(Revelation 22:8-9) John is corrected for worshipping an angel a second time. My heart is hard and I cant even weep over my sins or feel bad over them as I should come anyway, because it doesnt say whoever feels, let him take the water of life freely. It will never end. range of evangelical traditions, all of the ideas and principles conveyed Because of Jesus, we can know something of the face of God right now: For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6). What Every Christian Should Know about the Protestant Reformation. i. Revelation 1:8, 17; Revelation 2:8; Revelation 21:6). a. b. conservative Christian faith, which includes a firm belief in the inerrancy 3. This is a good example of how a copyists error can cloud a text in rather minor ways, without affecting the essential meaning of the passage. The situation of itin the midst of the street, and on either side the river; or, as might have been better rendered, in the midst between the terrace-walk and the river. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come! And let him who hears say, Come! And let him who thirsts come. Just as the Morning Star (generally held to be the planet Venus) shines and welcomes the new day, so does Jesus. And the leaves of the tree are for the . I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last., a. To testify to you these things in the churches: The Book of Revelation is written to the churches. There shall be no night. (2.) Anyone who desires salvation in Jesus Christ can come to Him and take the water of life freely. The difference is between two ancient Greek words: HOIPLUNONTESTASSTOLAS (washed their robes) or, HOIPOIOUNTESTASENTOLAS (do His commandments). The river of paradise. i. The title the First and the Last is also irrefutable proof that Jesus is Yahweh, the LORD: I, the LORD, am the first; and with the last I am He. With this phrase, John used an idea related to an Aramaic expression that was well known in the ancient church: Maranatha! The term Alpha and Omega is Applied to God in 1:8; 21:6; and here alone to Christ, crowning proof in this book of Christs deity. (Robertson), ii. The title the First and the Last is also irrefutable proof that Jesus is Yahweh, the LORD: I, the LORD, am the first; and with the last I am He. For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. God will own them, as having his seal and name on their foreheads. Either, then, this Book is nothing but a base and blasphemous forgery, unworthy of the slightest respect of men, and specially unworthy of a place in the Sacred Canon; or it is one of the most directly inspired and authoritative writings ever given. (Seiss). The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. ii. 10. a. They shall see His face: By which I understand two things: first, that they shall literally and physically, with their risen bodies, actually look into the face of Jesus; and secondly, that spiritually their mental faculties shall be enlarged, so that they shall he enabled to look into the very heart, and soul, and character of Christ, so as to understand him, his work, his love, his all in all, as they never understood him before. (Spurgeon). All the prophets of the Bible, all the apostles of the Bible, all the threatenings of the Bible, all the promises of the Bible, gather themselves up, and focus themselves into this one burning ray, Come to Jesus. iv. Divines generally do further extend the sense of these two verses, considering this as the last portion of holy writ, not only placed last in our Bibles, but revealed and written last. Individual instructors or editors may still require the use of URLs. ii. This book is not a private affair, knowable only by an elite it is for all believers. I. Christ's farewell to his church. 2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for . God will own them, as having his seal and name on their foreheads. Thus the time has always been at hand. b. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select a Beginning Point They shall reign with him for ever; their service shall be not only freedom but honour and dominion. There is no word here about a second chance hereafter. (Robertson), ii. We are not rushing towards a distant brink of the consummation of all things; we are running parallel along the edge of that brink, and have been since the time of the apostles. iii. Come! ii. Johannine Writings Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer. The Spirit and the bride say, Come! Is this an invitation to Jesus, asking Him to return? In most red-letter editions, these words are in black, indicating that the translators believe that these were not the words of Jesus. Whoever desires can come, but they cant come unless God works in their heart to desire Him. 4. Now is the day of grace. Revelation 22:12-14 seems to be that song or word needed in times of hopelessness, suffering, and pain. God wants to keep all generations expectant, watching, and ready for His return. In this chapter we have, I. iii. It is perhaps the final preview of this heavenly river. 1. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation. Was Jesus wrong here? (22-27) Commentary on Revelation 21:1-8 (Read Revelation 21:1-8) The new heaven and the new earth will not be separate from each other; the earth of the saints, their glorified, bodies, will be heavenly. c. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. a. Then come. The throne of God and of the Lamb: Henceforth, eternal praises to his name, the throne of God is the throne of the Lamb. Or is it an invitation to those with a spiritual thirst to come to Jesus? The essence of Christianity is summed up in the idea that God invites us to take the water of life freely. To him that adds to the things contained in it, shall all the plagues mentioned in it be added; and from him that takes away from the words of this prophecy shall the blessings spoken of in it be taken. Would you prayerfully consider a gift of support today? Amen. If you leave out Christ, you have left the sun out of the day, and the moon out of the night, you have left the waters out of the sea, and the foods out of the river, you have left the harvest out of the year, the soul out of the body, you have left joy out of heaven, yea, you have robbed all of its all. Nothing should be more desired by us than that the grace of Christ may be with us in this world, to prepare us for the glory of Christ in the other world. 9. The great heavenly reunion between Jesus and His people is described as a marriage supper (Revelation 19:9). Its also worth noting that this is the first reference to the church since the letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2-3. c. The Root and offspring of David: This is a precious Messianic title (Isaiah 11:1). Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. There is no standard height here. The New Testament As John reminds us of the suddenness of these events, Jesus Himself breaks in with a reminder to all that He is coming quickly. a. And they will reign for ever and ever. Regarding the phrase those who do His commandments some translations have those who have washed their robes instead. i. Whosoever! As John reminds us of the suddenness of these events, Jesus Himself breaks in with a reminder to all that He is coming quickly. 22 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. Pauline Epistles For I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. ii. We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. Erdman, Charles R. "The Revelation of John: An Exposition by Charles R. Erdman" (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1936), Morgan, G. Campbell "An Exposition of the Whole Bible" (Old Tappan, New Jersey: Revell, 1959), Morris, Leon "The Book of Revelation: An Introduction and Commentary" (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries) (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1988), Mounce, Robert H. "The Book of Revelation" (The New International Commentary on the New Testament) (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1997), Poole, Matthew "A Commentary on the Holy Bible" Volume 3 (Matthew-Revelation) (London: Banner of Truth Trust, 1969), Robertson, Archibald T. "The General Epistles and The Revelation of John: Word Pictures in the New Testament" Volume VI (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1933), Seiss, Joseph A. But I have no strength to do this. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Revelation Chapter 22 Revelation 22 - Come, Lord Jesus A. You cant bring anything to save or justify or commend yourself before God, but you can take the salvation He offers. In the ancient Greek language, the word for healing can also mean health-giving, and this may be the sense here. 2 In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. By the integrity of that angel who had been the apostle's guide and interpreter in these visions; this integrity was such that he not only refused to accept religious adoration from John, but once and again reproved him for it. 1, 2. This is in contrast with Jesus, who receives the worship of angels (Hebrews 1:6) and of men (Matthew 8:2, 14:33, John 9:38). The fruitfulness of this tree. ii. Here observe, 1. King James Version. It will be Christ's rule of judgment at the great day; he will dispense rewards and punishments to men according as their works agree or disagree with the word of God; and therefore that word itself must needs be faithful and true. A similar invitation is extended in Isaiah 55:1. This will be the greatest glory of heaven: to know God, to know Jesus, more intimately and wonderfully than we ever could on earth. At the very close of the book is the confession that the answers to the problems of life do not lie in mans ability to create a better world but in the return of the One whose sovereign power controls the course of human affairs. (Mounce). Much of the Book of Revelation is either fantastic or seems too good to be true, but it is all true. iii. The Whole Bible Surely I am coming quickly: To the very end, the Book of Revelation emphasizes readiness and watchfulness. 3. This is the language of the church of the first-born, and we should join with them, often putting ourselves in mind of his promise. i. In 2 Thessalonians 3:17-18, Paul even indicated that this signature no doubt written with his own hand was a mark that the letter was genuinely from him. c. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last: As an added incentive for us to do and be what is right, being ready for Jesus return, He reminds us just who He is. This is how John Walvoord sees it: The visual picture presented is that the river of life flows down through the middle of the city, and the tree is large enough to span the river, so that the river is in the midst of the street, and the tree is on both sides of the river., iii. Twice is it said (Revelation 21:25) that all darkness shall cease; the darkness in which the saints and sorrowing . Instead of the curse, the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it. 7. This river is described, 1. The picture presented to the minds eye would appear to be that of a wide street, with a river flowing down the center, like some of the broader canals of Holland, with trees growing on either side, all of them of the same kind, all called the tree of life. No, but it does show that living faith will have works with it (James 2:20, Titus 3:8). i. Proud member 5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever. Thus the very God of all inspiration, and of all inspired men, reiterates and affirms the highest authority for all that is herein written. ii. Revelation 22:1 In the previous chapter, John was shown a new order of things. I do not know how we can make the figure out in any other way. (Spurgeon), iv. b. f. They shall reign forever and ever: Heaven will be a place where Gods people enjoy an eternal reign, in contrast to the limited duration of the Millennium. 3. As one has said, the babe in Christ admitted to heaven discovers more of Christ in a single hour than is known by all the divines of the assemblies of the church on earth. (Spurgeon). This tree of life is fed by the pure waters of the river that comes from the throne of God. 1 And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. (Revelation 22:17) The Spirit and the Bride say to all: Come! 3. The invitation to come is an urgent command, for the day will arrive when it is too late to come. One might say, I dont know if I can live the Christian life the way that I should come anyway, because it doesnt say whoever can, let him take the water of life freely. e. There shall be no more night there: Heaven will be a place where the darkness of this age will be forever gone. Just as the Morning Star (generally held to be the planet Venus) shines and welcomes the new day, so does Jesus. A verification email has been sent to the address you provided. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers: What about those outside? But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. Revelation chapter 22 English Standard Version 1 Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2 through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.. For I testify Here the Lord Jesus adds a solemn admonition, not only to the churches of Asia, but to all who should ever hear or read this book. All the prophets of the Bible, all the apostles of the Bible, all the threatenings of the Bible, all the promises of the Bible, gather themselves up, and focus themselves into this one burning ray, Come to Jesus.