We have two gates through which things can enter our heart. Whether you are joining us in person or online, we invite you to experience our services and be a part of the Lakewood family. Even though it looked far out, he didn't dismiss it. What if the only reason it's not happening is because you're not asking? Hope you have a blessed day~ God will use them to do amazing things like this. There isnt a promise a pastor will tell me about that I wont go and find in the bible. I can only imagine how it must feel when someone questions your motives or questions your kind of preaching. How you pray will determine what kind of life you live. However, he does have a large following that live here. For example, the Bible tells us to Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. in Matthew 7:7. Melanie. If they did, half the congregation would walk out. Blessings, SHOP FOR MOTHERS DAY WITH SITEWIDE SAVINGS. And, I really appreciate you signing up to follow my blog today. He promised we would have trouble, but reminded us that HE had overcome the world. She kept praying month after month, didn't look like anything was happening. Sure I liked to hear Joels uplifting message, who doesnt? The bible is there to teach me and guide me and give me discernment. Worse yet, I wanted it so badly, but I could see it just wasnt meant to be. In Jesus Name, Thanks, Ashley! Do you know what I've learned? Joel Osteen is a New York Times bestselling author and the Senior Pastor of America's largest church, Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. ", Follow AzQuotes on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. No. The first place we lose the battle is in our own thinking. Pastor Joel thank you nice massage, am lifted up. Go and pray about your ways lady. In His love, It also true our prayers should align with Gods will for our particular life purpose/plan/ journey. Thank You, God for blessing Pastor Osteen I truly believe our God is in control and he has been with me, my children, my family through my life and even before I was conceived. In the end its ALL about JESUS, honor one another. He tries to lift people up when they are down and thats what we should be doing. Thank God that hes merciful and he doesnt always give us our way. In fact, I have often wondered if some people have believed his prosperity doctrine and then become disillusioned when the things they wanted did not materialize. Despite praying and marching around the house, they did not get that house. The room grew very quiet, you could have heard a pin drop on the carpeted floor. Thank you for this and knowing that we are to do Gods will. It sounds like your father is in a better place whole and cancer-free. However, I kept the faith even when things looked bleak for me. Church is to fellowship with like believers and is meant to give you motivation and something to hold on to for another week but that alone will not give the foundation needed to know the word of God for ones self. My mother fell in this trap years ago. Thank you, Erica, for stopping by today. Thank you Pastor for opening my eyes in big size prayers accomplished by our Almighty God. Ask me for cowl's with your initial on it. We do have to be wise and discerning, dont we! Your encouragement was much needed by me, and it helps to hear the perspective of someone else who knows the disappointment Ive been experiencing. Jesus taught the disciples to believe for the impossible, and that they would have what they say. None of us are Saints yet. A very wise Chaplain once taught my husband, when selecting churches or other Christian voices, pay attention to how much Jesus there is. I like the positive preachers, but often they are so subtly wrong and dangerous! Hello, dear Melanie. Nothing deeper. Well, Joel, God's God, if he wants to bless me, he'll bless me. If events are not happening as quickly as you would like, or if you are not seeing circumstances change in your favor, open your grip on the situation; relax and learn to trust God. Thank you for stopping by to leave a comment today. Hope you have a blessed day~ Look up the secret or New Age Movement. We went over and worked another fifteen minutes doing everything we could. Now if something is not for you your faith in god should be enough to keep I dont understand where it says in the Bible that you are to point fingers and publicly humiliate another believer. I really appreciate you stopping by to leave a good word. Dont miss the mark. But that doesnt mean we cant ask for anything with the hope that its the will of God. Finally, I accepted it and embraced the thought, No big deal. This is an American gospel. What about our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in poverty at the lowest levels in other parts of the world? Please stop by and be a part of one of our services. I admit it is not as much fun as believing Publishers Clearing House is on the way butI dont have to buy a ticket to heaven anyway so life is good. Good on you Margie #twothumbsup. No, David understood this principle. This is really sad and I feel sorry for you. He knelt down, gave his life to Christ. Its so easy to be misled, isnt it, Dawn! Hey Tamera, There are two side to every coin, and to only talk about or preach one side is very misleading. Twelve years old, Victor would come home at three o'clock in the morning, totally stoned. Joel Osteen Daily Prayer You bless me girl, and I cant wait to meet you! good advice! So we are not being people who can handle a home of our own. If youre going to see Gods surpassing greatness, go beyond praying little prayers and ask God to do something big in your life. Please read the KJV of both chapters in their entirety. Thank you for sharing from your own testimony and reminding me that its more about getting my desires to align with His (and watching Him change my want-to!) I attend a great church that teaches the bible is the word of God.over the years I have heard and read criticisms of Joel Osteen and this is what bothers me.. The topic of sin is taboo in most churches, and especially the big ones. My hope is not to judge him but to challenge my readers to see both sides of this coin. Blessings. Thank you for not opening up that door. Thank goodness the people who designed that plane knew thered be people like me on board. You are the biggest encouragement and lead with such wisdom. I can see that you probably dont make money on your blog. Melanie. Amen. It has been more of a curse than a blessing but I am stuck with this answered prayer. Hold my heart within yours, and renew my mind, body, and soul. Nevertheless, if you push and manipulate, trying to make things happen, God will sometimes let you have your wayand you will have to learn his lessons the hard way. Your words affirm me today! It does sound like youve been through some tough experiences. Thank you so much for this insightful blog!! You will never reach the fullness of your potential if you only pray small prayers. That's all good. Well, well, well, no wonder we are friends! When I was growing up, my mother would pray over the dishwasher if it broke to pray over the lawnmower, and I'm over there with some of my friends getting a kick out of it, kind of laughing, and all of the sudden we hear the car crank right up. My prayer is that people will read this and take a moment to really think about what they are listening to. I am sorry for the negative comments but life is not all?. Your situation may look impossible, but don't ever rule out the favor of God. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. I am thankful for all my brothers and sisters in Christ but I especially enjoy learning and growing when I listen to Dr. Charles Stanley, Pastors:David Jeremiah, Robert Jeffress, and Chuck Swindoll to name a few. I agree. Melanie. Melanie, Melanie, I found this article through Pinterest first time on your site. That is exactly what you have done. We didnt become rich in the worlds eyes, but, we lived in Gods will. I have to agree with both sides to a certain point. I'm talking about asking God for what he's already promised you. God, stop the sun. However, I know plenty of people who still go thereincluding my father-n-law. I dont listen to him either. Where else may just I get that type of info written in such Sure do appreciate your words of encouragement and your comments today! And I know that you arent necessarily bashing Joel Osteen like most would, but the title is very misleading. Positive affirmations lead to positive feelings, which lead to positive actions, which will lead to a positive life. The tray table on this particular plane came right out of the side, beneath my window. Period. Its been hard to put into words why hes not the best preacher to listen to, this explains it exactly. Then you are not inconveniencing God, but asking him to help you in your everyday life. She was a very small woman. Look at followers through the ages and what they have gone through. Thanks so much for stopping by to leave a thoughtful word today. Im so glad you stopped by today and left a thoughtful comment. Repeat these faith affirmations to yourself daily and you will see a positive change in your mindset, your actions, and your life. I'm your father. For many, myself included for years, I didnt realize it but I was going to different churches based on the sermons and the pastor(s). We cannot afford any of these things due to me and my Shopping Addiction which I have confessed to God, my Sis-in-law and only halfway to my husband as I am afraid of his anger. Im sure he is a great guy. Preachers must also teach that sin is wrong and hell is real. Jakes Prayer Line -(888) 868-2497. We can talk ourselves out of it or we can say, God, I can't do this in my own strength. So whats so wrong with that. But I know you are all powerful. Appreciate your sharing these things with us. My husband and I were missionaries in South America. I went down to the dealer, drove it and bought it. I really appreciate your visit and your kind words! Many times, I literally begged God for a home. I appreciate your visit and your kind comments today. But for God, how else to mold us except through experience to make a change permanent? When I think of prosperity preachers I always think ear tickling. There is so much wisdom in your post and its told in a gentle and kind way. Please remember that faith is a journey, not a destination. After we took off, I wanted to get my tray table out so I could make some notes. You are only showing one example from one sermon. Actually the hard places seem to be where we grow the most. If God does bless you with a new houseit will be the best house EVER:), Thank you, Horace! I pray that God will bless you as well. Perhaps you might enjoy reading the follow-up post in this series: https://melanieredd.com/day-quit-listening-joel-osteen-part-2/ It is our responsibility to search Gods word for the truth ourselves, Joel Olsten will not get you into heaven. If you taught more of your view on religion you my bring greater understanding to the people. I was moved by your article, showed me that not everyone just wants their itching ears scratched.. because then it becomes too good to be true. And, I do think lots of people are led astray by teachings like these. I pray that his followers and he himself will change his ways. Melanie. Melanie. < I do take every single comment to heart. If Satan can get Christians to fight about petty stupid things amongst themselves instead of focusing on the main goal of Christianity (telling the world about a Saviour who loves them and wants to save them from their sins), then the house that we represent will fall. It's Your Time and Become a Better You Boxed Set, p.87, Simon and Schuster. My heart has been through these articles to remind folks to consider what Paul calls in Acts 20:27, The whole counsel of God. My lack of agreement with the Osteens pertains to the name it and claim it version of Christianity. Praying that God will give you and your husband much grace and joy. style is to encourage people and to preach gods word in a positive way. Thanks so much for stopping by to share your story today! He was saying, I'm I'll make sure everybody knows this cow belongs to little Jamie. I would appreciate your comment or did I miss something in you blog ? Discover how one word can deepen your prayer time every morning. I can find the positive in my money situation., 28. How does he inspire millions of people around the world? We can not pick and choose what we like and dont like. I know my personality. God does this on purpose so that it will take faith. Repeat these money affirmations to yourself daily and you will see a positive change in your mindset, your actions, and yourlife. Don't ask me for a two dollar raise. Melanie~ Melanie. I love Joel and I need to be uplifted and encouraged and if he is wrong he is the one that has to face God about that. No preacher is a perfect preacher. And, Im so glad we serve a God who knows what is best for us too! It was not only solid black, but right between his eyes. I have a problem with pastors who want to put tv preachers down saying things like Im not going to preach a prosperity gospel while having a pearly white smile and wearing a $3000.00 suit. I listen to different preachers and try to take something good from them until they criticize others. You made too many mistakes. It's good to ask for our needs, but I'm encouraging you today. Something must have been left on. I would have been so caught up in the excitement and I would have loved it so much, Im sure I just would have stayed right there at the university TV station. people that challenge you to raise higher, Thank you for this Melanie. Blessings to you, Too often, were shortsighted. Many blessings! I often joke that we are really good at buying businesses (weve owned a Subway restaurant,a Pharmacy and now we are buying a commercial plaza! Why are we putting time limits to God, then go around the world contaminating everyone with our impatience and lack of faith? Im actually Catholic/Jewish but practice Buddhism. But our Christian leaders, though they are not who we need to put our faith in, they have enormous power to shape our faith.
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joel osteen morning prayer 2023