Gabe Kaminsky, by It's time for the Justice Department to impound this guy's robe and gavel permanently. The Honorable Emmet G. Sullivan | jnc Or perhaps the grand jury indictment was conclusive for you. Which made the Justice Departments decision to drop the charges so perplexing. Debra Heine, by U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in April 2009. Has the US government ever been this corrupt? Sullivan then declared a mistrial because he had prejudiced the case. Things we didnt know about Judge Sullivan. Who is Emmet Sullivan? What to know about judge in long-running "Cuomo's Gotta Go," said Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) on Twitter on Tuesday. It would have hidden political cronyism in the dry, apolitical packaging of legalese. That instinct has played out to Flynns disadvantage at times, he said. The millions of Americans who were paying attention throughout the 2020 election campaign all became painfully aware of the fact that Joe Bidens cognitive abilities were slipping and slipping fast. That the decision might have been politically costly is borne out by the timing of the pardon; it cannot be an accident that the pardon came only days after the presidents tacit public acknowledgement that he lost his reelection bid. moves to drop case against Michael Flynn, former Trump adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, Local newsletters: Local headlines (8 a.m.) | Afternoon Buzz (4 p.m.), Like PostLocal on Facebook | Follow @postlocal on Twitter | Latest local news, Local news, weather, sports, events, restaurants and more, Flynn judge one of federal benchs most probing skeptics of Justice Dept. So, why did it take this long for Sullivan to dismiss a prosecution that the parties agree never should have been brought in the first place? Judge Sullivan has also served on the Dean Search Committee for the Howard University School of Law. Its all political in Sullivans courtroom where the game plan is now to delay the Flynn matter until after the November election, after which Sullivan and his Obama cohorts believe that Biden will be elected President, resulting in the return to the Justice Dept. Judge Emmet Sullivan Puts Donald Trump On Eight members of the commission agreed that while its understood that the judge was concerned for his son and hoped for leniency, that instinct to help a family member in trouble must be constrained by a judges ethical responsibilities. With the relaxed border policies of President Joe Biden, overwhelming numbers of migrants are rushing the U.S. border, according to Alejandro Mayorkas, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The Washington Times in 2019 first reported Democrats bid to strip the longtime FBI directors name from the bureaus headquarters. Or the details set forth in the judicial discipline proceedings did it. You have likely seen the news about the overwhelming numbers of migrants seeking access to this country along the Southwest Border, Mayorkas said. Legal Fellow and Manager, Meese Center for Legal Studies, Election Law Reform Initiative Manager, Senior Legal Fellow. [snip] As pro-life leaders in the evangelical community, we publicly supported President Bidens candidacy with the understanding that there would be engagement [with] us on the issue of abortion and particularly the Hyde Amendment. And you know this how? Court asks retired judge to oppose Justice Dept. Judge Emmet Sullivan He was a perennial voting delegate to the Circuit Judicial Conference and the District of Columbia Judicial Conference. The en banc court gently prodded him to resolve the issues quickly, saying, we trust and expect the District Court to proceed with appropriate dispatch.. The United Front functions as Chinas premier influence and propaganda organization, raising flags with the U.S. governments Economic and Security Review Commission. It was really bad and it explains why theyre afraid to have him deliver an address to Congress or do any kind of a real solo press conference, because at this point they have to be afraid this is all going to fall apart if he does anything live and this all becomes too obvious to the American people. Two passages in Judge Emmet Sullivans decision, separated by scores of pages, make clear the outcome was a forgone conclusion. There is no point in listening to anything this absurd clown says. Flynn judge one of federal benchs most probing skeptics of The 72-year-old judge was born, raised and educated in DC, and as a Clinton by He has shown himself to be a black activist that just happens to wear a black rope! Fielding a nursing home scandal had already weakened Gov. Noncitizens are obligated to identify themselves and opt out. . Michael Flynn pleads guilty to lying to FBI on contacts with Russian ambassador. On June 16, 1994, Judge Sullivan was appointed by President William Clinton to serve as United States District Judge for the District of Columbia. It would kill any self-respecting bloodhound to follow it, though. The decision to withdraw charges can only be explained, then, as an attempt by the president and attorney general to produce the effect of a pardon (that is, vacating a criminal conviction), without incurring any of the natural political costs of granting a pardon. It turns out you were just relying on the unsworn allegations themselves. In 2016, Sullivan roiled the political waters when he criticized Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clintons use of a private email address while secretary of state, at one point during a public records lawsuit decrying the drip, drip, drip of revelations about her email use. Well, he took the extremely unusual step of appointing a retired federal judge, John Gleeson, as a friend of courtjust a few days after Gleeson wrote a harshpolemicagainst Flynn in The Washington Post. Lets be clear here. Instead, they were torn apart by a policy designed to inflict trauma. Initially, Rice publicly denied the allegations, claiming that I know nothing about this. They used to say this about computers, but I believe it applies to DC attorneys: "To err is human, but if you really want to screw it uphire a DC lawyer!". How this man ever became a judge (I Know) and how he STAYS a judge is way beyond me. If congress cannot impeach this judge with all this coming out, they all need to be booted from their phony baloney jobs. Joe Hoft, Posted By: earlybird, Jefferson's admonishment regarding refreshing the tree of liberty with blood may happen again sooner than we'd like. The judge is best friends with the head of The theme for the conference was Rejuvenating Juvenile Justice - Responses to the Problems of Juvenile Violence in the District of Columbia. On September 28, 1994, Judge Sullivan was appointed by Chief Judge Wagner to chair the Task Force on Families and Violence for the District of Columbia Courts.. And he wants to be the guy to kick him out. Some of these people are well known, others lesser so. Nancy Pelosis top priority is to turn America into a one-party nation ruled by Democrats. President Biden has announced the formation of a commission to study the feasibility of giving reparations to every black American as a way to make up for that slavery thing that The New York Times tells us America couldnt have existed without. In 1973, Judge Sullivan joined the law firm of Houston & Gardner. Carol D. Leonnig and Matt Zapotosky contributed to this report. Upon his appointment as a United States District Judge, Judge Sullivan became the first person in the District of Columbia to have been appointed by three United States Presidents to three judicial positions. Others have also griped about the judges bluntness. By last month, Trump reminded reporters of his power to forgive Flynns crime, if not exonerate him of it. Don't be too harsh on the judge --- he is just following liberal orders. Apparently I'm missing the connection in this article. . I was just wondering why you asserted so unequivocally that the allegations were true. But after Mueller closed shop last year, the foreign policy adviser reversed course. Yes it does if it isnt true , but you will never see the Judge defend himself because it is true. The He was protecting the justice system as an institution, ensuring that it wasnt perverted by the Trump administration and the attorney general. Sullivan seems to be confused about what country it is where hes a judge. . The corrupt judge who inserted himself into the General Flynn case, who insinuated the General was a traitor, has a lifestyle that matches his actions in court. If the government and Flynn do not prevail, before either Sullivan or a higher court, the result could put the onus on Trump to pardon his former aide. What are they, the black Harvard? Larry O'Connor interviewed Sidney Powell on WMAL last Friday, who said she still has "some secret weapons" on her team. Tragic to say the least and the results is cut America a thousand more times and bleed it to death. As John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson on Feb. 2, 1816, I say, that Power must never be trusted Without a Check. Today, we can be grateful for at least one federal court providing that check and keeping our political leaders honest. Susan Rice, Obamas national security adviser and now the top adviser to the president on domestic policy and related decisions, has admitted to participating in the unmasking of members of the Trump transition team. President Joe Biden signed an executive order on March 7 altering the way the federal government handles elections, including by increasing voting and voter registration access for criminals in prison and on probation. Judge Daniel P. Sullivan has accepted the commissions sanction a public blemish on his record following commission proceedings that began in March. Judge Neil Munro, by His attorney could not immediately be reached for comment. Some Flynn allies, including the president, speculated that the judge was probing possible FBI misconduct. The two German Shepherds belonging to President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden were returned to the Biden family home in Delaware last week after aggressive behavior at the White House involving Major Biden, two sources with knowledge tell CNN. He subsequently became a partner and was actively engaged in the general practice of law with that firm until August 1980, when his partner, William C. Gardner, was appointed as an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. Judge Emmet Sullivans She's pulled the rabbit out of the hat on this one several times and my bet is there's still at least one bunny left in the ol' fedora. The condition of the victim was not disclosed but it was serious enough to remove both dogs from the White House.CNN reported: The two German Shepherds belonging to President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden were returned to the Biden family home in Delaware last week. Judgment Day is unfolding, and coming soon. (Reuters) - A federal judicial council in Washington, D.C., has cleared U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan of allegations of misconduct for serving on a commission In the immortal words of Private Pyle, "Surprise, surprise." Waiting for proof that this is true. So, just to be clear, Sullivan implies that he thinks that he could unilaterally require the government to move forward with a prosecution when it no longer believes it can prove the case or when it believes the interests of justice require a dismissal. Emmet Sullivans handling of the Michael Flynn case is vindicated. However, the pardon does not, standing alone, render [Mr. Flynn] innocent of the alleged violation.. Sullivan also presided over Judicial Watch v. IRS, relating to weaponizing the IRS against Obamas political enemies and the deletion of IRS email records pertaining to their own Lois Lerner (2014 and 2013). There's a quid pro quo buried in there somewhere. & The order was issued by District Judge Emmet Sullivan of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. Biden's Incoherence Just Hit Critical Mass, Evangelicals For Biden Feel Used And Betrayed, Pelosis HR1 bill a blatant power grab for Democrats, Oprah interview bombshells: Meghan claims, Watch: John Solomon Gives Stunning Update. He has played a longtime role on panels overseeing and nominating D.C. judges and coordinating oversight of the Districts sometimes-troubled jail system. President Biden and I are committed to ensuring our Nation has a safe, orderly, and humane immigration system while continuing to balance all of the other. I hope Comey saved that fee and invested it; he'll need it for his lawyer bills. The writer was Sidney Powell, Flynns current defense attorney. His son Emmet Jr. has a T-shirt operation that produces anti-Trump gear. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. Jeff Mordock, by Circuit regarding whether that appeals court should force his hand in the case of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trumps former National Security Advisor. Unfortunately, he did nothing of the sort, demonstrating that the trust of the appellate court was misplaced. I also clicked on the link to the Mike Pence topic. Emmet Sullivan, Judge: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know Powell cited in part Sullivans tirade at the hearing, in which the judge rejected a mutual recommendation of probation because of Flynns then-substantial cooperation with Muellers team. D.C. truly is a swamp. Something is just not right when some PO PO can get paid $100,000 at Howard University for what? How much income tax would I pay on $100,000? 1, it is time to examine the condition of American democracy. Part 3-Whistleblower: Judge Emmet Sullivan and Joe Biden. Such is the cost of exercising unreviewable power. You are correct that we can both think what we want. Jonathan Davis, by Jeff Carlson, by . Didnt see that coming, huh? Hey, Brother, it's you and me on the "Hot" line today. Kate Bennett, by Worth a read and a look at some of the Sullivan familys shenanigans Sullivan is clearly just one more little snake in the Deep State swamp. Elliot Williams was a deputy assistant attorney general at the Justice Department from 2013 to 2017. Federal Judge Emmet G. Sullivan last week finally got around to doing what he should have done months ago. While an Associate Judge of that court, and in addition to his full-time case management responsibilities, Judge Sullivan was Chairperson for the Nineteenth Annual Judicial Conference of the District of Columbia which was held in June 1994. His son Emmet Jr. has a T-shirt operation that produces anti-Trump gear. The judge is best friends with the head of Howard University who apparently has pulled some sketchy stuff (described in article). Worth a read and a look at some of the Sullivan familys shenanigans Link Copied! Michael Flynns attorney and conservative commentator Sidney Powell sent Judge Emmet Sullivan a copy of her book in 2014, about a criminal case he handled where he obliterated the Justice Departments work. Sullivans healthy skepticism of the Justice Departments arguments ensured that the branches of our government functioned as they were supposed to, and that no one branch was allowed to hide from the costs of its actions. Whats even more clear is that the law does not, and never has, rendered Sullivan a sovereign entity, capable of writing the law, prosecuting those who violate the law, and passing judgment on those alleged violations. (Snip) effort to drop Michael Flynn case, examine whether ex-Trump adviser committed perjury. Oops, silly me, this is the DC Swamp. The Democrats know the Flynn case will break the dam, and all the evidence of their corruption will flood the media. In 1968, he With the greatest respect and gratitude for your honorable service, one former U.S. prosecutor and white-collar defense appeals specialist wrote to Sullivan in April 2014. President Trumps pardon of former national security adviser Michael Flynn didnt merely save one man from going to federal prison. During the interviews on Sunday, Manchin repeatedly claimed that he was not open to ending the filibuster because he did not want to strip the minority party of their power in the Senate, but signaled that he was open to changing it.Fox News host Chris Wallace asked Manchin if he would consider reforming the filibuster if Republicans, In an open letter released Sunday, Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden urged him to honor his commitment and include the Hyde Amendment in Democrats $1.9 trillion COVID-19 spending package, writing we feel used and betrayed. The letter states: We are very disappointed about the COVID-19 relief packages exclusion of the Hyde Amendment, a longstanding bipartisan policy that prevents taxpayer funding for abortion. Registered Democrat, Son of NY Judge, Seen In Video With Capitol My mother always said people like that don't have souls. But somehow we missed it. Tom Stoppard A Whitestown judge has been censured for lending the prestige of his office to assist his son regarding pending criminal charges in 2013, the state Commission on Judicial Conduct announced Wednesday. Betsy McCaughey, by A speech?! Ten Billion rounds of ammo bought annually (before the 2020 increases) by gun owners may say differently someday. The order will direct the Attorney General to establish procedures to provide educational materials related to voter registration and voting, and to the extent practicable, to facilitate voter registration, for all eligible individuals in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, a fact sheet distributed by the White House states. Natalie Winters, by That, wisely, is not the case here, where the Constitutions doctrine of separation of powers divides those responsibilities between the judicial and executive branches. To lawyers who practice before him and judicial colleagues who work alongside him, Sullivans intolerance for official misconduct is a defining characteristic, backed by his plain talk and comfort in the spotlight.