What does graphological deviation mean in stylistics analysis? 5. We certify that this Masters Dissertation: The Device of Graphology in Joe Ushies Poetry: Stylistic and Pedagogical Implications was carried out by Nkopuruk, Imikan Nseobong and submitted to the Department of English Studies, College of Humanities, Tai Solarin University of Education, Nigeria in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a Master of Education (M.Ed.) More remarkably, none of these collections has been studied stylistically. Repetition: a device that repeats the same words or Linguistic stylistics deals with identification of language patterns in written text and spoken. Verdonk (2002), in his view, defines it as the analysis of a distinctive expression and description of its purpose and effect. It discusses how we recognize The description of formal patterns can help in objectifying stylistic analysis as well as enabling the critic or readers to discipline their intuitive responses to text. This short video discusses one of the important concepts of stylistics, i.e., Levels of analysis. -Nouns to interjections lecture 3 THE NATURE AND GOALS OF STYLISTICS.pptx - THE Despite a break of traditional rules, my sonnet still be called a sonnet? 2 Style and the Scope of Stylistics The concept of style has a wide currency since it is applied to various spheres of human activity characteristic of an individual (to have a personal style), a distinct personality (the style of Hemingway), periods (the baroque style), individual tone adopted in conversation (a patronizing style), mode of tradition (to live in style), living, fashion, etc. It will follow these steps: firstly, students will acquire the knowledge that leads them to comprehend the basic grammatical and rhetoric concepts. The central question in stylistics is how a text means and language undoubtedly remains the central medium through which a writers style is revealed. [] Graphemics also embraces other features associated with the written or graphic medium: punctuation; paragraphing; spacing, etc. There is a point of convergence between style and meaning. This is evident by the insufficient literature in this discipline. In this paper, the graphological features such as capitalization, font-face, colours, punctuation, layout, spelling and paragraphing will be looked at as well as their stylistic relevance to the advert. Examples Definition and Discussion of Graphology - ThoughtCo Modality-comprise of specific features that are chosen deliberately to produce an overall conversionalised format of language (a report, letter, speech. Medium-medium of communication affects the way language is used. readers. It is the Syntactic level Reflections on the authors intentions, textuality, measurements of responses of readers as well as discussions about literary texts to be included in the canon formation influence approaches to the way literature is taught and the view that in learning a foreign language its literature should be read. -Unfamiliar expressions Furthermore, Enkvist (1973: 92) observes that linguistic stylistics differs from literary criticism where brilliant intuitions and elegant, often metaphoric, verbalizations of subjective responses are at a premium. In this instance, certain words are foregrounded or brought to the fore to give them prominence through the use of such punctuation marks Levenston in his proposal above aligns his thoughts with Firths (1957) model of linguistic description, stressing the significance of graphology like that of other linguistic levels such as phonology, semantics, grammar or lexis for the study of literary texts. <> the study of text language and stylistics is the (linguistic) study of style that is rarely undertaken for its own sake. Professor Niyi Osundare has it that one finger can never retrieve a fallen needle; one broomstick can never sweep the marketplace; one muscle can never make a fist; one tree can never make a forest. I am grateful to God who supplied me the ability, patience and grace to carry out an elongated research of this sort.always counting on Him, for higher heights. 2.1.10 Punctuation ), paragraphing, spacing, foregrounding of structures and so on. One embraces the pedagogical usefulness and potential of stylistics for teaching (the language of) literature. 4.3.5 Hill Songs (2000) However, this research focuses on written forms. Lastly, the study will serve as a guide and resource material to scholars and learners who may wish to carry out research in the area of stylistics as findings generated from the study will be of great benefit for further enquires. The definitions of style do not only point to the instrument used by the writer but by extension, to the characteristics of the writing itself in terms of the formal property of the text and how the writer communicates meaning. level, syntactic level, graphological level and semantic level. Graphologists note suchRead More Through grammatical But in recent times, the focus has gradually shifted from the authors theme to how meanings and effects are communicated in literary or non-literary texts. It describes patterns of writing that distinguish the writer's style, for example capitalization, punctuation, spacing and so on. It is interested in providing only a set of maxims which should be rigorously producing certain effects. The journalism . 2.1.14 Fonting However, such a deliberate use of sounds will also have meaning since one does not use language in a vacuum. It gives examples from graphology, phonology, morphology, s. Secondly, the study provides the students with an overwhelming sensitivity with language use thus, revealing the writers conscious attempt at deviating from the linguistic norm; and also enhancing their in-depth and critical understanding as well as appreciation of texts. Onomatopoeic, PRAGMATIC FEATURES In order to highlight the semiotic potential of type-face, (Van Leeuwen & Jewitt, 2001) have delved into the creation of meaning through certain graphological elements such as typography, print layout as well as colour. is taken for granted in discourse. 4.1 Presentation of Data Status affects lexical and grammatical level. While Anagbogu et al (2010:33) define stylistics as the application of the knowledge of linguistics to literary appreciation, Leech (2008:1) defines it as the linguistic study of literary texts. It deals with culture and it encompasses social context, age group context, racial context, ideological context as well as political and religious contexts. (Wales 2001: 182-183). 3) What are the pedagogical influences that can be brought to bear by graphology in understanding Ushies poetry? The use of the word may be unfamiliar. figure 1.2, or table 1.1 - It also uses chemical symbols, formulae, like H 2 O, H 2 SO 4, A STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF THE SYNTACTIC FEATURES AND COHESIVE DEVICES IN THE COLUMNISTS USE OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN NIGERIAN NEWSPAPERS ABSTRACT The study was a stylistic analysis of the syntactic features and cohesive devices in the columnists use of language in Nigerian Newspapers. However, the word style in its most general sense of a way of doing things is used in multiple contexts. (5) Poetry: Poetry is a genre of literature which arises as a reaction to mans interaction with nature and the attempt to express such experience in beautiful lexical items. The irregular right-hand margin of poems, the strange use of parenthesis and the discarding of capital letters as used by E. E. Cummings, Christopher Okigbo, Wole Soyinka and others, fall under this division. Features of province-identify user to a particular profession, occupational. By continuing to use this site, well assume you agree to the use of Cookies. 6.1 Scope and Limitation of the Study language features to reveal the deeper meaning of the poem. Stylistics, Literary Criticism and Practical Criticism have certain things in common. This is why it is often regarded as a prostitute according to (Jeffries and McIntyre, 2010). Style also varies from one period to another. 1. Significantly, by the establishment of a modified model of categorization of Graphological devices, this research will improve the teaching and learning of graphology as a device of literary composition by way of assisting learners to develop linguistic abilities necessary for them to read, understand and respond to literary and non-literary works sensitively. To every other person, whose names escaped my linguistic description on this space, I am grateful equally, for the character you played towards the success of this academic research. -Colloquial references 5.1 Summary This assertion aligns with the view of Nkopuruk and Odusina (2019). 2 The Nature and Goals of Stylistics.pdf - Introduction to 3.7 Procedure for Data Collection Certain characteristic use of words may help us to identify the context of a text, its genre, its communicative purposes, its author, and so on. 2.4 Appraisal of Literature, Chapter Three: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY In turn, because of the role of English in the world and the status of World Englishes, there has been a growing awareness of the need for highly profiled environments in which English is taught as a Foreign Language (EFL), for example. 5. The present study presents a modification arising from the previously proposed models in the study of graphological elements, the example of Lennards (2005) and Levenstons (1992). It is discovered that some journalists report objectively, distancing themselves from the stories while some bring . It was found to be in conformity with the critical thought of the time. Graphology: Definition, Explanation, Purpose & Examples English Graphology Graphology Graphology 5 Paragraph Essay A Hook for an Essay APA Body Paragraph Context Essay Outline Evidence Harvard Hedging Language Used in Academic Writing MHRA Referencing MLA Opinion Opinion vs Fact Plagiarism Quotations Restate Summarize Summary Works Cited (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011). The result reveals the use of phono-graphological features to indicate contrastive stress and focus information. The detailed analysis will lead to more accurate understandings of the language in order to let the readers better understand this variety. Literary work is the field par excellence of stylistics. It is as new as stylistics itself. Stylistics meets Cognitive Science: Studying Style in Fiction and E.g. A purely linguistic approach will only serve as good academic experience without benefiting experience, whereas, a purely literary work will lose sight of relevant forms of language which conceal within their patterns of experience, Ogunsiji and Farinde (2010). It describes Look at the table below, taken . Joe Ushie, a prolific poet has to his credit, six poetry collections and other literary publications. 3) To identify the pedagogical influences that can be brought to bear by graphology in understanding Ushies poetry? 2.1.8 Levels of analysis within the Graphological Framework: Enquiries into previous Categorization conversations. However, in recent times, there is more to style than being a pointed instrument used for writing. xcolor: How to get the complementary color. Since stylistic study depends on the use of linguistic levels and features, it is useful to look for the relationship between stylistics and other disciplines. The most distinct graphological feature in poetry is the linear arrangement of the poem in contrast to paragraphing in the case of prose. Graphological form, such as spelling, Stylistic Analysis: Graphological level Grammatical level Syntactic level Lexical level Phonological level Semantic level Graphological Level It refers to the whole writing system: punctuation and paragraphing as well as spacing ( Leech 1969,p.69). and forming systemic use of sound in A study of English stylistics: Theoretical Background of - Kenyayote This level according to Alabi (2008) is the level of sounds and sounds combination. ,l5#7:l5k>e; and what was in the past. For her, graphology or graphemics is the study of graphemes and any other element related to the written medium, and of the linguistic system that is manifested through these: The study of such units [graphemes] in a language is called graphemics or graphology. i&^,X_\g p})gqx 2M+s58F {K8`vs-lnz6nw07+UVruNst]uFX Y~O:h dA}}pag$V9l]\ua^;#LIp@o_;B/Op _Q3$N .Xu@}jB:;}ui!L8 3>`a%H4FR2[SrT=^:IZT?l^*68{1i 4w0UY3zDar1L `5 ]#wI'j0c-rg{ There are numerous types of stylistic devices available, each with a distinct goal: to add interest, clarity, and visual appeal to a text. 2.1.11 Orthography (spellings) 4.3 Data Analysis It is based on the premise that stylisticians who are involved with teaching should be aware of the pedagogical orientation and reading paradigms which inform their practice. 3.1 Research Design Graphological Features The physical appearance of a literary text. This is. Leech (1969:39) notes that graphology transcends orthography as it refers to the whole writing system. 2) To examine the extent to which the identified patterns of graphology are signifiers of meaning? 3) considers, 'the . 2.1.4 Approaches to stylistic analysis idiosyncratic behaviors in a text. It is done on the purpose of commenting on the quality of a text. PDF A Linguistic Stylistic Analysis of Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House The stylistic analysis of Robert Brownings poem Patriot into Traitor is done by using graphological, phonological, with the description of formal features of a text and their functional importance. There are various morphological processes. This module will expose you to those things that should be considered in doing a stylistic analysis at the phono-graphological level of language description. Their proposals imply a great step forward in linguistics and stylistics studies because they organize graphological features in a systematic and structured way. Linguistic style also deals with the prescriptive grammar associated with the . According to the definition provided above by Isidore (2010), the literary stylistics can take the form of external evidence and the linguistics study can take the form of internal evidence. But these definitions appear too eclectic. Graphological Features Foregrounding is one predominant feature used in this paragraph by the speaker which is realized through a particular lexical item. adjectives are some of the most common stylistic devices used in the world. 2.1.5 Between Stylistic Analysis and Literary Criticism: A Conceptual Separation Graphology can be considered an extraordinary belief because it is a form of pseudoscience, and it would require the belief that personality traits can be communicated, via unconscious mental functions, through handwriting (Carroll). Here, the syntactic functions of different parts of speech will be analysed. us chance to create a complex As a matter of fact, scholars of stylistics have scarcely given this poet a deserving attention. 1964: 50). This bond is harnessed given the qualities that they share. These more than one time This can be seen in two ways. Apart from proposing a model of categorization of the graphological devices for the stylistic analysis of texts, the major purpose of the study is to carry out a graphological analysis of Joe Ushies poetry. capitalization and punctuation. a brief summary of phonological and Graphological level in stylistics. Graphological Level, Lexical Level, Grammatical Level, Semantic Level / Discourse Level, Pragmatic Level. This research employed stylistics as the tool to analyze the poems. It involves contribute the totality of stylistic construction They write the words in such a way without any boundaries in lines, space, or rhymes. All the rhetorical notions of style, which persisted through many succeeding centuries, hold this dualist view as against the monist one (Leech and Short, 1881, cited in Akwanya, 2006). The concept of style as deviation is informed by the notion that certain rules and conventions exist in the study of language and a conscious departure from these common practices for the purpose of aesthetics and meaning delivery constitutes the background for the understanding of the term: deviation. Definition. Keywords: Stylistic analysis, graphological, phonological, morphological, lexico-syntactic patterns 1. Graphological features of scientific language - It makes frequent use of diagrams, figures, graphs, charts, maps, tables, etc. Literary language, with its three main genres; poetry, drama, and prose, is a situational variety of English that. Pedagogical stylistics emphasizes that the process of improving students linguistic sensibilities must include greater emphasis upon the text as action; that is, upon the mental processing which is such as proactive part of reading and interpretation; and how all of these elements pragmatic and cognitive as well as linguistic function within quite specific social and cultural contexts. To make a judgment about something, we need different evidences. before. It can be used to derive stylistic effect in an advertisement. We are responding. INTRODUCTION For them, the underlying thought can never be separated from its final verbal form and that the only means of reading the writers mind is the completed text, which is a product of the synthesis of thought and style. They include: linguistic stylistics; literary stylistics and literary linguistic stylistics. By definition, deviation is the conscious attempt of flouting the linguistic norms for the purpose of foregrounding, revealing or defining the writers style or peculiarities. 3. A style is a certain manner, approach or way in which something is said, . How to subdivide triangles into four triangles with Geometry Nodes? Amore and Sonde of Department of English, Tai Solarin University of Education, Nigeria; very sincerely, this dissertation is a testimony of your mentoringalways counting on you too, for higher heights. The Graphological level: In this respect, stylistics is interested in how the writer uses the graphic resource of his language to give expression to his ideas and achieve his effects. In this paper, the graphological features such as capitalization, font-face, colours, punctuation, layout, spelling and paragraphing will be looked at as well as their stylistic relevance to the advert. (Wikipedia) while Graphological Deviation: is the deviation in which poets disregard the rules of writing. Read more about our Privacy and Cookie Policy. The analysis is made under the aspects of phonological, morphological, graphological, and lexicosyntactic levels. Required fields are marked *. She also gives equal importance to the writing system itself and to the discipline that focuses on its analysis, since these are the key aspects that define the concept of graphology. Hyphens accurate representation of form and Thus, if one says some sounds are similar or dissimilar, one must provide the textual or linguistic evidence. In short, Wales (2001) aims to go beyond the traditional perspective in the treatment of graphology. Again, although there are arising researches in the area of stylistics, none of these has dwelt on a linguistic stylistic study of Joe Ushies poetry. The novelty of the definition offered by Wales (2001) lies in the fact that it broadens the spectrum of elements to be analyzed within the category of graphology beyond the letters of the alphabet, which is something that has not been considered until very recently. The second however, is the analysis of a literary text via both means provided by linguistic or literary studies. Alliteration | Managed by Kyote Internet Group |. Three main types of style were learned: grand, middle and plain, (Enkvist (1973). The appropriate lexical choices should make it vivid, personal, friendly and persuasive. graphological level, lexico-syntactic level, morphological level, phonological level, stylistics . Over the years, stylistics has often been aligned with literary criticism. phrases a few times to make an idea clearer. LEVELS OF STYLISTIC ANALYSIS By JULIUS PAULO ESQUIJO FLORES BSED ENGLISH 3-A 2. prominent syllable) Ndimele (2001:15) defines stylistics as a branch of linguistics which studies the application of linguistics to the study of literature. How graphological deviation may affect an authors meaning and produce aesthetic effects has been the major focus of scholars within the stylistics jurisdiction in recent times. One may also ask, what is graphological translation? Context Level: All Rights Reserved. More remarkably, none of Ushies collections has been studied at the level of dissertation, yet, Ushie is a renowned poet whose beautifully complex sentence types and structures, intelligent lexical and graphological foregrounding cannot be overemphasis. What positional accuracy (ie, arc seconds) is necessary to view Saturn, Uranus, beyond? Linguistic context refers to the surrounding features of language inside a text, like the typography, sounds, words, phrases, and sentences, which are relevant to the interpretation of other such linguistic elements. 1. Beyond the Borders of Esotericism: A Socio-stylistic Analysis of Spelling, lexical features However, the specific purpose of the study includes: 1) To identify the patterns of graphology found in Ushies poetry? Analysis in stylistics therefore involves a range of general language qualities, which include sentence patterns, structure and variety, paragraph structure, imagery, repetition, emphasis, arrangement of ideas and other cohesive devices. Khan and Jabeen (2015:128) see this as the analogous study of a languages writing system and formalized rules of spellings. poem. This was before Lennards proposal emerged. The schemes are grouped into five levels and presented in the table below. Latest Campus Updates, Education News in Kenya, Last updated on: June 18, 2020 by Elvis Nyakangi 1 Comment, Theoretical Background of language: English stylistics. and morphology. 2. This level is concerned with how sound devices function in achieving stylistic significance in texts. 4.3.2 Lambs at the Shrine (1995) Introduction . In its own analysis, it intermittently works on the text, but occasionally wanders off and brings in extra-linguistic, extra-textual material (may be from philosophy, psychology, biography, social history, etc.) 1ppf*>k5#j$HU.gtNrjn|`M:qTom8bfhL*kiLW?h.k"G`@4r`j! Puttenham a Renaissance scholar, compares style to flowers, jewels, embroidery. Equally, the mastery of the various levels of linguistics phonetics/phonology, syntax, semantics and morphology would be unnecessary if the person cannot make a resourceful or creative use of the levels of linguistics mastered. of each language Graphology, however, is an essential part of the description of any written language. @DanBron But that cannot be possible - you cannot know the war discourse is explored in the octave, for example, without the foresight that the longest line is the one used for the war discourse. of words and language. ResearchGate understood without the knowledge of context and 3 0 obj Email: special offers and other discount information. Linguistic Stylistics Both linguistic stylistics and literary criticism rigorously analyze and synthesize a work of art with a common aim of presenting both the merits and the demerits of the work, and in so doing, elucidate the work.