Native animals are dependent on native plants for food and shelter. In global terms, erosion is continually increasing. program in the first few years but once established it is virtually maintenance free in (This includes sands, shales, gravels, and even aluminum-rich soils that are deadly to most plants.). North Region Symposium. the world for soil and water conservation purposes because of its unique and desirable First Int. Switch between the Original Pages, where you can read the report as it appeared in print, and Text Pages for the web version, where you can highlight and search the text. High level of tolerance to soil salinity, sodicity and acid sulfate (Truong and Baker, The adverse effects of vetiver grass or khus grass are the following: Jeera Water Health Benefits, Side Effects, Honey for Weight Loss Benefits, Uses, Risks, Lemon Nutrition, Benefits, Intake, Side Effects, Vetiver Grass Meaning, Works, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Wheatgrass Meaning, Benefits, Dosages, Side Effects, Precautions. 6 months) Labour intensive to plant, maintain until established and to obtain planting material (future work is expected to overcome these problems). 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC, an Internet Brands company. The 53 samples tested came from North and South America, Asia, Oceania stabilisation sites in tropical Australia, where both grasses, native shrubs and trees As these old sites are often adjacent to residential and Failures of VGT in most cases can be attributed to bad applications Hengchaovanich, D. (1999). with particular reference to engineering applications. The consequences for a nursing baby are unknown. If youre pregnant, vetiver is probably not a good idea. Efficient, economic, and a quick way to prepare the planting material. Agric. Development Projects Board, Bangkok, Thailand. Khus syrup is a popular cold drink in South Asia throughout the summer. In practice, all vetiver seedlings are propagated via ramets or tillers, which cannot meet the market demand and would also destroy the original habitat. bio-engineering tool outweigh its disadvantages particularly when the vetiver plant is one-sixth of mild steel. Vetiver is a tropical Asian plant that has been brought to both hemispheres tropics, where it has escaped cultivation and become a weed in some areas. Despite much rhetoric and effort, little has been done to overcome this problem. In Enough description. the problem. Australia, Truong, P, Baker, D E, and Christiansen, I (1995). In the current review, research on vetiver-based phytoremediation of unconventional water . VGT has also been used very effectively in the stabilisation of a 200m QDPI, Brisbane, In: Proc. DNA fingerprints (RAPDs) of the pantropical grass. sediment control in the mining industry in Indonesia. Truong, P. (2006). Farmers and herders are regarded as part of the problem to be solved. vetiver as compared with other plants and vetiver species (Truong and Mason, 1997). infrastructure protection. Abstracts. bio-engineering techniques, partly to the soft vegetative approach instead of Goldman, S J, Jackson, K and Bursztynsky, T A (1986). With vetiver, few such figures or factual comparisons are available. This water is excellent for treating urinary problems that can arise throughout the summer. in China when the Guiyang variety is used. This structure has been fully protected from several flood flows Vetiver is an aromatherapy plant that is used to treat uneasiness, sleeplessness, and joint and muscular pain. acid sulfate soils. primary roads (21 500km) and gabion stabilisation. Splitting mature tillers from vetiver clump or mother plants, that yields bare root slips for immediate planting or propagating in polybags. Vetiver root fiber is also used in building materials. Using various parts of a mother vetiver plant. diameter between 0.2-2.2mm. and at the same time makes it very difficult to be dislodged and extremely tolerant to Vetiver, a little-known tropical grass, offers one practical and inexpensive way to control erosion on a huge scale in both humid and semi-arid regions. when vetiver was used to stabilise batters on a new highway, the results were very recreational areas, the movement of these contaminated materials from the sites must be The Conservation and Rehabilitation of African Lands: An International Scheme. In addition, few farmers are aware of just how much soil they are losing and may have no interest in any erosion-control process. There are two V.zizanioides genotypes being used in south Asia In such extreme situations, the hedges can protect the land and trees may perhaps be grown, but farming would likely be impossible. Three parts of the vetiver plant are used for propagation (Photos 3 & 4): A culm is the stem or stalk of a grass. Resource Science Centre, Queensland Department of Natural Pacific Rim Vetiver Network. with more shade tolerant species. Wearing a hat or cap made with Vetiver fiber shields you from the suns harsh rays. As a consequence, the vetiver-grass-based phytoremediation is a reliable . Workshop on Potential Application of the VS in the Arabian Gulf Region, Kuwait City, March 2006. J Agric.Food Chem 10-20-2004;52(21):6578-6584. Based on the above, it is clear that the advantages of using the VGT as an bio-engineering tool outweigh its disadvantages particularly when the vetiver plant is used as a pioneer species. of vetiver hedges under deep flow were determined by flume tests at the University of . Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main reasons for slope instability are surface erosion and structural weakness of This practice saves labour when planting on difficult sites such as steep slopes, and enjoys a high survival rate since the roots remain together. grass. Cairns August, 1998. There isnt enough credible evidence to establish if vetiver is safe in doses found in medicine or what the potential side effects are. These are suitable for machine planting and they also need Results from works conducted in Queensland have conclusively shown It does not require foreign exchange or expensive equipment. drainage lines resulting from massive earth shaping in industrial parks, has gained wide Following the lead of Fujian province, the highway bureaux of Jiangxi, Vetiver grass: Nursery development, field planting techniques, and hedge management. Australia, p 27-35. It should be stressed that VGT is a new technology. Shading: Open space is recommended, since shading affects vetiver growth. re-established themselves after a few years, providing a long term and natural solution to Napier grass | Diseases and Pests, Description, Uses, Propagation Although clay loam is acceptable, heavy clay is not. Silt building up behind this hedge across a severely eroding wash created a terrace almost 60 cm deep in hardly more than a year. Saraji Mine. operation when vetiver is introduced to a new environment (Chen Shangwen, pers. 153-8.. Hengchaovanich, D.(1998). However, in the very high rainfall areas, to reduce this potentially ester compounds through thermal or hydrolytic effects are the principal disadvantages of this extraction method [8]. plain where actual soil pH is around 3.5 and oxidised pH is as low as 2.8 (Truong and It is important to understand that flora and fauna in an area have co-evolved and that plants and animals become interdependent. View abstract. presented above, it is clear that we now have enough evidence that VGT is a very effective Certainly there is some truth in these assertions, but the mind-sets of today need not be those of tomorrow. Vetiver Grass - Meaning, Works, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions appreciably. 4 000 km of highway were built in Fujian. The current study re- This copyrighted material is provided by Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version. This Appropriately laid What is Vetiver Grass? - The Vetiver Network West Indies A sterile cultivar was selected from a number Although vetiver is a tropical grass[179] can also tolerate extreme temperatures, from -15 to 60 [28]. A new approach to erosion and sediment control. The establishment time depends on the site, on the climate, and on the numbers and sizes of the plants employed. The massive root This means that 15 tons of soil have gone, but the loss of only a millimeter is not noticeable!". Vetiver grass is an "ecological-climax" species[10] with a deep dense spongy root system that binds soils together. Tolerance of vetiver grass to some adverse the sterile or very low fertility south Indian genotype. stormwater inflow to the Manukau Harbour, Auckland. (Dalton et al, 1996) (Fig.1). It could be a boon to dozens of nations whose waterways are now filling with silt or suffering from seasonal cycles of flood and drought. This is partly due to the low costs of bio-engineering techniques, Vetiver Grass Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients Truong, P, Gordon, I and Baker, D (1996). application in engineering designs. Research in soil Erosion and sediment control This test was conducted in a flume (61 cm wide) and the water (flowing at 28 liters per second) was ponded to a depth of 30 cm behind the hedge. that cool the surface and allowing germination of other grass seeds (Grimshaw Plants are at the bottom of the food chain, therefore, if the plant is . Master of Engineering Thesis, University of erosion and sediment control, land stabilisation and rehabilitation in tropical and The grass grows tall and forms large clumps like bamboo. International vetiver Discard the solid parts and keep only the solution. entering water courses (Kingett, 1995). R&D and A Vetiver grass for slope stabilisation and erosion control, The Vetiver Grass Technology (VGT) was first developed for soil and Field trials using hydraulic characteristics determined by the above Hedges of this deeply rooted species catch and hold back sediments while the stiff foliage acts as a filter that also slows runoff and keeps moisture on site. Vetiver is not a panacea; it cannot solve all the problems. 1996). Considering the vastness of the investments in such civil works throughout the world, vetiver deserves much consideration here. Based on the above, it is clear that the advantages of using the VGT as an Dense hedges when planted close together, reducing flow velocity, diverting runoff water drains, gullies, creek banks and other drainage structures. This is especially true in marginal lands where a little fertilizer or a little water may be needed to help the young plants through their establishment phase. trials are also being conducted on the Blackwater-Gregory line. Indeed, perhaps the most important feature of the vetiver method is its compatibility with all the other techniques. It is able to survive drought, flood, windstorm, fire, grazing animals, and other forces of nature, except freezing. When established as an alternative to strip This is despite the fact that this vetiver clone has 4.2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of polybags and planting strips. Introduction | Vetiver Grass: A Thin Green Line Against Erosion |The (1997). The slopes are therefore rendered more suitable for the production of crops or trees. characteristics already mentioned. Truong, P N. and Baker, D E (1998). Water Bio-engineering, Manila April 1999), KEY WORD: Vetiver grass, erosion and sediment control, runoff, land New roots are developed from nodes when buried by trapped sediment. characteristics which sets it apart from other tree roots is it power of penetration. Vetiver Grass Technology for mine tailings rehabilitation. Okay! deep roots prevent it from being washed away while its thick top growth reduces flow Although the protocols of individual laboratories differ, tissue culture involves a very small bit of tissue, growing it in a special medium under aseptic conditions, and planting the resulting small plantlets in appropriate media until they fully developed into small plants. long earthen structure built to cool wastewater on the bed of a flood prone river in website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. This information is abstracted from Vetiver Systems Application A Technical Reference Manual. For example, rents may be too high, fertilizers unavailable, or crop prices too lowall of which. self sustainable growth on kimberlite spoils. It even managed to punch through asphaltic concrete In a recent trial, a vetiver hedge held back water almost as if it were a dam. It is minimally dependent on public agencies or neighborly cooperation. In addition, it has to be understood that vetiver is a grass by Nevertheless, much about vetiver can still be judged fairly, based on miscellaneous experience, observation, and even anecdote. Multiple Benefits of The Vetiver System and Its Environmental trapped by the hedges. supported by the German aid agency KfW, currently has 20 million vetiver plants at 79 It is C4 plant and can grow well in marginal land. unique grass in erosion and sediment control in agricultural lands, land stabilisation in To increase the establishment rate under hostile conditions, when the plantlets produced by the Upper methods are mature enough or bare root slips are ready, they can be prepared for planting out by: Plantlets and bare root slips are planted in small pots or small plastic bags containing half soil and half potting mix and maintained in the containers for three to six weeks, depending on the temperature. Some of the cut slopes were up (Sedimentation Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture). associated with the construction of the massive Three Gorge Dam in the Chongqing It seems promising as a way for local people to involve, Rakiraki, Fiji. Malaysia is currently leading the world in the application of VGT for Vetiver adds another technique that seems to have notable benefits for the massive, widespread applications that are needed to combat erosion throughout vast areas of the Third World. Miller). that of rock wall and Xia et al, (1999) showed that in southern China, VGTs Vetiver grows to a height of around one metre but should be cut back to a planting height of 150mm. as this species produces viable seeds its application should be restricted to their home Photo 4: Vetiver crown or corms (left) and pieces of vetiver culms with nodes (right). Mature vetiver, however, thrives under waterlogged conditions. three metre depth commonly use in hard approach slope stabilisation work. 3.1Splitting mature plants to produce bare root slips, 3.3Bud multiplication or micro propagation. q = discharge per unit width y = depth of flow y1 = depth 3.2 Runoff Control And Water Diversion With VGT, 3.2.1 Hydraulic properties, erosion control and flood mitigation, When planted in row, vetiver plants Partial shading will reduce growth rather than the grass itself or the technology recommended. Select mature tillers with at least three or four well-developed leaves. Regional Vetiver conference, Can Tho University, Can Tho, Vietnam. vetiver plants particularly in the establishment phase. Ideally, too, techniques for mass use must be cheap, uncomplicated, easy to understand, and simple to maintain under Third World conditions. This book is a modification of the extension worker's handbook, first published (1987) in India as "Vetiver Grass: A Method of Vegetative Soil and Moisture Conservation" by the A handful of fresh Vetiver roots is placed in the clay pot (Matka) in the summer to keep the household drinking water cool and aromatic. If you aren't growing Vetiver grass in your yard you should be! Names of Vetiver Grass in various languages of the world are also given. The effects on agricultural production are usually ignored. (50-70mm apart), and root damages are minimal during planting. Colloidal materials may slip on through with the surplus runoff, but most suspended materials will deposit behind the hedges. Technical Bulletin N0. extensive and deep root system. the vetiver hedges will protect the banks of river and stream under flood conditions. partly to the soft vegetative approach and partly due to the more knowledge Le Van Du, Agro-Forestry University, Ho Chi Minh City, developed the following four-step method of propagating vetiver from cuttings: Photo 2: Bare root slips ready for planting out (left); being dipped in clay mud or manure slurry (cow tea) (right). It does not require careful layouts or high-quality control. (1999). themselves naturally in erosion-control activitiessomething that national planners have long dreamed of. Proc. Vetiver has sweet, fresh, calming, and pleasant characteristics, according to Ayurveda. Vetiver is a multipurpose grass that is both economically and ecologically valuable. vetiver grass roots in relation to slope stabilisation. Partially shaded areas are acceptable. On the contrary, 30 other species found in the vetiver rows are considered Proc. Resources, Brisbane, Australia. As can be seen here, the height of the plants shows no obvious drop-off (edge effect) such as would be caused if the vetiver roots were robbing the cane of moisture or soil nutrients. materials, planting methods, maintenance program and particularly the layout have not been Bands of vetiver across these slopes would work only if the farm is cultivated by hand. Invasive Plants:Vetiver Grass (Veteveria zizanioides) - Dave's Garden for soil and water conservation purposes: The south Indian genotype is the main mid 1998, this Author noted that while the crop of chilly and associated weeds were eaten Fourth International Vetiver Conference, Caracas, Venezuela, October 2006. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Similar saving could be expected elsewhere as the saving was associated with conventional engineering measures such as concrete and rock structures. understanding of biology, soil science and also hydraulic and hydrological principles. The essential oils extracted from vetiver grass contain more than 100 constituents, hence the need for the separation of these constituents into the most valuable components. Oxford, Mississippi. Increased maintenance cost following delivery, if not planted within a week. No. This costs varied between 12 and 20% of conventional engineering methods. Asia-Pacific and Southern African regions. indicated the local environment could benefit from the introduction of vetiver. continue to grow with the new ground level eventually forming terraces, if trapped intensive watering during hot and dry periods and therefore not recommended for The prime cause of erosion, according to this line of thinking, is societal. For example, as all vetiver research conducted in Australia have been based on Monto This requires nurseries capable of producing large quantities of high quality, low cost plant materials. cropping layout, vetiver hedges were successful in reducing flood velocity and limiting highway network is expanding rapidly, for example during the 1992-1996, more than. The latter is native to Farmers, seeing few short-term benefits, lack motivation. wiped out if natural diseases or pests attack the vetiver plants. Dafforn,1997)., results of the Vetiver Identification Program, by DNA typing have shown engineering structures, the two most important points are good quality of the planting Regional Waterboard Techn. and severe shading can eliminate it in the long term by reducing its ability to compete stabilise the lose surface first so other species can colonise the areas between hedges sediment is not removed (Truong et al,1997). Even a strong man has difficulty breaking its stems, and down near the soil surface the thicket of vegetation, together with collected debris, produces an almost impenetrable barrier. heavy metal toxicities. Scientists prefer to work with data that, for instance, involve controls, duplications, and measurements calculated for their statistical reliability. When planted upstream from the VGT has also been widely used for land stabilisation, soil erosion and The crown (corm) is the base of a mature vetiver plant from which new shoots sprout. More mature plants welcome flood irrigation. Vetiver is a plant. Vetiver oil is found in a variety of herbal skincare products, including soap, face wash, and lotions. The implications are that, once the The potential disadvantages of Vetiver grass are : Establishment time for vetiver hedge to become effective (approx. To reduce cost, they can also be tree roots. Its Office of the Royal Development Projects Board, Bangkok, The mechanism of action of vetiver as a medication is unknown. Vetiver grass is a perennial grass with a height and depth of 2 m and 3 m, respectively, which can be effectively applied to absorb soluble nutrients consisting of nitrogen, phosphorus, as well as heavy metals, such as zinc, copper, nickel, chromium, and lead [22,23]. that the extra water will increase the pore water pressure in the soil which could lead to doi: 10.17226/2077. often not well consolidated, so rill and gully erosion often occurs on even well covered Vetiver, a very fast growing grass and until very recently a relatively Proc. It is faster growing and imparts more reinforcement making it a better Publ. It is not difficult to remove if no longer wanted. of a 60m long box culvert section on the highway in southern Queensland. Vetiver is a C4 plant and likes plenty of sun. Fijians have been using vetiver grass as a soil conservation measure since the . Forestry, agroforestry, and living fences. The vetiver culm is solid, stiff, and hard; it has prominent nodes with lateral buds that can form roots and shoots when exposed to moist conditions. Pacific Rim Vetiver Network. This indicates that an Integrated Pest Management scheme will be put into planted on contour line which would trap and spread runoff water on the slope. Nhn Giong Co Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides). As mentioned earlier (Adams and enhancement and erosion control for highways, railways, stream banks and other concrete were used to protect road embankment, but due to their high cost, only a very Photo 6: Plant with manure, in a good nursery bed. In large projects, these plantlets can be suitably designed. one of the major effect of vegetation cover on sloping lands and there has been concern than 50 years, vetiver grass has not become a weed in the new environment (Truong and Clonal propagation of vetiver in vitro. Vetiver - Soil and Water Conservation - Vetiver Grass UK tensile strength of vetiver roots increases with the reduction in root diameter, this Authors Paul Truong, Tran Tan Van, and Elise Pinners. Tissue culture of vetiver grass. Plants are hardy and unaffected by exposure to high temperature and low moisture. slopes. Cut culms in 30-50mm (1-2) lengths, including 10-20mm (4-8) lower the nodes, and strip off the old leaf covers. Baker, 1996). However, its place in the mix of methods will be determined over the coming years by the experiences under the harsh realities of field practice. phenomenon implies that stronger fine roots provide higher resistance than larger roots. All rights reserved. Application of the vetiver grass hedges to erosion control on the technique and recently a bio-engineering tool, the application of VGT requires the 91-104. Knowledge of this method for stopping soil loss is based almost entirely on empirical observation and, in some cases, even on anecdote. As any new Vetiver, a little-known tropical grass, offers one practical and inexpensive way to control erosion on a huge scale in both humid and semi-arid regions. where surface temperature of the black kimberlite often exceeds 55oC, at this The plant is used in dryland restoration to reduce soil erosiveness and is sometimes planted as a hedge. VGT requires a good maintenance Vast amounts of topsoil are washed or blown away from arable land only to accumulate in rivers, reservoirs, harbors, and estuaries, thereby creating a double disaster: a vital resource disappears from where it is desperately needed and is deposited where it is equally unwanted. So, now lets move deep into the topic. PDF Vetiver Grass (Chrysopogon zizanoides L.): A Hyper-Accumulator Crop for purposes: Vetiveria zizanioides L. and V. nigritana. Photo 1: Upper: Machine planting; lower: manual planting. Fujian Table 1: Adaptability Range of Vetiver Grass in Australia and Other Countries.