C. Defensive B. Requesting, receiving, processing, and delivering replacement personnel. The IO element plans (within a 24 hour window) and coordinates information operations and other non-lethal battlefield effects in support of the SBCT. While 50 percent is low, it was in real-world battlefield conditions with Infantrymen climbing up significant terrain to achieve effects against enemy armor. The TOW missile and the MK19 40-mm round have a long flight time and a distinctive firing signature. The antiarmor weapon systems available (TOW, M2, and MK19) provide direct fire against armored or other hard targets to support maneuver of infantry. The infantry battalions (Figure 1-5) serve as the primary maneuver force for the brigade and are designed as a three-by-three organization of three rifle companies with three rifle platoons each. Regardless of the type of operation, a shaping operation may become the decisive operation if circumstances or opportunity demand. How many vehicles you have available Type of threat weapons, How does the pattern analysis plot sheet depict patterns? Personal Staff. Offensive Capabilities. These weapon systems complement other weapon systems, especially the TOW. In Step 4, Personnel in incident, You build the incident overlay by plotting _________________on the map. Write about the Amendments 1-10 of The Bill of Rights. Reactive armor contains explosives sandwiched between metal plates. The commander's staff must function as a single, cohesive unit. Our battalion recognized that training 40 Javelin operators was insufficient for NTC, considering the lethality of the system against a near-peer threat utilizing armor. Logistics, administration, and supervision, When considering the urban terrain, commanders must take into account the characteristics of a population. Several Russian-produced tanks (T-55 AM modernized, T-64B, T-80, T-80U, and T-90) and the Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty (BMP-3, Russian combat vehicle, infantry) can fire ATGM (AT-8, AT-10, AT-11). Although the Army was capable of full-spectrum dominance, it had not optimized its organization and force structure for discrete and rapid strategic response in the face of an increasingly broad range of operational demands posed by its participation in an MTW, SSC, or PME (Figure 1-1). The SBCT balances lethality, mobility, and survivability against the requirements for rapid strategic deployability. B. Discipline, justice, and fairness, What best describes understanding to the commander's ability to establish a situation's context? (f) Information Operations Element. The brigade surgeon and his staff are located within the brigade main tactical operations center (TOC) where they work with the brigade S3 to develop the HSS input to the brigade OPORD and operation plan (OPLAN). (1) Command Sergeant Major. However, conditions may develop that require added capabilities not resident within the SBCT. These forces are expected to have robust communications using conventional military devices augmented by commercial equipment such as cell phones. PDF Chapter 10 Armor (Career Management Field 19) Career Progression Plan The 1-23 IN returned home from NTC rotation 14-03 with many lessons learned, but one of the biggest lessons at the tactical level was that dismounted Infantryman employing Javelins in the right terrain can hold their own against enemy armor. The UMT facilitates and coordinates religious support across the AO. The CSM focuses his attention on functions critical to the success of the operation. Antiarmor elements can reduce this vulnerability by displacing often and by integrating their fires with those of other weapon systems (M2 and MK19) within the antiarmor unit, with other antiarmor weapons within the battalion (Javelin and AT4), with obstacles, and with indirect fires. As we began studying the NTC opposing force, we realized that we needed to maximize our anti-armor proficiency prior to rotation, specifically focusing on the use of Javelins. The operations process Army Begins Fielding Upgraded Third-Generation Strykers The S2x provides focus and technical support for all CI and HUMINT activities. The enemy has difficulty seeing a position with a low silhouette. The SBCT's lethality is derived from its ability to focus overmatching combined arms support to the infantry assault at identified decisive points. The MICO commander assists the SBCT S3 and S2, the ECOORD, and the cavalry squadron (RSTA) commander with planning and conducting C2-protect and C2-attack operations. Operations in support of peacetime engagement are normally interagency in character and are designed to address the fundamental causes of instability that can lead to regional conflict. The company installs, operates, and maintains the SBCT wide area network (WAN). Your orders are to maintain control of the town once it has been cleared and prepare to defend it if needed. FM3-21.91 Chapter 1 The Role of Antiarmor Organizations With the addition of a light armored force, IBCTs will see improvement in three different planning factors. Decisive operations at any echelon (accomplished by a designated main effort) directly achieve the purpose of the mission of the higher headquarters. During counterattacks, the antiarmor unit provides overwatching fires for the maneuvering element. False, All of the following are advantages to incorporating HNSF into a cordon and search EXCEPT ____________ . Monitoring the status of communications, to include WAN, combat net radio (CNR), near-term digital radio (NTDR), enhanced position locating reporting system (EPLRS)/TI, and global broadcast service (GBS). An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. He is responsible for the operations of the main CP. These forces are primarily equipped with ATGM systems, MANPAD systems, mortars, machine guns, and explosives. Headquarters Section. On-board obscurants that quickly screen the vehicle include the smoke grenade launcher and the vehicle exhaust smoke system. B. This team functions as the coordinator for all HUMINT and CI functions within the SBCT (see FM 2-19.402 for a detailed discussion of the S2x and S2x team). (3) Considerations. The Squadron XO Cultural All armies reconnoiter continuously to locate and to target antiarmor systems. Joint, multinational, or interagency operability. HVT Lists The 81st Stryker Brigade Combat Team is a modular mechanized infantry brigade of the United States Army National Guard based in Washington, Oregon and California.On 9 July 2015 it was announced that the 81st Brigade would convert from being an Armored BCT to a Stryker BCT.. False, During movement, if resistance is expected, the _____________ element normally leads and the _________________ element travels second. The DECOORD serves as the primary assistant to the effects coordinator and is the permanent full-time liaison between any direct support field artillery assets and the SBCT. The weapons systems on these vehicles present a threat to TOW launchers. The cell works under the direction of the SBCT S2 and consists of the tactical intelligence officer (TIO), the S2x, intelligence analysts, and possibly the MICO commander. A combined arms organization formed by attaching one or more nonorganic armor, mechanized infantry, Stryker, or infantry platoons to an armor, mechanized infantry, Stryker, or infantry company, either in exchange for, or in addition to, its organic platoons. Cover is protection from the effects of enemy direct or indirect fires. It is the primary tank destroyer of the SBCT, capable of defeating many armored threats up to 4 km away using the TOW missile system. The SBCT SJA is also the chief of the brigade operational law team located in the fires and effects coordination cell (FECC) information operations (IO) section. Your Company has responsibility for clearing a small town that is expected to contain insurgents. Establishing, managing, and maintaining communications links, including reach communications. Cordon and Knock The MICO commander uses the order to plan, prepare, execute, and assess the MICO's operations. 5GEN Raymond Odierno, CSA Strategic Waypoint 2, U.S. Army website: http://www.army.mil/article/118873, 13 March 2014. (c) Hard-Kill Systems. (6) Military Intelligence Company Commander. The senior engineer officer serves as SBCT engineer and is responsible for engineer planning and coordination. While they vary considerably between missions, ROE always allow soldiers to protect themselves from deadly threats. 1 Step 1 D. Accept prudent risk The TOW missile's launch signature gives away its position, and armored crews are trained to engage these systems upon detection. The SBCT staff judge advocate (SJA) is an assigned brigade legal advisor who serves under the technical supervision of the division staff judge advocate as a brigade personal and special staff officer. This course trains Soldiers in the rank of sergeant through lieutenant on the tactical employment of an anti-armor platoon and technical proficiency of the Javelin, Improved Target Acquisition System (ITAS) and heavy machine guns while operating in a decentralized competitive environment. The rapid motion of the outer metal plate disrupts the shaped-charge, reducing penetration. Additionally, because of the XO's unique relationship with the commander, he understands the commander's intent better than, or at least as well as, the subordinate commanders. The cell works closely with higher headquarters to enhance parallel and collaborative planning. assess infrastructure to see what needs to be repaired, destroy enemy reconnaissance elements before or after they have penetrated the initial screen line, What is the order for a defensive urban operations sequence for company and below? Figure 1-4. The IO element works in concert with the SBCT S3 and conducts close coordination with the S2, S6, and other SBCT staff elements as necessary. Training users to establish and interconnect networks. They also assist in the IPB process by providing input on their functional areas. U.S. Army STAND-TO! | Armored Brigade Combat Team terrain, infrastructure, and economy The brigade commander and brigade staff reside in this section. a. Figure 1-12. He manages the information flow within the SBCT to include the commander's critical information requirements (CCIR). tactical and non-tactical, Which targeting method or process is especially well suited and is the primary means for engaging personalities or high-value individuals? COMBINED ARMS ASSAULT IN THE CLOSE FIGHT, 1-8. 122333 23rd Street Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA 98433. Coordinating staff members have primary staff responsibility for one or more broad fields of interest and are the commander's principal staff assistants (Figure 1-18). The DECOORD is the liaison between the artillery battalion and the SBCT. The FTT is a fully integrated, three-dimensional force-on-force training device consisting of a simulated round, a battery charger, and batteries. The FTT is designed to simulate the Javelins operational and engagement parameters. The S6 works closely with the signal company to provide support to all SBCT command and control nodes and attached or assigned elements (Figure 1-24). He provides and coordinates privileged and sensitive personal counseling and pastoral care to the unit's command, soldiers, authorized civilians, and families. He organizes for combat based on the mission, scheme of support, task organization, and specified and implied tasks contained in the SBCT's order. The T-55 (modernized), T-64B, T-72S, T-80, T-80U, T-90 main battle tanks, and the BMP-3 can fire anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) through their main gun tubes up to a range of 4,000 meters, which means the TOW weapon system loses the standoff advantage against them. Weather-related scheduling He keeps the brigade commander informed on the status of HSS for brigade operations and on the health of the command. Key functions of the S1 section include, (2) Intelligence Section. Situational understanding facilitates decision-making by identifying opportunities for mission accomplishment, threats to the force and mission accomplishment, and gaps in information. Commanders of sustaining operations designate main and supporting efforts. The VEESS, or similar system, sprays diesel fuel into the exhaust manifold. Traditional linear situations involve conventional combat and linear arrangement of maneuver forces. special images In order to achieve this effect, the antiarmor squads are positioned so that fires directed at one squad can suppress only that squad. Overall flank and rear security must be planned at the platoon leader level; if omitted, this lack of protection can be costly. The SBCT SJA provides operational law advice to the commander. (1) Personnel Section. domestic and foreign Coordinating Staff. B. A. The engineer company consists of three engineer mobility platoons and one mobility support platoon. CPT Shawn Scott is currently serving as the company commander for Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment Tomahawks, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash. MAJ Chris Ricci is currently serving as the executive officer for 1-23 IN Tomahawks, 3-2 SBCT, JBLM, Wash. Rectangle, How is the activities matrix normally constructed with personalities? Fix the enemy, Gain and Maintain enemy contact, Disrupt the enemy, Maneuver, Follow through Suppress Pattern analysis must be conducted at the battalion level, When is the incident map normally developed? The antiarmor company commander is responsible for advising the battalion commander on the tactical employment of the company and its platoons. When employing antiarmor weapon systems, leaders should avoid conspicuous terrain, disperse weapons laterally and in depth so that no single enemy weapon can suppress two antiarmor squads, and disperse antiarmor squads to reduce casualties and equipment damage that could result from enemy mortar and artillery fires (Figure 1-6). ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; Coordinating through higher headquarters for corps medical support reinforcement and or augmentation, as required. A fire and effects element is embedded within the FECC and is supervised by the DECOORD. Determine how the enemy can use the available cover and concealment and look at it from his point of view, both in daylight and at night. Humanitarian issues such as overpopulation, resource shortages, natural disasters, and inadequate response capability (local, regional, or global) would probably complicate operations during an MTW. Intelligence assessments Therefore, the commander weights the new decisive operation at the expense of other concurrent shaping operations. The anti-armor POI gave designated Javelin operators eight hours of hands-on training time. The S3 The Enemy. Step 3 A. (7) Brigade Support Battalion Commander. The first organic system is the Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) Company that is assigned to the SBCT headquarters. This technique requires a thorough terrain analysis by the battalion staff during the military decision-making process and the company leadership during troop leading procedures in order to maximize the usage of the terrain available. The signal company is responsible for connecting the SBCT to the global information grid (GIG). The Stryker enhances tactical mobility and allows the SBCT to strike the enemy in depth, reposition its reserve rapidly, secure lines of communications, and conduct nonlinear company and battalion fights and essential RSTA operations in noncontiguous areas of operation. For example, the TOW weapon system's maximum range of 3,750 meters provides it with a standoff advantage over modern, western-built tanks (maximum effective ranges of 2,800 meters) and older, non-modernized tanks (maximum effective ranges of 2,000 meters). A. Strategic deployment capability C. Document information Air defense and aviation personnel man the ADAM cell (Figure 1-27). Planning and coordinating network terminals. The frequency of joint contingency operations in the 1990s sharply increased the significance of the strategic responsiveness of the US military's force structure. US tactical doctrine prefers to use a base-of-fire force or a fixing force along with a maneuver force. These rounds have a maximum range of 15,300 to 17,000 meters. Fix (a) The unit ministry team (UMT) is composed of a chaplain and one enlisted chaplain assistant (Figure 1-16). PDF Training and Evaluation Outline Report The degree of support needed depends on the factors of mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available, and civil considerations (METT-TC) and should be tailored, as the operation develops, to ensure seamless intelligence support. Assigning key personnel to specific tasks Enemy forces in these environments will employ middle- to low-end industrial-age forces characterized by limited armored forces, mostly equipped with small numbers of early generation tanks, some mechanized forces, but predominately motorized infantry. commanders vision of METT-TC Command, direction, and supervision ins.style.width = '100%'; The SBCT possesses a substantial capability, through its infantry and reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition units, to place units and soldiers in positions of advantage throughout the area of operations. The CI capability is directed toward identifying and recommending countermeasures for enemy intelligence collection (protecting essential elements of friendly information [EEFI]). Pattern analysis must be conducted at company level. The TACP coordinates close air support (CAS) missions with the FECC and the SBCT S3. Synchronizing tactical operations to include reviewing and coordinating subordinate plans and actions. E. Operational art, What type of information does the staff analyze that is collected through monitoring and evaluating the operation's progress? The SBCT's operational capabilities are. The wide range of SSC operations also includes the increasing likelihood of stability actions such as peace enforcement, implementation of peace accords, evacuation of US nationals, or the provision of humanitarian relief. Camouflage changes the familiar outline. The infantry battalion mission is to close with and destroy or defeat enemy forces within the full spectrum of modern combat operations. 'Seeing the terrain': using terrain and anti-tank systems to increase An MTW has the greatest potential of occurring in regions containing moderate to well-developed infrastructures (especially roads, rail, and bridges), large complex urban areas, and diverse weather patterns. Special, What is fundamental to the commander's ability to establish a situation's context? F. Conduct information protection, What describes the position of the command sergeant major of the command at battalion and higher levels? Preparing, coordinating, authenticating, publishing, and distributing the command SOP, operation orders (OPORDs), fragmentary orders (FRAGOs), warning orders (WARNOs), and other products involving contribution from other staff sections. organizational structure Table 1-1. Transition. The antiarmor platoon leader is responsible for advising the battalion commander on the tactical employment of the platoon and its sections. The Army is the U.S. military's primary ground force. Companies fight as combined arms teams with an section of organic 81-mm mortars, an MGS platoon, and a sniper team. Figure 1-4. Antiarmor organization options. Finally, Javelin training should culminate in the employment of live Javelins (if resourced) during the platoon/company combined-arms maneuver LFX. essential enemy capabilities Antiarmor units can be positioned forward of the defensive sector to participate in security operations or to overwatch reconnaissance units or obstacles. relationship patterns The MICO CP normally locates with or near the SBCT main CP. terrain, infrastructure, and society, What component of the Urban Operational Construct is defined by the appropriately applied range of capabilities against decisive points leading to the centers of gravity? (3) Staff Judge Advocate. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Maintaining the current situation regarding enemy and environmental factors and updating IPB and the intelligence estimate. special characters Traditional (a) The senior MP planning officer within the MANSPT cell serves as the SBCT MP and is responsible for MP planning, coordination, and synchronization of MP maneuver elements. The field artillery battalion (Figure 1-7) is the SBCT commander's direct support (DS) artillery. The network operations (NETOPS) section establishes a network operations and security center (NOSC) at the SBCT main command post (CP) and at the tactical command post (TAC CP). Step 2 We needed to build a force that could transition between combined arms maneuver (CAM) and wide area security (WAS) in preparation for assuming regionally aligned force missions and Army contingency force missions by March 2014. In addition, RSTA operations allow the commander to shape the battlefield, accepting or initiating combat at the time and place of his choosing. ROI will likely come from the higher headquarters and can be made more, but not less, restrictive by the SBCT. The close area is that area where the commander envisions close combat taking place or being imminent. The senior air and missile defense (AMD) officer within the ADAM cell is the primary air defense and airspace management advisor to the SBCT commander. Which of the following is NOT a pattern analysis lesson learned?