Nobel-winner, Feynman sparring partner, co-founder of Santa Fe Institute, wrote a book on complex systems for the general reader. Dominic Cummings accuses Boris Johnson of spreading 'further Sign in People who havent studied it often mock Fukuyamas. The philosophising Tolstoy fought against the picture of an infinitely complex system in which most thoughts and actions fade to zero significance quickly but a few connect to others with highly non-linear effects. A remarkable 19th Century book about propaganda and politics that influenced Lenin, Hitler and PR pioneers like Bernays. He left his Downing Street role following an internal power struggle, amid claims the PM's then-fiancee had blocked the promotion of one of his allies, Lee Cain, after months of internal warfare . If we could predict events like the fall of the Berlin Wall better it would have huge value. , biography by John Sugden. I'll post final LKY notes tomorrow. What are the books Dominic Cummings told aides to read? Why it's in AOC's interests to challenge Old Joe. A modern version of Polya for children, by aFields Medalist. On typical problems dealing with statistics, Bayes Theory, and how to improve understanding of probability. A big problem for UK political discussion is people focus obsessively on the immediate interest of the London media rather than trying to think about, . (general reader). The Substack blog he started in June last year is not cheap - 10 a month for an erratic and irregular output via email - but it's worth it. The Selling of the President 1968, McGinniss. United Kingdom parliamentary second jobs controversy What is moral behaviour is not the same question as what are the principles of high performance in politics! ), The foundational crisis of mathematics, set theory, Hilbert, Godel, and Turing. Vernon Smith, economics Nobel-winner, argues that TOMS provides a better basis for economic models and prediction than modern neoclassical economics. He did not however go quietly or in apologetic mode. I wrote some essays on the history of maths and computing which have further reading lists. Never At Rest, Westfall. Much (mis)quoted, rarely read. Dominic Cummings on Twitter The peacetime bureaucracy knew what it valued. (Dostoyevsky was Nietzsches favourite novellist!). , Klein. The vaccine taskforce a) created huge value for the UK and the world, b) would, have happened without [typo original!] some Kay emails, Sydney Brenner interview on the hideous science funding system. Insider account of how the legendary Skunk Works worked by a guy who ran it. In particular read Alan Kays The Power of the Context and watch the two-part YCombinator talk he gave. A billionaire should provide copies to all elected politicians. I was not. ), Dostoyevsky. (Steinbergs recent book has interesting stuff but has many errors of fact/date and interpretation.) Thames Valley Police have confirmed that her corpse was discovered on Friday, April 21, just before midnight. (NB. Aug 25, 2022. *Come and See ( , Russian). While some lessons are specific to time/place (e.g how the Senate works in 1950) the most important lessons from all such books are quite abstract and common and I assume this will be true of these classics. NB. I searched for explanations. de Tocqueville. Dominic Cummings Jul 15, 2021 39 66 Last week I wrote re: Why I went to No10 in summer 2019. E.g Introduction to Strategic History, Modern Strategy, Strategy and Defence Planning (reading now). Elite polarisation, Cicero & fishponds. While some characters from the ancient world, such as Themistocles or Alexander the Great, would be as interesting to study in minute detail we dont have the sources. Hard question (relevant to AGI safety debates! Skunk Works, Ben Rich. , very relevant to discussions on things like drones and AI in Ukraine. Dominic Cummings's Odyssean reading list might make you smarter. and I suspect it would be one of the most useful things to force politicians and senior officials to read. Dyson, Hawking) is wrong. Predictions on AGI can be Straussian. Quantum Computing Since Democritus, Scott Aaronson (2013) is a brilliant introduction to many ideas about computation, physics and quantum information. But the storyteller makes this picture incredibly beautiful. Ive written a few things about his work. Introduction to the Theory of Computation, Sipser (2005 edition). Next week I'll write something for subscribers only on 'Some basics of how to do regime change'. A classic non-specialist introduction to reasoning. Book accompanying an OU course. E.g his few pages on maths and economics which few economists seem to know about! The brutal truth about Dominic Cummings | Letters A good biography of Einstein by Isaacson. This is the Newton biography and its brilliantly done with intense love and care for its extraordinary subject. About Robert Mosess grip on NYC. Dominic Cummings Dec 13, 2022 40 94 #4 Regime Change, America 2024 Trump's disastrous error. He did not try to influence todays arguments but instead tried to prepare the future, an approach of great power partly because, as Monnet said, theres almost no competition. Why Superforecasting is top of Dominic Cummings' reading list Perhaps hoping his colleagues will be able to see into the future, the prime minister's chief adviser has advocated a book on how to. , you see a world historical genius skip between vast scales of time and space, connecting tiny things happening this moment to the biggest things affecting decades or centuries to come. NB. Charlie Munger has written and spoken extensively about mental checklists/models he uses, not just for investing. is extraordinary, e.g his secret search for the truth about Leibniz. Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail 72, Hunter S Thompson. If youre involved in Isaac Physics and want to discuss how it could continue please get in touch.). People who havent studied it often mock Fukuyamas The End of History but most do not realise the last chapter is about Nietzsche and the Last Man, and this chapter is the most relevant today. Solving Mathematical Problems, Terence Tao. Some supported this approach but as youd expect the worst hated it. On digital fabrication. Ciceros letters. I blogged on it here. The Deputy Prime Minister resigned yesterday because a lawyer found against him on two of the eight allegations made. Also Democracy in America. An inspiration for changes to maths teaching I pushed in 2011-14, including trying to get a maths for Presidents course going. They have insurgent energy and feed on grievance. ; 2) how to map the spread of memes and identify critical nodes in the network that, if influenced somehow, can amplify or dampen signals? Then I realised the truth. , George Dyson (son of Freeman). This is not true of blogs like Marginal Revolution. Hes a very unusual thinker and much more right much more often than just about anybody, partly because of how he thinks. Mathematics and the Physical World, Morris Kline. Also you cant understand our world unless you have a sense of Nietzsches profound influence on 20th Century artists, thinkers, and politics. (Planning to see some classics Ive missed: Intolerance; Tokyo Story; Bicycle Thieves.). His book 'Causality' is the leading textbook in the field. Also the club of those who write about UK politics a) are rarely interested in how power really works, b) are almost never interested in management, how to get hard things done, or how organisations work, c) think theyre an expert on communication but are not a general problem for hacks who confuse understanding journalism with understanding communication. Pflouffe ran the Obama 08 campaign and 2012 re-election. This excellent short book introduces quantum mechanics using A Level maths. 59. When you read this you realise that UK parties are something like 50-60 years behind understanding TV so its no surprise theyre bad at new technology. On May 22, 2020, The Guardian and Daily Mirror newspapers in the UK published details of how Dominic Cummings, senior aide to the British prime minister, had broken lockdown rules by travelling 420 km to a family estate with his wife (who had suspected COVID-19) and child. In general Colin Grays work. . , Leonard Susskind (2013). Its often found in terrorist safe houses when raided. Cited by many professional mathematicians as an inspiration. Ive got a list of a few dozen people I follow on Twitter (I use Tweetdeck + Lists for Twitter) and will make this public shortly. The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith. *Chaplin City Lights, The Gold Rush, Modern Times, Great Dictator. I'll answer some over the next 48 hours, on Friday I'll focus on live questions/discussion, then tidy up after. (A great highlight of Oxford for me was four-hour tutorials with RLF on Athenian democracy, Thucydides, Alexander etc.). Gdels Theorem: An Incomplete Guide to its Use and Abuse, Franzen. , maybe the greatest mathematician alive, is brilliant and incredibly useful for someone like me explaining a lot of fundamental concepts in non-technical language. This will also show you why high performance is so hard it is totally hostile to normal bureaucracies dominated by large numbers of middle managers. Popular intro to network theory. If you really are interested in policy and how someone tries to bring principles of high performance to government, this is essential. Rosen on military innovation, very relevant to discussions on things like drones and AI in Ukraine. I've read at least some of (almost) all of them and (almost) all of most titles I refer to (not all the textbooks). Work for Dominic Cummings at your peril, but his take on the state's A classic book on calculus / analysis designed for undergraduates. I'm thinking re 'What should Labour do to win the next election'. Dominic Cummings Dec 8, 2021 93 726 Subscriber-only AMA, Friday 12-2 UK time. A history of ARPA-IPTO and Xerox PARC: how the internet and PC revolution was created. In particular Ill add textbooks, history and philosophy which Ive largely left out. On Renoir and Hollywood: It would be ridiculous to be bitter about Hollywood. This is true even of those who frequently complain about this phenomenon. Sources of Power, Klein. Dominic Cummings's Odyssean reading list might make you smarter. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Beautiful Evidence, and Seeing With Fresh Eyes, by Edward Tufte are classics about the presentation of information by the worlds leading expert. The river was also burning. The best book about Gdels Theorem (according to the editor of Gdels Collected Works) which explains why almost everything one reads about it including by some famous scientists (e.g. one of my terrorist demands when Boris asked me to go to No10, 21 July 2019). Reagans White House was better at communication than any other in the modern era partly because they did not rely on normal political staff but brought people in from Hollywood. Click repeat), , Hamming. Fascinating. Histories of the Standard Model: The Second Creation, Crease & Mann (1996) and The Infinity Puzzle, Frank Close (2011). One of Britains most senior and respected civil servants, Michael Quinlan, wrote this paper after retiring. On connections between quantum physics, computation and information theory. Thinking, fast and slow, Kahneman. Mindstorms, Seymour Papert. Its crucial to remember both aspects of this genius-monster without whom probably no World War I, Lenin, Hitler etc summed up by Salisburys two comments: One misses the extraordinary penetration of the old man and he will do things of which it would be absurd to suspect any other statesman in Europe. Pearl led a revolution in thinking about causation from inside the then tiny field of AI. A striking thing: notice how they take regulation and speed extremely seriously because they have direct experience of it, in contrast to most professional economists who influence media debate on regulation who have no idea of how government really works and how destructive it is to make simple things take years, how it drives people away, rewards the worst people and companies etc. Also the club of those who write about UK politics a) are rarely interested in how power really works, b) are almost, interested in management, how to get hard things done, or how organisations work, c) think theyre an expert on communication but are not a general problem for hacks who confuse understanding journalism with understanding communication. NB. Classic text, university level. A 16-year-old schoolgirl, Caitlyn Scott-Lee, was found dead near Wycombe Abbey School. The insider account of the Manhattan Project by its legendary leader. I really liked this classic but a lot was beyond me. This will also show you why high performance is so hard it is totally hostile to normal bureaucracies dominated by large numbers of middle managers. , Gustave le Bon. In 2018 I asked some academics to consider this and we built a crude tool. It was a direct inspiration for my terrorist demand to Boris, July 2019: we must create an ARPA. Many who used them went on to the famous Kolmogorov schools.). A good biography of Dirac, The Strangest Man, Farmelo. What does it say about the West that their newspaper propaganda was much higher class than most elite philosophy now? Review of the disintegration of the Tories in the context of Brexit, SW1 vs, perspectives on risks of Brexit/Remain, and, and save the trolley to Get Brexit Done despite our reservations. His boss and predecessor was Kelly Johnson who wrote this short list of principles. Their favourite argument is the laughable its a small island, about as sensible as a general saying Alexander the Great was using cavalry so its out of date. If you read his blogs and trusted him on covid over the entire CDC/FDA/WHO bureaucracies, youd have come out far ahead. This by Fields Medallist Terry Tao, maybe the greatest mathematician alive, is brilliant and incredibly useful for someone like me explaining a lot of fundamental concepts in non-technical language. The best modern subject for those interested in how political decisions are taken and effective action in politics/government is Bismarck. Again the meta-lesson: while everybody wants to know what are they investing in? almost nobody pays any attention to how do they organise Berkshire, why is it so different, how does this relate to extreme performance?. Jean Monnet created the ECSC and EEC/EU. One of the most critical lessons? The main biography of Buffett, , is also interesting. Re George Mueller, the man who managed the Apollo program. was the fundamental reason I think Brexit is the right idea and the EU is doomed to fail in important ways. Will live players use the next five months to build build build or waste the most important element in conflict, time, and let non-player characters stumble into a set of critical decisions in November? (Some confusion about his ideas is a result of his sister who, a Nazi supporter and edited things he wrote to distort his actual views. Almost the only good business book I have read on strategy. This is not true of blogs like Marginal Revolution. The Dream Machine, Waldrop. If you read his blogs and trusted him on covid over the entire CDC/FDA/WHO bureaucracies, youd have come out far ahead. Please use comments below for reading suggestions, not general Q&A. Genres Politics Mathematics: Its content, methods and meaning, Kolmogorov et al. For the beginner, by a Fields Medallist. , Beinhocker. Please, . Interesting on the psychology of selling and marketing. , Charlie Munger. Something on how ideas change over different time scales. A modern version of Polya for children, by aFields Medalist. Below is a summary of the main ideas. The Ascent of Man, Bronowksi. The director was evacuated from the horror of Stalingrad as a child: The city was ablaze up to the top of the sky. Based on a course Susskind taught in San Francisco to give people a basic physics education. Someone should run a prize for the best 10,000 word essay summarising the fundamental lessons of this book (which I havent read in full, just skimmed, because of time not a judgement). Many ideas you see from others (e.g Taleb) derive from Mandelbrot. Groves (fired), Bob Taylor (fired), George Mueller (not funded to push on to Mars after the moon), Renoir The list goes on and on. He was a businessman who understood systems thinking and was the first head of the Policy Unit in No10 for Thatcher. No doubt about that Nietzsche produced the climate in which Fascism and Hitlerism could emerge. Perhaps America has elections every four years, power supply is ~100% reliable in the First World, Europe wont see millions killed in wars again, nobody lives happily/normally to 200, robots cant escape control and kill vast numbers of humans, children should study curricula controlled by the state, I support policies that undermine traditional ideas about the family will seem as quaint in 2052 as Bertrand Russell being taught by a grandfather whod met Napoleon that British naval dominance is a fact of life. The basic arguments remain critical today. On digital fabrication. I should have read this, havent, will. Steve has a startup that is a leading player in this emerging field. Alls Fair, Carville & Matalin. A short companion book to his famous lecture series, Tips on Physics: a problem-solving supplement, which was unpublished for many years and seems to be generally unknown, is super-useful. (I knew Mark, a professor at Cambridge, who spent a huge amount of time over the past decade helping state school pupils get hold of great physics material via Isaac Physics. Most of the world is not like this! Tyler Cowen, Patrick Collison and others have been trying to push some of the principles of how to do hard things into economics and government, in similar ways to some of my arguments over the years. Im reading this summer. Ive only read a few excerpts of these but reading them all is a project for later this year. With Bismarck you can follow the twists and turns of a true (and monstrous) genius in great detail and learn an extraordinary amount about how politics, government, war and diplomacy truly work. Dominic Cummings' answer is to make Britain "the leading country for education and science". It amazes me how many scientists and economists know nothing or almost nothing about it. If you want to stop Trump in 2024 you should figure out what you could offer Plouffes wife to let him do it. Almost anything good you read on strategy and conflict is based on ideas you see here. A good introduction to P=NP?. The smartest person Einstein said he knew wrote one of the first things on existential risk. David wrote some of the breakthrough papers on quantum computers. , Hunter S Thompson. By Andy Hayes, news reporter Thursday 27 May 2021 06:28, UK Matt Hancock, Boris Johnson, Carrie Symonds and even Dilyn the dog have been the focus of numerous explosive claims from Dominic Cummings By Reagans pollster. , Gelfand and Glagoleva. , John Allen Paulos (1988). Two adjacent questions: 1) what signals of memes/news predict that X is likely to emerge from the noise and become one of the few stories/memes thats significant e.g the process of the Wall falling has started with small events which are detectable but almost nobody notices or realises what a big deal they will be in a few weeks, how soon can we detect X is happening then predict X is Y% likely to be a big story, with what confidence? While some lessons are specific to time/place (e.g how the Senate works in 1950) the most important lessons from all such books are quite abstract and common and I assume this will be true of these classics. Opinion | The 'Political Anarchist' Behind Britain's Chaos - The New For this unprecedented project in world history Groves had no huge central staff, he worked with a brilliant woman and a tiny staff with truly extreme decentralisation. Calculus, Spivak (2008 edition). How to predict news? Reading List Dominic Cummings Jun 26, 2022 80 This thread is only visible to paid subscribers of Dominic Cummings substack Subscribe to view Keep reading with a 7-day free trial Subscribe to Dominic Cummings substack to keep reading this post and get 7 days of free access to the full post archives. The media laughed and many said its so boring. , Dantzig (1930, updated 1953; new edition 2007). The Nazis did indeed think they were creating a new world beyond good and evil, so did Stalin. Collison has a webpage summarising responses to this. He was a businessman who understood systems thinking and was the first head of the Policy Unit in No10 for Thatcher. Bookmarks. A remarkable 19th Century book about propaganda and politics that influenced Lenin, Hitler and PR pioneers like Bernays. ), here are some books and a few papers I recommend. He understood politics and government in a way I think almost nobody in 20th Century politics did and influenced it more than almost any elected leader. Lines and Curves, Vassiliev and Gutenmacher. Quotes. Classic on teaching children programming, recommended by Alan Kay and Bret Victor. Nelson, biography by John Sugden. (Dostoyevsky was Nietzsches favourite novellist! Yes its striking that looking at my internet favourites for politics there are no UK-based political blogs/writers I regularly read. , Sipser (2005 edition). Our impression was there is valuable low hanging fruit for governments, hedge funds, campaigns. , Seymour Papert. Dominic Cummings, Boris Johnson's Rasputin, is happy to watch the country blow up if he gets what he wants. Again the meta-lesson: while everybody wants to know what are they investing in? almost nobody pays any attention to how do they organise Berkshire, why is it so different, how does this relate to extreme performance?. Its crucial to remember both aspects of this genius-monster without whom probably no World War I, Lenin, Hitler etc summed up by Salisburys two comments: One misses the extraordinary penetration of the old man and he will do things of which it would be absurd to suspect any other statesman in Europe. . Mathematics: A short introduction, Gowers. 2h It is not a forecast & says explicitly 'this is not a forecast' 2 1 Dominic Cummings Offers a Sorry-Not-Sorry for U.K. Lockdown Breach Who is Dominic Cummings? Causality, Judea Pearl (advanced). Professor Sides Dominic Cummings Nov 22, 2022 59 134 Ask Me Anything Monday 28 November, 1900-2100 Dominic Cummings Nov 21, 2022 57 310 Michael also wrote the textbook on QCs, one of the top ten cited physics books ever written. Almost no MPs or senior officials study him or are even midly interested. From Third World to First World by Lee Kuan Yew. Reckoning With Risk, Gigerenzer. For example: The number of people having any connection with the project must be restricted in an almost vicious manner. . by Rumelt. by Gomme and Andrewes, two of the great 20th C classical scholars. Those who think very fast timetables are plausible do not talk about it publicly because (partly) they worry about the effects of their comments. Pearl led a revolution in thinking about causation from inside the then tiny field of AI. The best book on politics. , in contrast to most professional economists who influence media debate on regulation who have no idea of how government really works and how destructive it is to make simple things take years, how it drives people away, rewards the worst people and companies etc. If one could observe a discussion between Bismarck and one politician from the 20th Century, he might be the most interesting choice. SW1 suffers such extremely powerful wilful blindness even an event as big as covid doesnt puncture consciousness in many important ways. Notes on Colin Grays Strategy and Defence Planning, following on from military innovation, The Kill Chain, nuclear (sorry for slow progress on Payne). , Paret et al. Almost the only good business book I have read on strategy. If you want to follow the cutting edge of this research follow, , which you should anyway. Many academics predicted OpenAIs approach would not work but have been proved repeatedly wrong.). Colonel John Boyds briefings are great. I started reading him around 1999 when I first got involved in politics. Cited by many professional mathematicians as an inspiration. He understood politics and government in a way I think almost nobody in 20th Century politics did and influenced it more than almost any elected leader. The resignation of Dominic Raab. Lines and Curves, Vassiliev and Gutenmacher. (This series was written for the Russian correspondence school a way of giving talented maths pupils a useful curriculum in such a vast country. If you havent read it dont read another modern book until you have. A general introduction to number theory, topology, calculus and other subjects. There's a big bad enemy out there, possibly with superior weaponry but. Cowen & Collison handed out fast grants to researchers during covid and at my request advised UKRI on how to speed up in spring 2020. Newton biography and its brilliantly done with intense love and care for its extraordinary subject. Useful introduction to some fundamentals, from Pythagoras to Newton to e and complex numbers. I wish there was something similar on the history of the LMB at Cambridge, one of our crown jewels which Whitehall (and the VC office) has gradually buried with stupid regulation.
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dominic cummings reading list 2023