[10], The most-cited paper in history is a paper by Oliver Lowry describing an assay to measure the concentration of proteins. Research Policy,41(2), 251261. Temporal differences in self-citation rates of scientific journals. 3: Key Measures of Academic Influence | Impact of Social Sciences Self-citations: The stepchildren of scientometrics? Article Sage Open, 9(1), article number 2158244019829575. We then quantify the number of citations these papers have received and compare rates to non-Covid-19 papers in the same journals over the same timeframe. Typically, the 11-year average is approximately half that for papers from 2000 cited from that year to 2010. In this paper we report our investigations as to whether there is a typical or normal range of self-citation for each of 21 discipline-based fields employed in Essential Science Indicators (ESI: these are listed in the Appendix Table1) and we describe a graphical test for significant outliers. Bott, D. M., & Hargens, L. L. (1991). The log plots provide an informative analysis for outlier detection. The 10-year average for Geosciences papers is 9.54, and for Immunology papers it is 20.38. Another A bibliometric approach to the role of author self-citations in scientific communication. Nations (Aksnes 2003; Glnzel and Thijs 2004a; Glnzel et al. The number of researchers selected for the field is based on the square root of the population of unique authors listed on the fields highly cited papers (Price 1971; Egghe 1987). Total citations, or average citation count per article, can be reported for an individual author or researcher. For the scope of this paper, we used papers categorized as Article or Review in our WOS search to ensure that we were focusing on original works and evidence-based literature. Scientometrics, 67(3), 503514. 2016; Campanario 2018; Yu et al. 2006; Thijs and Glnzel 2006; Glnzel 2008) and others (Aksnes 2003; Hyland 2003; Fowler and Aksnes 2007; van Raan 2008; Costas et al. A/B = 2021 impact factor. N=1.5 in this equation). Toward the discovery of citation cartels in citation networks. 2019; Shehatta and Al-Rubaish 2019). Bakare, V., & Lewison, G. (2017). The time period for citation counts is 10 years, plus partial year counts for Cities With the Highest Price-to-Rent Ratios: Where Renting Is More Favorable Than Buying. (2015). It is said that one persons outlier may be, for an NBD, simply an extreme part of the skew. Glnzel, W., & Thijs, B. & Thombs, B. D. (2019). [16] The 2020 Journal Impact Factors,published in the 2021 Journal Citation Report, are based on citations in 2020 to articles published in 2018 and 2019. No clear reference thresholds and no firm consensus on the management of self-citation data has emerged but opinion now appears to favor leaving self-citations in the dataeven in the context of research evaluation, even for individuals, and thus contrary to traditional viewsbut accounting for them in some manner (Glnzel 2008; Costas et al. Furthermore, many will be seen by more junior peers as exemplars of leadership in their field and the standards they set would therefore be deemed appropriate to the field. For instance, most papers in Nature (impact factor 38.1, 2016) were only cited 10 or 20 times during the reference year (see figure). 5a, b compares the calculated low outlier threshold (i.e. (2018). Chapter Self-citation rates for 240 Highly Cited Researchers in the Essential Science Indicators field of Chemistry (CHE), analysing Web of Science data for 20082018. Consequently, it would not be universally true that a particular percentile across a field-specific range is necessarily caused by undue self-citation: it may simply be a relatively high value within normal range in that field. The 2020 Journal Impact Factors, published in the 2021 Journal Citation Report, are based on citations in 2020 to articles published in 2018 and 2019. Journal of Documentation,64(1), 4580. Journal of Documentation,33(4), 251265. Merton, R. K. (1957). The larger the minimum number of citations, the smaller the peer group. Aksnes, D. W., Langfeldt, L. & Wouters, P. (2019). The Frontiers Neuroscience journal series includes all Frontiers journals in the field of Neuroscience. Many have observed that the term self-citation is frequently used to mean two different forms or modes of self-mention: self-referencing (cited reference to self within a list in ones own publication); and self-citing (citations from ones own work among all citations to ones publications). The smaller the percentile, the higher the minimum number of citations. . Probing the effect of author self-citations on h index: A case study of environmental engineering. (2010). This holds even when article volume is equated using a 1:1 sample of non-Covid to Covid articles as median citation is six times greater for the Covid-19 articles. Campanario, J. M. (2011). Automated citation indexing[58] has changed the nature of citation analysis research, allowing millions of citations to be analyzed for large scale patterns and knowledge discovery. 3 (self-referencing) and Fig. The work we report here has focussed on a particular tranche of researchers: individuals with a significant portfolio of papers that all lie within the 1% most highly cited for their field. We found that the WOS database included 76% of the Covid-19 papers contained within the journals themselves. Robert J. McDonald, Unsurprisingly, several seminal Covid-19 publications have been cited at incredibly high rates as researchers have turned to these papers to help guide their next steps [68]. Additionally, articles less than 2 years old with less than 5 citations will not have an RCR (e.g., an article published in 2021 will not receive an RCR in 2022 unless it has 5 or more citations). When negative binomial regression is used to minimize the influence of other variables such as article number variation and field of research, Covid-19 papers have still experienced more than 80% increase in citations relative to non-Covid-19 papers. The problem will arise if cronyism occurs only in isolated instances. volume123,pages 11191147 (2020)Cite this article. The correlation between the rates of self-citation to and from the highly cited papers of each researcher was calculated and was highly significant within every field. Zhao and Strotmann (2018) argued, on the basis on in-text analysis, that self-citations may be more important than other types of citation. Some descriptive examples illustrate the variation. 2 was repeated with the other ESI fields. Average citation count (ACC) by OA state. | Download Table The righthand column provides the field average based on 2000-2010 papers cited over the entire 11-year period. Journal of Academic Ethics,6(1), 6778. American Documentation,16(3), 179184. Thus, data include a combination of open-access and subscription-based publications in the non-Covid-19 articles. The journal impact factor, the two-year average ratio of citations to articles published, is a measure of the importance of journals. See Tables1, 2 and 3; Figs. Self-citations are somewhat lower than many fields but self-referencing is extremely low and often zero. For simplicity of the ), 21st International conference on science and technology indicators (STI 2016), pp. Fields that lie outside the main distribution (Pharmacology, Mathematics and Space Science) have been labelled. Adams, J. (2006). Clinical medicine is the largest field (448 Highly Cited Researchers). The 919,038 papers received a total of 4,667,747 citations. Classification method for detecting coercive self-citation in journals. Note that we are excluding citations from 2017, as RCRs exclude the first calendar year in which the article was published. 6, 7, 8 and 9. This dataset has particular value. Baselines and subject schemas create, DOI: An Investigation via the Lens of Citation Polarity, Density, and Location, Detecting anomalous referencing patterns in PubMed papers suggestive of author-centric reference list manipulation, When a journal is both at the top and the bottom: the illogicality of conflating citation-based metrics with quality, Citations versus expert opinions: citation analysis of featured reviews of the American Mathematical Society, A quantitative exploration on reasons for citing articles from the perspective of cited authors, Measuring the influence of non-scientific features on citations, Prolificacy and visibility versus reputation in the hard sciences,,,,,,,,;2-0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;2-U,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;2-T,,,,,,,, Scientometrics,113(2), 11991207. Therefore more than half thepublications are below the mean average. As new variants appear, researchers are offered the chance to publish on new epidemiological or variant characterization studies. JIF is a commonly used surrogate to determine journal excellence and is calculated by dividing number of citations in the current year for articles published in the previous two years by total number of articles published in that journal during the previous two years [21]. Gul, S., Shah, T. A., & Shafiq, H. (2017). Other journal-level metrics include the Eigenfactor, and the SCImago Journal Rank. By analyzing a global sample of 4 million authors and 26 million scientific papers, this study finds that the top 1% most-cited scientists have increased their cumulative citation shares from 14 to 21% between 2000 and 2015 and that the Gini coefficient for citation imbalance has risen from 0.65 to 0.70. [1][2][3][4][5] Citation counts are interpreted as measures of the impact or influence of academic work and have given rise to the field of bibliometrics or scientometrics,[6][7] specializing in the study of patterns of academic impact through citation analysis. ISBN 978-84-9048-519-4. 2004, 2006; Glnzel and Thijs 2004a, b; Schubert et al. NSB, 2020, p. V-12, Fig. David F. Kallmes, Green and gold open access citation and interdisciplinary advantage: A bibliometric study of two science journals. Data covers a rolling 10-year period and includes bimonthly updates to rankings and citation counts. Identifying community-wide influence is a central, though not sole, focus of the work that led to this paper, as will be described below. CiteScore metrics: A family of eight metrics and useful features. [13], Journal-level metrics are often misinterpreted as a measure for journal quality or article quality. Self-citations at the meso and individual levels: Effects of different calculation methods. Because baselines are based on the mean set of papers and the mean is influencedby the presence of highly cited papers, the mean average will be considerably higher than the median. 2006; Glnzel 2008; van Raan 2008; Hyland and Jiang 2018; Mishra et al. A high self-citation rate may reflect the extent of contributions and the researchers focus. Isis,79, 606623. 2019; Seeber et al. (2019), in publishing a vast compendium of citation data on some 100,000 Highly Cited Researchers, have likewise included, not excluded, self-citation in their analysis and reported its extent by author, employing co-author self-citation rates. & Adams, J. Research Policy,46(5), 970983. The levels we have selected for listing by field and year are 0.01%, 0.1%, 1.0%, 10%, 20%, and 50%. Is citation analysis meaningful for non-academia audiences such as the public, policy-makers, clinical trial participants, healthcare providers, or grant funding agencies? [22] Counting the number of citations per paper is also employed to identify the authors of citation classics. We also thank an anonymous referee for their comments regarding the typicality of highly-cited researchers. Whilst in Sociology the number of references, the article length, and title length are among the factors. Those citations are from articles published between 2008 and the present. The terminology used to describe these different aspects of self-mention can be confusing: self-referencing is called synchronous and (in terms of author or journal citations) the self-citing rate; self-citation is called diachronous and (in terms of author or journal citations) the self-cited rate (Garfield 1979; Lawani 1982; Todeschini and Baccini 2016). When comparing Covid-19 papers and the 1:1 randomized sample of non-Covid-19 papers, the median citation decreases from 21.63 to 20.1 for non-Covid-19 citations and the citation ratio between Covid-19 and non-Covid-19 papers climbs to 6.01 (p = <0.001). Scientometrics,109(3), 19892005. The publication clusters associated with Highly Cited Researchers have a high level of manual curation and each researcher has multiple papers all of which have many citations. If you score a 1060, that means you're slightly above the 50th percentile: about half of the people taking the test scored higher than you and half scored lower. Article citations also increased by 46%, totalling 3 million citations. In our sample, the database captured about three-quarters of the papers that should be included but is more precise in labeling only reports of research on original work as Article. Self-citation by researchers: Narcissism or an inevitable outcome of a cohesive and sustained research program? 2019). Ramanathan D. Kadirvel, Affiliation: II. Any paper published in the (2006). 4 (self-citing) and in the Appendix (Table2: self-referencing and Table3: self-citing) as linear data for ready interpretation of percentages. Merton, R. K. (1988). Journal of Informetrics,12(1), 203216. Fields are ranked by median self-referencing, Key parameters for analysing the distributions of the frequency of self-citations among Highly Cited Researchers (20082018) by Essential Science Indicator fields. An index to quantify an individuals scientific research output. During the past two decades concern over the extent of an authors self-citation has risen in tandem with increased emphasis on citation-related performance indicators in the context of research evaluation and competition for support (Hicks 2012; Wilsdon et al. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,69(7), 949952. Heneberg, P. (2016). 2), Linear plots by Essential Science Indicators field of the pattern of self-citation to highly cited papers authored by Highly Cited Researchers identified by analysing Web of Science data for 20082018 and to (self-citing from later publications) highly cited papers on which a researcher is also an author or co-author. It The Citation Tracker feature also allows for generation of a Citation Overview chart and for removal of self-citations from the overall citation counts. 2010). Merton, R. K. (1942). [29] In 2008 the Journal of Medical Internet Research began publishing views and Tweets. Gianoli, E., & Molina-Montenegro, M. A. From the record page for a work, use the Cited By Other Articles in PMC feature to find other citing works in PMC. Such considerations stem from the Mertonian notion of a citation as a repayment of an intellectual debt, which in turn provides reward in the form of community recognition to those so credited (Small 2004). 2017). Across eight selected fields, the median citation for a Covid-19 paper approaches six times that of a non-Covid-19 paper within the same journals. No other fields accounted for significant difference in citation rates amongst Covid-19 and non-Covid-19 papers published within the same field. Detecting impact factor manipulation with data mining techniques. Scientometrics,5(4), 211218. These novel findings demonstrate that Covid-19 papers are being cited at remarkably higher rates than non-Covid-19 articles contained within the same journals. had more time to accrue citations, and therefore exhibit a higher average citation count. Open access increases citations of papers in ecology. Averages are calculated by adding the citation counts of individual papers and dividing by the number of papers. 2013). It's 27% for natural sciences and 32% for social sciences ( cite ). Figure3 presents clear visual confirmation that the self-referencing rate across most fieldsshown here by rank order of the medianis rather low with a very consistent pattern which includes all but the most-citing three or four fields. The negative binomial regression model is similar to the Poisson regression model (for count data) except that it performs better with data over-dispersion [13, 14]. Meadows, A. J., & OConnor, J. G. (1971). (2004b). Self-citation corrections for the Hirsch index. Priorities in scientific discovery: A chapter in the sociology of science. Seven myths in bibliometrics about facts and fiction in quantitative science studies. Field weighted citation impact (FWCI) is calculated by dividing the total number of citations an article has received the year it was published and 3 complete calendar years after its publication by the average number of citations articles of the same field, publication type, and publication year are expected to receive within the same time period. The self-citation rate to highly cited papers is relatively consistent and mostly within a central range up to 10% self-citations. There are too many studies to list, some dealing with broad and others with specific fields, and differing with respect to time windows, but a few may be mentioned with the statistics they report: 9% overall, 15% for the physical sciences, 6% for the social sciences, and 3% for the humanities, using co-author self-citation (Snyder and Bonzi 1998); 11%, using author self-citation (Fowler and Aksnes 2007); roughly 15% of references and 13% of citations, using co-author self-citation (Sugimoto and Larivire 2018); about 13%, using co-author self-citation (Mishra et al. Published 2016 Sep 6. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002541. Because of extreme skews, thresholds can only be indicative under any circumstances. Coercive citation in academic publishing. (2012). Average citation rate for publications in a number research fields. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. Informed judgment is, as elsewhere in good research management, an essential step in valid decision-making. Citation analysis: Queries and caveats. Journal of Legal and Political Sociology, 1:115126 (Reprinted in: Merton, R. K. (1973). A higher rate of self-citation is expected for co-author than for strict author self-citation, and, in general, a rising rate of co-author self-citation is observed with the growth in average number of authors per paper over time (van Raan 1998; Aksnes 2003; Glnzel and Thijs 2004b). A concise review on the role of author self-citations in information science, bibliometrics and science policy. Research Policy,48(2), 478491. The upper quartile values rise from 3% (ECB) to 11% (ENG). A FWCI of 1 is considered average, while a FWCI of greater than 1 is above average. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,64(11), 23322339. Example: An article published in 2017 has been cited 5 times in 2017, 10 times in 2018, 5 times in 2019, and 12 times in 2020. in the group. Scientometrics,44(3), 521531. (2004a). Many other measures have been proposed, beyond simple citation counts, to better quantify an individual scholar's citation impact. Scientometrics, 79(1), 147-156. Fields are ranked by median self-citation rate. edu. Types of items Journals included Time periods for counts Average Citation Rates Thresholds Types of items counted Papers are defined as regular scientific articles, review articles, proceedings papers, and research notes. Lawani, S. M. (1982). MathSciNet 2019; Peroni et al. It will be noted in the Figs. By comparison, there are points on a higher trajectory and, while these were largely between the low and high statistical indicators, some exceed the high indicative outlier threshold value. Yu, T., Yu, G., Song, Y., & Wang, M. Y. Scientometrics,94(2), 777780. A citation is a reference to a specific work cited in another work. Our impact metrics reflect the power of research that is open to all. To aid in interpretation, therefore, we adopted a graphical approach and both linear and log plots and analyses of referencing and citing rates were examined. ESI Data We describe this graphical procedure for identifying exceptional self-citation rates but emphasize the necessity for expert interpretation of the citation profiles of specific individuals, particularly in fields with atypical self-citation patterns. Given the refereeing system that controls the quality of the scientific literature in the better known journals, the high publication count could be achieved only if the person had a lot to say that was at least marginally significant. & Wilhite, A. W. (2017). Another potential reason for the spike in Covid-19 citations is the exhibited capacity of the virus to mutate rapidly. While originality and priority are goals for scientists, self-promotion at the cost of disinterestedness and humility was to Merton, and is today, a violation at least in terms of community ideals if not always in reality (Macfarlane and Cheng 2008; Anderson et al. When controlling for influence of field categorization and article numbers, Covid-19 papers received 84% more citations than non-Covid-19 papers in the non-randomized sample (p<0.001, 95% CI [1.222.45]). In the coming months, while researchers scrambled to learn more about the coronavirus that was now spreading internationally, the WHO again released a bulletin on March 11, 2020, officially classifying Covid-19 as a global pandemic [3]. But, in practice, a visual inspection of the full profile for the data set is required to complete a valid interpretation. Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic Hospital, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America, Contributed equally to this work with: The negative effects of citing with a national orientation in terms of recognition: National and international citations in natural-sciences papers from Germany, the Netherlands, and UK. Although the trajectory changes and the range extends beyond the high threshold there is no break with the overall distribution. The Journal Normalized Citation Impact of a single publication is the ratio of the actual number of citing items to the average citation rate of publications in the same journal in the same year and with the same document type . Institutional self-citation rates: A three-year study of universities in the United States. Publish or Perish, Commercial versus Open Access, Internet versus Libraries? Citation Analysis - Measuring Your Impact: Impact Factor, Citation Team size matters: Collaboration and scientific impact since 1900. The extent to which Covid-19 papers are being cited in selected top journals relative to non-Covid-19 papers in the same journals has yet to be explored in detail. This paper introduces a graphical method for testing for indicative excessive author self-citation and hence distinguishing this, via informed data review, from the true performance of the most influential researchers. received 9.55 citations, and a paper from an Immunology research field published different disciplines and time periods so it cannot be used effectively to compare entities that are in different subjects or years. 2010; Carley et al. [54] Field-dependent factors are usually listed as an issue to be tackled not only when comparison across disciplines are made, but also when different fields of research of one discipline are being compared. 2. In a study based on the Web of Science database across 118 scientific disciplines, the top 1% most-cited authors accounted for 21% of all citations. The rhetoric-first model. What do citation counts measure? ",, This page was last edited on 24 April 2023, at 23:58. PLoS ONE, 12(12), article number e0187394. Citation-like measures are also used in other fields that do ranking, such as Google's PageRank algorithm, software metrics, college and university rankings, and business performance indicators. in 2008 received 20.42 citations. These top 120 papers accounted for nearly 24 percent of all citations, while the top 500 papers account for nearly 50 percent. Journals, especially to game the impact factor (Rousseau 1999; Frandsen 2007; Yu and Wang 2007; Campanario 2011; Wilhite and Fong 2012; Yu et al. The linear thresholds were therefore plotted on the log-plots rather than calculating a log-normal value which would have been very inclusive with few indicative outliers. Scientometrics,73(3), 321330. Essential Science Indicators: Average Citation Rates - Clarivate
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average citation rates by field 2020 2023