425 of these articles were ineligible. Systematic reviews of intervention studies that evaluated school-based or school-linked health services delivered by a health provider were included. Citations identified from the systematic search were uploaded to Covidence systematic review software [12] and duplicates were automatically deleted. Duplication of effort should be avoided or minimized. All three tools are useful for internal planning and program improvement. This was never required as consensus was always reached. PubMed, Web of Science, ERIC, PsycINFO, and the Cochrane Library were searched systematically. division of school health school health record name: last, first, middle birthdate: month, day, year gender: male female father's name: last, first, middle . For . This overview presents multiple effective interventions that may be offered as a part of school health services delivered by a health provider. Finally, for 1519 year olds, the leading causes of death were road injury, self-harm, interpersonal violence, diarrheal diseases, and lower respiratory infections [47]. Schools offer a unique opportunity toimplement effective health services at scale forchildren and adolescents. Maintaining Accurate & Systematic Student Records - Study.com Linking School Nurses With Health Care Systems Using EHRs: An Figure 1 shows how school health services uses various methods to support students. No SRs found eligible studies comparing vision screening with no vision screening. Web Annex B. The School plays a very important role in health education and promotion at the crucial stage of childhood and adolescence. This initiative is dedicated to promoting development of school health programs and increasing the number of health-promoting schools, characterized by WHO as a school constantly strengthening its capacity as a healthy setting for living, learning and working [1]. This lag may preclude the ability for an overview to truly reflect current knowledge [13]. Nonetheless, it is interesting to note that all four of the SRs given moderate or high levels of confidence were Cochrane reviews. It is an important aspect of (school) Administration. Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice, Call for Conference Presentation Submissions, NCPD Contact Hours Certificates and Transcripts, Electronic health records: An essential tool in keeping students healthy, Healthcare Information and Management Systems. Discover a faster, simpler path to publishing in a high-quality journal. Silver Spring, MD: Author. Arora and colleagues did not find any RCTs that looked at the effectiveness of dental health screening versus no screening on improving oral health outcomes, but their search did locate six RCTs from the United Kingdom and India with dental care attendance as the outcome [18]. 80% (n = 16) of SRs included in this overview were given ratings of low or critically low confidence using the AMSTAR 2 checklist, although this is not unusual given the stringency of the checklist. not in schools), an active control, or a waitlist control; (d) interventions aimed to improve one or more health outcomes, as defined by the SR authors; and (e) study designs were either randomized controlled trials (RCTs), quasi-experimental studies (QEs), or other non-randomized intervention studies. Eleven SRs included only cluster- and individually-randomized controlled trials [1921,24,27,28,30,32,34,37], seven SRs included other types of controlled and uncontrolled experimental studies in addition to RCTs [22,25,26,31,33,35,36], and two SRs included only QEs [29] or controlled clinical trials [23]. It is important to note that any health records that the school receives from outside providers will most likely be considered school health records. In this overview, SRs with at least 50% of included studies fulfilling all criteria were included after extensive discussion between the authors and experts in the field. The mismatch in the SR literature identified by this overview demonstrates that more research must be done before an answer to this question can be determined. However, it is difficult to formulate an overarching answer about the effectiveness of school health services for improving the health of school-age children and adolescents due to the heterogeneity of SRs found and the evident gaps in the SR literature. This overview considered SRs published in 2016, 2017, or 2018 to be up-to-date. Cookies used to make website functionality more relevant to you. This is problematic given that health disparities for children and adolescents are greater in LMIC and LIC than in higher income countries [10]. Prevention and treatment of mood disorders was assessed in five SRs, all of which targeted children and adolescents using RCTs of established programs. Electronic health records: An essential tool in keeping students healthy (Position Statement). Qualified professionals such as school nurses, nurse practitioners, dentists, health educators, physicians, physician assistants, and allied health personnel provide these services. The following is a list of common questions and answers related to school health assessment tools, specifically: Why complete a school health assessment?A school health assessment helps to identify strengths and weaknesses of school health policies and programs and provide direction for school health improvement efforts. School health services staff can help all students with preventive care such as flu shots and vision and hearing screening, as well as acute and emergency care. PRISMA flowchart showing reasons for exclusion of potential systematic reviews. Table F. Answers to AMSTAR 2 checklist questions 116. S6 Appendix. The records that school nurses keep in their daily care of over 95% of U.S. school-aged children provide an important window into child health in our nation. All SRs primarily examined studies on school-based, rather than school-linked interventions. Each of these three assessment tools allows users to analyze the comprehensiveness of the policies, programs, and infrastructure in place to address student and staff health. Meta-analysis found small but statistically significant effect sizes in favor of music therapy for gestural communication, verbal communication, and behavioral problems [23]. Panelists evaluate questions based on best practices and emerging research on addressing heath behaviors and the school health environment. 1100 Wayne Ave, Suite #925 Silver Spring, MD 20910-5669, 2023 NASN | Terms Of Use | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Statement | LiveChat. Given the wide reach of schools [8] and the fact that school health services already exist in at least 102 countries [9], research on the effectiveness of school health services in LMIC and LIC must be prioritized in order to fulfill Sustainable Development Goal 3.8 and reach universal health coverage by 2030 [51]. School health records give the provision for a school nurse to communicate information to students, families, the school multidisciplinary team, emergency personnel, other healthcare providers, and school nurse substitutes. This overview used the corrected covered area (CCA), a comprehensive and validated measure, to determine overlap [16]. Furthermore, this overview exposes a mismatch between the SR literature on effectiveness of school health services and the actual school health services that are most commonly delivered. A school official must make a reasonable effort to notify the parent before complying with the subpoena unless the subpoena is issued to enforce a law and specifies not to notify the parent. It can even provide reports, process results, students transcripts and . Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Hennegan and Montgomery assessed the effectiveness of hardware and software menstrual management interventions (Table 3B) [22]. All schools funded by the Alliance for a Healthier Generation are required to use the Healthy Schools Inventory for planning, national recognition, and program evaluation. You can review and change the way we collect information below. While other pillars of Health Promoting Schools have relevant guidance documents, guidance on school health services is limited and not explicitly evidence-based. The data was too heterogeneous to meta-analyze, and the authors determined that the certainty of the evidence of the benefit of dental screening in increasing dental attendance was very low [18]. The effectiveness of school-based mental health services was assessed in nine SRs (Table 3C) [19,23,24,28,29,3234,36,39]. This overview found only one SR that assessed obesity treatment and prevention delivered by a health professional in schools, despite the fact that over 340 million school-age children and adolescents were overweight or obese in 2016 [46]. | 3 Registration Options. Why are there different school health assessments?Different school health assessments are available to address specific areas of concern in school health and school improvement efforts. Leading causes of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 1019 year olds were iron deficiency anemia, road injury, depressive disorders, lower respiratory infections, and diarrheal diseases [47]. Explaining the Importance: Proper Academic Records Management Six SRs included at least one study from countries with lower-middle income or lower income economies [18,21,22,28,35,36]. Only three SRs [18,21,25] were scored as having moderate levels of confidence and just one [30] was given a high level of confidence. If consensus was not possible during title/abstract or full text screening, a third reviewer (DR), who had the casting vote, would have been asked to independently screen the article. After removal of 705 articles with definitely ineligible titles/abstracts, 445 full text articles were screened using the ranked inclusion/exclusion criteria (S1 Appendix). From this picture, the school health council or other health committees can move forward in creating an action plan, monitoring activities, and celebrating successes. This implies that a narrower range of SRs would have been eligible if a stricter cut-off had been selected, and vice versa. This document replaces the School Nurse Role in Electronic School Health Records (January 2014). Third, the scopes of individual SRs often differ from the scope of the overview, a problem that Ballard and Montgomery call a scope mismatch [13]. In contrast with Gold and colleagues [23], this SR by Sullivan and Simonson found negative effects from music therapy interventions [36]. Due to the heterogeneity of the SRs included in this overview, it was not possible to perform a meta-analysis. PDF Maintaining Child Health Records in Child Care Settings A key limitation of this overview is that only publications self-titled systematic reviews were included. The Institute of Medicine (2003) has indicated that EHRs should support delivery of patient care, be key evidence-based data points, improve patient safety, improve efficiency, facilitate management of chronic health conditions, provide outcome analysis, and share data across settings. Thank you for taking the time to confirm your preferences. Can these assessments be used for data in school improvement planning processes at the state or local level?Yes. Duplication of effort is something all three organizations would like to avoid. Chung and colleagues systematically reviewed and meta-analyzed universal sleep education programs as compared to no additional sleep intervention from Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, and Hong Kong (Table 3G) [20]. The National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH 2016-2017) estimated that over 22 million U.S. school-aged children are living with one or two or more health conditions, 11 million have special health care needs, and 7.5 million are not receiving needed care coordination (Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative, 2016-2017).With school-aged children spending an average of 180 . A detailed search strategy was iteratively developed in consultation with a librarian experienced in SRs and an expert in school health services. That marked the highest percentage since at least 1968, the earliest year for which the CDC has online records. They help us to know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. There is potential to analyze this data at both the individual and population level to understand the links between health and education as well as the links between health interventions and outcomes. You can review and change the way we collect information below. More than half of all suicides in 2021 - 26,328 out of 48,183, or 55% - also involved a gun, the highest percentage since 2001.