(2011), Foreign fandom and the Liverpool FC: a cyber-mediated romance, Soccer and Society, Vol. 5 No. 17 No. * Evans, D. and Norcliffe, G. (2016), Local identities in a global game: the social production of football space in Liverpool, Journal of Sport and Tourism, Vol. 19 No. 363-376, doi: 10.1016/j.smr.2017.08.007. 6, pp. (2012), Split loyalties: football is a community business, Soccer and Society, Vol. 3) Some sponsorship (for example, alcohol, fast food) gives a bad image of sport 4) Generous sponsorship is only available to the elite few. John has published within Tourism Management, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Event Management, Scandinavian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality. While there are probably more positive than negative impacts of commercialization in sports, there are still some negatives worth mentioning. Thus, there is an urgency in approaching fans of women's elite sports and discussing how they respond to commercialization. (2003)). - professionalism. Commercialisation. Following this principle, we categorized the papers based on (1) year of publication, (2) author, (3) journal, (4) method, (5) geographical context, (6) type of elite sport, (7) theoretical framework, (8) empirical results and (9) effects on fans of commercialization. 253-265, doi: 10.1123/jsm.2012-0275. Fleischmann and Fleischmann (2019) find that through social media, domestic fans more easily bond emotionally with their teams. Resistance, described as a strategy of appropriation in response to the structures of domination (Woisetschlger etal., 2013, p. 1490), is often a central topic in critical papers (see, e.g. This implies a process that remains strict to the scope, as well as to the relevance of the paper (Tranfield etal., 2003). Furthermore, Giulianotti (2002) argues that commercialization changes fans' identities and roles from a hot, traditional identification with local clubs to a detached, cool, consumer-orientated identification (p. 25). 70-91, doi: 10.1080/23750472.2018.1481765. Commercial spectator sports attrracted the interest of much of the population. Subsequently, having evaluated the papers on a more detailed level, we arrived at a list of 42 relevant articles. Globalization not only impacts the way in which sports are conducted and organised but also how they are perceived and what they mean in today's world . Commercialization is defined as the process of subordinating traditional values and norms in favour of profit maximization (Fritz etal., 2017). Thus, studying other contexts with different background and traditions of sport is important to gain an holistic understanding of commercialization. 3, pp. 34 Nos 17-18, pp. * Ritzer, G. and Stillman, T. (2001), The postmodern ballpark as a leisure setting: enchantment and simulated de-McDonaldization, Leisure Sciences, Vol. Merkel, 2012; Numerato and Giulianotti, 2018). In elite sports, commercialization implies a focus on market-oriented ideals, business-like management structures and sponsorship activities (Dubal, 2010). (2016) illustrate that as sponsors increase in numbers, it is important for the sponsoring brand to match its brand identity with the team identity. An extreme example is how fans' resistance to commercialization of a football club (in this study, Manchester United) can result in fans creating a new club (FC United of Manchester), based on former traditions and values (Torchia, 2016). 4, pp. He has published in journals such as the European Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Business Ethics, Business Strategy and the Environment, International Journal of Consumer studies, and many others. Garca, B. and Welford, J. Twenty-one articles included commercial elite sports as a fixed context in studying fan identification and the identity of fan communities. Studying Spanish and German football fans, Behrens and Uhrich (2019) observed that fans may be sceptical of newcomers. The journals included for this stage were Journal of Consumer Research; Journal of Consumer Psychology; Journal of Marketing; Psychology and Marketing; Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science; Advances in Consumer Research; Marketing Letters; Marketing Theory; Consumption, Markets and Culture. For instance, in the dominant setting, i.e. 18 No. * Dos Santos, M.A., Moreno, F.C., Guardia, F.R. 2, pp. * Giulianotti, R. (2011), Sport mega events, urban football carnivals and securitised commodification: the case of the English premier league, Urban Studies, Vol. Having split loyalties, Hognestad (2012) argues that Norwegian fans can have favourite clubs both locally and in other leagues (so-called poly-supporter). This implies that fans increasingly construct their self-identities using commercial elements that best fit their own desire, in contrast to previously more community-oriented self-identification (Petersen-Wagner, 2017). 1835-1853, doi: 10.1080/09523367.2017.1341873. - growing public interest and spectatorship. 4, pp. 2, pp. Many conceptual studies apply critical theory and, as such, perhaps a built-in critical perspective towards increasing commercialization. (2019) studied German football fans' attitudes towards selling more than 50% of clubs to private investors. 359-376, doi: 10.1080/14660970.2012.655505. 18 No. Marketization of elite sports is also like commercialization, as it describes how elite sports take the shape of a market economy, where clubs operate as businesses, and fans as customers (Liang, 2017). Thus, we encourage future studies to cover a wide variety of aspects to better comprehend the connection between commercialization and fans. The review contributes with an analysis of studies and an agenda for future research, focusing on how fans are affected byand respond toincreasing commercialization. 36 Nos 11-12, pp. On an overarching level, the results indicate that increasing commercialization can lead to both value-co-creation and value-co-destruction in these service ecosystems. Grnroos, C. and Voima, P. (2013), Critical service logic: making sense of value creation and co-creation, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 32 No. (2020), Jokerits move to KHL: an odd momentum in the commercialization of Nordic elite ice hockey, Sport in Society, Vol. 14 No. John Armbrecht is member of the editorial board of Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. This as the standardized design, process and analysis reduces biases and errors in the review process (Snyder, 2019). However, Jensen etal. Gordon, K.O. 21 No. Hungenberg, E., Slavich, M., Bailey, A. and Sawyer, T. (2020), Examining minor league baseball spectator nostalgia: a neuroscience perspective, Sport Management Review, Vol. Social media is an increasingly important platform for consumers and for brand-consumer interactions (Stieglitz etal., 2014), as well as for fan-to-fan and fan-to-team interactions (Wakefield and Bennett, 2018). 2, pp. 2, pp. Global orientation in attracting new fans, Commercialization of memorabilia and nostalgic elements related to the sport, Creation of open-air games (e.g. Erik Winell is the corresponding author and can be contacted at: http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/22/sports/soccer/super-league-soccer.html, Professionalization of elite sport teams who are driven as business-oriented corporations, Financial performance measures and employees recruited based on marketing expertise, The creation of a global transfer market for players in major team sports, Signing and selling players for substantive transfer fees. 48 Nos 7-8, pp. These are (1) fan identity, (2) fan attitudes, (3) fan emotions and (4) fan behaviours. * Dixon, K. (2014), Football fandom and Disneyisation in late-modern life, Leisure Studies, Vol. Belk, R.W. The literature also illustrates how sponsors affect fan identification. Meier, H.E. 33 No. 23, pp. 229-252, doi: 10.1080/01639620590905618. Several studies also indicate that commercialization affects how, and through what interactions fans develop their personal identity with the team or the sport (e.g. Merkel, 2012), and the pursuit of teams to engage with more fans (e.g. The findings suggest that by commercializing, e.g. Growing levels of commercialization in the sports industry bring forward an increasing amount of negative reactions from sports fans. For some fans, brand extensions and other potential ways to increase revenues can deepen fans' emotionally derived involvement with a club (Abosag etal., 2012). Regarding identity, the studies highlight that commercialization can contribute to making fan identities globalized. English elite football, commercialization is mainly associated with negative effects for fans. (1990), Diehard and fairweather fans: effects of identification on BIRGing and CORFing tendencies, Journal of Sport and Social Issues, Vol. 118-137. https://doi.org/10.1108/SBM-11-2021-0135, Copyright 2022, Erik Winell, John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg and Jonas Nilsson, Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. Therefore, ideals related to this heritage may be prone to collide with intensified commercialization (Numerato and Giulianotti, 2018). One of the main problems with increased commercialisation from a fan's perspective is the feeling the increased costs are passed on to them. Thus, is it fair to conclude that fans respond to and are affected negatively by an increasing commercialization of elite sports? In addition, surveys are the most used method for collecting data (11 articles). Sposnorship. A more recent study outlines three . For instance, if clubs prioritize financial profits, fans may respond negatively to the fact that they are treated as regular customers. It is difficult to come to a clear-cut conclusion for how fans respond to increasing commercialization. Biscaia, R., Correia, A., Rosado, A., Maroco, J. and Ross, S. (2012), The effects of emotions on football spectators' satisfaction and behavioural intentions, European Sport Management Quarterly, Vol. Outline three negative impacts of commercialisation in sport on spectators (3 marks). 26 No. 217-232, doi: 10.1080/14775085.2016.1231621. These types of brand extensions are discussed as sports organizations' activities going beyond the core product of the team to generate more revenues, for example, marketing branded merchandise to extend the fan experience (Abosag etal., 2012). 20 Nos 3-4, pp. The tension between the local and distant fans is also stressed by Evans and Norcliffe (2016), who illustrate that local fans may repel the commercialization of fan identities. We identified four outcome variables in our review: Fan Identity, Fan Attitudes, Fan Emotions and Fan Behaviours. Several of the reviewed papers are written with a theoretical foundation in either identity theories (e.g. 2, pp. Sponsorship can have both positive and negative effects on fan attitudes towards teams and sponsors (e.g. Uhrich and Benkenstein (2012) surveyed German football fans and show how fans and their behaviours remain fundamental for evoking fan emotions. The media promote the commercialisation of sports. . 1-21, doi: 10.1080/02614367.2012.667819. 25-46, doi: 10.1177/0193723502261003. 4, pp. 20 No. For instance, in a study on former fans of NHL teams, commercialization is brought up as a reason for the de-escalation of fandom (Hyatt and Foster, 2015). 133-150, doi: 10.1007/s11747-012-0308-3. 29 No. Bauer, H.H., Stokburger-sauer, N.E. * Hognestad, H.K. Tranfield, D., Denyer, D. and Smart, P. (2003), Towards a methodology for developing evidence-informed management knowledge by means of systematic review, British Journal of Management, Vol. 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. John Armbrecht, PhD is an associate professor at the School of Business, Economics and Law at Gothenburg University. This study therefore aims to address this knowledge gap in the nexus between increased commercialization, elite sports, and the impacts on fans. Apart from commercialization of elite sports, studies have as well examined its impacts on tourism (Swanson and Timothy, 2012), music (Moore, 2005) and to cultural customs (Belk, 1987). and Shapiro, S.L. Furst, R.T. (1971), Social change and the commercialization of professional sports, International Review of Sport Sociology, Vol. Therefore, in line with Garca and Welford (2015), future research must delve into other types of elite sports and other geographical settings to understand how commercialization affects fans to elite sports. * Abosag, I., Roper, S. and Hind, D. (2012), Examining the relationship between brand emotion and brand extension among supporters of professional football clubs, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. In total, 134 articles were retrieved. This rise in commercialisation has almost become part of the modern game, but it is important to remember it has positive and negative effects on the sport, the players and the fans. Furthermore, there is a shortage of studies discussing the potential positive impacts of commercialization on fans. Advertisements on major events rising in terms of worth (e.g. To extend the scope of the search, we, based on an overview of related papers found in the preliminary stages of this review and the literature review on the concept of commercialization, included the following terms: Commodification, Marketization, Modernization and Globalization. and Exler, S. (2008), Brand image and fan loyalty in professional team sport, Journal of Sport Management, Vol. 600-619, doi: 10.1177/1469540515611199. For this paper, issues relating to degrees of subjectivity and bias must be addressed. Commercialisation. Whether you need to fix, build, create or learn, eHow gives you practical solutions to the problems life throws at you. Winell, E., Armbrecht, J., Lundberg, E. and Nilsson, J. * Bauers, S.B., Lammert, J., Faix, A. and Hovemann, G. (2019), Club members in German professional football and their attitude towards the 50+1 RuleA stakeholder-oriented analysis, Soccer and Society, Vol. The marketing of professional sports leagues, The key role of sport policies for the popularity of women's sports: a case study on women's soccer in Germany, Engaging fans through social media: implications for team identification, Football fans and clubs in Germany: conflicts, crises and compromises, The future of professional football: a Delphi-based perspective of German experts on probable versus surprising scenarios, Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, Alternative to what? 6 No. * Meng, M.D., Stavros, C. and Westberg, K. (2015), Engaging fans through social media: implications for team identification, Sport, Business and Management, Vol. (2012), Souvenirs: icons of meaning, commercialization and commoditization, Tourism Management, Vol. Broadcasted sports as an entertainment product, Athletes/players/teams becoming global brands, Expansion of marketing reach beyond domestic borders. 43 No. * Daniel, P. and Kassimeris, C. (2013), The Politics and Culture of FC St. Pauli: from leftism, through anti-establishment, to commercialization, Soccer and Society, Vol. Merkel, S., Schmidt, S.L. 22 No. Dubal (2010) illustrates that these frictions can open up fans to increase their influence through, for instance, uniting in fan communities. Merkel etal., 2016; Laurell and Soderman, 2018) and is at least partly induced by sponsors (e.g. 121-134, doi: 10.1080/16138171.2009.11687833. 44-68, doi: 10.1177/0193723518800433. Studies on fan identity, attitudes and emotions portray more varying effects. Thus, changing regulations in club ownership may negatively affect fan attitudes. 22-34, doi: 10.1080/14610980008721860. Yoshida, M., Gordon, B., Nakazawa, M. and Biscaia, R. (2014), Conceptualization and measurement of fan engagement: empirical evidence from a professional sport context, Journal of Sport Management, Vol. The results also imply that most fans, at least in Germany, do not support what is seen as a significant involvement of private actors (Bauers etal., 2019). Such a structured procedure increases the validity and reliability of the study (Snyder, 2019). (2014), Superstars as drivers of organizational identification: empirical findings from professional soccer, Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 3, doi: 10.1016/j.smr.2019.04.005. The second stage of the review process, i.e. 1487-1510, doi: 10.1108/EJM-03-2012-0140. interest in football and the increasing commercialisation of the sports and thus protects the emotional bond that exists between the club and its fans. 3, pp. Wang, C.L., Aksan, G.E., Allison, B., Armstrong Soule, C.A., Biscaia, R., Buchanan-Oliver, M., Burton, T.A.M., Chang, E.-C., Chou, W.W., Coffin, J., Collins, N., De la Pena, A.S., Dill-Shackleford, K.E., Doral, S., Favia, M.J., Gou, C., Gou, S., Hall, K.D., Hao, A., Hedlund, D., Hung, K., Jia, X., Johnson, L.M., Joubert, A., Leal, M., Liu, W., Loehr, G.T., Lovric, B., Mastromartino, B., Metcalf, M., Murphy, J., Olds, K.F., Pun, L.F., Rajendiran, A., Sarkar, A., Sarkar, J.G., Sayan, A., Schau, A., Schau, H.J., Shackleford, L., Todd, B., Volkheimer, J., Wang, C.L., Woo, T.C., Wu, R., Zeng, C., Zhang, J. and Zhang, K. (2020), Handbook of research on the impact of fandom in society and consumerism, in Advances in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and E-Services (AMCRMES) Book Series. 3, pp. 123-146, doi: 10.1177/1012690210362426. Nash (2000) finds that, as major leagues, such as the English Premier League commercialize, it can increase the willingness of and opportunities for fans to engage with club management. As they did not focus on how the process of commercialization affects fans, they were excluded. In some contexts, fans may also perceive their sport, team, or athlete to be taken over by commercial ideals, which shifts the roles of fans to more passive consumers (e.g. In most cases, however, the interviewees saw this increased emphasis on branding and club merchandise as something exciting and contributing to the experience of being a fan. For those watching at home the main drawback of commercialisation in sport are the advertisements that appear every time the game stops. 207-222, doi: 10.1111/1467-8551.00375. This review set out to investigate how research has studied how fans are affected by intensified commercialization. * Totten, M. (2016), Football and community empowerment: how FC Sankt Pauli fans organize to influence, Soccer and Society, Vol. In all, the European focus is noteworthy and as only nine of 42 papers are outside Europe it seems as, the issues regarding commercialization of elite sports seem to be the most intense within Europe. 3, pp. Table6 highlights aspects of commercialization found in the review, as well as the main conclusions reached in the studies on how fans respond to commercialization. If a major company sponsors an event it is much more likely to get prime time television coverage, bringing in greater advertising revenues and exposing more people to the sport. Attitudes are fans' overall evaluation of an object, issue or person (Parganas etal., 2017). 25-44, doi: 10.18666/jasm-2016-v8-i4-7221. Chanavat and Bodet (2014) argue that overcommercialization, such as clubs having an overly strong emphasis on (inappropriate) sponsorship activities, leads to negative fan attitudes towards elite sport actors (Chanavat and Bodet, 2014). 3, pp. 30 No. * Nash, R. (2000), Contestation in modern English football, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. According to commercial ideals, having a modern stadium is deemed fundamental. There were also articles covering general sport-related issues, such as the governance of the Olympics, which only briefly mentions fans. With increased exposure of the game comes increased participation. 8 No. Hence, papers with little relevance and/or only a minor focus on the impacts of commercialization on fans of elite sports were excluded. Every camera position at the Superbowl is now sponsored by a different company, there are commercials shown almost continually and the advertisements during half time are the most expensive pieces of air time that can be purchased. 13 No. At this stage of the field's early maturity (42 papers in this review), we do not know for sure. There is a risk that the loyalty of poly supporters (Hognestad, 2012) and satellite fans (Behrens and Uhrich, 2019) could come at the cost of lost loyalty among local fans.
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three negative impacts of commercialisation in sport on spectators 2023