The now 22 year old Lori Loud, 21 year old Leni Loud, 20 year old Luna Loud, and 19 year old Luan Loud were now attending Royal Woods Community College while still living at home. You're really got some moves there.". Clyde walked over to the D.J. It's gonna be pretty lonely without Leni. "What a good nino you got there, cousin", Georgie said. Wholesome shenanigans occur. My point is, you show good leadership when necessary.". ~Mild Aggressive language "And after he walked me home from the arcade that night I grabbed him by the caller of his shirt and kissed him on the mouth." Dive in as some of the Loud kids and their friends get married. "Actually it was 3 times," Ronnie Anne admitted. He starts to shout. Maybe you should take him out for a day. (Lincoln And His Sisters Eat Breakfast Together). OH MY GOD GUYS! At the buffet, Lori and Bobby are trying to figure out what to do when they hear the entrance open and they saw Ronnie Anne walk in, having sympathy in her eyes. You apologized for your attitude towards me, you and the others helped me with my project, you apologized to Leni for trying to get her to fail at getting her license and tried to help her with me. Unplanned Pregnancy. Lincoln: "Today has been really great so far. He has one grandson and ten granddaughters. Lincoln begins to walk out the dining room. I knew we would be able to fix it! Luna: Of Course Baby Bro! Humiliated, Ronnie Anne turned to the audience. Lincoln walks his way there. ", Lori: "I know. "Wait", Lincoln said, "you called my bluff, I'll go. They quickly shut their mouths before anything escalated on them. Upon arriving at Great Lake City, Lincoln learned that Girl Jordan had a problem with mistletoes during the Christmas season. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Family - Lincoln L., Lucy L., Luna L., Lynn L. - Chapters: 11 - Words: 45,739 - Reviews: 120 - Favs: 160 - Follows: 140 - Updated: 4/22 . Carlota, CJ, Carl and Carlitos exclaimed happily in unison. We're gonna have your parents come and pick you up. Lincoln: That's because no one ever tries to insult her because everyone is scared of her. Harley and Rachel stood there, attracted to Lincoln. After an unexpected Night Lincoln ends up with one Helluva new Pet which sets off a chain reaction of insanity, fun and all sorts of weirdness. Didwe really think we could convince them not to move? I don't know what I'll do without my Bobby Boo-Boo Bear!". Luan: (suspisious) What are you so happy about? she admitted. "Well we weren't an official couple yet", Lincoln reminded. "Guess it's time for a slow dance", Lincoln said. Everytime I try to tell someone the truth, they don't care. A month has passed since Bobby, Ronnie Anne, and their mother moved away. One boy must cast off the shackles of normality, build his TRUE family, become a man, save the world. ", Rita: "Are you sure? All of the pressure Lincoln is in right now actually starts to make him tear up. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne continued slow dancing. The two go inside. Lincoln then continues to sob while the moon shines over him. Plus, you got along well with the Casagrandes, didn't you? Gasp! Please consider turning it on! Dont You Guys Think It Was? Lori and Lincoln got into Vanzilla and drove off. "We're going to be tv stars!" He turns around and sees Clyde catching up. Lincoln: Thanks pal. One-shot inspirado por el captulo de la segunda temporada, The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos. Lincoln then starts to head to the entrance and opens the door. ", Lori: "Yes, it's sad. Everyone acts like it's the end of the world! Ronnie Anne: Listen Lincoln, I know they are constantly with each other and are afraid of being separated, but that doesn't mean in the future they're gonna get married. *, Ronnie (Speaking Cute): AWWWW.. Come here little one, *She takes him and puts him on her lap and then Sid wakes up from his faint and sees her with Lincoln on his lap and again he couldn't take it. Timmy wants to find love somebody better then Trixie tang, all his friends are going out in the world to look for boyfriends and girlfriend, so they take them on dates and stuff. Lincoln turnsaround while crossing his arms, leaving his back facing Lori. ", Lynn Sr.: "It's alright son. ", Lincoln: (thinking in his head.) my girlfriend! What do you want from me? You guys, however, think that we are gonna be madly in love in the future like you guys, but how do you expect a bully and a middle child to get along?! Are you hurt?! Luna: Bro, Ive Been Wanting To Do This In My 15 Years As A Sister: Kiss You. Butthings still tend to get out of control, like the whole Sweet Spot fiasco, the time we fought over money, the time Leni and I fought over a stupid dress and then we all started arguing, and that's only naming a few. Sometimes I felt stressedknowing that I have to watch over a lot of siblings. Lori looks sad, but Lincoln looks at her with a smile. (shy) I do want to help my new boyfriend. Lori: "So, what do you want to play first?". ", Rita: "Did you find out what's troubling him? Just after the call ended, his smile fades away and he begins to look sad. So there's no point in even trying! We don't want to get sunburned, do we?". ", Staff Member #3: "We are so sorry for this, ma'am.". ", Lincoln: "Well, you two only have a year before you go to college together. Lincoln falls asleep, but Lori is still awake and looks at him. ", Lori: "Well, I guess it's because of how focused on myself I can be at times. He didn't smell bad at dinner. All they want to do is to take advantage at me and then mistreat me like i'm nothing! "Hey, yeah, you're right, Sid, he is!" A romance story in which the Loud House sisters develop profound feelings for a special someone in an alternate universe (AU) where Lincoln is adopted by the Loud parents. "Yep", Lincoln said, "I was originally Ronnie Anne's date, but suddenly, I decided to be their date. "Sheesh, you're such a Drama Queen." Lincoln rushes over the game and Lori follows. I'm sorry, Lori.". Just then, the Loud parents come in the living room. Lori's annoyed looks truns into a worried look. If you want, I'll let you put sunscreen on me, so we'll be even. Let it out.". Lincoln shouted loud enough for the people in the cinema to hear, including Lori. Lincoln took turns dancing with Georgie, Rachel, and Harley, while Ronnie Anne looked on. The three walked over to Lincoln and Ronnie Anne to put their plan into action. ", Lincoln: (nervously) "Because Because, uh", Lori: "Because this place reminds you of Ronnie Anne?". We bet 50 dollars that you would win. And it's Friday. Bobby: She's been waiting for you a few blocks from here. I can do it, myself! What happened? Lincoln begins tocry and Lori gives her brother a comforting hug. Lori gets out of the car and walks to the passenger side where Lincoln is sitting. Lincoln: (teary eye) And why does everyone has to either pick on me or ignore me when I say this stuff?! "And don't forget dessert", Lincoln said. Lori: "Now you listen here, punks! It's okay. ", Lori: "Well, duh. (blushes) The reason why I specifically picked on you is because I didn't know how to get my feelings out to you, so I just picked on you. When unknown forces threaten their small-town lives, however, Lincoln must find his strength to defend the people he loves the most Ronnie Anne grabbed Lincoln and yanked him over to the dance floor by his shirt collar. That's why I took you out for today. Lori smiles and then lays on her belly. Let's put some sunscreen on. "Well we weren't an official couple yet", Lincoln reminded. They're not getting married! "Well, ladies and gentlemen", Clyde said, "here's a song dedicated to my second favorite couple, Lincoln Loud, and Ronnie Anne Santiago.". Lincoln Loud. After all, I talk on my phone a lot, especially when it's Bobby, and I also have a job now. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! I'd rather lick the bathroom floor than kiss that weirdo. If it wasn't for you, we would've been in huge trouble although we still got busted when dad found the broken golf club. Things were going nuts. Lincoln then runs up to his room. Lori: "I figured this would be the best place to have lunch. You insulted her TWICE! Lori and Bobby are shock to hear Lincoln's outburst. let's start it. , *Upon arriving there she props herself up a hill and picks up Sid and Lincoln and puts them in the palm of her hand.*. Meanwhile, Lincoln is running on the sidewalk when he then turns into the forest nearby. Work Search: Mike punches Lincoln in his gut. Lori: "So, uh. Lincoln: (nervously) "Oh, I'm doing just fine. Lori: (soothingly) "There, there. He then sat under a tree and begins to cry. Rita: This is an excitement that I like to see in. ", Lori: "Well, I actually wanted to see this movie myself. Also, expect something TOTALLY unexpected post-episode. But more important than the marriage ceremony is the rite of consummation. Ronnie Anne thinks that Valentine's Day is cheezy and stupid, but she later changes her mind, after she starts developing a crush on her best friend Lincoln Loud. Lincoln, worried that he would have to go through that again, ran over to Ronnie Anne. Lincoln: "For the millionth time, Ronnie Anne is not my girlfriend! Thanks, Boo-Boo Bear. Lincoln stuck the pieces of pie on their faces. Lincoln looks up and puts on a small fake smile, Lincoln: "Oh, uh. Classmate #4:Hey, are those khakis? After being mysteriously kidnapped Lincoln finds himself at the feet of some organization that's creating super soldiers while he gets used as a lab rat for a new experi (Most pictures in this story are from deviantart & some pictures belong to The Loud House. This is my first story where Lincoln bonds with one of his sisters. After a bad day, Lincoln comes home stressed and angry. Tellyour familyI said 'hi', too. It's normal to like someone, so I don't get what the big fuss is! I didn't realize how much I liked hanging out with Ronnie Anne. Lori looks at her sleeping brother with a smile and kisses his forehead, just like she did on that night 7 years ago. Lincoln Loud and his large family live a relatively normal life in Royal Woods, Michigan. Lori, wearing her sleep wear, enters his room. Ronnie Anne said. I'm peachy. "Do you remember Dance, Dance, Resolution when I said we went on a few smaller dates before that?" The two teenagers are having fun too, and told the siblings that they make a great team. They all went back into their rooms and left Lori and Bobby hugging in the hallway. ", "Yeah", Rachel said, "she got the nickname 'Stinky Santiago'.". It's okay. "What if I don't wanna go to your cousin's quinceaera", Lincoln asked. I'm worried about him. ", Lynn: (livid) "Where are they?! Lori: "I know how you feel. Lori: Lincoln, she likes you too, so you shouldn't be insulting her! Ronnie Anne was in the bathroom cleaning up while Lincoln threw Ronnie's clothes down the laundry chute as he did Ronnie came out in a towel the two went into Lincoln's room where she sat on his bed with her legs crossed. The three guys crack their knuckles. If you don't want to though, that's fine. I'm here. And you tend to hang out with Clyde and your other friends. If it wasn't for her, I probably would've been hurt worse, I probably would've had a few broken bones as well.". I mean, I'm not really sure why. Trending . Ronnie Anne: Listen Lincoln, I don't know where you think it's pointless to date me if they do get married.
Ensorcellement D'amour, Articles L
loud house fanfiction lincoln and ronnie anne kiss 2023