The enemy does not necessarily use violence to promote social change. The Center will always have the targets position monitored, so if a target gives the CBA the slip, it will assign other appropriate community based agents to pick up the target at the earliest opportunity. I saw her and the next thing I know, shes on the phone to the gangstalkeryelling at him that hes not supposed to be talking to me. Some of these frequencies have been shown to induce visual hallucinations, artificial disturbing dreams, impairment of memory, disrupt your Circadian Rhythm, jam or block your memory as well as cause mysterious body aches and pains and nausea. While this is rare, it does illustrate commitment to delivering punishment to those deserving of it. The pentagon said it was too sensitive a subject to comment on. Victims can feel isolated, wondering if there is help for people who are being gang stalked, or if they will lose control of their lives or minds. Most companies and academic institutions have personnel whose job it is to address such problems. This article was updated on January 3, 2023. Here are some examples of sabotage a community-based agent (CBA) may be assigned to carry out: -Entering a vehicle, or home, and changing control and radio settings. More and more commonly now we are also seeing drones, which now put previously advanced technology into the hands of your stalker, causing you to have a perpetual "peeping Tom" in your life. PsyOp operators profile TAs and TIs and devise themes to attack their TAs (target audience), which include TIs (targeted individuals). Other types include Computer Attacks and Weather Modification. I know this that's basic knowledge to me. They might still cough at you, but theyll think twice before doing it. Activities are rotated among the choices, but at least one of them is applied daily: -Noise. These messages are typically conveyed using a line of persuasion known as a theme. -Frequent squealing of tires near targets home. Gang Stalking is often referred to as "Organized Gang Stalking", due to the deliberate and organized strategic nature of it. Electronic punishment training is beyond the scope of this manual. If you came out and wrote an op-ed critical of the "lone gunman" explanation - you were a "conspiracy theorist". Their methods may be nonviolent. Targeted individuals claim that seemingly ordinary. Suffice it to say that it is possible to apply incentives which cause even people closest to the target to cooperate. Order within 22 hrs 50 mins Select delivery location Are they involved in gangstalking? Also keep a journal of daily occurrences and your mood and thoughts. Three reasons that I've heard of are: 1. Actions to be reported include, but are not limited to: Some of these observations will be performed by the Electronic Corps (EC), but CBAs should attempt to make and report as many detailed observations of target activity as possible. Particular frequencies and modulations will trigger precise chemical reactions in the brain, which produce specific emotions in the targeted individual. Yes, 2 members. Stalkers using bugging devices and spyware to monitor victims. Thats why theyre out there harassing you. For whales, hundreds of miles. Thus, being above parliaments and governments as demonstrated, for example, in Norway when in 1957 the Chief of Stay Behind Sven Ollestad gave the security code of Norway to MI6 (British Intelligence) in the UK acting on his own! Agents of action follow a set of guidelines while play acting to deliver the messages. Your hatred can kill you both mentally and physically. As long there are ppl in the mall that have iPhones, every time you walk near someone elses iPhone, the bad guy owner of the AirTag will get a LIVE update on your location.". He yelled right back at her and told her to f**k off! Once the target has been observed purchasing a replacement, the item is returned. Infrasound easily passes through buildings and travels great distances. One of the experiments was to take an ordinary sane person, cause insanity, and have a psychiatrist who was unknown to everybody diagnose schizophrenia, or paranoia or a psychiatric illness. GIG is connected to all communications systems used by coalition and allied forces. The ultimate vehicle intercept is the staged accident. The machine successfully transmitted images into a CNN reporters mind. The History of Organized Stalking:CIA's COINTELPRO, MKUltra, Red Squads, & the Stasi. Agents of action follow general scripts that can be modified as needed. Today, enemies are communists and NATO (is the) opposition. PayPal: Cash App: $dougster62The worst thing that you can do when faced with harassment is to respond by way of aggression. He imitated me chewing like a cow. Infrasonic and ultrasonic weapons- Infrasonic and ultrasonic generators, also called emitters and VLF modulators, are weaponized devices consisting of a directional antennae dish which can send acoustic pulses to a general or specific area. Key Terms from Rich (2011) and Equivalencies with Terms Presented in Kildes Manual For Gang Stalkers, Terrorism- The US and its allies will terrorize the civilian population to achieve political objectives. This guy had such a big stomach that he looked like he was eight months pregnant! -Medical lab technicians can substitute blood samples, or otherwise falsify results making the target appear to have absolutely no reason for their complaints. How well the punishment actions work depends on how accurate and complete your reports are in many situations(. Especially effective when the target is in bed or having a meal. And because it is basically an invisible act - stalkers become more aggressive as time goes on. When a TI goes online, they are entering the battlespace. My family have been involved in gangstalking me. Im not saying what it is. Just go with the flow and give them hell. The US Army lists them as a type of MOOTW. DEW include microwaves, lasers, bright lights, holographic projections, and acoustics. So what you can do theoretically, is you can target an individuals brain, they may have auditory hallucinations where they hear things, which is actually quite common with microwaves. If they talk back, theyre acknowledging their existence. Don't Be Nice. "You cheating sons of bitches every last one of . Your local Control Center will supply this help, and will bring specialists in from a distance in the case of rural areas. What if in reality they are planning to enact a Chinese CCP social credit system, where we will all eventually be tracked 24/7? This means that should the target complain to police, (or) any other officials, or friends, neighbors, family members, or doctors, the nature of the punishment must be seen as the targets overactive imagination or better yet, an indication the target is mentally ill. (The system) has worked for years to recruit the medical establishment to help maintain deniability, and today, most targets (are) immediately labeled as mentally ill and often forced onto anti-psychotic medication when they complain. When applying the visible following of a target, making the target uncomfortable because of your presence, you will be given instructions as to when to break off the following. So assuming 25 rands and hour Amounts to R438 000/year. UPscale your community, buy a washer and dryer, get a car. I have experienced the myself several times. Even the ones I dont know as random unknown illegal gangstalkers including neighbors living behind me and near me in Revolutionary . What all this means is that the New War is an information war. It utilizes civilians and the military, indeed all of society, to target civilian adversaries (aka domestic state enemies, insurgents, extremists, non-state actors, cells of fanatics, citizen terrorists) who value national sovereignty and/or pose some perceived threat to the states interests. Frequently, but CC staff will assist in scheduling this so that the target cant quite have a case on which law enforcement will act. Let them lower themselvesdont you follow! Privacy Policy- Disclaimer. Targets are never told they are under surveillance or being punished. CNO- Computer Network Operations- aka NW Ops, or network operations/NetOps) are information warfare attacks used to deny, deceive, degrade, and disrupt networks and computers used by the enemy. If the perpetrator had access to your phone or computer, they could most probably be tapped with spyware or a tracking device. -Tossing golf or tennis balls against the targets home when the target is known to be trying to fall asleep. They give orders in secrecy to police, media, legal system, and judges, etc. The goal is to keep negative information covertly flowing into the community, in such a way that those receiving the information arent likely to tell the target. The Stay Behind logo resembles the NATO logo. All Rights Reserved. As mentioned earlier, the organization has many top psychologists and psychiatrists on permanent staff at headquarters, and some in larger population centers. Government actors have unlimited resources whereas a jealous ex, disgruntled employee or vengeful neighbour do not. TI targeted individual (insurgents, non-state actors (NSAs), dissidents, terrorists, asymmetrical threats, irregular threats, potential enemies, etc.). Just do to them exactly what they do to you. 2. -In apartments, frequent drilling into a scrap of wood or masonry held against the targets wall, floors or ceiling as if working. Alternatively, hammering. Facts don't add up. Gang Stalkers are broken down and trained in the following ways: 1. Intercepting CBAs may be asked to perform one of the following forms of intercept: 2. Privacy Policy. If you want to get them in trouble, talk to them. If possible -- change jobs. This directional weapon could target specific individuals by producing an audible sound at about 16Hz which turned into infrasound at 2Hz when it coupled with the ears. Thus, much of the modern PsyOp was built by a small group of private interests, using the social sciences to install a global government. Contact info: The battlespace is your neighborhood and the war is global. Active surveillance can include information gathering, but it (also) includes the agent making the target aware they are under surveillance. Excellent communications skills are required. Effects include fatigue, pressure in the ears, visual blurring, drowsiness, imbalance, disorientation, vibration of internal organs, severe intestinal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Ultimate goal of PsyOp is to modify the behavior of the TA by destroying their will using a relentless attack consisting of painful triggers. This includes destruction of hardware and software (degrading, attacking) and spoofing (deceiving). -Money is never transferred to the journal subscription or membership in a certain club like opposition to government surveillance. Money simply disappears from the bank with help of cooperating employers. Im an architect, recipient of Whos Who of Women in America achievement award and have run a successful business for over 28 years. Depending on your own case, there can be many factors at play as to who would want to harm you, who you are, what assets you have, what threat you might pose - real or theoretical - in the mind of your stalkers. They include biological and chemical warfare, directed-energy weapons, communications warfare, information warfare (IW) and psychological operations (PsyOp). Appendix 4: From Total Individual Control Technology by Omnisense, Organized Stalking/Electronic Harassment. Show more. Rumours consist mainly of lies. -Restaurants and food delivery services can tell the target they are out of an item known to be a favorite of a target. This stuff is very real and happens to innocent people every day, perhaps even someone you know. Higher power levels can liquefy bowels, and resonate internal organs to death. (Bone conduction is another pathway for sound transmission in humans and other mammals). The DOD stated: Some IW activities, such as terrorism and transnational crime, violate international law. Stay Behind, Secret Military-led organization, created by the CIA after WWII in NATO countries. Take the utmost care of your health, mentally and physically, ensuring you get proper sleep, exercise and leisure, as an outlet for you such as a hobby or pet can help immensely. The New Hi-Tech Generation of COINTELPRO. Because targets moving about arent always totally predictable, the success of CBA intercepts depends heavily on the Electronic Corps who have means of monitoring the exact whereabouts of every target, and through computer programs, predict exactly when and where a target will be as they move about the community. This is especially effective in the automobile repair trade. Repetition is a common tactic employed by gangstalkers. The murderous and sadistic ethos of government counter-proliferation programs echos that of the Nazis and this perpetrator network of war criminals are committing sickening acts upon the global population. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. These self-described "targeted individuals" say they are being monitored, harassed, and stalked 24/7 by governments and other organizations. In 1975, Dr. Joseph Sharp proved that correct modulation of microwave energy can result in wireless and receiverless transmission of audible speech. Mine stalk me from out of eyesight range. They do a cough thing to let you know that theyre in control of you. In a Nutshell: Government sources are using directed energy weapons and artificial intelligence to terrorize, threaten, intimidate, discredit, silence, torture, and murder dissidents. In this case, it is usually waged by people within oppressed populations. -Store staff where the target shops frequently can be instructed to remove items the target is known to need when a target is known to be coming. These weapons can target the brain, causing changes in brain chemistry which influence thoughts and emotions. For more information, please see our If you doubt that the government would ever dream of harming its own citizens, read yourself into any of these confirmed operations. Our servicemen, prisoners, and thousands of unknowing innocent civilians are currently being lamed, tormented and tortured as a result of military research, medical research, pharmaceutical research, physiological and psychological studies that have virtually destroyed participants sanity, physical well-being, reputation and privacy. ~Targeted Individual Sandra Fields, Speaking to Obamas Presidential Bioethics Committee, What the governments found, was that you could induce by changing the pulse frequency like Morse code of the microwaves going into the brain and interfering with the brain, by specializing on the pulse frequency you could induce psychiatric illnesses to the point where a psychiatrist could not tell if it is a genuine psychiatric illness or an induced psychiatric illness. PO involve syngergistic coordination of PsyOp, MILDEC, OPSEC, and EBO. This new war involves international, interagency cooperation between the military, federal and local law enforcement, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), the civilian population/private voluntary organizations (PVOs), and private government contractors.