You do not have to take it as cue to revise your offer down. News 'A WIGUT victory': Union pleased as remit received for salary negotiations Narissa Fraser Yesterday WIGUT president Dr Indira Rampersad, left, and other members listen as UWI principal Rose-Marie Belle Antoine address them during a protest at the St Augustine campus on April 20.File phot by Roger Jacob. University unions and employers meet on pay - UNISON UCU has warned hardline university bosses that they could be hit with additional strike action if they go ahead with 100% deductions in pay for staff taking action short of a strike (ASOS): Staff warn rogue university bosses to prepare for more strike action over pay deductions. 0800 0 857 857, Copyright 2023 Privacy policy It is to be distributed throughout the pay spine in a tapered way with a proportionately higher amount for those at the bottom relative to those at the middle and top. First negotiations see the employers agree that there needs to be a rise in pay for hard-working higher education staff. Dont negotiate until a firm offer (in writing) has been extended 2. At the HE sector conferences in September and December 2020, a number of motions resolved specific demands to be included in any joint trade union claim. Harvard recently proposed a 3.5 percent pay increase for the first year, followed by a 3.5 percent raise and a 3 percent raise in the next two years of the contract, respectively. During my doctoral program, I gained a range of skills and experiences that I draw on today as a graduate career coach at the University of Utah. The joint unions will be looking at the implications of the offer in relation to both the claim and the structure of the pay uplift. That number is impacted by schools like the University at Buffalo and Niagara University, the only two local institutions who pay New figures today show the scale of pay cuts faced by university staff has been laid bare as new data showed 12 years of below inflation pay offers have left staff thousands of pounds worse off. UCU general secretary Jo Grady said: 'Our members deserve a proper pay rise and the money is there to deliver it. The gender gap in pay has remained relatively stable in the United States over the past 20 years or so. By comparison, the gender pay gap among workers of all ages that year was 18 cents. The pay uplift for the 2021-22 academic year guarantees increases of at least 1.5%, with higher percentage uplifts made to the pay points below Spine Point 22, up to a The employers have made a final offer of a pay rise for 2021/22, amounting to an increase of 1.5% for the majority of HE staff from the beginning of this month. Pay 2021-22: Final offer presented | For Staff | University of Leeds On a turnout of over 57%, breaking the 50% threshold set by anti-union legislation, around 80% of members who voted said yes to taking industrial action over pay and conditions claim: National pay & conditions ballot scrutineer's report [276kb] No progress was made on other elements of the joint union claim including the 35 hour week, or Scottish JNCHES. WebCurrent pay negotiations. These conditions directly impact our rate of pay and working conditions, and should form a crucial part of our yearly bargaining round. This means that from Thursday 20 April members are asked to cease undertaking all summative marking and associated assessment activities/duties. General secretary Jo Grady told members the results are another powerful signal of members' commitment to address the issues of low pay, inequality, workload intensification and precarious employment. Tuition fee income, in particular, increased by 40% between 2014/2015 and 2019/2020. The final JNCHES meeting of the 2021/22 negotiating round took place yesterday, Thursday 6 May. Find out more about cookies and how we use them. My UCU. Oakland has proposed a pay increase to all faculty of 5.25% over three years; however, the union has not accepted this. Industrial action over the pay and working conditions claim will begin on 1 December, it was announced today. Members in thirty-six institutions have voted to continue strike action over the Four Fights pay and conditions disputes, with 38 meeting the threshold for taking action short of strike action. The joint unions are calling on the employers to engage in meaningful negotiations this year to ensure that higher education staff receive the pay uplift that is needed and deserved. We have the expectation that our employers will show respect for the contributions made by staff by offering rates of pay which are competitive internationally, rather than deprioritising staff in favour of other types of expenditure. Branches will be updated on the written offer as soon as possible. You can determine your target range using salary and cost-of-living research tools like Payscale,, Glassdoor and NerdWallet, as well as your professional The key dates are as follows: Further details on ballot timetable and activities have been sent out to all branch officers; please contact your branch and volunteer to 'get the vote out' (GTVO). We attended in good faith, expecting to hear the employers' introduction to negotiations and receive their opening offer. The dean agreed to raise their salaries in that years merit cycle.. UCEA conducts collective pay negotiations with the five HE trade unions - UCU, UNISON, Unite, EIS and GMB - on behalf of a significant number of UK HE Rolling strike action across UCU regions is then being planned from 7 March if no agreement has been reached with the employers. UCU general secretary Jo Grady said, with 74% of members voting YES, 'there is no doubt whatsoever about members' commitment or how deeply you are impacted by the issues at the heart of this dispute': The key decisions about what to do on the back of these results will be taken by delegates to the upcoming higher education sector conference. After adjusting for inflation, the sector has seen its total income rise by around 15% over the last six years. This year the onus is on UCEA to demonstrate leadership and to match the union's ambition, by making an offer that addresses the decline in member's pay and the cost of living squeeze, tackling pay inequality, reducing workloads and casualisation, as well as dealing with structural issues with the pay spine. Then I ended by saying that Id be willing to discontinue discussions with my current institution if we were able to come to an agreement on the final sticking points of salary and start-up funding. 'In the spirit of attempting to reach agreement, the joint unions agreed to intensive negotiations between now and the end of January, with further negotiations continuing into February and beyond as required on the other heads of the 22-23 claim. salary negotiations HE negotiation archives. In both cases, leaders further up the hierarchy had to agree to the changes. We use cookies on our website to ensure you find the information you need in the simplest way. Rules for negotiating: 1. During the talks, negotiators sought to find imaginative ways in which the demands on pay inequality and intersectionality, exploitative casual contracts including a demand specific to GTAs and workload can be progressed. Jennifer Dannals of Dartmouth Colleges Tuck School of Business, and Nir Halevy and Margaret Neale, both of Stanford Universitys Graduate School of Business, analyzed data from 2,552 MBA students and executives In a message to members, UCU general secretary Jo Grady said 'Employers are doubling down on their completely unacceptable positions: another below-inflation pay offer, doing nothing on casualisation, workloads and inequality, and cutting USS members' guaranteed future pension benefits by 35% or more. Members in striking branches are being asked to walk out on 21 & 22 February, and from 28 February to 2 March in the following week. UK union says final pay offer of 1.5 per cent rise unacceptable This falls some way short of the headline demands on pay. The higher education committee (HEC) considered the early developments with the claim, the key UCU policy and principles that should be in a joint union claim. UUP 2022 Contract Negotiations News. We were disappointed that UCEA did not bring an improved offer, despite our consistent communications on areas which are lacking. I looked over all of our colleagues' records of publication, teaching, and service and made the case that two faculty of color were underpaid given their accomplishments. For UCU represented grades its worth 1.5%. | Members at more than 20 universities will proceed to a marking boycott on 23 May despite threats of 100% pay deductions from some rogue bosses. WebThe College negotiates with the Joint Trades Unions (JTUs) UCU, UNISON and UNITE to determine if there should be an increase in pay and the rate. Support staff pay is negotiated separately from teachers pay and all pay offers made have to be implemented in individual colleges. The graduations of well over 100,00 students are set to be disrupted: University marking boycott begins despite 'lock out' threats. At community colleges specifically, union faculty members earned an additional $18,000 in 2021, or 27 percent more than non-union faculty in the same states. The employers' latest pay offer for 2021/22 is just 1.5% but inflation is at 4.5%. Formal consultation on employers' proposals and announcing our reballot result, Employers make offers in university disputes, Jo Grady today announced an additional day of strike action, UCU Rising: strike paused, campaign continues, talks mediated by conciliation service Acas, University strikes escalate after staff reject 'low-ball' offer, have voted by 80.4% to reject the latest pay offer, continue to insist on a real-terms pay cut for 2023/4, Seventeen further dates of strike action have been called, 70,000 university staff to strike on 1 February, Universities to be hit with 18 days of strike action before April, initial pay offer for the upcoming 2023-24 pay round, response from our general secretary Jo Grady here, read the response from our general secretary here, Jo Grady writes to members with the latest, Members at 150 universities will strike for three days in November, National pay & conditions ballot scrutineer's report [276kb], Northern Ireland pay & conditions ballot scrutineer's report [257kb], University staff vote for UK-wide strike action in historic ballot, strike ballots will open at UK universities on Tuesday 6 September, called for universities to scrap vanity projects, University strike ballot a step closer as vice-chancellors refuse to improve pay offer, read UCEA's confirmed final offer for 2022-23 here. Overall, more than seven in 10 members who voted (70.1%) backed strike action with 84.9% voting for action short of strike, which could include a marking boycott: Big mandate for strike action at UK universities over pay & working conditions. Understand the needs and abilities of the employer. Oakland University offers all employees outstanding health benefits. 4. HE negotiations 2021-22. It involved an offer of a 2.75% sub-inflationary rise on the majority of pay points, with bottom loading on pay points 3-19 ranging from 6% at point 3 to 2.8% at point 19, to accommodate the legal requirement to meet the new national minimum wage. Acas-mediated talks are intended to address the issues in dispute, which include pay, equality, job insecurity and workloads. On 22 December UCU confirmed that it was also in dispute and initiated the Dispute Resolution process. UCU general secretary Jo Grady tells members the employers' 1.5% pay offer is not god enough, and provides an update on what happens next. Salary Negotiation Your Questions Answered University unions and employers meet on pay, Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2021. Annual Pay Review | Human Resources - University of Cambridge Basic pay increase of 1.5% for colleagues on spine points 22 and above. Higher Education News, Opinion and Careers | Weekdays, Quick Summary of the Week's Higher Ed News | Fridays, Admissions and Enrollment News, Opinion and Careers | Mondays, Diversity News, Opinion and Career Advice | Tuesdays, Student Success News, Ideas, Advice and Inspiration | Weekdays, On ChatGPT: Confessions of an Anonymous Lecturer, Postdocs Need People, Especially Each Other, Strategies for Career Exploration in Uncertain Times. A 1.5% increase over 2 years is in reality a steep real-terms pay cut, on top of over a decade of pay cuts. Branches are strongly encouraged to meet to debate motions and elect delegates. UCEA was left in no doubt about how strongly members feel and the need for real change to be made. WebA pay uplift across all scales for an increase of at least 12%; Negotiations will begin shortly. You can determine your target range using salary and cost-of-living research tools like Payscale,, Glassdoor and NerdWallet, as well as your professional network. All branches in the Four Fights and USS disputes will be balloted over taking industrial action that would impact both the induction weeks this autumn as well as spring 2023. These discussions were involved and left little time at the end of the scheduled meeting for a detailed offer to be made by UCEA. [295kb]. The New JNCHES committee is composed of the five higher education trade unions UNISON, UCU, Unite, GMB and EIS along with UCEA, which represents university employers in the UK. New industrial action ballots over deteriorating pay and conditions, and also the USS pensions dispute, will open on 16 March. UCU will move ahead with a ballot for industrial after vice-chancellors again failed to make an improvement on their 3% pay offer, despite acknowledging the impact of the cost of living crisis on staff. Intense preparations for the 'four fights' ballot is under way. After notifying vice chancellors that staff would take strike action unless they saw movement, but the employers, represented by University and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) still won't meet without preconditions, and refuse to engage in agreeing action plans that would address widespread casualisation, excessive workloads and pay inequalities. The same STEM postdoc advised, When you have more than one offer, use that in your advantage when negotiating salary/benefits/relocation. That offer was rejected by members. You can see the institutions involved here. Our NHS colleagues have been offered 3%. Our elected negotiatorswill continue to negotiate on your behalf and keep you updated with any developments. The pay negotiations for 2021-22 have now commenced with the first of three Joint Negotiating Committee for Higher Education Staff meetings between trade Member participation in this process is critical in order to inform the next higher education committee meeting on 2 July, where they will decide how we proceed with our campaigns over pay and pensions. A. Also remember, the process is what matters, not the outcome, Dinuka said. Dispute meetings were arranged for 12 January and 19 January, with UCU, UNISON and GMB. You have /5 articles left.Sign up for a free account or log in. Gender pay gap in U.S. hasnt changed much in two decades UCEA was also unwilling to engage with the pay-related elements of our claim, including workload, job security, and pay equality. We use cookies on our website to ensure that we give you the best user experience. The outcome of last year's JNCHES negotiations led to the 'live' Four Fights dispute. The employers have made a final offer of a pay rise for 2021/22, pay negotiations are yet to start and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency is also All HE members are asked to engage in branch meetings called to discuss the disputes. SALARY negotiations for Simply, silence is not a reason that you should be giving ground. Having a strong alternative shapes behavior. You can Contract Action Coordinating Committee staffed, By continuing to use our website you are consenting to their use. Pay in Scotland. read UCEA's confirmed final offer for 2022-23 here. You can read the joint union statement on the meeting here. Strike action at higher education institutions across the UK started today, with UCU's biggest ever picket lines, as members fight for improved pay & conditions. (ii) A MAB beginning on April 17 to target all final/end of year summative assessments beginning that month. | The joint unions have responded by issuing a statement which said 'in the context of the real suffering we know our members are currently experiencing, we found this to be a woefully inadequate response': Seeking to improve my own knowledge and ability to inform students, I took an unscientific poll of my colleagues and friends negotiation stories and strategies. Then, without the join unions' agreement, the employers posted what was referred to as a 'joint statement' on their website, even though this had not been jointly agreed. They added that 'we continue to endorse the mutual reinforcement of the Four Fights and USS disputes as the two sets of objectives are intrinsically interlinked and coupling greatly increases our leverage on the employers'. We are awaiting clarification from the employers as to what their offer of 'joint work' might entail. instruct HEC to declare a dispute with UUK over USS, ballot all USS members for industrial action to defend a defined benefit USS scheme, take industrial action (including strike and action short of strike action) in the autumn term, initiate exploration of the feasibility of conditional benefits and conditional indexation, continue the Four Fights campaign (pay, workload, casualisation, equality), ballot all HE members for industrial action in support of Four Fights, coordinate the USS and Four Fights ballots, take industrial action in pursuit of the Four Fights beginning in November, coordinate the campaign with sister unions. UCU general secretary Jo Grady wrote to members on our demands for sector-wide change as part of our 'four fights' dispute arising from the repeated failure of employers to address this aspect of our annual claim. This is similar to the way pay outcomes has been distributed in recent years. Individual efforts will only go so far. 'Whether such a deal is acceptable to us will inevitably depend on what is offered, and to-date the unions have received no offer. Delegates also voted for the ballots to be conducted in an 'aggregated' format, meaning that the 50% turnout threshold, and consequently which branches would be called to take action, would encompass the entire voting membership. Powered by GOSS iCM. UCEA: final pay offer 2022-23, May 22 [311kb], JNCHES negotiations 2022-23: joint union letter, 29 April 2022 [105kb], JNCHES negotiations 2022-23: joint union statement, 26 April 2022 [28kb], JNCHES negotiations 2022-23: UCEA opening offer [396kb], JNCHES negotiations 2022-23: joint union statement, 4 April 2022 [122kb], improving work life balance and reducing workloads, Week 2 - Thursday 9 and Friday 10 February, Week 3 - Tuesday 14, Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 February, Week 4 - Tuesday 21, Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 February, Week 5 - Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 February and Wednesday 1 and Thursday 2 March, [No action week commencing Monday 6 March]. The next dispute resolution meeting is on Friday 23 July. Annual pay award Silence itself can be used as a tactic, a colleague reminded me. UCU today announced a further five days of strike action beginning this month unless vice chancellors revoke pension cuts and meet staff demands over pay and working conditions. UCU general secretary Jo Grady today confirmed that a marking and assessment boycott will begin from Monday 23 May. Select whether you're salaried or hourly paid and enter your details to see how your workload affects your pay. Copyright 2023 Inside Higher Ed All rights reserved. To allow our ongoing negotiations to continue in a constructive environment UCU has agreed to pause strike action for the next two weeks. The claim, which among other demands covers UCU's core Four Fight demands; a pay rise for all that is progressive, tackling intersectional pay inequality, dealing with excessive workloads, stress and mental health linked to Covid-19, and addressing wide spread precarious contracts and a specific claim for GTA's. If you have a previously established line of communication with your contact through the phone, give her/him a The offer is for an increase of 1.1% on the total paybill. However, we've also provided further information should you wish to read more about our cookies or change your cookie settings. Read also the latest from the general secretary on next steps. However, recognising that workers are facing a cost of living crisis, and recognising the strength of anger shown by our ballot results and our strike action, they have offered to bring forward negotiations over the 2023-24 pay round with the aim of reaching a deal on pay covering the next 18 months. The eballot was open for four days with tens of thousands of UCU members backing UCU's position to reject the offer. All member Briefing on New JNCHES negotiating round Cymru/Wales 2022/23 pay claim. And this is before the 2020-21 increase in student numbers of 4% are taken into account, never mind projected increases in student numbers this autumn. Unite attended the first meeting as an observer. statement published today [142kb] they say that 'members have already suffered from years of stagnant pay, entrenched inequalities, rampant casualisation and increased workload pressures and are rightly angry at employers' unwillingness to stand with us, despite recognising the truth in our claims'. The money is there. 02 Apr 2021 | by Kristen Senz. For the first time in the two disputes the ballot will be aggregated, meaning that if UCU achieves an overall turnout of 50% or above and a majority YES vote, all universities across the UK will be hit by strike action. UCU general secretary Jo Grady had earlier updated members on the latest decisions made by HEC and UCU's officers. However, were an inflation-linked offer to be made, we would want to hear it, alongside discussions about how we improve non pay related elements of our dispute. University employers today made proposals in the dispute over pay and working conditions. Also employers were reminded that staff had not had a pay rise since August 2019 and employers offered 'zero' uplift last year. HE pay modeller American Indian and Alaska Native women earn $25,884 less a year, $1,035,360 less over a 40-year career span. The finding comes from a new UCU report at issue, but the reprisal for doing so. UB, Niagara University top local list for highest professor pay on Salary Negotiations You can get an excellent introductory course free from the American Association of University Women and a range of postgrad financial advice (free and paid) from Personal Finance for PhDs. On 15 July HE negotiators from UCU, Unite, and Unison met UCEA in the first of two dispute resolution meetings over the current bargaining round. She reported: 'The employers'position is that the 2022-23 negotiations over pay, during which we had a 3% pay increase imposed, have closed. FACULTY PAY OPTIONS - UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON