What do you think about the superhero mantra attached to soldiers by many civilians? You're probably asking by now, "Tim aren't you going to mention humility? But, in general, I passionately hate the Officer Corps in the Marines. I'm very different from him. They no longer think that because they can read it or watch it come out of me and think, "Fuck yeah." How else do you grow? There were a couple other things he told me that alluded to the fact that I provided him with an outlet to not think about how miserable he was. Hes accepting of how his son, and his sons fans, are processing the experience of being in uniform even if its hard to imagine him laughing at Vet Tv skits. scars, facial hair, physical built, etc. Please try again later. Their loyalty is unquestionable and, interestingly enough, that's the first trait I look for in a person. Hold back all the laughter, he jokes to the quiet room of cast and crew, many of whom are veterans or active-duty military, as they settle in for more takes on a scene set at a Marine Corps ball. And you can see the smile on my face right now, right (laughs)? A perfect example and specific one that I will write about one day is operations officers who know we are pulling out of Afghanistan and they know this is their last chance to make an "impact." We're never going to. Your email address will not be published. I talk about this a lot with other veterans, because I want to improve mental health, and talk through the frustration of knowing that my buddy just blew his legs off, and my other buddies just got shot, and my other buddies just died, for what? Consequently, he has become one of the worlds wealthiest individuals. I remember as I was waiting for the bird to come thinking, "This is what I've been dreaming of my entire life." Since I wrote my book, I've been saying I want to hire other people to say, "Let's fucking get together and watch the game at my house." I do what I want." Being in a rifle company is what I miss. 133K Followers, 301 Following, 2,736 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Donny O'Malley | VET Tv (@donnyomalley) By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. My goal is to develop the ability to continue playing that character in a manner that transgender people who have felt that pain [of discrimination] can appreciate, he says. Cops who do the fucking wrong thing should be hammered on a case-by-case basis. My family is very close. It's my nature to include everyone in what I'm doing and try to take care of others. Actually, it might've been in New York City a couple weeks ago. However, the majority of the Marines I personally know (and I know quite a few) think exactly like Donny speaks. The more serious they got the more I thought, "You're a fucking tool because you actually get off on the power you have over these dorky-ass candidates (laughs)." He was my biggest fan. Hes not here to comfort you and tell you everything will be okay. I hate being told what to do. That's where a fucking bomb went off, and yet the day was flawless. A $300-million (minimum) gondola to Dodger Stadium? That, from my viewpoint, is what needs to happen if we want to un-fuck this racial shit we have going on right now. Donny O'Malley Entertainment - VET Tv San Diego, California. I mean there are a few shit-bags here and there but for the most part, they're living happily amongst each other. Vet Tv films a scene for an episode of Devil Docs in Riverside. Did you feel stigmatized or disconnected when you left the Corps? Terrorism is the result and product of an ideology, and that ideology being permeated by the extreme factions of Islam is not something you can kill. We may stand back and not say it because we worry about how civilians will perceive us. The media needs to also stop perpetuating the problem. That was an intense thing and knowing that I was not going to have it anymore fucking sucked. This is my life. ALL SERIES - VET Tv It's a sense of joy and happiness that I'd only felt when I was a basketball coach. How do I know? What was the hardest part of Officer Candidate School (OCS)? The Corps is god. Those words coming out of my mouth that I'm thinking, that I know are horrible, and I should not say, makes me feel good to get out. Date of Birth: October 31, 1966 Ethnicity: Irish Mike O'Malley is an American actor and writer. A lot of guys saw a lot more tragedy than I saw, and their brains are not better than they were before. I was with 2nd Battallion, 5th Marines. After a couple deployments and some weak bones, Donny was medically retired in 2015 and decided to dedicate his post-service life to making military veterans laugh in the darkest, filthiest, raunchiest way possible. Black leadership dressed this "witness" in a nice collared shirt and had them tell their story. VET Tv Podcast on Apple Podcasts He says what everyone else in the Corps wants to say. Then I slept it off and I was fine the next day (laughs). You'll experience that camaraderie you miss when you get into the civilian world. If I had to pinpoint it, though, it might've been New York where we had over three hundred people at our hike and it was our second biggest event in one of the biggest cities in the entire world. Public Speaker&Comedian. When the men are uncomfortable to speak up, change will never come and growth will never be achieved. DO: Well we need to keep grunts away from civilians. I took a book about combat that's funny and kind of gives you a look into the grunt mindset showing all the funny shit that we think and see; and I re-tweaked that to make it about suicide prevention and awareness because my buddy killed himself while he was writing it. If they had a better quality of life, they'd be less likely to be infected by this virus. Ive always wanted to be a part of renegade filmmaking, and to push the boundaries of things, he says. I don't remember if it was to win the game, but I remember the joy I saw on his face. Donny O'Malley is combining some of the things Marines love most in his effort to bring awareness to a serious issue: humor and very short shorts known as silkies . According to his bio, O'Malley was a Marine infantry officer for almost six years, serving in Asia and. They were trying to give me money and I was like, "I'm not taking money unless I'm a non-profit." DO: When I first started writing the book (Embarrassing Confessions of a Marine Lieutenant: Operation Branding Iron) I did it because I knew I could make people laugh with it. It sucks that this is turning into just a Muslim thing because it's not all Muslims. New episodes drop every Friday. That closes the bridges. What was the hardest part of getting out of the Marine Corps? It doesn't even matter if they're in the same unit. What we can do is just keep killing as many pieces of shit as we have the opportunity to because it has to be a combined effort. I felt a good sense of fear at that moment (laughs). Removing this book will also remove your associated ratings, reviews, and reading sessions. I was lucky because I got to HELO into these areas. I used to see it all the time where they wouldn't hold their officers to the same standard as their Marines. So many people just couldn't handle it. I'd never felt that. Vet Tv is a streaming on-demand video subscription. It doesnt win wars and, in my experience, it definitely does not exist within the sacred brotherhood of the infantryman. I coached a high school rec team when I was in college and I had this one kid on my team who was the scrub. I bring up awareness at the end of the book followed by the fucking plan to prevent. The hardest part was not getting caught laughing and not fucking off. I wasn't a trigger-puller. I think the quote I used above is perfect for the Marine Corps and its kind of ironic that it came from a soldier. Now if we can build even more of a pedestal for them through entertainment then we are doing good for the veteran community. I was born accidentally in Queens, New York to Irish and Colombian Catholic immigrants. Donny O'Malley - YouTube Call of Duty sensationalizes what we do and shows us as these combat badasses. It's a combined effort. Donny O'Malley - IMDb The Corps is family. The service, which has more than 50,000 subscribers at a rate of $5 a month, is marketed directly to members and veterans of the armed forces, particularly the extensive, web-savvy, post-9/11 generation. After 35 days and with the support of 3,609 backers, the campaign raised $296,331,[7] becoming the third highest funded campaign in the Comedy Category, behind Mystery Science Theatre 3000 and Flight of the Conchords. Donny O'Malley - Facebook I script everything so that when I bring up really dark shit, there's no choice but to laugh. It didn't make me feel alone because my network is so awesome. All of them are pieces of shit. They are very loyal to the project and have been some of the quickest to get behind me and my work. I will crush Marine officers until the day I die for their selfish cowardice. On military message boards there is vocal disapproval from those who label it as boot, or immature (I thought I would like it, but it just comes off as a little cringy to be honest, says one user in the Veterans subreddit). If you could tell a civilian one thing to change perception what would that be? We had laid down on a fucking land mine and a truck popped it after we'd displaced and patrolled back into the wire. I've acknowledged it, they've laughed, and now they can process whatever it is I'm speaking about. Tell them what you saw." I just knew it. How do I know this? And you can say, Thats not for me, but it helps people! [8][9], During the COVID pandemic there was a 20% increase in veteran suicides. November 04, 1983. I wrote an actual plan in my book to prevent veteran suicide. I just know that as a kid growing up in a huge Irish-Catholic family humor was important. Keeping my mouth shut was so difficult. I looked down my scope at the building and I was just like, "God dammit. If you facilitate the connections between all those fucking people you reduce the number of suicides. It was such a joke. Privacy Policy. How do we lower the number of those taking their lives every day? How old were you joined, what MOS, and how many tours? As for the Brunswick character, however the one he played that very day OMalley doesnt believe hes doing anything wrong. I knew that there had to be an executable plan as there needs to be with anything in order to achieve success. Required fields are marked *. DO: It's really hard to identify my most memorable experience post-service. . They have loyalty to the Ranger flag, the Airborne flag, or the Rakkasan flag, or the 10th Mountain flag. That was the single most joyous moment of my life until I killed those fucking pieces of shit. She is the Founder and Past President of Wilco Blue Star Mothers, a Dept. We use humor and camaraderie to bring veterans together to heal and mend the wounds of war to further prevent veteran suicide. DO:To be honest, the most fun I had in the Marine Corps was getting to do helicopter missions. The alternative being how we were looked at after Vietnam. It's pure cowardice and then there's selfishness on top of that. I enjoyed it every single second I was there, except for that first month. He reminded me of my favorite Lieutenant in these moments, Lieutenant Vira. Pull your pants up, and get to work. Embarrassing Confessions of a Marine Lieutenant: Operation Branding Iron 2.1A. When I was a little kid I'd watched the movie Platoon with my parents and everyone fucking dies and I was like, "I need to be a Marine." Meanwhile, there were tons of other people that saw it too. We were ordered into a building that would give us no tactical advantage and we knew we'd pop an IED for sure. I am posting this AMA on behalf of Donny. Donny O'Malley (born Daniel Peter Maher) grew up in Queens, New York, with the military in his Irish-Catholic blood. It elevated me to a level that I never needed to be elevated to. New Judge Sworn In By Family / Dan O'Malley stands alongside - SFGATE I'd like to thank Donny for his time and for being a part of the project. What I found was an extremely well-spoken, intelligent man with an unquestionable love for his brothers. I couldn't take anything seriously. With a slightly longer haircut than Danny's, and an . The material is extremely crass: Almost none of it could be aired on a channel like Comedy Central, and the platforms movie, A Grunts Life, was rejected from Amazon for being too offensive. The staff says its crude sense of humor is reflective of a large portion of the military whether civilians would understand it or not. Passing through an unoccupied Devil Docs set, remnants of a recent shoot linger, with prop syringes and fake blood strewn across the counters. I've been watching some of the vetTV stuff and and supporter of the silkie hikes, and he seems like a pretty chill guy. Donny O'Malley (Danny Maher) See Photos. In the Marine Corps, your loyalty is to the Corps and that loyalty is beaten into you from fucking day one. That's Marine Corps humor right there. Big deal (laughs)." They got mad at me for it. All of these Marine's lives were on the fucking line and I needed to be my best. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. My dad was a Marine but he didn't talk about it that much. "I'm going to be the best." They have nothing except this ideology so it lends itself to extremism. Its wild.. But, that right there was the best part of being a fucking Marine. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Gloria Vanderbilt told Anderson Cooper not to expect a trust fund. In case you were wondering, hes single. I think he was a CPT. He really just didn't want his son to be one of the thousands of casualties in his hospital. Whats that? To be honest, civilians dont belong around us. It's their last chance to have their names put on an operation so they're sending us out into fucking minefields. Donny doesnt care about that. Before that, I was always like, "Let's get some!" Then we came back into the wire two hours later and we heard someone pop another IED. In July 2016, Donny O'Malley founded VET Tv and based it on the idea of producing micro-budget films made specifically for the veteran and military community "using pitch-black comedy as a tool for processing the horrors of war." [5] O'Malley claims, "There is tangible proof that healing from the trauma of war can be achieved through comedy." I put a hellfire into the middle of them. Donny O'Malley on women in the Infantry - YouTube We have to recreate our sense of community and that's what Irreverent Warriors has set out to do. Knowing that my brain has the ability to do those things has given me the confidence to do what I do now.