Me personally I believe dinosaurs were made up to achieve an illusion to keep the lies going. (2012, December 9). There have been bones of humans that have been 10 foot tall or larger. Conspiracy Theory Week: Dinosaurs Never Existed? Youre going to get a lot of views for that post. My favorite part was the carbon dating fact. ", Joshua Franzos/Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Have you ever seen one? If we find parts of a mouse skeleton, we know its a mouse because we know what a mouse skeleton and the full animal looks like. Also I wrote another post talking about how its impossible for the earth to be flat. In fact, one of the biggest reasons to doubt the theory is that in fact there is no scientific evidence. (2009). In the Jurassic Park movies, scientists extract dinosaur DNA from mosquitoes trapped in amber. Author reply: Thank you, nice to have positive feedback from you and this is the most compelling evidence, which is why its #1. The creatures in the Bible could have simply been an elephant and a whale. There is a lot to gain if you are enlightened and others arent. Outside of birds, it's mostly common knowledge that dinosaurs are totally extinct. #4 Dinos didnt exist in mythology before 1800s. Thank you for your thoughts and I look forward to reading more of your replies. Dinosaurs should have entered into the boat because dinosaurs are animals (if they had existed). 1.7M views 9 years ago A huge triceratops skeleton was found in Wyoming! Dinosaurs never existed? - Red Ice The 'Age of Dinosaurs' (the Mesozoic Era) included three consecutive geologic time periods (the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous Periods). Your email address will not be published. Interesting ideas. Holden, Ted. It seems like a big business, as you said. I agree with most of your arguments,but what about those fossils found by ordinary people? The Bone Wars was the name given to a bitter competition between two paleontologists, Yale's O.C. and very well written. How could they have built such monuments without tools and todays knowledge my bet is they were knowledgeable and that this knowledge has been passed down through the ages. That led me to think if there were so many different dinosaurs living for millions of years on Earth, wouldnt a bone or at least a tooth come up someplace where Id been digging? It can do this because it's apparently 35 feet long, amphibious, and carnivorous. Cultures all over the world have myths about dragons extending back thousands of years and the word dragon appears in the KJV Bible over twenty times. Im not a nay-sayer or anything like that. 435435435 6 yr. ago. 1) Paleontologists now admit overwhelmingly that even if the dinosaurs did exist, they were not cold-blooded, thereby eliminating the possibility of correlation with cold-blooded reptile feeding patterns. A few points I will make ( I could certainly make more) but on point. If there's truly a missing link between dinos and birds, it's unfortunately just that: missing. If the were bigger then the plants would also be bigger? It was then supposedly shipped to a Philadelphia paleontologist named Edward Drinker Cope, who wrote up a description of the vertebra and the dino once attached to it. carbon dating itself has been proven a hoax. They are shutting down free speech on collage campuses all over. There were wildfires. Author reply: Not if dinosaurs never existed. Read the book, What Does the Bible Really Teach? chapters 3 & 8. Notice my evidence above regarding how there should still be sea monsters today, but there arent. Ok well, you gave no creedence to theories from the likes of Kent Hovind who explains things including plants grew much larger then ( and then to him means 6000 years ago) when the earth had an ice dome over it and oxygen and pressure was much higher. The few that do exist, are not from so-called dinosaurs either. Dinos are big business, just like dragons. The air was totally different with more carbon in the air (or was it less), and so the feeding requirements would be different from todays animals. The first time i saw a full chicken skeleton or a sheep skeleton i had no idea what animal it was. I realise these are marine reptiles and not dinosaurs as such but does the finding of such bones not prove that something existed previously that is not there now? Perhaps. In a lot of cases, it was a simple case of a "new" fossil actually being a juvenile or elderly version of an already-discovered dino. From one of their fake skeletons, here is one of a fake T-Rex skull to use for museums: Its ok, cognitive dissonance isnt your fault. Some of your arguments are ones that also have me questioning, like #1 (the meteor wouldnt have affected deep sea reptiles), and #7 (their size would have stretched physics laws). What actual evidence is there that the age of the earth is older than 40k years if carbon dating is meaningless beyond that number of years? In other words, the existence of dinosaurs wased initially speculatively assumed by a knighted museum-head "together" in the mid-19th century, during the heyday of evolutionism, before a single dinosaur fossil had ever been found. I agree that many dinosaur bones are replicas and/or fabrications but there are plenty of finds out there that are real and come from deep underground (in cliffs). when we cant dig out our great great grand parents bones (eaten by bacteria) or any other bones of all kinds of animals that had ever lived in this world how can paleontologists dig out clusterred dino bones all over the world. Thanks to some very well-preserved skeletons, we now know the hadrosaur was a landlubber that ate far more than just soft plants. Disney's Animated 'Peter Pan' Sequel You Forgot Existed once upon a time in the 1980s, a rusted-out tool identified as a hammer from the 1920s was found in a texas riverbed. I think the whole dinosaur story is a fallacy. Because if the answer is yes, you can easily use the same excuse again the future that dinosaurs were here. New York: North Point Press. The word dinosaur was coined only within the last 100 years or so, so of course youre not going to see that word anywhere before then. Dinosaurs are a diverse group of reptiles of the clade Dinosauria. I used to believe in dinosaurs. But when you believe that dinosaurs were real, you try to do anything to mix them with our world. This video will reveal one of the greatest hoaxes in human history. Also dont put phrases like except maybe some surviving cave dwellers and deep sea creatures , open the door or close it , dont leave it half open. As LiveScience reports, the mokele-mbembe supposedly lives in the Congo, where it feasts on crocodiles, hippos, and even elephants. What Happened To The Flagship 7-Inch Tablets? Dinosaurs Never Existed? | Brandwatch According to The Telegraph, in 1900 the assistant curator of the American Museum of Natural History, Barnum Brown, discovered what would eventually be called T. rex. Retrieved from Why Don't We Find Human & Dinosaur Fossils Together? Total fiction. Roy. Thank you for this article. Well, that really isnt proof of anything because no one receives harsher criticism than flat earthers; does that mean the earth must be flat? Give me one example of a changing of kinds? Remember, at one time we had no idea these gigantic, cold-blooded lizards were essentially birds, with feathers, warm blood, and adorable coos in place of blood-curdling roars. Ornithological Monographs, 66:1-78. At over 190 feet long, Amphicoelias fragillimus is by far the largest dinosaur ever discovered or it would be, except we can't find the bone that would prove it existed. That my friends is the million dollar question. When podcast hosts Eric and Jeff Rosenthal countered that the numerous dinosaur fossils in. Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi. If you believe in the bible at which states we live in a dome look up operation fish bowl or operation Dominique very fascinating stuff. God would have asked Noah to build a much, much, much bigger boat! The point was that it is not clear and if there really were giant creatures then there would be very clear evidence, not ambiguous speculation. Dinosaur communities were separated by both time and geography. Ive always looked for dinosaur fossils, but so far I havent found any. All radioactive dating works generally the same and none can reliably predict any dates and all have been proven false at some time or another. For only $100,000 you can own a very convincing replica of the original replica of a creature that never existed. The local museum Id been going to since I was a child has dinosaur bones on display. My sons extreme interest in these mythological creatures is what has driven me to find an excuse to tell him that Dinos are not science nor schoolwork. 10 Reasons Dinosaurs never existed : r/conspiracy - Reddit The Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh even topped its Apatosaurus skeleton with the wrong head in 1932. Thus, ever since their discovery in the mid-1800s, hadrosaurs have been depicted with big ol' bills. In other words, the existence of dinosaurs was first speculatively hypothesized by a knighted museum-head "coincidentally" in the mid-19th century, during the heyday of evolutionism, before a single dinosaur fossil had ever been found. Journal of Zoology, London (A) 207: 53-61. Could Humans and Dinosaurs Coexist? Here's the Science. However, there are a couple problems with that. I am merely going to point out that there are more scientific anomalies in the theory of dinosaurs than there are evidence that dinosaurs did exist. DinoBuzz. "It's a big, evocative name, whereas Apatosaurus means 'deceptive lizard.' Here are some dinosaurs we once thought existed, but now know to be faker than Jurassic Park. In the Bible, it says that God created Adam and Eve then God created land animals. The possibility exists that living dinosaurs never existed. (2010, September 14). Since dinosaurs are related to birds, and ducks are birds, the idea of duck-billed dinosaurs makes sense. Take a look at this: Looks convincing, eh? I was thinking I read a lot of right wing non sense on here from the earth is flat, dinosaurs never existed , we were put here by an alien species LOL Proof that evolution is true .. Nutrients provide our body with various types of fuel that create different processes by Show more. It's quite a bit more boring. Good article and I too hate when things are claimed like its fact when its really just an opinion with a title tagged onto it which gives it any more credibility than if it were a nobody claiming something beyond doubt despite not having any real grasp on how things have always been. The only thing that is certain is that it is impossible to know for sure, without time travel. A snake can eat a meal and not eat again for a month. What if the Dinosaurs Hadn't Gone Extinct? - Museum of Science The second problem with this theory is the sea dinos. Why exactly dinosaurs and no other animals? In biological point of view dinosaurs body does not follow any rules of living organisms, thats why I never believed in dinosaurs, however, all dinosaur movies are my favorite.