And may there be peace on earth. Youre spot on with your retort, but the points are overlooked when what youve typed is so horribly composed. I dont know if the people running Stargate ever came to realize why this was happening, but in my view it was most likely because you can be detected while remote viewing especially by witches who are familiar and likely alert to such things. Ron DeSantis' suspension of all local COVID-19 emergency orders -- with the St. Petersburg mayor Period, end of story. Well aren't you just a nice warm rotten fuckin egg breeze on a cold wintery day.. as usual. Hey man I hate that fucking cunt with a passion. Source: 2) Poverty Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live. Im into wickedly ugly chicks. Gun owners took notice. This is America. Obama is the worst President we have had since WWII. Its crazy to me to see entry level AKs now come in at a higher cost than entry level ARs, and what I would refer to as just a standard AK come in at the same price point as a tricked out AR. You cant violate the Constitution if youre doing something legally. It is its natural manure. No, They slam him because he isnt a good representative of the people. 3) Debt Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. WTF are you people talking about? You seem like a pretty intelligent individual however I have to say it has nothing to do with race we havent had a good president in decades our country has been gong down hill for a while with terrible representatives and Im not just saying presidents the senate and congress is corrupt and only makes decisions based on personal gain. Ok. OFAC sanctions are a completely normal way to punish a country such as Russia, whose nuclear arsenal makes it a terrible idea just to impose sanctions using our military, this executive order unfortunately affects RWC, but doesnt materially hinder our ability to obtain parts or trade in AK47s. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. Go research the required actions to reverse sanctions along with the historic tenacity of Russia and then come back and tell us how apropos you were to make such a statement. That being said, he only banned the import of AKs from Russian, which I would assume we can still import Russian MADE ones as long as they are from a different country. She is a stupid fucking piece of shit and Im pretty sure when they shot Harvey Milk they missed.if you know what I mean. And we couldnt resist talking about the Saiga-12. All comments are held for moderation and will appear after approval. How will it effect you personally? You believe what you want to but the facts suggest otherwise. He would not understand that anyway because he never fought in the patriotic wars, like me. Its been happening your entire kife. Can someone please tell me what Obama has done to further this nefarious anti-gun agenda? Oh and not to mention all the people I know that have lost there health coverage due to the new healthcare reform. And, Im sure you listen The Fairy Tale Fox News (Oxymoron) Organization. The one thing that really scares me however, is the fact he is using executive orders left and right which were made for times of crisis; not whenever he feels like it. Pretty Simple Oblahblah grabbed hold of an opportunity to extend something that may be in the nations best interest into his hidden agenda. It would take years to get anything done. I specifically mentioned RUSSIAN-ONLY AK-TYPEs. Not even Congress dare question them or their own president one day may become open to scrutiny by opposing parties. He kept most of Bushs policies and even kept some of his appointees afterwards. Feel like you want to cut some witch throats? The end result is that well soon see the flow of Molot-made Veprs slow to a trickle and then stop completely, the blog Truth About Guns wrote. Personally I buy American Made Guns Anyway but if the big O banned guns manufactured in a friendly nation I could see a problem. But I dont dare check the notify box because Im tired of my inbox blowing up. If you think its right to keep the lethal bleeding of our country to Lowlife 3rd world ideologies , then you are the Frigging problem! Most of us gun enthusiasts that also keep a pulse on world politics (e.g., Russia Sanctions), knew this one was coming. Your weapon would not be affected if there ever was a ban. 1) If the issue is restriction of the sale of an specified companies products and services, while those products and services are available elsewhere There isnt an issue, unless you feel the companies are unfairly being treated. Free VPN's tend to get banned too. As this is the most popular and plentiful gun design in the world, we arent exactly going to run out of them. It is time the people of this nation take a stand and take action against the people who abuse their power. You might be able to buy direct from a Russian website for now, but take this into consideration. I just dont see how punishing Russia over the Ukraine is an overwhelming state interest when it comes to the second amendment. Lysander Spooner Again, in World War II, the Izamash plant was the main manufacturer of firearms for the Soviet Armed Forces. 1930, University of Chicago Graduate School, criminology, 19301932. What REALLY pisses me off is that it is fairly easy to program a small unknowing child to play with daddys big gun and end up killing him, herself or a friend-basically sacrificing them to help further the call for more gun control. In my opinion, EO 13662 was issued, not to punish Russia for its involvement in Crimea and the Ukraine. Now bush was not a good pres neither is Obama and where ever you live I would love to move cause here I live unemployment is high nearly everybody is on govt assistance and its with this comes moral an social decay and drugs. 's blog. Obama does not have a clue. It is time to eliminate any one person or agency that is impeding our rights as free americans to use our rights and 2nd amendment contitutioninal rights, This is just what obuma the pig wants , total control over all americans , total police state , let the immigrants in and bring their exotic deseaeses into our shores then force us to house and feed them , put em on a bus and send em right back , we have starving people right here in america overflowing the food stamp,medicaid,welfare systems to the limit now and he wants to bring thousands and thousands of poor unhealthy people into our nation and destroy it , when will congress act and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH TIME TO PRESS CHARGES AND IMPEACH THIS PIG IN THE WHITE HOUSE THAT SEEMS TO HATE AMERICA. I however do not care Im in. And anyone who says its not part of Nobama agenda has got to be kidding. Past leaders have done it under the RADAR, obama does nit care to hide anything anymore. I want to address Damian above who said: In February 2014, unmarked Russian troops invaded Crimea, and, with the help of pro-Russian separatists they installed a new pro-Russian government. Heres the part you Obama lovers cant swallow.. ALL OBAMA HAS DONE IN 6 YEARS IS MAKE EVERYTHING WORSE, DIVIDE THE NATION AND LIE. As an interesting sidelight that many may not have known is that Obama was a student of the teachings of Saul Alinsky, a community organizer (as was Obama) and malcontent. Therefore, I cede to you and its back to the defenestration of this piano. If you cant see the hundreds of executive orders as what they are, your blind. So is anything the United States is the problem . You should, God said, Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live! Of course he knew what was needed-but that is murder by these days by Satans laws which mostly rule this country now. Manufactured by the Kalashnikov Concernformally known Izhmashthe Saiga-12 is a shotgun patterned after the infamous AK-47 rifle. Maybe Ill do the easy conversion and turn the Saiga into an AK101 and wait for the KUSA to drop a 102. All people want to do is walk around blindly and let the media feed the bullshit so I am not going to waste anymore time trying to prove how ignorant the us citizen has become. They (people you refer to) who dont trust this government.. Like The Bill OReilly Comedy Hour, Sean Hannitys and the Wacko-Birds Variety Show and The Five Talking Morons., Wilderness Survival, Hiking and Camping Forum. The import ban nowleaves the market to American-made AK-type rifles, such as those manufactured by Century Arms and Palmetto State Armory, Romanian WASR-10s and sturdy SerbianNPAPs, among others. Im sure a de- milled rifle or parts for one are sold so cheaply, that the import taxes are probably more than the item itself. James I do agree with most of your comments. The leader has to lead.,,,,,,,,, Explosives Again, the Constitution is silent on any regulation of the poer or authority to regulate or DENY acess or ownership. My son was in Afghanistan 8 years. As you can imagine, most Presidents can take advantage of such confusion and they are never audited. But to remain on topic This is necessary and should be enacted without exceptions. G W ALREADY DID. I like to use this adage, confuse a liberal, use facts and logic. In my opinion, the provisions of EO 13662 for the Ban on Importation of Kalashnikov Concern (Saiga) Rifles is a blatant and clear demonstrations of the Obama Administrations total disregard for the U.S. Constitution. I will just leave you with this last statement. when everyone else has been disarmed (ill keep my fire power) i hope all the bad people, foriegn or domestic, go to your house first. Same thing will happen with Russian Firearm companies, they will still have their websites up, but I guarantee you the way this sanction is enforced is your bank has to block any transactions going to Russia. That means eventually ALL of their industries should be boycotted. It definitely upsets me when our country has sat back and armed those ISIS terrorists. Iron and steel: $20,050,729,000 (3.8%) Thomas Jefferson, Democracy in America And Im not the only person. Do you have a job or have you looked for one. Name ONE criminal act that OBAMA did, or ONE Illegal thing he DID. I used to buy shoes directly from the Asian Market, they make em and send em here and our stores mark them up unrealistically. Read this and learn.. Since Ive been old enough to vote weve had a collection of clowns in the oval office from both sides of the aisle who seemed to try to one up man ship each other in stupidity. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Any irresponsible usage seen occurs relative to the influence of an action, the cause. That is one crack smoking looking hag if i ever saw 1. And if banning Russian made AKs prevent that than ok, AKs are not banned, just Russian made AKs. Past leaders have done it under the RADAR, obama does not seem to care to hide anything anymore. However, this is unlikely to move the needle on that front, but will certainly impact the future of RWC Group and the American jobs it provides. Well we dont. The EO bans the Importation of the Kalashnikov Concern (Saiga) Rifles. In my opinion, the President acted and utilized this current conflict, not to punish Russia, but to impose Gun Control and Attack our Second Amendment Rights.. Well of course but trump supporters think he his. I dont dislike BO because hes black.I dislike him because he is a race baiter & a bigot.He doesnt care about vets or this country.He is a liar.He seems to only care about himself & the agenda you say he doesnt have.These more powerful people you refer to are the ones pulling his strings.I dont see one thing that has improved in this country since he took over.Youre living in a fantasy world.He is taking us down the wrong path.We are less respected on the world stage than ever.The only thing he seems to follow through on is his eagerness to do away with guns. It's mine.NO YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know Im grandfathered in but can I sell it or pass it along to my kids? I know you are who you are and you are not going to change. He paid for the majority of it since you can argue that we would pay for his security regardless if he was in the Oval Office, on a foreign relations trip, retired, or on vacation. That actually would be dumb. Explain why I didnt like either Bush or Clinton either ..what does that make me Ramone. Like I'm gonna give up my store so everyone hoards stuff and I can't get it when I want to!? One AK-47 that did not make your review is the new Kalashnikov USA AK-47 (. Its a global marketplace. Under tyranny it is right to be a rebel! I know now there is no sense in talking to you because you have been thoroughly brainwashed. Stop drinking the Limbaugh cool-aid so our party can stop looking like a bunch of paranoid nutcases and we can win over the moderates who dont particularly like the fact that the democrats are wildly irresponsible when it comes to fiscal policy and who have emotional knee-jerk reactions every time someone gets shot. BUT HELL YEAH LETS ARGUE ABOUT PRESIDENTIAL VACATIONS. Ever wonder how it got to be that we dont these days kill most of the turds and sphincters that God said we should kill. ! I could fill a page and you know it. He has done nothing to make anything better in this country. It is scary what this president might do or try to do during the remainder of his term. Beginning in the 1890s, Izamash began mass producing the Mosin-Nagant, and during World War I, it produced 1.4 million rifles for the Russian Army. Bush did it. Our concern is 2A, The Right to Bear Arms. "It's going to be the High Court of the land, and that's that. And to add to your well written and accurate position In this day and age anyone with a functional amount of common sense should have the intellectual wherewithal to understand the stigma attached to such a word; and thus should know there is simply no place for it anywhere, at any time, or for any reason within modern dialogue. The saiga is on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as Critically Endangered and is vital to the ecosystem of Central Asia, including Mongolias steppe. If congress was more effective in handling their business the president wouldnt need to do EOS. Its too bad that these sanctions have effected the import of quality AK builds, but to Mr. Rugers point, itd be kind of strange to impose sanctions on Russia without AKs being included. Gee WillikersI must have slept in my high school civics class when they taught us that the Executive branch only enforced laws and that the Congress was responsible for creating them. While this process is relatively simple and doesnt need much more explanation, we thought this was a gun worth blogging about. Regardless of all that, hating someone because of their race is just plain wrong man and I am as conservative as one can get. Its a joke. Wow, arent we a little off point in this discussion thread? Replicate one that uses all american parts. Range Report: How Good Is the Smith and Wesson M&P FPC 9mm Folding Carbine? End rant. A forum community dedicated to survivalists and enthusiasts. Why ban all russian products , they didnt do anything (dont watch CNN,BBC,SKY, MSNBC etc..). Clear editor. He got a twofer on this one,. They have certainly done well with all the Obama hype Get yours while you still can . name 1 lol?????????? I also feel like Snowden did the right thing by the citizens of the US by reporting to us we are being lied to by Claooer. Youre are welcome to disagree, I encourage it. WebOut of curiosity I began looking at proof marks and other stamps on the receiver. WebCalifornia's assault weapons ban was first passed in 1989. If you did it you go to jail or are executed. But will we ever see new Russian Saiga-12s in the U.S. again? Once imported, it was legal for people to have a Saiga-12 unsporterized by a gunsmith. You couldnt give me an AK. For you to make such a random statement without anything of substantive value that would convince us of your credibility, well it makes you look rather foolish. I guess it is a damn good thing that my firearms are all made in the USA. Some people just need to be verbally smacked around from time-to-time. They made the mess and were (America) still cleaning it up. Obama but (1) he *is* the POTUS and (2) he is doing his job on this one. SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION IZHMASH JOINT STOCK COMPANY), 3, Derjabin Pr., Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic 426006, Russia; Registration ID 1111832003018 [UKRAINE2]. Sorry, but I could not correct the original post, so I edited here. Your world might be of fantasy but doesnt make you right. The This comes after a downstate judge temporarily halted the state's ban on so-called assault weapons and high capacity magazines. Such was not the case in your comments regarding presidential vacationing expenses. Sounds like an ill informed republican to me. How about we lift the ban on Chinese weapons instead? If you and your customers want to continue to support the Russian government and its tyrannical way of treating the rest of the world, then we should ban you,too. GW Bush let the gun ban expire, he had no side to choose that way. You name it; obammmy has done and will until he is no longer in that position, no matter how it ends. Obama has never acted in Americas interests. Informed? Also, as a side note, I know the recent Century Arms AKs (100% U.S. manufactured) will get brought up. single handed changes in Obama care laws in violation of the Constitution. @Mc Ruger each time I get fired up about politicians, I stop and remember that in a Democracy, we always gets exactly what we deserve. 5 highly trained attack dogs and a whole arsenal. God knows there is enough garbage flying around in the media now days. Knock it off! True there are people like McCain that want to invade everyone but We the People dont want our sons and daughter off to war again. And every domocrat under him has broken the law for him , fast and furious,lois lerner ,the list goes on and on hillary herself and benghazi is the biggest lie of all and stll being told over and over again,admit dems , your people are crooks ,liars ,and theives.And out to ruin our constitutionional rights at every chance and you still defend them , talk about a moronic party , you democrats are the kings of bs and lies.And george bush was lied to about iraq , he was told we needed to be there and all you dems were convinced of it as well and all voted yes lets invade iraq,so tell someone does not keep up with current events your lies , we dont buy them anymore. Not just here but in the politicsl process. I do not see it as buying from the enemy. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I served in the military under Bush. But in a nuke attack, a group of 9 year olds sticking their heads under school desks is really just stupid. However it is dead wrong for the government to force you to give by taking it from you and deciding how to pass you money out. Its a Russian weapon and if it benefits a country that is starting to act like an enemy of old, then why buy it. He open mics it and tells the Russian President, Medvedev, he would be more flexible after he was elected to his second, (another disatorous) term. However, I also feel that when someone replies with irresponsible anecdotes that are nowhere near factual, I become concerned that a younger or more impressionable reader may be persuaded to regard such things as fact and possibly even spread them as truth. CONCERN KALASHNIKOV; a.k.a. Therefore, all AKs and parts imported from other countries are still legal. Please fight the good fight and help to restore our rights! Personally I feel Obama and our government should be respecting the laws we have. I suspect I will rile up a fair number of you folks but I have rethought this issue and you get to read about it. Is this band on Russian AKs necessary? One thing is public service and they dont seem to understand that if they dont represent our interests that we will shit can them. For post 9/13/94 manufactured (or copy/duplicate of a) semiautomatic detachable magazine centerfire rifles the "IZHMASH Saiga AK" is specifically banned by name. Who cares? In 6-years of officer hes made 92-executive orders, while George W. has made 592 in 8-years of office. Obama is actually that one of the seven heads of the beast that receives that mortal wound that he does not die from allowing the Anti-Christ the supposed justification to pronounce him God. Not saying he was right in taking all those vacations, but its unfair to him to say we paid for all of it. About his cover-up of the same? Up front I want to stated that I am very pro 2nt ammendment. But the gun lobby has been quiet afterthe Trump administrations sanctions on Molot. All rights reserved. Congress is dysfunctional. President George W. Bush, spent a total of 367-days on Vacation. But Tom is 100% correct. News to me Do NOT celebrate until the fat lady sings! Its my choice! good guys/bad guys and whatever chomo means) We have an enemy to this country and it happens to be the tyrant in the white house. You might want to read Ronald Reagans Legacy a little more carefully.
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saiga ban lifted 2023