telegraph (Sydney), 27 March, p. 46. " "Theirstriking similaritiesare the result of convergentevolution, a process where different animals evolve to look the same because they occupy similar places in the ecosystem," their report states. They said that about five weeks before, on 27th November 1979, while photographing birds at Mount Mondilla, they found paw prints in mud that appeared to match those of the Thylacine. He described it to me at the time, as being not quite the same shape as a dog or dingo, fairly light brown, with stripes on its back. Even more heartbreaking than an extinct species is a species driven to extinction solely by humans, such as the Tasmanian tiger. The striped-bodied animal was too large to have been anything else. Australia has a particularly woeful record of recent mammal extinction, and one of the most infamous was the loss of the Thylacine, a wolf-like marsupial predator, in Tasmania (Brook et al., 2021). One particualr day they came upon a trap with a stange looking animal in it. He used to be a scientist but he realized he was not very happy sitting at a lab bench all day. In fact, one might argue that Naardings account is more likely to be true than not, that he happened to see one of the very last living thylacines, and that the species went extinct some time after 1982. She stated Im an artist and I paint native animals and the gait of this animal meant that it was a marsupial, not a dog or a cat. A rough transcript of her report (1:32-3:09) is as follows: "I take people out into the rainforest with the night vision goggles, ummm, and we go looking for animals. The most remarkable feature was the strange manner of running: although the animal was swinging regularly sideways, the hind part of the body made a kind of bobbing up and down movement; the impression was as if the animal was drunk, as I had never seen anything like it. "In 1978, he was 7 or 8 at at the time and lived on a farm near Nundle NSW. ", "2005, Tregeagle; Rhys observed a golden-fawn thylacine-like animal. At worst, it couldnt have been any more than 10 meters from me as it went tearing past, so I got a great view of it front on and in profile, and I tell you, it was one of the oddest creatures Ive ever seen! The animal, an obvious Thylacine, then began running along the edge of the highway to vanish into nearby bushes. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30. Was it a tiger? The farm owner yelled out Its a monster, we will have to kill it and picking up a stone, threw it at the strange animal. ", "July 2011, 9.30 pm, Falls Road, Nimbin; Ms. Tarang Bates was driving home from Lismore when she saw an animal, covered in grey-fawn fur with dark stripes, unlike anything that she had ever seen before. ", "1999, Federal; Graham and Rosalind had a close view of a strange animal when driving between Whian Road and Bates Road near the old Dip when the headlights illuminated it. Then I noticed that the fore and hind legs were of the same size and that it did not have the usual colours of a swamp wallaby such as the ginger head fur, pale face stripe, black forepaws or black tail. Then it just loped off the road into the yard, Robyn noticed the tail itself was 2ft [61 cm] in length. The fur was short, with a sandy beige colour. The animal died three years later, and the species was declared extinct. It was the movement of its pelvis and its shyness and the way it dropped its head and pushed its pelvis up and hopped into the bush that alerted me to the fact that this was a different animal to any Id seen before. (2022). During the course of our search we uncovered a sandstone shoal containing water pools with ancient Aboriginal stone axe grinding grooves, and a rock shelter containing surface stone flakes manufactured around 6,000 years ago. The last known individual died in 1936 in Hobart Zoo; the last reliable sighting of a wild one dates back to 1933. Thylacine sighting, Gippsland Victoria, 1990's. For more information, please see this page. ", "2004, Clothiers Creek Road, Cabarita; Joslyn, of Kingscliff, saw a thylacine on Clothiers Creek Road at 9.30 am as she was coming into Cabarita. I had slowed for a couple of hundred rabbits and was just starting up again in my old morris minor 1000 when I came at slow speed, 15mph in 1977 upon a second group and right in the middle was a young tasmanian tiger with a poined head, kangaroo like fur and a long thin tail it sat facing me mesmerized by the lights as were the rabbits. However, I did not receive any response. Why does he believe these are Tasmanian pademelons? The colour was golden-fawn, 60 cm in height and the ears were rounded. I could see it entering a stand of gums across a paddock about 200ft away, so gave chase. Anyone who has seen the earth around Broken Hill it was that colour. The swamp is surrounded by dense scrub and situated at the foot of a deep gully encased by steep cliffs. Had it found its way across country, movingat night, from the Medlow Bath-Grose Valley region, keeping to the water catchment scrub intoKatoomba, or else along the Megalong Valley cliffs side, avoiding houses to reach the area it wasseen in? We don't meanto burst your bubble, butthe experts say they weren't. She saw it a couple of times during the following days. Those Uber-Hyped Thylacine Pics Have Dropped & Tbh It Looks More Like Bigfoots Feral Dog. The headlights provided us with a good look at the creature. It seemed to be stationary for a second or two as it was down the end of a long stretch of road so I managed a pretty good look. She was in good condition, no ribs showing. It was 11 am, and I observed the animal for 1-2 minutes from a distance of about 15-20 metres; it ran along the sand which was covered with some very small bushes, the rest of the area being sandy. The time was approximately 6.15 - 6.30 am and the sun had been up for about 30 minutes. It then ran into the vegetation. ", "1999, Brunswick Heads; Jodi saw a striped animal cross the road between the fish co-op and the highway. Much of this part of Tasmania is virtually inaccessible, with dense, tangled thickets of eucalyptus, so they really could be there, albeit in low numbers, below the radar. "Sadly there have been no confirmed sightings of the thylacine since 1936.". "Nick Mooney has concluded, that based on the physical characteristics shown in the photos provided by Mr Waters, the animals are very unlikely to be thylacines, and are most likely Tasmanian pademelons," TMAG told CNET at the time. It had stripes and blue eyes, and I now realise when I look back that it was a thylacine I reckon. "Congratulations everyone. Its body looked roundish and the head appeared out of proportion to the body with massive jaws.". I found fresh faeces that may be its (it was not obviously male) and have frozen a sample. Wendy Bithell recounted her possible thylacine encounter near Byron Bay on the documentary series Boogeymen, season 2, episode 11, entitled "The Tasmanian Tiger: The Tiger, Wolf, Kangaroo Hybrid". It looked like a female lion, but it had stripes on the flank and stripes on the tail. In other words, the thylacine either died out only two decades ago or astonishingly still persists. "In October 1995, Mr Bob Donaldson was driving friends to Blackheath from Katoomba around 1am. It was in clear view for 12-15 seconds. Is the Tasmanian Tiger (Thylacinus) extinct on the Australian mainland? The largest remnant bushland in western NSW. It looked to be Alsatian dog-sized and he saw the familiar dark body stripes of a Thylacine. It was about the size of a dingo but had a long staight tail with distinctive stripes down its back & sides. The animal stood about 61cm off theground on all fours and had a body about 30cm in depth. It was not afraid of me but backed away whenever I approached closer than 2-3 m. The tail was the least dog-like feature. The following short blog post was posted to the A.C.R.O. Was dog like but had a different stance ie hind quarter high, it had a size between a fox and a dingo. After shaking our heads in disbelief, we were the ones who left, having finished our fishing and as we left we were able to see it walking around in the distance.", "Also around this time, Russel and Michael were walking within the Brunswick Valley Nature Reserve near the flying fox colony and both independently observed thylacine-like animals, one slinking past in front of them & one apparently following them. In the nearby dense scrub, we came across signs of a scuffle between a wild pig and a Thylacine, as indicated by the dozens of tracks embedded in the soil over a wide area. (year?). Mr Pereira also found a pile of excrement left by the animal. We then mentioned it in passing to the bus driver on the way back to the airport and he said there had been some sightings of thylacine-like animals in the area over the years that he had heard of. One witness, ranger Peter Simon. Then a car passed it and the animal ran off into the bush from where it had emerged.". The regularity and 75 frequency of apparently plausible but unverified sightings reported over the last 85 years has not 76 only raised the Thylacine to iconic status in the global publics eye, but also made it 77 This was apparently the meal of the animal I had just seen. Then she found thatthe woman that worked in the store had recently observed two of the animals chasing and killing a swamp wallaby near her home just a few kms up the valley. The tail was thickly furred which reminded him of a photo of a numbat. He said the creature had at least 19 black body stripes, extending from mid-back to tail-rump and was about 1.52 metres long from nose to tail-tip. ", "In 1975, one Springwood farmer reported attacks on his fowlyard by a large striped, dog-like animal, and almost shot the creature one day as it escaped over a fence with a hen in its mouth.". To gain a new depth of insight into the extinction of the Thylacine, we assembled an exhaustive database of 1,237 observational records To this day I wish I had have got out to speak to the driver of the 'cruiser, but my head was just spinning! We have seen this mystery animal at least twice now and in fact had assumed it was a wild dog and reported it to NPWS for dog baiting! A major factor as towhy there couldn't be any thylacines left in the wild is its short life span. My wife works at the Werribee zoo in Melbourne and it certainly wasnt like any of the cats they have there. In the video uploaded on Monday, Mr Waters claimed to have captured footage of not one, but three thylacines proof, he said, "of breeding". She didnt take her eyes off of me. The creature looked like a dog-possum-bird-kangaroo, but was none of these. At first she thought that it was a wallaby. Get a copy of the Wild Isles by Patrick Barkham when you subscribe to BBC Wildlife magazine today, De-extinction project aims to bring back the thylacine. They see the back end of an animal, they see the colour and their mind fills in the rest. The bands were about 2 cm wide & about 6 cm apart. 'Tasmanian tiger' footage not of a thylacine but a pademelon, experts say. "In September, 1983, I led a search into this region [i.e. I had a magnificent view of it head on face to face sitting in the middle of the road not much more than 15 feet away. He never saw the animal again even though he drove those same roads for another 2 years. If thisis all legit, then this means well actually have verified pics of a fuckenTasmanian tiger released on March 1 next Monday. In a three-minute video Mr Waters claims to have captured pictures of a mother, father and In 1978 one friday I had done a days work, come home packed the car, driven 60 km into the Barringtons, set up camp, drank 2 cans of beer, it was on the darker side of dusk when i went to have a close look at a tree just out side the head light beam of my car when I heard a noise, I turned my head and about 4 feet (1.3 m) from me in the light beam of my car a tasie tiger walked past me.". Last week there was a stir in activity relating to Thylacines still being alive in Tasmania. The time was 11.25pm, when, just past the houses and oval, Mike clearly saw a Thylacine [there was, he said, no mistaking the body stripes and other features] running onto the road from left to right ahead of his car, illuminated by his headlights. It moved on all four legs and had a tail similar to a wallaby. Here's what they think of a Voice to Parliament, Prime minister says urgent care clinics will start relieving pressure on NT's busy emergency wards in coming months, NRL concedes error on crucial golden point call, 'We really need massive help': Sudan refugees give birth in camps without medical help or shelter. Does the Tasmanian tiger still exist? Thank you for your purchase with HostGator.com, When will my domain start working? The animal had escaped into scrubland that extends eastward to a gully, which drops down into the Grose Valley, where sightings of Thylacine-type animals continue to be reported seen by campers and bushwalkers to the present day.". I have no doubt about what I saw. Two days later their teenage son observed it and described it as being a cross between a kangaroo and a greyhound. ()); Its a quadruped stocky, and its got the right-shaped ears. The moon was in the clouds with a bit of moonlight shining down. The strange animal had a huge jaw that opened to an extent, greater than the dog, and it gave forth with a bizarre cry unlike anything that they had heard before. He expected to catch up with the animal with ease because of its disability but was surprised that when it became aware of his cars approach, it raced off along the roadside with incredible speed. A well-known bushwalker who regularly visits the remote south-west, described a sighting during a drive back from Queenstown (near the west coast). if(force != '' && all_links.href.search(force) != -1) { There are 335 marsupial species currently in existence today, with some 70 per cent of those species native to Australasia. Christian, who now lives at Seal Rocks, remembers the experience as clear as day. They think, Thats not a cat. I slowed the car to a walk desperatly trying to follow its progress through the scrub. text-align: center; The search for the thylacine, much like similar efforts to rediscover the ivory-billed woodpecker and other recently extinct charismatic species, is likely to be fruitless, Carlson and his co-authors wrote. He signs off the video with, "Enjoy looking at a baby thylacine walking through the bush of northern Tasmania. The color of this animal was light in appearance & there were no stripes. He was camped at the old army hut and was driving to the logging coup on the western side of Peach Mountain lookout at 5 am on a Monday morning when he observed a thylacine cross the road 3 metres in front of his car. They never did see any sign of it again. ", Source:http://www.tasmanian-tiger.com/guestbook.html, "In 1977 Mike said he saw a similar animal in Hartley Valley around 9pm one evening while driving to work. Barry Brook, a conservation biologist at the University of Tasmania, pre-published a paper on the marsupial, in which he We were within yards of it when it moved off the road into the scrub with a loping cat-like run. Yet how did the animal get where it was seen? ", Source:https://web.archive.org/web/20210225014002/http://garyopit.com/64-thylacine-sightings/, "During April 1967 sightings of a tiger were being made at Putty Road farms, particularly in the Howes Valley area, where some poultry had been claimed snatched by one, perhaps two of these creatures. This nocturnal animal is abundant on the island. The creature had escaped into scrubland which extends eastward to a gully which drops down into the Grose Valley-where sightings of Thylacine-type animals continue to be reported by campers and bushwalkers to the present day. It has a distinctly grey striped torso, long pointed muzzle, and a thick rigid tail. I saw it for about 5 seconds as it crossed a remote dirt road. Though the sighting by Naarding is by far the most famous of the last 40 or 50 years, there have been plenty of others that are almost as remarkable. So many people, local and others, came in to describe their sightings. ", "2003, Stock Route Road, Billinudgel; Tony & Suzette saw what looked like a thylacine. He assigned each record a rating from one to five, depending on how likely he thought it was to be true, taking into account how far away the animal was said to have been, how long it was observed for and the professional expertise of the witness or witnesses. Contrary to expectations, the inferred extinction window is wide and relatively recent, spanning from the 1980s to the present day, with extinction most likely in the late 1990s or early 2000s, he reported. The salted skin of a freshly shot tiger cat was pegged on the dunny door, Max said. WebThe remains of the last known thylacine were discovered at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery in 2022. The animal was not concerned and it headed towards a large fig tree where friends let their chooks out most days. What do you make of that sort of sighting? Most of them were fleeting glimpses of this Will-o-the Wisp, but sightings made by people on the western side of the Blue Mountains included the finding, on Sunday 31st July 2022 in the soil of a Newnes fire-trail of a paw and heel by me. April 2023. "26th January 2006, Shara Boulevard, North Ocean Shores; at around 6 a.m. (Australia Day) Russel was driving from Ocean Shores to Brunswick Heads. Passing the Titania Motel [Oberon] sign at the Oberon turnoff, he spotted an animal with black body stripes the size of a large dog, as it ran across the Jenolan road from left to right into bush. Her neck was longthe entire body lithe. "We now have the nuclear genome sequence and the mitochondrial genome sequence of the thylacine. The animal, he said, was a good 6ft [1.83m] length from nose to tip of tail, and stood about 2ft off the ground on all fours. He only saw the Thylacine twice during the same week, approximately 3 years after he began working in those ranges. Jack Ashby, assistant director of the Museum of Zoology at the University of Cambridge in the U.K. and an expert on Australian mammals, described the TasmanianThylacineSighting Records Database as an extraordinary resource. } I have studied the flora & fauna in this locality for decades and so was very surprised to closely observe an animal that I was completely unable to identify and I made a drawing of it in my diary that evening. The animal moved in a way that I had never encountered before. Suddenly I caught sight of a large dog-like animal in the headlights just as I was turning a corner. It had a rigid tail. I saw the animal from a somewhat oblique angle, and the head was not clearly visible. They're the words so many of us would love to be true. ", "2003, Byron Bay on the coastal road to Ballina 2ks past the Lennox Head turnoff; Doof daddy contacted the ABC radio station to say that about 5 years ago in 2003 he was returning to Byron Bay from Ballina along the coastal road after work in the early hours of the morning. ", "In March 1982, a camper sighted a thylacine-like animal drinking from a creek in the Grose valleyThe camper described the animal he saw as being two metres long, with greyish body fur {coloration can vary} displaying about a dozen blackish stripes extending down the body. Last week, one man believed he had evidence to challenge the consensus and then the internet hype machine took over. The hocks were pronounced and lowit rocked back on them when it loped away. Golf Course, towards its junction with Cliff Drive. However, sadly, there have been no confirmed sightings documented of the thylacine since 1936. A video rebuttal of Mooneys determination, in which the TAGOA Source: Lubbock, Adelaide. There was white around the muzzle and black around the ears. ", "I was driving up the Gap Road at the time when it ran across the road ahead of me, so close that I almost ran over it. Please note that I have taken the liberty of quoting liberally from all sources. Brook fed these assessments into a computer model to estimate when the thylacine was likely to have gone extinct. Other experts don't think the images were really worth the wait. ", "Late 2007, New Brighton; Don was driving a bus with 8 passengers between 2 and 3am when they all observed a large unusual thylacine-like carnivore eating a small animal on the road, probably a bandicoot struck by an earlier vehicle near the speed bump. ", "15th January 2003, 9.30 am, Stock Route Road, Billinudgel; Mailman Peter drove right up to a strange looking animal standing on an earth bank on the southern section of Stock Route Road, just behind Billinudgel. It was about 18 inches tall at the shoulders, 4ft in length from head to tail, and it had short body hair of light sandy colour, with a row of dark stripes arranged along the body beginning at the shoulders to the rump of the tail. Waters uploaded the latest video, titled "THYLACINE JOEY PHOTO" on Sunday, in which he reveals the three images that he believes are likely the extinct marsupials and not a cat or pademelon. WebThylacine Awareness Group of Australia Tas Inc. 15.5K subscribers 40K views 2 years ago Hit the road with TAGOA President Neil Waters as he checks some of the 60 trail cams, Shannon later described the animal to me as being about 1.5 metres in length from head to tail. Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) Sighting Reports Database - The Recently Extinct Plants and Animals Database The Recently Extinct Plants and Animals Database I believed that its hunched back was due to the fact that it was bent over sniffing the ground. And I identify animals all the time, and so I'm used to looking at something and trying tuh, and working out what it is I'm seeing. Reports from other states and countries can be accessedhere. (p. 205), Source:Clark, Jerome. Its body was greyish-brown and when it got up we observed that it's hindquarters appeared "tucked in" and were marked with dark stripes. There is a maze of rock crevices and caverns in which any animals could live unseen, and it is into this gully that the 'tiger' tracks led. (Propagation). An enigmatic report of an animal called a "hyena", which was one of the colonial names for the thylacine, killed in 1803: "Two animals of the hyena kind were seen at Campbell's Island by hunting parties belonging to the Mary and Sally ; from the description given of which they appear to have been of the same species with an animal killed at Port Phillip in 1803.". My mother in the passenger seat (who grew up in B/Hill) could only splutter "what is that?!" (modern). later, one of the men spotted a striped dog-like animal standing near the camp in the dim glow of the dying campfire. ", Source:https://www.ski.com.au/xf/threads/thylacines-on-the-mainland.5777/, "He also reported that a friend, Jan, told him that many years ago she had watched for ten minutes, illuminated in the headlights, a pair of striped thylacines licking and preening each other on the roadside in the Snowy Mountains, in southern NSW. ", "That month Mr Ron Perry was picnicking with his family in the valley around 3pm one day on the bank of the Cox River Picnic Ground. The head, he observed, appeared too big for the body, and from the mid-back to the tail rump were faint black coloured body stripes.". The date was Tuesday 22nd February 1972 at 10.15pm, when we were forced to stop, at the turnoff to Evans Lookout, on the Great Western Highway just south of Blackheath township. ", "A friend, Haley, told them that around about 1996 she had observed a large cat-like creature with a plain coloured body and a banded furred tail leap across Coopers Creek behind Durrumbul north of Mullumbimby in northeastern NSW.
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thylacine sightings 2021 2023