Please make a tax-deductible gift today. - Leading evolutionists focusing on teeth, ear bones, ankles, mouth, or genes thus argue for a different land ancestor - Since 1998, leading institutions argue whether whales evolved from animals like hyenas, cats, deer, wolves, MeSH Of course you can try MSM which is an DMSO with one more oxygen, this will get rid of the problem and will also help with healing of fractures. (Credit: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) / Public domain). Here, we investigate the mineralogical and biochemical properties of the involucrum, as these may hold clues to the aquatic adaptations of cetaceans. Comfrey made into a tea can relieve diarrhea or irritation in the digestive tract. Heat the oil in a double boiler. In 2003, they got their opportunity when a young fin whale beached on Sunset Beach in Orange County, California. Have you tried comfrey for healing? HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help nervous excitability, provide antioxidant, wound healing, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects. ZGU2N2Q5OTZiNjdkYjQwMzJhNjg2YmVmMGUwZDgxZWQ2NzY4MmJmNTMwYjJi Fresh leaves can be bruised, scalded and cooled to apply to skin that is damaged. For one, ears that "float" inside a whale's head allow it to figure out where sounds are coming from underwater. Red stars represent the protocetids; red circles represent the other archaeocetes. Fossil Whale Offers Clues to Origins of 'Seeing With Sound'. I cancelled it because my wrist no longer feels detached from my hand, and I took note that my hand is regaining strength with the blessings that the Good Lord has provided for me to use. OTlhOGViYmMzNmY2ZWFiOTFiNWIzOGYwM2FiYmU3NzQ1OTEzMTg2YTcxYTYw Now I apply the comfrey tincture on a bandaid and leave it on overnight. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. Comfrey is an herb that brings soothing comfort to a variety of conditions through its anti-inflammatory action. In these species the jaw joint is also called the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ. Casting So far, they have examined two of the three whale species identified in Togo, so they hope to find another specimen that will allow them to explore the ear of the third species. Comfrey Caveats: And would do that throughout the day with the same tea just rewarmed it up each time. Cotylocara lies along that evolutionary stem, as do other Oligocene fossil whales that have already been found. The leaves should be completely submerged in oil. YWQwZTNkNTlkN2Y1ZWFjYTJlMTNiNmIxNjBmM2U5Iiwic2lnbmF0dXJlIjoi The petrosal bone cannot be seen; it is covered by the tympanic bone. Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. the Node Early amphibious whales had hearing capacities close to those of their terrestrial kin. I saw him two days ago and he said he was able to sleep and could move his arm up, down and around, without pain, whereas before the ends of the bones were touching and causing him great discomfort. ZTYzZjU2YWQzZDhiMmY3MzBkZDY4MmYzY2M1OTQ5OWFmOTNhMzEyN2UyZDE5 This raises the question that has generated a lot of controversy: when did these hearing differences first begin evolving? These powerful micro-CTs can examine three dimensional structures within a fossil specimen without having to destroy it by cutting it up into a series of thin slices. Tsur I, Shaviv N, Bronstein I, Elmakis D, Knafo O, Werner YL. Please note:The prices, weights, and pictures will all change according to the option chosen, the measurements will not. Comfrey salve is wonderful for hemorrhoids. Go to marine mammal acoustic article. The whale tail is often found in their culture as a symbol of strength, due to the power that the tail provides to the whale. It is functional, and often beautifully designed in unanticipated ways.". NWExMmY3YTcxYjkwOTg0ZjAxNmMwNWMyOGNjMGI5NmVmMWVmMDk0YjAzNmZl What you need is to dissolve allantoin, which is not soluble in water. Hearing in toothed whales, they suggest, occurs either by the bones of the skull transmitting sound to the inner ear--"bone conduction," or through "tissue conduction," where sound is conducted to the inner ear by deposits of fat that run up from the lower jaw. We just put about a cup in a large kettle and make a tea and he soaked his foot in it. By the end of the evening the swelling was almost all gone. The second way is for sounds to vibrate along the skull, a process known as bone conduction. EC I would also like to mention my progress with my hair and nails. If you are interested in making it, I will share a recipe. MDBmZThhMjI5NWUwMDhmZjY0ODVjZjEyNDFhYjdjZjg5NmM0YWY1YWY0NDNl Fossil Whale Ear Bone - Miocene Melt them in and then pour your mixture into a jar or tin. whale ear bones A mother sperm whale and her calf off the coast of Mauritius. WebThis is a fossil whale cervical (neck) vertebrae from the Hawthorn Formation of South Carolina. I usually test before pouring by putting a bit in the freezer for a couple of minutes. They would also prefer that only the leaf of the American Comfrey variety be used rather than the roots and even suggest not utilizing external ointments for longer than one month. Add cup dry comfrey leaves to a jar. Get the latest science news in your RSS reader with ScienceDaily's hourly updated newsfeeds, covering hundreds of topics: Keep up to date with the latest news from ScienceDaily via social networks: Tell us what you think of ScienceDaily -- we welcome both positive and negative comments. 2010. Triangles represent extant (orange) and Paleogene (yellow) land artiodactyls. I sent him home with some dried comfrey and told him to make a large kettle of comfrey tea and add some apple cider vinegar. Just think of the sheer size and ability that tail requires just in order to support such a huge creature! After the image has been completed, the specimen is rotated slightly to a new position and the process is repeated until the entire specimen has been x-rayed. M2UzMDc4YWExN2IwOWZmODhmMjliN2U2YjY2ZjMzNzgxM2JiOGYyYmU2MTYx Writes Cloe, "The feeling of that compress was heavenly. Hot comfrey tea is wonderful for a cough, especially with a bit of raw honey. ScienceDaily, 29 January 2015. MTg5ZmRjZjY1NTczYzNkYTY0NDM1ZWExNDIxMmI1N2I3ZjkxMGZmM2ZjMTA5 Can you please give more details. Over the past few years, government regulators have been attempting to enact laws placing limits on the amount of human-made noise that baleen whales can be exposed to. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted ). Comfrey is absolutely amazing! I put the crock pot on warm or low for 3-4 days. I will have to look into silica for my own hair! (Credit: Gabriel Barathieu / CC BY-SA 2.0), The structure of the cochlea, the headquarters of hearing, is described for two ancient protocetid whales. Hope your chicken bounced back :), I am happy to say I can't even tell which hen had the injury. We investigated organic, carbonate, and mineral composition as well as crystal size and crystallinity index. Financial support for ScienceDaily comes from advertisements and referral programs, where indicated. James Carew and Mitchell Colgan; (Inset) Carl Buell. Unauthorized use is prohibited. The name Majestic Mountain Sage is correct. Some people added aloe vera extracts and oil to improve healing. This unique feature is absent in modern terrestrial artiodactyls and is suggested to be A, Skull of a beluga whale in ventral view, with right tympanic bone circled, to show the general anatomy of the cetacean petrosal and tympanic bone and sampling sites. Deletions from the Genome, End for Indus Megacities: Prolonged Droughts. 8600 Rockville Pike To save chestnut trees, we may have to play God, Why you should add native plants to your garden, What you can do right now to advocate for the planet, Why poison ivy is an unlikely climate change winner. Metaphysical Properties: Whale Ear Bones have been used in healing rituals by Dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema can all benefit from comfrey. Found in South Carolina among rocks dating back to the Oligocene epoch and christened Cotylocara macei, the fossil whale is named after Mace Brown, a curator at the College of Charleston's Mace Brown Natural History Museum in South Carolina who acquired the specimen for his private collection about a decade ago. I am thankful that there is a place to discuss and learn about their uses even when various organizations might villainize or ban them. (B, C, E, and F) Detail of the cochlea in medial (B and E), ventral (C), and antero-ventral (F) views. Would love your recipe for your comfrey gel. You have to really drill into the historical documents to find the truth. Because low frequency sounds travel so far in the ocean, groups of whales that appear to be extremely far apart might indeed be within "hollerin' distance," as Cranford puts it. NjJhMDc5ODE4NzU3Zjg1Mjg3OTYxZjFkMjBiNDNmMDRkY2M0MmY4MGJiMGJm NDBjYjgwM2M0NDA4Njk4M2NjNzgyYmUwZTFmOWZiNTIxOTE3ZDU1MGY0MTAy I fractured my right fifth metacarpal the beginning of this month. We also studied the amino acid composition of the cetacean involucrum relative to that of other skeletal bone. government site. He applied the cream, made from the plant root, three times a day. All rights reserved. The fact that the bone can grow up to 7 meters-large raises questions Cotylocara was one of the earliest whales to use echolocation, Colombian officials halt research, seize animals at NIH-supported facility after alleged monkey mistreatment, Scientists in India protest move to drop Darwinian evolution from textbooks. Nevertheless, the whale's probable sound-producing abilities give Cotylocara an important place in whale evolution. Sometimes I put too heavy a load on that hand in the spur moment without thought. ". (Low if I will be around enough to keep refilling the water. Metaphysical Properties:Whale Ear Bones have been used in healing rituals by shamans and Native American medicine men. Dolphins, orcas, and other toothed whalesknown as odontocetespinpoint their prey by producing high-frequency sounds that bounce around their marine environment and reveal exactly where tricky fish are trying to hide. Bone broth would be a good addition to the diet to promote bone and joint healing as well. NDAzZGFjYjExNGQzNjJmM2IzMzQ5MGQ0NTM2MGM5YTM3NWNlMWUxOTkyZjU1 In fact, the Japanese use comfrey vinegar extracts for treating cirrhosis of the liver. The only known skull of Cotylocara doesn't My 90 yr old mom just broke her arm and I'm using a comfrey compress. Baleen whales hear through their bones -- ScienceDaily "But it's one that needs lots and lots of computational power. The whole flock of them spend the day running around after bugs. Part of that transition involved modifying their ears so that they could clearly hear sounds underwater and tell where they were coming from, says Nick Pyenson, curator of fossil mammals at Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. (Read about whale evolution in, Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic SocietyCopyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. I have studied herbs and particularly Comfrey for over 55 years. "This research has driven home one beautiful principle: Anatomic structure is no accident. Both comfrey extracts were root. Its mucilage properties are especially helpful for the joints. (Credit: Gabriel Barathieu / CC BY-SA 2.0), Hautier 2016 / doi:10.1016/j.cub.2017.04.061). Others think that the ear channel is closed off, and both the channel and ear hole have become a vestigal organ--useless since they evolved (much like our appendix). These fins serve both as a stabilizer and a rudder. Crosses represent Oligocene (pink), Miocene (magenta), and more recent (purple) odontocetes. Mr. Mourlam and Dr. Orliac used Micro x-ray Computed Tomography (micro-CT) to examine the internal structures of the two fossil petrosal bones. He decided to give it a try. see no problem with making a tea out of the leaves. WebTo better understand the constraints on this transition, we examined the physical dimensions of the bony auditory complex, in relation to body size, for both living and extinct cetaceans. Biologists reveal that Once they had their scan, the researchers employed a technique known as finite element modeling that breaks up data representing the skull and other parts of the head into millions of tiny elements and tracks their relationships with one another. Of mice, moles and guinea pigs: functional morphology of the middle ear in living mammals. OGYwOWI2ODI3MDkzNGE0ZGI3YjU5NTEzMDRjNDg0ZDM0MWFjZjYxMGVlYjZi But little is known about how they actually process these sounds. Now, researchers have found that the whales have specialized skulls that can capture the energy of low frequencies and direct it toward their ear bones to hear. "What our contribution does is give us a window into how the world's largest animals hear, by an odd mechanism no less," he said. Unique Biochemical and Mineral Composition of Whale Ear Bones I'm not sure if it dissolves in water, but it can be stirred into water with no problem. Comfrey for the ankle. Fresh or dried comfrey can be used. The little-known history of the Florida panther. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. In fact, animals THRIVE on it. However, in reordering, I found that using Majestic Mountain Sage in a Google search produced a string of websites for other suppliers, none of which was Majestic Mountain Sage. WebHearing in toothed whales, they suggest, occurs either by the bones of the skull transmitting sound to the inner ear--"bone conduction," or through "tissue conduction," where sound is conducted to the inner ear by deposits of fat that run up from the lower jaw. The large symbols correspond to the centroid of the three main morphospaces. "Baleen whales hear through their bones." By investigating the structure of their petrosal bones, Mr. Mourlam and Dr. Orliac were traveling back in time. In your opinion, do you think the comfrey ointment would heal my moms neck? But when did whales evolve this sonarlike ability, known as echolocation? But they were most probably able to communicate underwater, like seals do, Dr. Orliac added. Well, it did nothing for my lipoma but I had an indented scar on the side tip of my nose that dug into my cartilage from a cancerous growth being removed. Hear Res. I had an individual sprain his ankle really bad, it had a huge knot on the side of the ankle and was swelled up the side of the leg. Fossil Whale Offers Clues to Origins of 'Seeing With Sound' (Hopefully they are eating a lot of ticks! He applied the cream three times a day for a week. Physical Characteristics:Whale Middle Ear Bones, fossilized. It helped bone grow twice as fast after having hardware removed from my ankle. After two trips to the hospital it was confirmed that he had indeed broken it. Baleen whales, also known as mysticetes, are the largest animals on earth, and include blue whales, minke whales, right whales, gray whales and fin whales. However, it is soluble in DMSO and this can help with fractures. ZTQxM2M1NzI5NmI0ZDQ2Zjk5M2RmODhlMzZkZGQ1MTM4YzJiMWJlNGEwYmE1 According to researcher Nicholas Higgs, whale bones of the lower back This ordinary woman hid Anne Frankand kept her story alive, This Persian marvel was lost for millennia. I ordered some comfrey leaf plantain leaf tea from someone on etsy and comfrey leaf tablets and took them three times a day and drank a pot of tea daily. Get more great content like this delivered right to you! We now know that some species of whales have a 12-octave hearing range, compared to eight in humans. Alcohol-free bars, no-booze cruises, and other tools can help you enjoy travel without the hangover. Comfrey speeds the process of cell regeneration, making it a superiorhealer to burns and wounds. "This is, in my opinion, a grand discovery.". Unlike pressure waves passing through soft tissue, longer waves lengths are amplified as they vibrate the skull. Use this square to strain out the oil into another jar. The correct name for contacting Majestic Mountain Sage is Skeleton We thought we knew turtles. This is a large, fossilized whale inner ear bone (Tympanic Bulla) that is Miocene in age. For now, the evolutionary epic of whale echolocation is only just beginning to be heard. National Library of Medicine Take it and get healed and avoid the medical/pharma juganaut that is NOT for your health. Our computer tomography (CT) sections and camera lucida drawings reveal two hitherto unknown features of the odontocete ear, both of them of potential relevance to sound reception and impedance matching. Its flavor is not strong and can be enjoyed a number of different ways. From having to conceal or falsify our feelings, to having to face strong opposition to those feelings from others, the face can experience a sympathetic response ranging from partial paralysis to inflammations, rashes, neurological ticks But animals like whales and dolphins use sound all the time to hunt down dinner or to serenade a mate. You can guarantee a stronger ointment if you make it yourself. WebHeal in as little as 3 sessions with Dr. Carson's Natural Healing Center based in California. I posted how my hair started growing while taking supplements to resist COVID in early 2020. While comfrey is a folk remedy that is still commonly recommended by herbalists, some scientists are concerned about the safety of comfrey, believing it to be harmful to the liver. Grapical Abstract: Mourlam and Orliac describe the inner ear of two partly terrestrial early whales [+] (Protocetidae). So it may surprise you to learn that the two major groups of modern whales, the baleen whales (Mysticetes) and the toothed whales (Odontocetes), hear best at opposite ends of the sound spectrum: baleen whales, such as humpback whales, hear infrasonic frequencies that are too low for humans to hear, whereas toothed whales, such as sperm whales, tune in to ultrasonic frequencies that are too high for humans to hear. Abbreviations: IF, infrasonic frequencies; MF, midfrequencies; UF, ultrasonic frequencies. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiMjAyMDYzMTVkYzY0NTE0YTM2MDgxYmRkMjc1N2JiN2Y1 Pomatodelphis inaequalis Extinction Looms for North Atlantic Right Whales, Forbes (link). Cranford and Krysl were able to obtain the animal's head for their research, placing it in an X-ray CT scanner originally designed for rocket motors. Table/Altar "Sculptures", Large Figurines, Quartz (Clear, Red, Rose, Lavender, etc. It has a mild flavor. I harvest the leaves before I cut the flowers off and this also serves to help stop it spreading, which it would otherwise have a strong tendency to do. Disclaimer. ). He said to her mother to keep doing what she was. OWEzZTU1MGExZjQzZWNjYThkNjQ3YWE3ODMyYmE1ZDlkYTYxMzc2NWFjYTJj From South Carolina. Importantly, their model predicts that for the lowest frequencies used by fin whales, 10 Hz -- 130 Hz, bone conduction is up to 10 times more sensitive. For one, ears that "float" inside a whale's head allow it to figure out where sounds are coming from underwater. (accessed May 1, 2023). Not bad for a 58 year old female. I started putting poultices on it the day of my surgery as soon as I returned home. The later had a very low contrast because of the density bone. Comfrey has a soothing and regulating effect on the digestive system. You should do your own research and use wisdom and common sense about the use of any herbs. Radiance (WA), I broadly concur regarding your comments concerning Comfrey! In fact, it can be downright difficult to eradicate if you wish to remove it. Science and AAAS are working tirelessly to provide credible, evidence-based information on the latest scientific research and policy, with extensive free coverage of the pandemic. Additionally, comfrey in a nutritious herb that I have a lipoma and I heard comfrey leaf might help. Thanks. "Overall, the description of Cotylocara underscores the need to investigate the inner ear of fossil Oligocene cetaceans in much more detail, because that's where the answer will be," Pyenson says. The tympano-periotic complex forming the ear region consists of a ventral bowl-shaped tympanic bone in direct contact with the surrounding soft tissues and the incident sound, and a dorsal periotic bone containing the inner ear. It's a bit like dividing the whale's head into a series of LEGO bricks, Cranford explained, where the properties of the bone, muscle, and other materials determine how strong the connections are between the bricks. STDs are at a shocking high. Mama to Many you asked me to report back and post how well the bottled comfrey extract helped and here it is. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Comfrey: The Comforting Herb - Earth Clinic Talking Orca Learns To Mimic Human Speech, Forbes (link). Squares represent Oligocene (cyan), Miocene (light blue), and more recent (black) mysticetes. Bowhead Whales: Songbirds Of The Arctic Sea, Forbes (link). Whale Ear Bone It also takes away scarring also! Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Do your own research also and let me know what you find out about taking it internally. But I usually add in some castor oil since it is good for pain. on 04/15/2007, Posted by Kitchen Witch (New York) on 07/05/2017, Posted by Mama To Many (Tn ) on 10/27/2016. - Berkeley's Whale Evolution article says: "These first whales, such as Pakicetus, were typical land animals." Create Your Free Account or Sign In to Read the Full Story. Baleen whales hear through their bones Using a computer simulation of a fin whale head, scientists discovered the animal's skull amplifies and conducts low Proc Biol Sci. I sometimes I put the comfrey extract on at night if I have over use pain. Update: My friend with the broken collar bone was healed in three weeks. Careers. Now its almost filled in and I am shocked. It always worried me to read that people were advocating taking Comfrey internally, as I had often read that it had the POTENTIAL to possibly damage the liver. Can't wait to tell them about eating it. By Jane J. LeeNational Geographic Published These deposits are located in Kpogame, a mining site in the African nation of Togo. Comfrey compresses healed not only the deep bruising (in 3 days), resulting from a stubbed, broken toe but also, bone -- after all, the common name for comfrey is "knit bone". The resulting three dimensional representations of the interior structure of the cavity within the petrosal bone is known as an endocast. Comfrey tea can be taken internally or it can be used topically on any external inflammations. ZjdjOTY1MTlmOTM1MDFkMGE0ZGUyN2NlNTUyMjdjYWM1ZTU0NWQ4NzE3OTZl [ref], augmented by the two protocetids from Kpogame, ten land artiodactyls, and data from the literature [ref]. It's possible these new findings will help legislators decide on limits to oceanic human-made noise, but Cranford stressed that what's most important about their project is that they managed to solve a long-standing mystery about a highly inaccessible animal. Sign up to keep reading and unlock hundreds of Nat Geo articles for free. Before bed I couldn't take it anymore so I put some Comfrey salve on it and sprayed it with a pain killer spray that I had and slepted all night. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. The hairballs which showed back up after I slowed down on the Covid supplements and other supplements have once again come to naught. San Diego State University. Ancient whales were able to hear like their terrestrial ancestors, according to a new study based on analyses of the structures of ancient whale ear bone fossils. Vitamin E is able to slow down the aging process, improve the appearance of the skin. Apparently sound brings the tympanic bone, and especially its thin tympanic plate, into vibration. When you're trying to track a fish in the murky ocean, forget about using your eyesuse your ears. 2010 Aug 4;5(8):e11927. According to Dr. Orliac, she and Mr. Mourlam plan to return to Togo in December to search for more protocetid whale specimens. There are enough people, including myself who eat, drink and have in smoothies. Content on this website is for information only. "We have that experience when we submerge entirely in a pool," he said. They placed his foot in a "boot" and told him to come back in a week as it was too swollen to place in a cast. Only one ancient account mentions the existence of Xerxes Canal, long thought to be a tall tale. 2013 Jul;301:4-18. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2012.10.004. 2019 Dec;384:107810. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2019.107810. However, little information was available about how baleen whales actually hear for government regulators to base new legislation on. ZTQ4OTEyYjk1ZjgwYTVmZTM4YWFmY2ZkYWRjNmJiNzU1MjUzYzczZDA0MjNj The paper first reviews our present understanding of the functional morphology of the odontocete (toothed whale) ear. Before YmI2YTlkOTE3MjNmNjEzZDkzNTk5ZmM4YTM5MGIwNjRjNjgyNGFkMTcwMzI4 The doctors said she is too old to go through the surgery and that she would have to wear a neck brace the rest of her life. "These air sinuses are thought to have important roles in the production of high-frequency vocalizations that living odontocetes use for echolocation," Geisler says, possibly helping direct returning sound waves or store air that can be used to make continuous sound. The bones are no longer articulated and do not allow for any movement. Turned all black & blue. Whale symbolism and meaning encourages you to ride the waves or delve deeper into the subconscious and embrace healing and nurturing. I have found that many herbalists seem to agree with this approach. Early evolution of the ossicular chain in Cetacea: into the middle ear gears of a semi-aquatic protocetid whale. By accessing or using this website, you agree to abide by our Medical Disclaimer, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy agreements. WebUnique Composition of Whale Ear Bones 577 Figure 1. Hear Res. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Quickly as I pushed up (my knees need help) I seemed to have stretched the ligaments in my wrist in that hand, the pain was so great.