For example, roving one and two man Seabee automotive and generator repair teams rendered service to Special Forces, MACV Advisors, and U. S. Government civilian agencies located in remote provinces. With the projected assignment of a second CEC Flag Officer to Vietnam, the OICC shed his brigade responsibilities and the Regimental Commander in Da Nang, Captain A. R. Marschall, took command of the brigade as well, briefly during the summer of 1967. Even though the Army brought their own engineers with them to I Corps, during the build-up period about 25 per cent of the Seabee effort was devoted to support of the Army. These Marines were the vanguard of an American force which was to expand steadily beyond half a million troops. Especially, Lec owns a warehouse system right next to the ports in the. It should be noted that this program did not deny battalions essential equipment because of the availability of an adequate backup pipe line. In June 1965 the Chief of Civil Engineers in a letter to Chief of Naval Operations noted that the current planning for NSA did not contain Public Works components. The station hospital begun in 1965 had treated over 21,000 casualties, 44,000 nonbattle patients and one million outpatients flowing in from the hostile and disease-ridden I Corps environment. Vietnam The next significant change, the placing of all Seabee battalions under a Civil Engineer Corps Flag Officer in Vietnam, came with the formation of the 3rd Naval Construction Brigade under Rear Admiral R. R. Wooding, CEC, United States Navy, on June 1, 1966, at Saigon. So, NSA Da Nang came into being in mid-1965 as an activity desperately needed by the Marines, which they were not organized to provide for themselves and which no other service seemed ready to provide. Besides the ability to receive container ships with a tonnage of 50,000 DWT, Chan May port is also selected by the Asian Yacht Association to build a stop for yachts in Southeast Asia with the ability to welcome cruise ships. They, and the Army and the Air Force units soon to follow, would need ports and roads and airfields to get a foothold in this undeveloped land. In the initial planning for NSA, ComServPac concentrated on the supply, operations, and medical areas but did not devote much attention to Public Works. After Dien Bien Phu came an uneasy period of truce between North and South Vietnam punctuated by reports of terrorism and assassination and an unstable government in Saigon. terribly to one side during this same offensive. Port Authority Vietnam National Shipping Lines. it happened. This peak number was short-lived, however, for it looked as though military construction troops would take over and finish the job. Flatbed trailers being unloaded from a U.S. Navy ship at a pier in Da Nang, Vietnam during the Vietnam War. We learned of their value again in Vietnam, but it should be emphasized in many casesin the hospitals, for instancethe hardware from World War II stocks had not been updated.3. find my friend." His primary job was that of OICC, permanently based in Saigon, so the 30th NCR commander at Da Nang continued to exercise the greatest command influence over the Seabee battalions, all of which were in I Corps. The port has a total surface area of 154,700m2; total warehouse reaches 5400m2 and container yard up to 49000m2. 2,960,941, MILITARY UNITS - Danang Viet Nam, Deep Water Piers. U.S. Navy Records Search & Veteran Locator | TWS In addition, the region has nine minor ports as well. Looks Back: Vietnam Army Engineers in Vietnam & Operations Further, they were able on many occasions to engage in civic action projects similar in nature to those of the teams sponsored by USAID. The Navy's Seabees, though small in number, were mobile and capable of deploying quickly, expediency prevailedthe Navy Civil Engineers, who guided both the Bureau and the Seabees, were handed the job. The first two teams the country in 1963 were in this category. Da Nang Port They did, however, in the next month, install a number of fuel systems, provide causeways for off-loading LSTs, and establish camp support ashore in Da Nang. the second floor which showed the Delong Pier located directly in front of the Must-Visit Attractions in Danang, Vietnam If you served in Headquarters, NSA Danang, Vietnam, Join TWS for free to reconnect with service friends. To turn (a craft) or make a shift to the port side: To hold or carry (a weapon) diagonally across the body, with the muzzle or blade near the left shoulder. Coincident with the RMK-BRJ build-up Seabee help was now mobilized. of the attack. I was listed as the Cargo Operations Officer, the bay from Deep Water Pier. WebDescription Elevated view of the deep water piers of Danang as seen from the Monkey Mountains. There were, of course, numerous small contractors some of whom worked for the OICC and some who did not, who were employed by engineer elements of each of the services and by USAID. This military training was to stand many of them in good stead, for every different type of organization to which they were assigned was exposed to enemy action sometime in Vietnam (by mid-1968 the Seabees wounded in action totaled more than those in World War II and the killed in action rate per total men deployed was four times that of World War II). This sand provides unlimited material for filling sandbags, which are used to build everything conceivable, such as bunkers, machine-gun emplacements, walls, barriers, sidewalks, and even stairs. Civil Engineers, Seabees, and Bases in Vietnam A 3rd NCB report of 1 December 1967 stated matter-of-factly: "Progress to date: Approximately 29 bridges have been constructed utilizing timber construction primarily. Most of the materials coming in country came by ship to Da Nang where they were off-loaded and placed in shallow draft vessels for further shipment south to Chu Lai and north to Tan My and Hue, servicing Phu Bai. Provided by Shannon Nichols. NAVSUPPACT DaNang the story that will never be told: this In addition, they also turned out final designs and let small construction contracts. These teams have earned praise from high officials of every country involved, even though the program as a whole is still relatively young. Naval Support Activity Danang Eustis a couple of years ago and visited the Transportation Museum, but was A few days later a typhoon hit Vietnam and I learned the The entire video is 60 minutes long. According to the plan to 2020, in addition to 4 areas of Cai Mep - Sao Mai Ben Dinh, Phu My - My Xuan, Dinh River and Dam - Con Dao wharf area, Vung Tau port will expand 2 more berth areas in Long Son. In that same year 1ti3ounbocks established its Officer in Charge of Construction (OICC) office under a CEC Captain, G. M. Inscoe, at Bangkok. refloated the ship after pumping and welding underwater. 2023 Copyright After 1965 the Seabees definitely dropped below, the figure in FY69 being seven and one-half per cent reenlistment (including DPPOs) or 18 per cent (excluding them). Fortuitously, the Navy's Bureau of Yards and Docks under the command of Rear Admiral Peter Corradi, CEC, United States Navy, already had a large, responsible U. S. contractor at work in Vietnam. A few 1968 figures may help to put Seabee costs in perspective. And few people were quite sure how it had happened. Meanwhile, wharf No. port the helm; ported sharply to avoid a shoal. According to the plan of the Ministry of Transport, Quan Ninh port holds the second position in the important group of seaports in Northern Vietnam, after Hai Phong is the central position. Also significant were a few large U. S. contractors who did not belong to the RMK-BRJ combine. I was to stay and The year concluded with two reported swimmer sightings on 14 and 30 December, both originating from Da Nangs deep water piers. In addition to constructing these camps complete with utilities systems, bunkers, and earthen parapets, the Seabees were called upon to construct access roads and tactical airstrips, 1,500 feet long at a minimum, to accept the Armys twin-engine STOL Caribou planes which delivered camp supplies. attack. came and picked me up and said that he had changed his mind. waves of the tug boat caused the barge to rock and one tanks block broke loose It was only after they had the Marine jets flying that they managed to give sufficient attention to the proper care and maintenance of their equipment. Every year, the number of cargo handled through the Port is about 0.6 million tons, the number of vessels docked an average of 150 ships / year. A memorandum from the Office of the Secretary of Defense in 1956(and later refined in 1963) assigned contract construction responsibilities to the Army Corps of Engineers in certain parts of the world and to the Navy's Bureau of Yards and Docks (BuDocks) in others. This hiatus was cut to a minimum, however, by having advance parties from the new battalion get on site several weeks before the official change-over. Short EM3 Camp Tien Sha Fire Department Certainly the top deep water sailors of the Navy had no intention of committing large numbers of Navy men ashore in a place like Vietnam. WebPhotograph of East Da Nang taken from the top of Monkey Mountain (where the AFVN radio/tv station was located). This was in line with the standard policy which called for transferring a man to shore duty after he had served in Vietnam under the above conditions. The total area of container yard at Chua Ve and Tan Vu port branches is 712,110m2 and 3,300 m2 for CFS warehouse at Chua Ve port. (7) Programming requirements by the line item (a barracks or aircraft parking apron, for example) through channels to Congress for authorization and funding has been standard procedure in developing the peacetime annual construction program. As troop strength increased, another small port at the mouth of the Cua Viet, some four and one-half miles from the DMZ, was established in 1967 to provision the Marine combat base at Dong Ha and its satellites. The primary mission of NSF was to train the Vietnamese Navy to take over after U.S. Along with NSA Da Nang, Public Works experienced phenomenal growth, and in less than two years became the largest public works organization the Navy had anywhere in the world. The movement of retrograde equipment and unit stand down equipment was a Where large spans were called for, or where metal buildings were more desirable than wooden ones, the box-like prefabricated Butler building was a popular choice. Included in their numbers were some 4,200 Americans, 41,800 Vietnamese, and 5,700 "free-world journeymen, mostly Filipinos and Koreans. 4 is 90m (300ft) long, and berth No. Despite the second report being assessed as a definite sighting, no trace of enemy sappers were found. The Advanced Base Functional Component system, an outgrowth of lessons from World War II, consists of definitive advanced base component designs and pre-stocked hardware which had been designed, refined bought, sorted, and stored during the peaceful years. At the same time we managed to generate an extensive military peace corps effort in and around the war. He placed the charge on a rib Though the bulk of their work was in the Saigon area, public works forces operated country wide. After apportionment to the Services in Washington the funds were then returned through the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC-formerly BuDocks) chain to the OICC-RVN who acted as banker, before and after the formation of MACV-DC, for all major military construction funds in Vietnam. The majority of the remaining 1,800 were Vietnamese. Because of the truce agreement, these Seabees were not allowed ashore at Haiphong, their original destination, but they did some work at Tourane and, after removing all American military identification from their clothing and equipment, they disembarked at Cap St. Jacques and provided significant assistance in the construction of a 15,000 man refugee camp. Built by the French in 1874, Hai Phong port is now the most modern container port in the North of Vietnam. In late May 1963, NMCB-3 deployed from Guam and the next month NMCB-9 left Port Hueneme; both reported to Da Nang. Again, by and large, a standoff. [3], Tin Sa Seaport has a navigation depth of 11m (36ft), and is able to receive medium range tankers of up to 45,000 DWT, as well as container ships of up to 2,000 TEUs and large cruise ships of up to 75,000 GRT. Even though there were few contingency plans upon which to build, the Naval Facilities Engineering Command was able to muster practically overnight a tremendous and unprecedented design and construction capability which was so essential to place and maintain combat troops ashore in Vietnam. A steady shift to tactical support construction was also in evidence. gang plank came down the entire crew came charging off the ship with all of into the Captains room and look, which we did. Da Nang was the keystone, the major, deep water port and the major air base. For a number of years recruits had been funneled through the Seabee schools at Port Hueneme, and with time in the field became skilled journeymen. This brought the total number of battalions in 1968-69 to twenty-one. Deepwater pier Suffice it to say that Pentagon rivalries, lack of understanding in some quarters as to the requirements and importance of the engineer effort, and reluctance to relinquish decision-making which was better made in the field (an attitude which also prevailed at Pearl Harbor initially) only served to complicate this overwhelming task. "Without the Seabees we could not do it! While the Navys responsibilities in this area were still being debated in Washington, however, efforts were made, primarily in ComServPac, to lay down some general rules for the operation of NSA, should it become a reality. Naval Support Activity 1964-1973 Get to know the time in transit of cargo on popular container shipping lines between ports of loading and port of discharge. Personnel in public works and the CBMU were shifted as circumstances dictated. From 1963 through 1966, there were normally four Seabee Teams working in Vietnam at any given time, and from 1966 on all were devoted to civic action projects exclusively. It soon became evident, however, that this was not to be a short hit and move-on amphibious operation but rather one in which the Marines, contrary to their normal doctrine, would settle in. Each of the services in Vietnam had its own engineering their planning groups who concentrated on defining their own requirements such as siting, number of units, and the like. Its first project was to administer an architectural and engineering contract for the layout of a runway at Bien Hoa. This is a port cluster with 4 areas including 10 major ports serving the needs of oil and gas trading and trading in the Southeast region of Vietnam. WebFlatbed trailers being unloaded from a U.S. Navy ship at a pier in Da Nang, Vietnam during the Vietnam War. All six They built for everyoneMarines, Navy, Air Force, Army, Free World Forces, the Vietnamese Armed Forces; but they worked primarily for the Marines. It has been a strange war in many ways, but certain unique operations involving this group are worthy of mention. Best Beaches in Vietnam Collectively these local contractors had accounted for some $75 million worth of construction by the fall of 1966. In this instance the CBMU played a much more dominant role than its counterpart in I Corps, supplying some two-thirds of the manpower involved in public works functions under the cognizance of NSA Saigon. Vietnam Early in 1968, responsibility for all rural development and allied civic action type programs was vested in a newly created MACV/U.S. Terminal 1 is the main port area in Dung Quat Bay capable of receiving 70,000 DWT ships with the function of loading and unloading, transporting all goods and equipment to build Dung Quat Oil Refinery. Sa Huynh local - Photo 3 . Coincidentally, in January 1962 the Saigon ROICC office was expanded to eight officers and 72 civilians and upgraded under a more senior officer. Email All U.S. personnel began carrying weapons, especially at night. Another area of interest has been a comparison of skills between the civilians on the contractors rolls and the Seabees. Terminal Yes "Dollar for dollar, the Seabee Team program has been called one of our best overseas investments. Vietnam The first year total cost of a battalion was estimated to be $13,476,000 (including $3,184,000 for operating costs). Stocked at the Construction Battalion Centers at Port Hueneme and Davisville were repair parts for 1,800 construction hours (two 10-hour shifts for 90 days) for each piece of equipment. It is interesting to note the comparative age of the World War II Seabees who averaged 35 years of age, whereas their successors during the Vietnam conflict averaged 23 years. The concept of public works operating only in a "secure" municipality was to break down completely in 1967. China Beach has deep blue water and fine white sand, and is not damaged by pollution, which is known as the Gold Coast of Vietnam. However, the Commanding General of the 3rd Marine Amphibious Force, Lieutenant General L. W. Walt, as the commander in I Corps, in consonance with ComNavForV, made the decision not to place the FEG under the Seabee commander, and the combined use of all engineer elements never did take place. Tincidunt integer eu augue augue nunc elit dolor, luctus placerat scelerisque euismod, iaculis eu lacus nunco. ways instead of lengthwise. the radio to inform me that an LST which had been at anchor, was attempting to UN/LOCODE VNDAD. [11] Due to these limitations, cruise ships generally make short staysabout 2 or 3 days at most. WebThere were three deep-draft ship piers for ocean-going ships, while LSTs used the Tien Sha, Bridge, Museum, and Ferry cargo facilities. The total surface area is 500,000sqm including 5 ports (Passenger ship, Nha Rong Khanh Hoi, Tan Thuan, Tan Thuan 2 and Phu My Steel Port) with 3,000m piers, 30 buoy wharves and 280,000m2 warehouse. The former stated that the Marines did not have this support capability and suggested that naval assets outside of Pacific Fleet be tapped. Even more significant were the combined cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts for repair and utility functions at Army facilities negotiated between the Army and Pacific Architects and Engineers, Inc. WebFind Headquarters, NSA Danang, Vietnam unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on Though this report referred essentially to timber bridges, the Seabees also used precast concrete, steel substructure with timber decking, Bailey Deck type, and the AMMI (a multi-purpose steel pontoon designed by NAVFAC's Chief Engineering Advisor, Dr. Arsham Amirikian). Go to to purchase the entire video, or to see movie trailers of over 700 other military videos.This is a short clip. units outlined by President Nixon in 1972. The first Seabee battalions to arrive in Vietnam came by ship from Okinawa, Guam, and Port Hueneme, but later personnel deployments in and out of the country were accomplished by air. The ammo ship had been carrying 500 pound bombs. with a tonnage of 30,000 DWT and 50,000 DWT. North Central region, attracting a part of Laos and Northeast Thailand. In an address to the Naval War College in February 1968, Rear Admiral A. C. Husband, CEC, U. S. Navy, Chief of Civil Engineers and Commander of the Naval Facilities Engineering Command from 1965 to 1969, touched on the following points which continue to be valid and which are paraphrased below: (1) Assuming we need ports, airfields, etc., in some future Vietnam, we cannot expect to produce them instantly. Thank you so much again for helping me Familiar Places NSA/NSF DaNang Veterans Association The average annual cost to the sponsor was $88,000 per team for materials, transportation, and so on, plus $200,000 to the Navy for initial outfitting, training, and personnel costs. [3] :2 Water Their placing of two eight-section causeway piers from the open sea was described by Major General Collins, Commanding General of the 3rd Marine Division, as ". Yet another element of the Civil Engineer Corps was in Vietnam long before the 1965 buildup. More Photos from Shannon Nichols (Click on thumbnail to enlarge. NMCB-6, the last peacetime battalion to deploy to the war zone, arrived in May 1966. dark red, fortified wine, orig. in town that I can not remember the name of and Tien Sha Ramp, which was very Viet Nam [4], Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, French and Spanish traders and missionaries regularly made landfall at Hi An, just south of Nng. They included airfields capable of handling the c-130, water distribution systems for 1,000-man cantonments, combat support hospitals, and a host of others. Like the majority of regulars, they did not all have degrees in civil engineering; they entered the Corps with a wide variety of scientific, architectural, and engineering degrees as well. RMK-BRJ took care of itself but did not appear to have the capability to overhaul Seabee equipment on top of its own work load, so pieces were sent for overhaul primarily to the U. S. but also to Japan, Okinawa, the Philippines, or Guam. NSA, first under Captain K. P. Huff, U. S. Naval Reserve, then under Rear Admiral T. R. Weschler, U. S. Navy, and his successor, Rear Admiral P. L. Lacy, expanded rapidly. Though the Brigade Commander reported to Commander Naval Forces Vietnam in Saigon, there was little question that on a day-to-day basis the Seabees were working for the senior officer in I Corps, the Commanding General III Marine Amphibious Force. Also on Okinawa, but deeply engaged in major construction primarily for the Marines, was a third battalion. In other cases, under the stress of wartime planning, items might be left out of the drawings and the construction forces would move on before the occupant-to-be realized what was missing. 2 at the mouth of Sa Ky seaport has the capacity to accommodate ships of 3,000 DWT, mainly for local maritime transport needs. Coordinates 16 7' 34'' N, 108 14' 19'' E. Decimal 16.1263874, 108.2386362. It was a wonderful moment that we will both remember for the rest of our lives, and we owe it to VetFriends. Such a contribution is valuable indeed.
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deep water piers da nang vietnam 2023