From that experience, I learned that we all perceive people differently, and what may seem like a difficult person to me may be no bother at all to someone else on the team. ", "Knowing that I wanted to pursue a career that involved healthcare and science, I received my bachelor's degree in cytotechnology from Thomas Jefferson University. "I used to volunteer at the humane society, and there were times I would volunteer, and during my shift, I would be there alone either organizing the supply pantry or cleaning out kennels and other times I would be working on fundraisers with the group in the community. ", "I think my weakness is that I take too much to do. ", "Since my college days, I have taken great pride in my community service by volunteering at the local food pantries and homeless shelters. But when I'm home, I don't think about work. If you usually like to generate new ideas and allow someone else to execute them, share your creative side while expressing that you prefer for others to take the lead. We do not claim our questions will be asked in any interview you may have. We had in services to help us prepare. ", "In my current position, we were running into several issues about a year ago that involved the inventory and stocking of supplies in patient rooms. In detail, discuss any hurdles you had to overcome and how you worked with your teammates to handle the challenge. I have met Assure the interviewer that you would treat everyone at Kaiser Permanente with great respect and a positive attitude. How to Answer: Why Do You Want to Work Here? Together, we serve approximately 800,000 Kaiser Permanente members in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia at 35 area medical centers, plus several community hospitals and skilled nursing facilities. It seems you would be a wonderful teammate to have around. "In college, I took a business course, and in it, we had a group project with four total students assigned to research a company, do a SWAT analysis, and present it to the class. At Kaiser Permanente, teamwork truly does make the dream work for the patients and families that rely on the organization to provide world-class care. It sounds as though you lean on a variety of reputable sources, which the interviewer should be happy to hear. Never being complacent, my creative thinking and project leadership skills will serve your organization greatly. They are also looking to hear that you understand the greater role this job plays in providing excellent service to the patients and fellow colleagues that you would be serving in this role. Talk about how your role at Kaiser Permanente can have an effect on the customers of the organization and how you go about providing excellent service to those customers. "In school, I found several techniques helpful to keep myself well-organized and reduce the number of errors in my assignments. While we are all human and make mistakes, the key to this question for your interviewer is how you handle the aftermath of a mistake to make things right. Takes notes when I have to and double-check my work to make sure it's done right like typing prescriptions. Prior to bringing in representatives from three hand-selected companies, I brought up the idea of getting references on them first. If possible, try to point out your ability to stay calm in an emotional situation on the job by pointing out a time that you had to in the past with great results.Keep in mind - almost everyone is an emotional creature to some degree, but there are other ways that you can describe yourself that have a more positive connotation. I also learn a different kind of articles and submit my test to renew my certificate. Without the patients returning, business would suffer, so the entire patient experience is critical. Being newer to my career in healthcare, my biggest goal as of late has been to take as many related courses and workshops as possible. We completed the assignments together and built some conflict resolution skills along the way. I'm not easily overwhelmed or flustered, so I took a step back and tried to determine why I was feeling stressed, and I realized it was because the expectations of the role were unclear. For example - Does your ability to calmly share facts with empathy and answer any follow-up questions help patients relax and adapt to the change in their situation? Know your family history. I need to be able to give the task or a portion of it to another team member or direct report, let go of the control, and know it will be taken care of. I listen, mirror, validate, and empathize. Are there specific Kaiser volunteer opportunities you'd be interested in? I used color coding to indicate whether it was a discussion post or whether it was a term paper. Perhaps you have a keen eye for detail. This mindset has consistently allowed me to continue with a productive shift no matter the emotions that come my way and I would be able to bring this same level-headedness to work at Kaiser Permanente. The HR Partner and I approached this person to discuss our company culture and how his behavior disrupted the environment. I went to the volunteer director and expressed my gratitude for being able to support such an organization, but constructively shared my feedback that if we could improve communication and set clear expectations on roles and responsibilities, I felt like we would accomplish more and have a better chance of reaching our goal. I am a very hard worker who is eager to become a team member with Kaiser.". I can see how it would be stressful when you care for your patients' success so much! In looking to hire you on their team, your interviewer would like to ensure that you are set up for success from the start at Kaiser Permanente. ", "I am super focused when I am stressed so I can make sure everything is done and correct. Dress and groom for comfort and cleanliness. A five minute walk or a quick conversation with a colleague can make a world of difference in breaking up a hectic day. The lady said she needed the medicine that day, and if she didn't have it that day, she will go to a hospital and send the bill to us. I thrive when I work for supervisors who encourage curiosity and creativity in problem-solving. Some patients need a lot of attention; some want less, and some need boundaries. Whether it is providing a less than favorable work review, or terminating someone, it doesn't come easy. Prior to your interview, try to think of some keywords that define your compassion and empathy for others in the work that you do. It sounds as though you do everything possible to ensure your patients are set up for success. To my external vendor customers, I speak openly and honestly about our organizational needs and partner with them to create innovative and effective training sessions for our employees. I volunteer with their organizations in various roles. ", "In my most recent position, we had a consistent problem with employees showing up late for their shifts or calling in sick at the very last moment. Kaiser Permanente is an extremely large and diverse organization and their hiring managers are looking to piece together teams that are diverse and well-rounded. Talk to your interviewer about a time when have had to adjust to changes on the job. They expect their healthcare providers and staff to be an integral part of these communities as participants and leaders. Also, avoid telling the interviewer that you get along with everyone all the time. You can improve your response by assuring the interviewer that you have a flexible salary range, but that you'd like to be compensated appropriately based on your experience and performance record. Truth is always key, so I will be honest and clear when communicating the news. In asking this question, your interviewer wants you to talk openly and honestly about the types of work environments that you find hard to work in. ", "Yes, I handle all of these administrative tasks in my current role. We had a lot of concerns with patients not showing up for appointments when expected. ", Our Professional Interview CoachAmanda Knight Reviewed the Above Answer. I was able to do that but showing genuine empathy and compassion for each person, regardless of what led them to their current circumstances. Healthcare is not a place for gimmicks because health is precious and irreplaceable. My coworkers and patients always have an easy time talking to me and bouncing new ideas my way. In addition to this podcast, I also subscribe to a couple of industry blogs. But being confident in my abilities as a newer worker in our field, I am very comfortable starting at the entry-level of pay for this position and working my way up with experience. We did that twice a week, and it completely solved our scheduling problem. These are all excellent skills to have, and you sound very talented! As you answer, talk about how the diverse environment helped you grow and thrive and how you helped foster a culture of inclusion. Even though I may not have several years of experience, I feel I would bring value in other ways to Kaiser Permanente. First, understanding that it's okay to be different, that we have our own imperfections, then accepting each other for who they are, flaws and all can be helpful. Make sure to avoid speaking negatively of anyone, and be sure to end your response with a positive. Perhaps you are watching TED talks to gain skills in a particular area, reading the latest-and-greatest book on the subject, or maybe you are taking a seminar at a nearby community center. "While I was in school, I worked at a fast food restaurant, which was very fast-paced. As you answer this question with a specific example from your past, reiterate to your interviewer that you have excellent verbal communication skills and listening skills that will help you be a great communicator on their team at Kaiser Permanente. Our job requires multi-tasking, so I tackle one patient at a time while giving each patient my full attention. "I'm a very easy-going person, so I do well both working in an individual setting as well as in a group setting. If posed a question like this, or any regarding compensation, during your interview, you need to put some serious thought into if you are willing to earn your way up if Kaiser Permanente does not want to offer you top compensation right away. "I feel that I am a great problem solver because I'm a strong critical thinker and I'm very resourceful. All interview questions are created by and are not official interview questions for any organization listed on Do you tend to take on a formal leadership role or tend to lead by example in more of a supportive position? No matter what example you use, make sure that your interviewer walks away from your time together knowing that you have the skills to diffuse a difficult situation and that you realize this is a requirement for the job. "I am very much a people person and excel at building and maintaining relationships with others. At the start of every semester, I would use the syllabus to help me plan out all my course assignments and enter the deadlines on my Google calendar. I'm happy to answer any questions you have. I understand the need for change and do all I can to support it. Your interviewer will be looking to hear that you have done your research on Kaiser Permanente and that you'll thrive in their workplace culture. I start this by building trust in my patients with my clinical expertise and my interpersonal skills. Other group members were frustrated, so I took the initiative to have one-on-one conversations with the two team members experiencing conflict. I want to relax, read a book, meditate, go out with my friends or take my mom to eat at a good restaurant and enjoy my day off to come back to work recharged.". "During my first semester of college, I took a communications class that required several group projects. If you can, provide an example of a time when you implemented a stress-management technique in your current role and explain why it was effective. Kaiser Permanente expects their employees to stay up-to-date on their respective fields, and today's technology makes this reasonably easy! The most successful healthcare institutions in the world pride themselves on the trusting relationships that they build with their patients and vendors and this is no different at Kaiser Permanente. I now enjoy learning about different cultures from my co-workers and understanding their points of view on work topics. I also made sure to teach that best practice to all new hires. Chemotherapy is a very controlled substance, and the pharmacist needs to have the proper paperwork in place to release the drug. I like to be on time with my schedule to ensure that our patients are assisted properly. I also receive emails from different pharmacy pages with interesting articles.". If you are passionate, you could choose to refer to yourself as expressive, communicative, open, and unreserved. I am very fortunate to be where I am at today, and I think it is vital that people lend their time and efforts to help those that are less fortunate. This could include increasing budgets or improving patient care. I manage this by focusing my energy on productive activities that are good for my work. This fact is a bonus for me, and it's one of the reasons I chose to work in the medical field. Take a few minutes to tell the interviewer a few things about yourself. I value the input and ideas from all members of teams that I work on, and a diverse workforce opens the organization up to many more ideas. Familiarizing yourself with the type of test that you will be taking is essential. When you fill out the online application, you will be given clear directions on finding and taking your tests. However, if you have any questions, you should always reach out to a representative from Kaiser Permanente. Your interviewer knows that any candidate they select for this role at Kaiser Permanente isn't perfect and comes with an area or two for improvement. I believe in providing excellent customer service through positive experiences, empathy, and effective communication. ", "In my current role there is a lot of staff turnover when it comes to our management team. It seems you have found that balance. New hires were appreciative of learning one on one. The sheer size of Kaiser Permanente makes them a very culturally diverse organization. Professionally, as a recent graduate, I'm eager to find a well-established organization that I can join and add value to while also learning and expanding my skill set. This question is a little tricky because it's unclear. Learning fast is a wonderful way to serve your customers and help your new team to be a strong as possible. The patient, staying because of back surgery, was unable to hit the call button. It is best to explain clearly what your strengths are and how those strengths would benefit you as a Radiology PA. Either way, I always do my best, and I make sure the job is done the way it suppose to be.". "When I was in college, I worked at a fast food restaurant, so naturally, there was a lot of interaction with the public. Human beings all grow up in different manners and under different philosophies. ", "I dislike when there's work politics. You must create your own answers, and be prepared for any interview question in any interview. It's professional to take a few minutes after an encounter like that and let those emotions come and go. Having worked in the field in Philadelphia for a few years, I am greatly excited about this opportunity with Kaiser Permanente because of the opportunity to work as part of a larger team and to help make this community a better and healthier place to live. Here at Kaiser Permanente, I would look forward to being the ideas person on your team and also expanding my confidence and skill set in taking the lead on some projects. ", "Having worked in the healthcare field for seven years now, I have really grown to appreciate the importance of continuing medical education and I jump at any chance to further my knowledge base in the field. ", "I am a great problem solver because I do not allow stress to cloud my judgment and mute my sound decision making. As you talk openly and honestly about your personality traits with your interviewer, try to match your personality traits with the mission and values of Kaiser Permanente. I learned a lot from this situation that I think I can bring to the Kaiser Permanente team. I did some volunteering in the past at a local hospital and worked on a slower-paced administrative wing and also in a fast-paced environment in the kitchen, and I didn't dislike or struggle with either. The bonus' cost us less money, in the end than the cost of lowered productivity due to absent employees. Your interviewer will be looking for you to own up to your mistake and do what it takes to correct it. After you successfully complete the assessment test, a ", "In my current position, I was part of a team that was tasked with evaluating and improving our patient discharge procedures from our unit. ", "When the Covid Pandemic started, there was a rapid learning curve on what and how to use PPE effectively. I tried to always keep a positive attitude and remain flexible, knowing that being short-staffed was a stress to everyone, so I was willing to do what was necessary to keep the team moving together. I have had to adapt to 3 new managers in the past four years and each has had their own unique styles and expectation. For example, a handbook, policy manual, FAQs, internal website, or other internal mechanisms that would allow me to research information if necessary. These can include terms like sympathy, empathy, humanity, kindness, caring, and heart. Prior to your interview with Kaiser Permanente, your research into the organization's quality mission and vision will give you great insight into their patient care philosophy. No matter if the job you are interviewing for at Kaiser Permanente puts you in direct patient contact or not, the healthcare industry, in general, can be very emotional at times for any staff member. My approach is to be empathetic, soft-spoken, and truthful. I know that every interaction is important, from answering the phone to checking someone in at the desk or just assisting a patient or family member in passing through the hallway. In asking this question, your interviewer truly wants to understand the role that you naturally take on when put into a team-based environment. "In my last volunteer role, I supported a fundraiser for the women's shelter. Nice work! Maybe you can see opportunity when others can only focus on the issue. Consider sharing how patients react to the way you communicate. Working at Kaiser Permanente, there are many emotions that staff can experience in a day. You also made sure to take action so that this did not happen again. At Kaiser Permanente, the most difficult side of working in the healthcare industry entails having difficult conversations with both colleagues and patients. "When I worked in retail during college, I had a colleague who was very negative and constantly complained during team meetings and floor display projects. Written by Jaymie Payne on March 5th, 2023. The reason was a computer glitz that held the release of his chemotherapy. I would provide quality care by being proactive to their needs and responsive to their requests while also involving their caregivers or loved ones in their care plan. No matter what role you're interviewing for at Kaiser Permanente, you will likely face some stressors in the day-to-day activities of the job. ", "I believe I have good customer service with my patients, and coworkers because I treat them with respect, ask them how are they doing. No matter if you will be working in front-line patient care or back-end support at Kaiser Permanente, communication can be the key to success in the healthcare world. You've shared a pertinent example that illustrates you know how to deliver difficult news in a professional setting. ", "I have worked with diverse groups of people most of my career, including my time in college. Highlight your ability to be responsible when it comes to related administrative tasks required for this role with Kaiser Permanente, even if the role you are interviewing for isn't in a clinical setting. Our goal is to create interview questions and answers that will best prepare you for your interview, and that means we do not want you to memorize our answers. ", "I work good with minimum supervision, but I also enjoy working with a team. Now, I make sure that I find that healthy mix of providing friendly care to my patients while being timely on my rounds. In addition to this, I also subscribe to a couple of medical-related journals, including the NEJM. Assure the interviewer that you can handle this type of task in a transparent, empathetic, and professional manner. I know in healthcare, you may have similar experiences with patients or caregivers who are angry or upset or who have maybe just had someone they love pass away. Starting from the entry level will allow me to continue to learn and work up the ranks at Kaiser. ", "I am so glad you pointed out your need for diversity at Kaiser Permanente. Working closely with colleagues and/or patients in the healthcare world will eventually put you in close contact with someone who is very difficult to work with. I tend to help the pharmacist with a resolution, and at the same time, fill, input, and answer the phone. Kaiser Permanente was updated by Jaymie Payne on March 5th, 2023. Your ability to adapt to various people, regardless of a positive personality match, shows that you are mature and professional, even when factors are not entirely ideal. I also dislike when the morale of the lab is low. ", "My team is made up of great communicators, whom I have trained to take every piece of information and break it down to the simplest factor. I love working as part of a team and my colleagues take well to my personality. I never give up and will work until I have found a solution to whatever problem is at hand. I greatly value the information shared between fellow professionals in our field. ", "Before my Attending arrived, there was an emergent TIPS procedure from the ICU who was unstable. ", "I am happy to hear that Kaiser Permanente values long-term relationships. I have worked well with diverse co-workers and believe I will be a good fit for Kaiser.". I let him know that as a senior employee on the team, others look up to him and often follow his lead and attitude. I really like this answer! It was affecting the team's morale, and others began joining in with having negative attitudes. ", "In all honesty, the thought of a poor outcome with a patient is what stresses me the most. Wrapping your answer up by talking about something impactful you've learned by working with a diverse team illustrates that you are authentic when you say that you see the value in diversity and inclusion. But I don't want you to be surprised by the information. I used the facts and not emotions to explain the reason for his delay. ", "I'm a bit of a nerd. Be sure to talk openly to your interviewer about which areas of your career are the most stressful. Many of those in the shelter relied on me to help them with certain tasks, so it was critical to building trust that I followed through and followed up on my commitments to each person. WebKaiser Permanente Interview. This is a very good example of your problem resolution skills. Often, I found myself to be the natural organizer on the team, mapping out what tasks needed to be done, then helping the team decide who was responsible for what. ", "You are searching for someone with 5 years' experience and I have two. I make sure to get to know my patients whenever possible and I provide them with the most compassionate care possible. Looking back, I now make time in my calendar every day to review all emails that have come in and take action on any that are required so that nothing gets missed. Connect with a Kaiser Permanente Medicare Early in my career, I probably worried too much about the fear of failure with my patients. In this role, I would go above and beyond to treat every patient and their families with the same respect and care that I would my own family or friend. People feel pretty comfortable with me and often open up about what theyre going through or share their personal lives with me. I like working in an industry where genuine care is valued. ", "Since growing up in a rural town, I was fascinated with the diversity of students/faculty when I attended Emory University. I tried to get to the root cause of the issues, and from those conversations, there had been some personal conflict between them stemming from an incident a few years back. I was upfront and honest with them about how their behavior and attitudes toward one another were causing hardship for the group and gave examples of how it negatively impacted our team's productivity and morale. He ended up requesting and receiving a transfer. ", "Knowing that Kaiser Permanente employs over 200,000 people and has an extremely diverse workforce, I truly value diversity and the importance it plays in a sound and successful business. It is essential to keep a healthy work/life balance to prevent burnout in any career and your interviewer at Kaiser Permanente wants to hear that you have the ability to do this. "During high school, I went on a mission trip to Haiti. I would plan to make a positive impact very quickly by conducting training with staff and implementing a code of conduct within the clinic. If necessary for my own personal good, I don't hesitate to walk away from my desk and take a walk to calm my brain a bit before stepping back. Currently, I am at a beginner to intermediate level; however, I would be more comfortable at an advanced level. I also keep myself open to my colleagues so that they can know and understand me better as well. I would also like to do some volunteer work in the community by volunteering for medical tents during community events or mentoring youth through the Big Brothers Big Sisters Program. In that case, I would treat them with kindness and respect, and once they demonstrated those unwanted behaviors, I would have an honest conversation with them one on one about the situation to help them better understand my feelings, where I was coming from, and solutions on how to resolve the conflict. We do not have advertisements on our pages but we do try to make money through paid-memberships. Most people love to talk about themselves, and I find it's a great and simple way to start building rapport with others. There were about 25 of us on the project, and after reaching out to some of the other volunteers, it appeared no one really understood who was responsible for what, and there wasn't a lot of communication to prepare for the event. Prior to your interview, it will be important for you to research the role you are interviewing for and put some thought into how you will be able to deliver the best service to those you will be working closely with. I greatly value diversity. I have a kind and outgoing personality. When we become working adults, it is this fact that can help bring many ideas to the table in a work environment.